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Do any liberals/progressives believe in NWO, 9/11, FEMA type conspiracies??

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posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by neo96

I don't disagree with your statement about Obama, but it goes both ways. I really cannot understand why people support either party. I do believe that right-wingers are more dangerous, but not by much. They are the same.

Is it impossible that there was either inside knowledge of 9/11 or that the CIA helped our carried out the attacks? Given the CIA's track record, I would say no. I do not believe the silly theories of Judy Wood of the thermite guy though. They make me laugh.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

right wingers are more dangeous ok lets run with that.....

wilson created the fed
obama just created the new consumer protection agency giving the left and him more power over the financial system of america
roosevelt rounded up japanese americans in to "relocation camps"
roosevelt also funded nuclear weapons
truman dropped the nuclear bombs.

and yeah bush created gitmo but wait gitmo is still open and now their label has been changed to "indefinate stays"

then we have taxes the left is always trying to make new ones and then trying to raise them
unions are another creation of the left
regulation are another creation of the left

all these destroy wealth and they destroy jobs...............

social security
welfare/ foodstamps

all more creations of the left and hello? more people in poverty than at any other time in history
medicare insurance is far lacking of what private coverage is you know this we all know this

social security hello there are people getting paid that have never worked a day in their lives

the sum total good of all those peoples lives in regards to entitltements is a $800 check if they are lucky
with their futures no better than any other day of their past............thats evil

partriot act yes bush signed it into law but hello the democrats voted on it without reading it.....and here we are years later and hello we still have the patriot act and hello they are extending wiretapping and surveillance....

im sure people will bring up iraq and afghanistan and here we go

had clinton done his job and killed bin laden 9-11 would not have happened, iraq would not have happened and afghanistan would not have happened..

so tell me agian why do i want the left or liberals or democrats running my life?

edit on 8-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier

I believe the second amendment was not made for civilians; personally, I think it was made so that the individual states could organize and govern militias but not civilians carrying weapons for protection.

well, you're dead wrong. And ignorant. And this whole thread is absurd. Why are you people even on this site go back to your partisan slumber.

And FYI I'm not even a 'republican'. I'm not a democrat either. In other words, I actually think.
edit on 8-10-2010 by thedeadlyrhythm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by OmiOra
Liberals are more about individual freedom.

you mean you actually believe this?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:36 AM
okay, i cant even believe some of the ignorance running wild in this thread. it is appalling that people know so little about history and politics and act like they are on a ideological high ground. nothing could be further from the truth.

lets break this down a little.

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier

Most conspiracy theories are right winged

I don't believe in the NWO.

Originally posted by OmiOra
Most Conspiracy Theories come about because of the conservatives.

Originally posted by whatukno

The NWO is just a scare tactic by the right because they are extreme xenophobes who don't like anyone that looks or acts or believes any different from them.

i'll put all these quotes in an ignorant little group. anyone who thinks the NWO conspiracy is a new fad cooked up by the right has no knowledge of the facts. while the conspiracy hasnt always been called the 'new world order' conspiracy, it is the same conspiracy that has been referred to throughout recent history. and by recent history, i mean over 200 years.
a view at new england illuminati

why don't we see what some american presidents have to say on the subject, shall we?

there's this dude i doubt you've heard of. name's J Edgar Hoover.
he said,

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.

then this other obscure fellow by the name of FDR said,

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."

some other dude, i dunno who he is but maybe you will, i think his name was "something" wilson. he said:

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

tom... jefferson?

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies..."

man, i wonder if this'll ever happn... oh wait.

man, i guess those conspiracy "theories" might have something to them after all. don't you think these people would be the ones to know? if these international financiers had their claws dug in this deep back then, how bad do you think it is now? corruption breeds more corruption. it is not as if they allow it to change hands out of their own interest. these people are not elected.

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier
What war did 9/11 start? Not the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. Nine eleven did not start any war.

wow. just wow.
edit on 8-10-2010 by thedeadlyrhythm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:33 AM
If I remember correctly, NWO opposition was started in the '80's and vehemently opposed by the radical LEFT.

Music is great gauge of frustration of the populace. The punk songs regarding Reagan's idea for criminals to join the Army or go to prison (Superficial Love - TSOL), the industrial anthem NWO by Ministry.

These leftists grew up opposing such ideas, some grew into pocketed groups of single-issue individuals. Others spread into anarchists opposing any form of order and government. The rest simply matured and carried the ideals of progressives of today.

It seems every 10 years or so we, in America, have been swinging back and forth between the right and left. The conservative Christian movement spawned the homegrown terrorist conservatives of the nineties which brought forth the backlash of far-left speakers like 'Rage Against the Machine' who opposed both Bush and Gore in 2000.

Reflect on that for a bit, I'm a bit brain-scattered at the moment.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by links234

yes, from your perspective of your own life experiences. people have been talking about this stuff for generations. my grandfather is a big conspiracy theorist and would never shut up about it growing up. i used to think he was crazy.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by neo96

and how many left wing nutjobs gave lord obama power over our destinies?

....." obama is going to give me a free car, a free house, obama is going to pay all my bills......"

we are talking nutjobs not morons. There is a difference between nutcases and idiots in the world.

You want to blame the Left for the ills of the world, but in reality, it's the Right that has actually done more to take away civil liberties in this country. The Right has done more in this country to take away freedoms. The Left has been trying for the last 30 years and more to try to help people be more free.

let's not forget what side made this speech...

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by whatukno

what you blame all the ills of this world on the right so..................your free to do that as am i

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:46 PM
when are partisan morons going to wake up and realize that both the right and the left are behind the scenes laughing their asses off at the fact that they have americans fooled in to thinking they are different. they pander to specific mindsets, keep everyone arguing and incrementally advance the same agenda.

oh and RON PAUL 2012

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
The Left has been trying for the last 30 years and more to try to help people be more free.

yeah right. both the left and right have been steadily and incrementally eroding our civil liberties over the past 30 years. take off your partisan blinders.
edit on 8-10-2010 by thedeadlyrhythm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier
reply to post by whatukno

Do you believe NWO is a fringe right scare-tactic right winged propaganda?

Yes,i do. I think that there are two competing world views from the powerful elite at the moment. One is the 'stateists' like Cheney and Bush, who seek to keep the world the way it has been for centuries- a world run by rogue nations who act like cowboys. The ohter are the globalists who seek to impose some semblance of actual law and order to a very unjust world.

From what i can tell, most of the 'NWO" conspiracy stuff is just fear-mongering from the satists to get people scared of an organized government. Because, just like in America, the corporations who run everything are VERY scared of a functioning Democracy.

Can you imagine a world where a person in a refugee camp in rawanda has the same rights as a person in the US? Who can vote for someone to actually represent them? THAT is a new world order, and the people who profit off the old state chaos are scurred of the new world order.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by thedeadlyrhythm

Originally posted by whatukno
The Left has been trying for the last 30 years and more to try to help people be more free.

yeah right. both the left and right have been steadily and incrementally eroding our civil liberties over the past 30 years. take off your partisan blinders.
edit on 8-10-2010 by thedeadlyrhythm because: (no reason given)

Lol. Yeah, i'm sure you HATE overtime, weekends, child labor laws...

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 05:18 AM
I think a problem that is being missed is that we shouldn't talk about the right wing or the left wing as a unified groups. On the right there are statists and decentralizers. Neocons are statists and the more libertarian leaning and paleoconservative aka original conservatives are decentralizers. The neocons aka the statists are the ones who run the GOP right now. Right wing conspiracy theorists are usually decentralizers and they side with paleoconservatism or libertarianism. They are against neocons like Bush or Palin.

It becomes trickier when you are a left wing conspiracy theorist since a lot of conspiracy theories are based on the fear of big government because right wing conspiracy theorists think it will get out of hand.
I guess left wing conspiracy theorists still believe in big government but they think it has to be cleaned up.
I think they side with people like Dennis Kucinich and Alan Grayson. They are like original democrats.
The Clintons for example are more fake democrats.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 01:46 PM
I seems to me that is much easier for people on the Left to accept these truths... Just the Bush family alone is so shady and have been for generations... The following explains easily why someone on the Left who is well-informed could come to understand the truth of NWO, 9/11, etc

Grandpa Bush gets in trouble for supporting the Nazi's... He also talked about a New World Order...
Daddy Bush making that New World Order speech in 1991... I still don't understand how Daddy Bush becomes director of the CIA when his father supported Hitler... You would think that would be a red flag on a background check. And of course Bush Jr surrounded by all of Daddy Bush's friends becoming president by way of the Supreme Court... and then just a few months later 9/11... and the war that keeps on giving.

And if that's not enough... they were also all Skull & Bones members...

It seems the Right will chase down every unconfirmed birther path and completely ignore the undisputed facts above... and actually defend Bush in some way.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 01:17 PM
I am progressive/liberal and believe in conspiracy theories. I believe 100% 911 is an inside job and the official story does not add up. Conspiracy theorist are the truth finders and I believe them more then the main stream media news that is controlled that are for the mindless sheep. I am a liberal, but I am not a democrat. I am not of any party, because they are for people who can't think for themselves. Democrats and Republicans work for the same people, the shadow government and are there to divide the people and to get them to fight each other. This is my take on this. I don't trust the government at all, they are murderous scum.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Chopper
This is my take on this. I don't trust the government at all, they are murderous scum.

even the mail man? And the meter maids? And the firemen?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 02:23 PM
Well, I was a "Democrat" before I started to learn about the NWO. Does that count? I'm sure someone like Nancy Pelosi doesn't believe in that stuff, if that is what you're getting at.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by justadood

Originally posted by Chopper
This is my take on this. I don't trust the government at all, they are murderous scum.

even the mail man? And the meter maids? And the firemen?

Okay, mail men and firemen are okay people, but it hurts your case when you throw in meter maids. You do know what meter maids do right? They write tickets, and that's all they do. They do not help anyone except for perhaps the parking bureau for a city.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by thedeadlyrhythm

when are partisan morons going to wake up and realize that both the right and the left are behind the scenes laughing their asses off at the fact that they have Americans fooled in to thinking they are different. they pander to specific mindsets, keep everyone arguing and incrementally advance the same agenda.

Boy have you got that correct! I have spent the last few years researching Food Safety which morphed into a study of Corporate Food Control aka Kissinger - "Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." That branched in to the other three areas of control.

The very wealthy have been playing mainstream America (and Europe) for fools for a hundred years or more while they transfer wealth from the poor to the rich all the while telling us they are doing the opposite.

"In 1976 A typical American CEO earned 36 times as much as the average worker. By 2008 the average CEO pay increased to 369 times that of the average worker.' source Ever wonder why there is now such a gap between us and them?

First for a more neutral subject just look at the world wide corporate grab for control of the food supply via the World Trade Organization. I strongly urge anyone who wants to know how our shadow government actually operates read this well researched article at the progressive site: OpEdNews History, HACCP and the Food Safety Con Job The article illustrates how the Bankers and the Corporate CEOs OWN both parties and run the USA through the Committee for Economic Development, officially established in 1942, and its sister organization the Council on Foreign Relations.

The companion piece at another progressive site, Smirking Chimp, covers the world wide food grab.
Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Seeds of Destruction" (Part I)
Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Seeds of Destruction" (Part II)
Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Seeds of Destruction" - Part III

So how do "they" transfer wealth from the poor to the rich without us knowing it?
All you have to do is read up on exactly what Fractional Reserve and Central Banking is. If you stand back and LOOK you can see how wealth is transferred to the rich.

When Congress passes "progressive" social programs or ANY laws requiring more bureaucracy, they cost money so Congress makes "bonds" (bought by bankers) or "borrows" money directly from the FED. The Fed prints (counterfeits) the money and hands it to Congress, or uses it to buy US bonds and the US Tax payer is stuck paying the BANKERS the money in "REAL" money. That is already existing currency that is exchanged for their labor not printed out of thin air by bankers foreign and domestic.


“Some of the most frank evidence on banking practices was given by Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Central Bank of Canada (from 1934 to 1955), before the Canadian Government’s Committee on Banking and Commerce, in 1939."

Q. But there is no question about it that banks create the medium of exchange?

Mr. Towers: That is right. That is what they are for… That is the Banking business, just in the same way that a steel plant makes steel. (p. 287) The manufacturing process consists of making a pen-and-ink or typewriter entry on a card in a book. That is all. (pp. 76 and 238) Each and every time a bank makes a loan (or purchases securities), new bank credit is created — new deposits — brand new money. (pp. 113 and 238) Broadly speaking, all new money comes out of a Bank in the form of loans. As loans are debts, then under the present system all money is debt. (p. 459) ”






Resistance to additional income taxes would be even more widespread if people were aware that:
* One-third of all their taxes is consumed by waste and inefficiency in the Federal Government as we identified in our survey.

* Another one-third of all their taxes escapes collection from others as the underground economy blossoms in direct proportion to tax increases and places even more pressure on law abiding taxpayers, promoting still more underground economy-a vicious cycle that must be broken.

* With two-thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government.

Grace Commission Report

NOTE: Transfer payments are the cost of transferring money between banks. The US tax payer got stuck with that tab too, not the banks.

Because money is not capital, that is WEALTH, Mises concluded that an increase of the money supply confers no identifiable social value.

When new money is created it does not appear magically in equal percentages in all people's bank accounts or under their mattresses. Therefore money spreads unevenly, and this process has varying effects on individuals, depending on whether they receive early or late access to the new money.

It is these losses of the groups that are the last to be reached by the variation in the value of money which ultimately constitute the source of the profits made by the bankers and the groups most closely connected with them.
Mises on Money

Did you get that? This is the key point. When money is devalued the first pigs to the trough steal the wealth of the late comers. Newly printed fiat money does not create new wealth, it transfers it from the poor, who are always the last to get access to the newly printed money, to the rich who have first dibs. (that is BEFORE prices increase in response to the new money)

THAT is why the CEOs have given themselves much bigger pay raises over the last forty years compared to their serfs. The money supply (and the cost of gold) has gone up by about a factor of ten. Gold went from $124/oz to $1,020/oz, the money supply went from $113 billion to $1663 billion. Is it any wonder the CEOs go a tenfold pay increase since 1976? Minimum wage went from $2.30/hr to $5.85/hr.

Remember the price of gas in 1974-5 was about $0.30/ gal and double to $0.65. All other prices double in the years after Nixon went off the gold standard in 1971.

As far as a "New World Order" is concerned - Globalization is alive and well and control is being transferred from the voters. As David Rockefeller put it at a recent Bilderberg Meeting "the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

I would discount that quote except for the massive amount of evidence to the contrary such as the the UN-funded Commission on Global Governance the The Wildlands Project and UN Convention on Biological Diversity Plan and Agenda 21

What I found VERY interesting is a guy by the name of GED DAVIS and his Senerio B (Agenda 21) mentioned in a climate gate e-mail.

Ged DAVIS has a background in economics and engineering from London and Stanford universities. He joined the Royal Dutch/Shell in 1972 and stayed with that company for 30 years. During his time at Shell, he held positions predominantly in scenario planning, strategy and finance, including Head of Planning (Europe), Head of Energy (Group Planning), Head of Group Investor Relations, Head of Scenario Processes and Applications, Head of the Socio-Politics and Technology Team (Group Planning), and lastly as the company’s Vice-President for Global Business Environment and Head of the Scenarios Team. For the last three years, he has been Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, responsible for global research, scenario projects, and the design of the annual Forum meeting at Davos. During the late 1990s, he served as Director of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Global Scenarios and as Facilitator and Lead Author of the IPCC’s Emission Scenarios. Currently, he is Co-President of the Global Energy Assessment with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); a Director of Low Carbon Accelerator Limited; a Governor of the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa; and a Member of the INDEX Design Awards Jury. source

Now what was that about the rich oil companies being the bad guys who fund the deniers??? (SNICKER)

Speaking of rich oil/banker moguls

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents... to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world ... If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

2002 Rockefeller autobiography “Memoirs” page 405

If you are not aware of Maurice Strong I suggest you google the dude and read about him. He has his fingers in as many pies as David Rockefeller.
edit on 11-10-2010 by crimvelvet because: (no reason given)

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