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John Titor: Hoax

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posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 11:16 AM
read about that

maybe titor is a hoax but he has right
I believe his story even "it's not true" because the past and the future is only relative.

the fizic will always evolve and CERN experiment this year maybe will show us what Titor was saying about time traveling.

sorry again for my english

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 12:17 PM
The thing about 2004, about the civil war. Do you think he meant the war in Iraq escalating to become a civil war started by the U.S.?

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by sd7000

If you want to interpret it so loosely, it could mean anything. He's becoming like Nostradamus - it seems like some people think you can interpret it however you want to make his messages fit reality.

Titor was clearly a hoax. Why on earth would he not talk to a real news network, and instead to a board that contains (amongst others) a bunch of folks who'll believe anything? I'm not slanging anyone off here, I'm just pointing out there are a lot of folks here who don't seem to think "evidence" is at all required to believe something hook, line, and sinker.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by sd7000

If you want to interpret it so loosely, it could mean anything. He's becoming like Nostradamus - it seems like some people think you can interpret it however you want to make his messages fit reality.

Titor was clearly a hoax. Why on earth would he not talk to a real news network, and instead to a board that contains (amongst others) a bunch of folks who'll believe anything? I'm not slanging anyone off here, I'm just pointing out there are a lot of folks here who don't seem to think "evidence" is at all required to believe something hook, line, and sinker.

I believe in that sence also. I will think he's a hoax because I have not seen this "Time Machine" of his work. And if to say he was the real deal then if he were to say go on T.V. or get mass attention the "situation" in the future might not be averted. And it could possibly create a rip in the universe. But until I see it I will not believe it.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 07:25 AM
If the "Many worlds" theory of a foamy sea of multiverses is true, then John Titor exists, he traveled to "a" worldline and to think otherwise is to ignore the science of this time. Granted, science changes, our understanding of the universe broadens and our ideas of creation have explored the bounds of human imagination from our earliest days. But, if we assume that the current model of the multiverse resembles the truth of it then John Titor is real. Whether you choose to believe the stories or not, to deny his existence and to debunk his story is to spit in the eye of science.

One thing is certain in my mind...

"The possibility of something happening somewhere in the universe is 100%"

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

to believe his story is to be blind of the facts.... why would you want to believe it in the first place???? Did you see his corvette time machine?? a wooden box.. with old toggle switches ... and old doorbell ringers.. I mean.. whoaa.. at the same time.. read my signature.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 04:08 AM
sindaddy knows everything about this and more. google him, hit his myspace or dot com.


posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:15 AM
John was asked this question

Are the Olympics still being played in the future?

60. As a result of the many conflicts, no, there were no official Olympics after 2004. However, it appears they may be revived in 2040.

Thats funny, if I'm not mistaken are the Olympics not being held in Beijing of this year (2008).

I never heard of this "time traveler" until I came across some thread that mentioned his name today. I think its funny what some people believe in.

I went to his site and thought it was very convenient the photos of his time machine are hard to make out. One would think that photo technology in 2036 would be better than 2001.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by no_pulse]

[edit on 30-6-2008 by no_pulse]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by no_pulse

thats a darn good point. i wonder if the folks who make money off him on the john titor website have an answer for this.

it doesnt merit this yet, but a penn and teller bullsht episode on this would be hilarious

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:51 AM
argueing the possibility of inhabited multiple dimensions , fractured timelines and other such is all well and good - and even occasionaly intulectually stimulating


titor believers should really go back to the picture of his " time machine " first

starting with this one :

care to explain why you believe that its not fake

or if you accept that it is fake - why believe anything else titor wrote ?????

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

To me the picture of the time machine itself is laughable. It honestly has like old ghostbusters stickers. The yellow and black stripped stickers, I SWEAR, were on some of my ghostbusters buildings

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by bknapple32

Well I found the answer.

just look at the front page. Someone should look into who is making money off this website.. .the fraud himself?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

Exactly. I honestly believe that "John Titor" is just a fictional character some cleaver person made up. Why cleaver? Well I'm sure this person has raked in some profit from people gullible to believe his story and buy his book.

I'm actually curious to know if I wrote something similar, like say I was an E.T from a distant planet and wrote some blabblings of predictions, how many people would be gullible enough to believe me. Hell its not too hard now of days to fake UFO pictures etc or even manipulate or edit video.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by no_pulse]

[edit on 30-6-2008 by no_pulse]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:31 PM
good stuff kids, good stuff.
hey, i'm in a bad spot and need help.
i'm writing a paper on the mystery of JT for an online english class i'm currently taking through my local comm.coll.
for this final paper, i need to have conducted an interview and emails or forums count, BUT i cant use random posts from this thread even though you've covered alot of the same points i have because the quotes i use have to be directed at me - dig?

so, if i may: i'm arguing against the possibility of JT being a real time traveler and i need someone to argue why they believe he was - if, indeed anyone here still believes.

please include why you believe JT was for real, any actual facts you have to support you, how long you've been following the JT story.. . . and any other reason that people should believe you and not me

thanks guys and girls, i'd appreciate any help!

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:05 PM
one reason of his not mentioning 911 and WoT is that in his timeline there are no events like this.
this doesnt mean timelines don´t react to each a stone that is thrown into a lake, making waves, in his timeline´civil war´.
and maybe he was threatened by the 2036 NWO not o spill he truth..;-)

[edit on 1-7-2008 by anti72]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by anti72

different timelines... how convenient that when a 'guess' (thats essentially what they are) is wrong, him and the believers can just sweep it into the..

''well its a different timeline so thats why it didn't happen"

Back on earth we call something that walks like one, talks like one, and in this case, posts like one...

a hoax.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:51 AM
´´how convenient that when a 'guess' (thats essentially what they are) is wrong..´´

well, could be a hoax, of course.
what we discuss here is the possibillity of what he could have meant if its not.
there is a reality of uncountable different timelines if you will..
(apart from the foul´laser pic´)

[edit on 2-7-2008 by anti72]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Well,it's been five years and nothing's happened!!
John Titor sounds like half of some sorta time traveling"Duke Boys"
going through the universe and time and space outwitting"Boss Hogg"!!!

I first heard of John Titor a couple of years back on Coast to Coast AM
when I couldn't sleep one night!!
After listening to the folks who call in to C2CAM,I often wonder what George Noory puts in his coffee when he interviews these people!!*
(*Sumpin'tells me it ain't Cream and Sugar!!!More than likely Jim Beam or Jack Daniels'!!!).

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 08:30 AM

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Forgive my ignorance, but this is my first Blog/Thread or whatever the terminology is.

So you know where I stand let me tell you that I "want to believe" in this kind of borderline science because it gives me a thrill, but I am also a logical person. As for the photo with the laser light being bent by the effect of the machine let me state a few neutral observations:

1. The machine is inside a vehicle and the light is being pointed out of the side window. The relative position of the photo might give the illusion that the light is bent inside the vehicle, but it COULD be bending just outside of the window at the edge of the machines "force field". If you read the descriptions that John gives of how the machine works this would be very accurate. The laser light is folding around the vehicle at the edge of the field.

2. In the photo the "instructor" is holding a cigar gently between two fingers. If you read about the effects of the machine you will see that it causes between 1.5 and 2 (g)forces on the time traveler. I used to fly aerobatics in a small aircraft and I would doubt that under a sustained 2(g)s pulling in any direction, that anyone would be able to hold a cigar like this.

3. Low quality photos are either used to hide details or deceive the viewer. There is no reason why a photo taken around 2030 during a training exercise should be this bad. Maybe the nukes and radiation destroyed all high quality photography equipment (not likely), or maybe the "time traveler" simply wants to hide some detail.

I want to believe.... I want to believe..... Someone please help be believe.

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