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Critics Call for Mosque Root Beer Summit

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posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Critics Call for Mosque Root Beer Summit

President Obama elevated the debate to a national level this weekend after he appeared to support the plans at a Friday Iftar dinner at the White House - a celebration marking the end of the Ramadan fast. "As a citizen, and as president," he said, "I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan."

Read more:
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 16-8-2010 by babybunnies]

Mod Edit: Review This Link: Instructions for the Breaking News Forums: Copy The Exact Headline

[edit on 8/17/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 12:11 PM
The Mainstream Media keeps on focusing on the fact that President Obama threw his support behind the building of the Mosque near Ground Zero.

I really wonder if any of them actually SAW the speech?

The President did NOT throw his full support behind the building of the mosque - he threw his full support behind the FREEDOM OF RELIGION and Muslims' Constitutional right to build a mosque whereever they like in the United States, and in lower manhattan if they wished.

He swore to "protect and defend the Contitution of the United States". He didn't swear to protect and defend American citizens.

It's interesting that most Americans will jump up and down about Arizona trying to take away the rights of Mexicans that are in the country ILLEGALLY, but also jump up and down about Muslims who are AMERICAN CITIZENS enacting their own rights to freedom of religion.

I'm not religious or an Obama supporter myself, just a defender of the rights afforded to people everywhere, and a defender of what is RIGHT, not what is popular.

Obama said many times when he was running for office that he was going to do "what was right for America, not what is popular". He is simply following through on a campaign promiise.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Mod Edit: Review This Link: Instructions for the Breaking News Forums: Copy The Exact Headline

[edit on 8/17/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 12:30 PM
I like the idea because I as atheist see this as a good signal because it will keep a religion a constant checking others relgions. If just one religion keep the of absolute power.... you know the phrase "absolute power corrupts absolutely".

The better solution would be:
The complete separation of church and state

[edit on 16/8/10 by blackcube]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 12:43 PM
Excellent post! I know many feel emotionally charged about this issue, but to me I see it as a simple matter of rights. Just because the attackers on 9/11 were Muslim, it does not mean all Muslims attacked - or supported the attacks - on the United States. Trust me, I know many personally that are true Americans and are greatly disgusted by the attacks.

Seriously, do we need this after Patriot Act and all of the other rights we give up in the name of "protection" from "terrorists"? Interestingly, a whopping 70% of respondents on a CNN poll oppose the mosque.

Have we forgotten exactly what we fight for? What this nation stands for? NO, it is not a nation built so you and your family can cruise to McDonalds in your SUV without a care in the world just because you are a rich, white, Catholic (or Jewish) banker. This nation is about true freedom, something we are at the highest risk of losing NOW.

If you don't like the mosque, get a permit and protest. That is your right and that is fine by me. Just don't think that if a majority rules you can have your mob mentality way and oppress the rights of others.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by babybunnies
Why won't Mainstream Media Discuss Freedom of Religion?

Not much money, power, political influence or fame to be had in that.
I started a thread here Knesset Outsources US Campus Public Diplomacy to Militant Christian Zionists
which identifies the PR group that raised the big fear mongering against the center planned blocks away from so-called ground zero.

They have an agenda which is anti-moderate, anti-secular, anti-everything which is not extreme radical Zionism. There is a lot of money, power, political influence, and fame to be had by pushing this extreme agenda.

On the other hand: the live and let live lobby is very weak in funding, nobody is paying a bonus for live and let live. The live and let live activists are actually busy living and there isn't much offered for them to take time off to go and be visibly on the side of live and let live. They bear the expense themselves. Not glamorous enough to catch the MSM attention.

Please don't let me be a hijacker, I beg of you, come back here and discuss the relative value in FREEDOM of Religion vs money and power.

[edit on 16-8-2010 by pthena]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by pthena

You are so right. I was about to rant on in my post that extreme issues are what get the votes and are what all politicians are out for. Obama cannot speak on the matter, but any politician running for counsel, senate or any other elected office will be towing the line that will get them the most votes. The lobbies will reward handsomely as well.

Remember folks, the more you buy into the "republicans this" v "democrats that" the more you are distracted from the real stuff that is going down. There is a LOT of money in a strongly divided nation, and not much in a united one.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 01:03 PM
I wonder if any of those against the mosque ever wondered why we have freedom of religion.

Any of you against it, ever stop to think about perhaps this is the exact reason?

You don't need your rights protected when people agree with you. You need them protected when people do not agree with you and want to stop you.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 04:16 PM
Here's a pretty good opinion piece on just what the actual cost to America we suffer when corporate profit and sensationalism is more important than sane and sound discussions about civil liberties.

And this issue would not be adding gushers of fuel to the fire if the corporate media were not fanning the flames, working the story. Why can’t they see that this story may be a short term viewer builder but long term, this is going to lead to much greater hate for America, increased terrorism and worsening balance of trade?

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