posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:49 AM
Originally posted by nicolee123nd
Now here my question for you: What do YOU think will happen in 2012?
The purpose of this thread is to get an overview of what people (believers) really think will happen in 2012. I'm just curios to see what
people think; to see what theories come out over the rest.
Well several things influence what I believe will happen. It won't happen all in a flash one one day but it will happen faster than expected.
I believe that christianity will end (more specifically the corrupt roman catholic rule will end - if you can find the thread 'all roads lead to
rome' it explains the hidden deep deep corruption in detail)
I believe that it is due to end because religions last on average about an age (2000-2600 years)
In the age of Taurus the Hindu empire was the dominant player.
In the age of Aries you can credit the Jewish tribes were the dominant force if force is what you want to call it.
The Age of Pices(sp) Christianity was theh dominant force and I do not believe that in any of the other recorded age has there been so much war or
spiritual devistation by the hidden money masters and their minions.
I believe that around the winter of 2012 the rest of us will awaken to the lies that we have so long believed, shake off the slavery built bit by bit
in our legal and tax code system, we will no longer send our children to fight in wars staged only to thin our ranks and line the already deep
pockets of the elite bloodlines.
What beliefs will take the place of christianity in the Aquarian age? I myself believe that the masses will be able to view the aruas of those around
us and we will vouleenarily awaken and begin shun the elite and those who imitate them because their evil intents will be visible. It will be a world
with less corruption and more compassion more sharing and little to no stealing.
(I also believe that at 6:00 12-21-2012 in a flash I will get back every sock that I have ever lost in the dryer. )