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Earthquake West Coast-Next Few Days

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posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:28 AM

Earthquake West Coast-Next Few Days

Heads up please. In working through the longer term data, i had to go through some of the last of the immediacy stuff due to cross links. Within the immediacy data sets there are clear indications
of a major [damaging] earthquake on west coast of america (MOST likely
north america due to angular momentum issues of planetary alignment) and
more probably than not, in the PNW perhaps down to mid CA. This quake
shows as being completed with problems, *such as yet more [wedding
interruptions] by August 3, however the data accretion patterns point to the
last two days of July as the poin
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
No Earthquakes in Yellowstone region for the last seven days
Whats going on at yellowstone?

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:28 AM
There are several threads out there showing shifts and strange activity in certain regions not usually the indo-australian plate rising drastically...and the Arkansas (U.S) having a newly found fault where numerous small earthquakes are triggering. Yellowstone has now had no earthquakes (small) for approximately a week now. I'm not pointing to one thing or the other just trying to connect some things together.

I went to check out Clif High's interview on Coast to Coast AM from last night and he posted an update on his web site regarding this "West Coast Earthquake." He says it is more than likely in the "Americas" and very well could be South America but he has info pointing toward the "Pacific Northwest down into Northern California."

He ran accross this info while looking for longer term data for his next report and decided to post it as a FYI type thing. He infered the quake because he seen the "Disruption in the flow of water" in the long term data meaning long term disruption in the river systems and or water lines...ect...

He also throws out there that as of right now forward we are in an astrological situation very historically significant...his partner George Ure pointed this out yesterday on his web site some of these astro economic of them said "this is astrologically a cat 5 huricane."

Not something to freak out over just keep your head on a swivel. LOL. Also posted Clifs recent interview...he says November 11th is looking more and more like nuclear war...but thats another

Be safe and prepared.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 10:30 AM
From the same people who said in 2009 a costal event would completely destroy the west coast of the USA. I wouldn't pay much attention mate half past human are just money grabbers trust me on this, nobody can see into the future. Notice how they mainly predict things for America (that never come true) it's because they know they can sell their junk over there and make some easy money.
To back up my claim you have to ask yourself this question, why do they only predict doom and gloom? Why nothing upbeat or positive? It's became gloomy topics sell and more cheerful news does not.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by Everton]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Everton

Ok here's whats up. Do you actually "follow" they're stuff or are you the one who is all "doom and gloom?" I dont recall them EVER saying "The costal event would wipe out the coast of the U.S in 2009."

They got so many thing right WORD FOR WORD including the BP oil gusher...if you had the report then you would know dude. I feel you I really do man. I hate people who want a difinitive answer for everything...if it smacked them in the face they wouldnt even know bro.

Long story short...he says its "Better than Chance." Not that IT WILL ABSOLUTELY COME TRUE. The bots dont pick up on positive launguage because everyone is 80% negative in language texture. it is...just ignore it then man. LOL. How about that.

Here is what the Bots got right this year.

1) Haiti earthquake

2)Chile earthquake

3)BP oil spill

4)General Mcrystal getting ousted and getting into it with the president

Says alot about all of this how it plays out in the near future...let alone called it before it happened...what do you call that? "Just wanting your money?"

He states in the artical itself "I'm probably wrong" but just in case. The way I look at it is this...hes more wrong about dates and timing then the events themselves. Way I got it figured is if it doesnt happen then its one less thing to worry more than people posting fake pictures of UFO's and chatting up about possible "What if" war situations VS a real accurate computer system data updated every 2-3 months of language.

Please dont act like Clif is typing on a keypad making this stuff up bro...and your sure he's using the money to build himself the boat he's been making to survive this big crap hole we've been thrown into by the retards running this world. Either way...the SHTF weather he says or someone else does doesnt matter...just keeping my eyes peeled and you should to instead of talking smack on it. But thats your right...good thing you earned it like I did by fighting a bullspit war carrying a M-4 for 8 months in Fallujia, Iraq.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:23 PM
From George Ure's website...

An Earthquake Warning

In case you missed Clif, chief time monk, High's appearances on CoastToCoast last night during the show's first hour, the most important thing he had to say (very near term) was a heads up for the West Coast over the possibility based on predictive linguistics of a major quake toward the end of this week or maybe into the weekend...

"Within the immediacy data sets there are clear indications of a major [damaging] earthquake on west coast of america (MOST likely north america due to angular momentum issues of planetary alignment) and more probably than not, in the PNW perhaps down to mid CA. This quake shows as being completed with problems, *such as yet more [wedding interruptions] by August 3, however the data accretion patterns point to the last two days of July as the point of impact and largest number of after shocks. Damages are indicated to include [roadways] and [bridges] such that [transportation/movement] is [restricted (in some places)] for months afterward. Water flows are also to be affected and even altered for long time (months/years) which is how i found it. By noting the odd number of longer term indicators for [water pathways change] in the data accretion patterns for November and onward in 2010. A significant majority of these traced back to something in the immediacy data that turned out to be this pending earthquake in very late July. "

This just fell out' from the processing of the long term data set values which should result in a longer view of the data...out to beyond the end of this year. The expectation is that there will be a new report available sometime around the August 10-period. But, the reason for mentioning this now is that there is still plenty of time to get the stored water checked, food, first aid kits, and such on the West Coast.

With any luck, this will be one of those calls that is wrong, but if you live on the West Coast the cost of even modest preps is very low and the past hits of the predictive linguistics project, such as the spectacular 2008 China quake argue that there's a chance the call will be right...


The fact that Elaine & I are exiting the Pacific Northwest tomorrow (Wed.) morning shouldn't be viewed as cowardice on our part, but got to admit, the timing is interesting. And don't forget the astrological Cardinal Climax starts in the Thursday-Friday period as well. Which gets us to...

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Reconer
Here is what the Bots got right this year.

1) Haiti earthquake

2)Chile earthquake

3)BP oil spill

4)General Mcrystal getting ousted and getting into it with the president

Says alot about all of this how it plays out in the near future...let alone called it before it happened...what do you call that? "Just wanting your money?"

I ask you to provide evidence of this, and no, I don't want a "it's everywhere" or "check the other threads" response. If you're going to make this claim, then I'm interested in you backing it up, considering that I've yet to see any evidence for even 1 thing the webbot has said being true.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 02:02 PM
wat say's that guy who predicted the big baja quake ?

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity

Originally posted by Reconer
Here is what the Bots got right this year.

1) Haiti earthquake

2)Chile earthquake

3)BP oil spill

4)General Mcrystal getting ousted and getting into it with the president

Says alot about all of this how it plays out in the near future...let alone called it before it happened...what do you call that? "Just wanting your money?"

I ask you to provide evidence of this, and no, I don't want a "it's everywhere" or "check the other threads" response. If you're going to make this claim, then I'm interested in you backing it up, considering that I've yet to see any evidence for even 1 thing the webbot has said being true.

Umm it was in the webbot report months before the events transpired.... So unless you purchased the REPORT - you wouldn't have an idea what he's talking about. He predicted the Oil Spill / Oil Volcano a month before it happened.... Same with McCrystal

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

Yeah no problem. Have you actually read any of his reports? Or are you just fearful and trying to take it out on me for posting what he posted on his web I can point it out to people. I can appriciate it but it does sound as if your going to discredit what has already been in his reports...which you do have to pay otherwise I cant help you but I can not copy and paste from his reports cause of copywrite. I'll write it in on my own though.

1) Haiti. A (dusting) is described within the data set as (earthquakes so shallow) as to cause a (rolling wave) to (course/travel) through the (upper layers of the ground) such that (everything) is (picked/lifted/kicked up) to coming (down with a bang/loud noise) and the release of (masses of disturbed dust). "

2) Chile. From Dataset 11: The data set continues to show both (large groups) of (earthquakes) as well as (single, and very large earthquakes) within the next 10/ten months. After the spring equinox 2010, the Terra entity (changes/alterations) takes an even bigger growth spurt and nearly doubles in emotional tension value sums. Further, during the period of (increasing activity) or (new expressions of change), such old forecasts as (new lands rising from the ocean) will become more manifest. The (new lands rising from the ocean bottom) will be part of (changes) at a (planetary level) that will reach enough (visibility) that the (planetary populace of humans) will, as a mass, (move toward acknowledgement) or (accept consensus) on the (devastating earth changes).There are data elements at the detail levels that suggest the (seasonal changes from spring to summer 2010) will include (dusting from earthquakes) that will affect very large areas at a time. A (dusting) is described within the data set as (earthquakes so shallow) as to cause a (rolling wave) to (course/travel) through the (upper layers of the ground) such that (everything) is (picked/lifted/kicked up) to coming (down with a bang/loud noise) and the release of (masses of disturbed dust).

The accretion pattens for the (increasing planetary dislocations) include language (more likely in 2011 than 2010) that goes to the idea of (1000/one thousand mile circles) in which (all bridges/dams/overpasses) will collapse (all in mere hours in a single day.)

3) BP Oil Gusher. “The [oil volcano] subset continues to gain support in support of the [ill winds] area, and is still gaining support for those subsets indicating that 1.289+ billion people will perish as a result of the [ill winds] and the [oil volcano].” The oceans are described as being [not like before] the autumn equinox before. There data sugests the [shutting down of oceaninc convection currents] causing disruptions of the [atmospheric currents]. Crushing impacts on [planetary fishing operations]. [Oceans being unlike their former selves] in the [northern hemisphere]. [Oceanic nightmare of twisting convection currents.] The oceanic changes are linked to [volcano] (oil volcano) which propogate [climate change on a global level]. [Oceans sick] [Blue Flu] [Oceanic Health] [Big blue methane release] Page 25 March 2010 report. goes on and a copy if you want to read...that was put out the month before it happened.

4) Mcrystal getting into it. The panic [visibile in politicians] will escalate over spring and summer] and will include some [faux pau(bad words)] on the part of a [ranking general].....
more importantly than that is he says this is a huge marker point for massive displacements of the populations of the U.S. (Oil spill/Earthquake).

Oh...even talks about a military draft type interpretation....there is a thread on that about the gov trying to make this.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Reconer

Unless those four have specific predicted dates, those are pretty vague. However, the "west coast earthquake" prediction is pretty specific (last days of July to beginning of August), so if a major devastating earthquake/eruption of some sort happens in this time frame, I'll give the web bot some credence.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

Well...he NEVER says it will happen for sure. Secondly I really am not trying to defend the dude more than give his work credit. Specifically he says there will be like 6-8 devestating earthquakes and 2 water (hurricane or tsunami) events this year...most taking place in the later half of the year.

To throw it out there...he covers ALOT of stuff...wayyyy more than natural disasters and yeah I agree...if it dosnt happen then good but honestly once the BP oilspill happened I was like "WOW!" Cause I read it the month before and NOTHING made sense to me on what would cause the oceans to get sick and get the point. Hind sight is 20/20.

Either way we can agree there are lots of things going on and an earthquake on the west coast with all the rumbles everywhere would NOT surprise me.

The most intriging thing to me is once something happens I reread the report and see the long term effects of it.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 02:49 PM
I must have missed the part where 1.2 billion people died from the BP Oil spill.
It's fun to predict things when you can twist your words to current events.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 04:41 PM
you could very well be right or you could be dead wrong , but

there is an extensive thread going on about it here .

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 06:01 PM
I laughed at Clif after the 10/25/09 "Israeli Mistake" miss too, i thought he was probably done, at least for a while but since then i think he really got serious analyzing this data. He's had hit after hit, everything from the Gulf Oil spill to the resignation of Gen Stanley McChrystal.

I'm back to paying attention to Clif and web bot.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 10:42 PM
Flagging this thread, the analysis is pretty interesting. I wasn't biting until I saw the previous predictions--this is fairly interesting, although the Wikipedia article here shows some pretty big misses as well:

A massive earthquake in Vancouver and the Pacific Northwest was predicted to occur on 12 December 2008.[12]
A "global coastal event" in mid-2009, which Ure and High said that they recommended people to stay away from coastal areas.[12]
A complete collapse of the US dollar beginning in 2009.[13]
The US dollar completely collapses, or Israel bombs Iran. In reaction to this crisis, administration of U.S. President Barack Obama would have been thrown into major chaos ten days later.[2][14]
A buildup of tension was to begin July 11, but nothing noticeable happened to cause such buildup.

In all fairness, while there's been some good hits, some of these misses are pretty big, like the global coastal event, or the complete collapse of the dollar. But I think we can keep an open mind here and I appreciate the heads up.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 11:02 PM
Another thing from me though that makes these claims somewhat specious--I believe that honestly, if these claims are truly believed by the administrators of this program to be true, we shouldn't have to "buy a report" to prepare ourselves for impending doom. I think it's morally incorrect and while I see the need for funding to keep programs going, one of the things I abhor about upcoming possible trevails of our planet is that only the people with large amounts of cash to build shelters, etc are going to be the only ones likely to survive. If I'm wrong on this purchasing please correct me--but it makes me a little less convinced of these "projections".

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by zcflint05

Agreed, they claim to have prior knowledge of disasters and can save peoples lives but they charge you for it. It's all a big scam my friends.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 06:42 AM

reply to post by ressiv
wat say's that guy who predicted the big baja quake ?

[edit on 28-7-2010 by Zeta Reticulan]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 10:08 AM
All stuff aside...

Like I posted in another thread...Timewave Zero and Web Bot and The Global Conciousness Network are all just mechanisms that can pick up on an archtype (of possiblity based on the current state of things) which is obviously in flux and cannot be 100%...because humans influance on another and as we all know...most people are just blind followers...what does this mean? It means as time moves forward and influance takes place it creates new possibilities...that is why Clif has to run new data every several months to contrast it to look for changes in possibility (TimeWave Zero Novelty). Then it goes on track with creating greater probability with other forcast events based on the new trends...

If this happens then this is higher in likelyhood to happen.

If this doesnt happen this is lower in likelyhood to happen.

If this happens and this other thing happens...then this is going to happen (90% possibility)

Nothing is 100% EVER.

Lastly, I think these projects are the infancy of something that will be looked back on as major projects that helped steer humanity to a higher understanding...both with spirituality and Quanum Mechanical Physics...make sense?

New projects are always Especially if they deal with predicting...for forcasting. Thats why everyone flames the weatherman when he is wrong. Because hes right 90% the time...why not 100%?

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 01:02 PM
And wouldn't you just know it that a 5.3 hit off the Oregon Coast just now. A harbinger of things to come???


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