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Revolution has begun - What side are you on?

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posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
The root word of revolution is revolve, so in reality all it is, is a planned regression politically to go back to policies and ways that ultimately ended up failing, and end up failing, bringing everyone back full circle again and again.

The solutions for our present problems don’t lay with past failed solutions.

That romantic idealistic temptation to hark back to the ‘good ole’ days, that are often glamorized as being ideal, but still were fraught with the pitfalls and loopholes that just leads to eventual corruption and failure of the system.

The system is broke, yet the truth is, revolving back to the starting point of that slow decline, doesn’t prevent the decline. It just ensures it happens all over again.

So while it’s easy to imagine using a romanticized and embellished past as a guide is a solution, it really isn’t.

The world needs radical evolution, not revolution.

Thank You!!!

That is exactly what I've been trying to tell people. Solving that dilemma is what has had me stuck in deep thoughts for a very long time.

I've studied alternatives, and their flaws. This is what I've come to:
Solution: End the US Constitution, Congress, Supreme Court, POTUS and all political parties!

Please don't be dissuaded by that title. We need to end those offices as we know them. It's hard to explain in one paragraph, but in short, individuals take itemized control of where there own tax money goes, and where it doesn't, and how much they even 'donate' to what. This would marginalize all of those offices listed. Oh, and a massive upgrading of the Constitution.

Originally posted by lagenese
Maybe if we would start studying history, we would find the solution to the problem of government corruption and abuse.

Politicians are the problem. The more power you give people the more they'll concentrate and and self-serve themselves.

Eliminating The Iron Law of Oligarchy is a primary ordeal. The solution I'm trumpeting is the best hope I can foresee in stopping it.

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Men are free to live and believe as they will without overly undue interfereance.

Minimalist central government which enacts policies that benefit the majority of the people.

No excessive taxation.

No corporate influence in the capital.

The right to coin money based upon a shared belief in it's value.

But a mechanism needs to be defined able to do all that. Check out my thread. I believe that is the best possible hope of a solution. The Constitution is flawed. It needs to be upgraded. Just 'starting fresh' with the same 200+ year old document isn't going to work. More importantly: 'returning' to it obviously hasn't rallied the masses well enough. It isn't bringing enough people together. It's actually dividing people, arguably anyways.

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Furthermore, people don't even care enough to vote for the right people, accept lie after lie, think this all is inevitable and out of their control, allow this government to do as they please, and you think they're going to pick up guns and shot at the "establishment?"

Can you not find better and creative ways to take back our country? A financial overthrow? A public referendum? Mass protests?

In my presentation I've explained why people don't care enough to vote. And half the people always lose every election. In a system where we vote for 'leaders' about half always lose. Half the people out there probably don't even want to vote for some douche anyways.

People need to feel empowered, not powerless. They need to feel like their vote, their participation actually means something. Therefore, I argue they need to be able to help decide policies, and more importantly, where their 'tax' money goes, and where it doesn't.

I argue this objective is what will rally virtually everybody, not just half, and not just some fringe. There's too much technology against us for it to be only 10% of the population. In the original rebellion, the rebels actually had rifles that were more accurate than the British. And they had home turf, fighting in their home forests. Those advantages are irrelevant this time.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Furthermore, people don't even care enough to vote for the right people, accept lie after lie, think this all is inevitable and out of their control, allow this government to do as they please, and you think they're going to pick up guns and shot at the "establishment?"

By the way - - I support "group voting" - headed by a licensed voter.

In other words - - a class room at a local school where you go to discuss issues - - headed by a licensed voter.

Issues are discussed in the class - - then a vote is taken. The licensed voter - - then attends a larger district group. They discuss and come to a conclusion. The licensed voter of that group then takes that vote to the next level - - etc.

People that really care will make the effort. No one else gets a vote.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 05:59 PM
Who am i gonna fight for? the south.

There is a saying down here ya know....guess what it is. THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN.

And it will. Unlike you yankees to the north of southerners really know how to use a gun and live off the land. We have the population for it....we have the will. The southern people are tenacious and are expert we are just very physical.

Heck....we rule college football.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:00 PM
Well as the famous words of the infamous song sings:
" With a Rebel Yell she cried more more more"!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:04 PM
The US military could turn it's guns on the politicians because much of the military personal is as tired of this game as we are.

i hold out no hope for the facist police in the USA and they need to face the same justice they hand out to fellow humans.

Bush is just as much a war criminal as Hittler ever was and justice must be served on that family before anyone can move forward and builld a decent, peacefull life.

Obama is a puppet and the only one i see that has a clue is Ron Paul but he won't win becaue the zionists won't back his camp and would kill him if they could not frig the votes to make it look like he's miles behind.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:51 PM
I am on whatever side chooses to stand by the Constitution.

This thread seems like a Psyop to out Militia and other supporters of the Constitution, But I will play along...

To be honest the Revolution should have begun after the Federal Reserve banking act was passed in 1913.

Also its importiant to Note that Congress threw the Constitution out the window back in 1860 when it held congress with out the southern states.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:35 PM
I'll be gypsying the national forests; trapping four legged furry critters.

When the S finally HTF, I say shove your republic and shove your revolution:

I choose native american.

Sri Oracle

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Aziroth

All? I beg your pardon. You have no idea who has and has not been duped.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:41 PM
Is this the memo? Because I didn't get the memo about any Revolution. Who's in charge of this Revolution because I'd like to have a word with him/her about the poor communications.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Furthermore, people don't even care enough to vote for the right people, accept lie after lie, think this all is inevitable and out of their control, allow this government to do as they please, and you think they're going to pick up guns and shot at the "establishment?"

Can you not find better and creative ways to take back our country? A financial overthrow? A public referendum? Mass protests?

In my presentation I've explained why people don't care enough to vote. And half the people always lose every election. In a system where we vote for 'leaders' about half always lose. Half the people out there probably don't even want to vote for some douche anyways.

People need to feel empowered, not powerless. They need to feel like their vote, their participation actually means something. Therefore, I argue they need to be able to help decide policies, and more importantly, where their 'tax' money goes, and where it doesn't.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]


reply to post by Annee

Group voting smells like more of the same to me. Political parties. Sounds to me like you're just putting your own new labels on the same old things.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Follow the link.

I moved it into my sig.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 08:54 PM
I stand with those who believe in Peace and Love - along with my friends and family that stand the same.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:14 PM
Easy there cowboys! I doubt many of you would rebel when you see what you are up against. The Confederacy didn't realize what a war with the Union would bring upon them and I doubt that an "insurgency" would last even as long as the South did. I'm not even going to choose a side in this, because it's an idiotic concept based purely upon a visceral emotional reaction of anger over reason.

There are times I'd go merc and sign up with an army not under the Queen, and the defense of America is one of them. I love your country, and I love rationality, but above all I love peace. I've seen war and I've seen what it does, any who wish for it while other options remain are, I believe, evil.

However, relax there oh patriots, because the scenario outline here will only exist in survivalist's dreams and B-grade movies. You don't live in Red Dawn now, and you never will.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:51 PM
Revolution? What revolution? We don't need no stinkin` revolution.

You want change? You want hope? Take out the trash on November 2nd.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by RRokkyy

Smart money is on the Mexican side.

I think you may be right about that.

The Mexican insurgency seems to be very well funded, trained and highly motivated.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity

Group voting smells like more of the same to me. Political parties. Sounds to me like you're just putting your own new labels on the same old things.

You answer all my posts the same way. I don't see it that way at all.

I think most (I know I should say many - not most - but I really think its most) people vote personality and appearance. I doubt if most have any clue what the issues are. And I don't see that happening with the next generation - - who seem to be very self-centered and apathetic.

If people are going to vote - - I want them to know and understand what they are voting for. And I want to know that they know - - by having some kind of requirement.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 01:17 AM
Revolution....? Ya... great idea.... Thats just what the rest of the world wants.... A bunch of weekend warriors killing each other in the name of American stupidity and what compass heading they live in... They'd be laughing as they docked their ships in our ports and staked there claim on the "bread basket of the world". I dont understand who would be fighting? I read in this thread "the south will rise again"? Are you serious.... If ya haven't noticed the North, east and west US has grown a lil since your original loss a couple hundred years ago.... Might wanna consider sittin down rather than risen up? So... then I guess that leaves the gov't you'd be fighten? Let's define that, you are gonna fight our military? LOL... Good luck with that... hasn't worked out to well for other countries and their "real" soldiers! Let alone killing one of our soldiers is pretty much the most anti-american act possible! Soo that doesn't work.... This thread is comical! So in saying that what side am I on? First on my families side then I'm on the American side and will defend it against enemy's/morons both foreign, domestic and southern.... LOL.... Peace

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by leira7
I choose which ever side operates in Love only. I choose the side that is safe, and inclusive, not exclusive and violent.

I find that amusing since your avatar
has somebody in a cloak holding
a sabre.

I will be on the side that my God tells me
to be on after praying for his wisdom and

And I find THAT amusing considering your avatar "Official Lie Detector!"

And I would be on the side of whichever is being oppressed. I presume, as is always the case, that woud be the popular uprising.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 01:55 AM
Okay. Enough.

It's become pretty evident that The United States of America is no longer united. So let's just divide it up and get it over with.

Effective immediately, all Federal government services are suspended.

All military personnel are hear by honorably discharged. All Federal government employees, including those in the Thank you for your service. There will be no severance pay or unemployment for you. See the banks for your retirement plan money.

All imports into the country are canceled. All visas and passports are suspended. Figure out how to do without or do it yourselves.

The Constitution is null and void.

All Corporations who formerly declared themselves American report to the country where you have the most employees.

All mortgages and credit debt cancelled. You own the home you live in and your car outright unless you choose to move as follows. Money is worthless. All state employees remain in place to assist with the transition for 30 days and then may choose to move as follows.

All liberals report to California, Washington, and Oregon.
All conservative rednecks and gun lovers, you got Texas and Arizona.
All right-to-lifers report to Kansas and Oklahoma.
All evangelicals (of whatever religion), maybe Utah?
All illegal Mexicans back to Mexico until we figure this out. California may take you later but they'll be busy for a while.
All Sarah Palin Republicans and Tea Partiers, you have Alaska. That big enough for you? Enough oil? Homeschool away!
All dreamer utopian globalists get to Hawaii on the next boat.
All you progressive choicers and gay marriage lovers you have the Northeast.
Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and S. Carolina will now be know as Little Africa.
All those who cower in fear of anyone not exactly like you, like those Muslim types, you have Missouri, Arkansa, and Kentucky.
All survivalists to Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, N. Dakota and S. Dakota.

Evacuate Washington DC. It is now officially a (brain) dead zone and shall forever remain as a reminder to us of our failure.

The rest of you figure where you want to go or stay. Who you want to shoot or judge. Deal with each others' "regions" or don't. You figure it out.

You clearly cannot and will not ever get along, so do what you want. I give up. I clearly don't belong here. You're all nuts, and there is no hope you will ever agree on anything. You're killing our country and blaming everyone else. That goes for all of you. Even you silent majority.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 02:03 AM
I would be on the winner know why ?! because if the people as a whole were intelligent or smart enough to see what is really going on, we wouldn't even have this rebel bs (no offence, just trying to make a point).
In my general opinion, history just repeats itself again (assuming that this rebellion is real), after a few generations we willgo back to square one; As long as the monetary system and the power structure exist, we will never be able to attain true freedom, people still try to climb on top of each others to obtain that power and gain that money.
For example; assuming that the rebel win the conflict, then what, we'r going to have peace ultimately, no they'r gonna those support the old system in jail and harrass those who criticize and speak against them. So we basically replace the old boss with a new boss that is exactly the same.

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