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Disturbing NEW Oil Spill Photos...WARNING! Not for the feint of heart!

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posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:06 AM
I hope people finally realise that oil is dangerous, and start developing\using more greener fuels\materials

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by PuRe EnErGy
That is intense, very bad.

Just imagine the fish

We have never done something THIS bad to our planet... how irresponsible.


Yes we have... you just weren't alive to see it.
New Mexico July 16th 1945 First atomic explosion
Lakeview Gusher 1909 1.2 million gallons of oil
Gulf war Oil spill in 1991 between 1.3 and 1.5 million gallons of oil
Ixtoc oil spill Gulf of Mexico 1979-1980 400k gallons

Media coverage is the biggest factor here. I am not denying this is bad, this is not however the WORST thing we've ever done.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by brutalsun]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by soleprobe
This is the result of the suppression of alternative technologies and sources of energy and the creation of artificial scarcity. The earth, water, light and space combined with the innovation inherent within man will continue, as it has been since the beginning, to release its unlimited forms of power, oil being the dirtiest, the most outdated and inefficient of them all. So long as evil rules by the power of the money illusion, this oil charade with all its toxic byproducts will continue until it chokes us all to death.

Yeah, couldn't have said it better myself. It is money, through the ego in a childish bid for ultimate control insure doom. THen a new way of actually living may catalyze.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by mc_squared

Originally posted by C11H17N2NaO2S
Those are indeed bad pics.

BUT, how do you know they are pics from the Gulf oil spill and not just pics from an oil spill in the past of some tanker spill in recent years?

Dont believe anything unless you see it with your own eyes at the scene!!

This is how rumors spread guys!!

Does it even matter which oil spill they're from?

I think you're missing the point: this should never happen - anywhere, anytime.

I have to agree with C11H17N2NaO2S, we don't know which spill these are from, nor do we know if in fact they are from an oil spill at all! We have no real context for the images other than some closeup shots of poor birds covered in sludge. My first thought when seeing this was that it was sad for the animals, but almost immediately afterward was there is always a possibility that these images are contrived or hen-pecked to meet some unseen motive. It's like when a reporter is on the scene of an accident or tornado aftermath, or some other natural calamity, when they seem to always find the most devastated individual they can find to speak with in front of the worst scene they kind find, so that it makes it out to be so much more than it really was. The MSM seems to be beholden to the mantra of "if it bleeds, it leads" and we as a population have become sensitive to it. So much so, that we are willing to do things or say things that we wouldn't ordinarily do or say, without more rational thinking or understanding of the situation.

Please don't mistake me for being heartless or uncaring but, what I see on a day-to-day basis can have at least two sides to every story. We see the images of the most emaciated child somewhere in Africa and we are led to believe that millions of children there are the same way. We see people clinging to their rooftops surrounded by the rising flood waters of the Mississippi, and we are led to believe that city after city along the river's banks are the same way. We are shown images of leveled buildings in the heart of Chile, and we are led to believe that much of the country is in ruin, and we are shown images of sludge covered seabirds and we are led to believe that the whole of the ecosystem is suffering the same fate. My point is, all of these things are bad, but let's better understand what we are looking at before we start making hasty decisions. Let us find out what is really happening before we support major changes in the way we think, work, and live. Let us analyze with a critical eye, everything that is purported to be disastrous and measure our responses accordingly. There have been too many cases in modern human history where changes were made based on very little or biased information, whose result was nearly as disastrous as the original event.

Don't let your emotions drive your actions, use that grey matter between your ears for something more than lapping up the spoon fed snippets and sound bites that our society has grown all too accustomed to.

A little video food for thought from Michael Crichton - States of Fear: Science or Politics?

Google Video Link


posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:44 AM
I'm tired of seeing people tell others regarding this subject to stop self loathing and blame yourself for this incident. Yes, we use oil, but the fact of the matter is, it's all we've ever used, some of us here are not inventors and wouldn't know how to go about inventing an alternative energy source, just because we have cars and use plastics does NOT mean we are to blame for this tragedy what choice do we have? Until alternative energy sources are funded and put through by the government we are forced to use these things. So instead of reminding us how we are to blame, why don't you point the finger at the people doing the drilling in such deep waters that noone can do anything about the spill. Or better yet, instead of blaming others for not using alternative energy sources, how about you come down off of your pedestal and get to work on creating one. People have a right to be sad by this, it's horrible. And those pictures are from the gulf, they were shown on cnn a few minutes ago.

end rant.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by mweiss

Thanks for posting that link to the oil spill related photos on facebook.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:53 AM
Not sure how to embed video, but here is a link of vids from the oil spill on cnn, if you look through them you'll find the ones of these birds drenched in oil, the photos posted weren't from a different oil spill.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by C11H17N2NaO2S
Those are indeed bad pics.

BUT, how do you know they are pics from the Gulf oil spill and not just pics from an oil spill in the past of some tanker spill in recent years?

Dont believe anything unless you see it with your own eyes at the scene!!

This is how rumors spread guys!!

You follow the link provided and then you take the time to investigate the page that comes up on your browser.

This is heartbreaking. We can't just shrug off the impact of this disaster, and soon the doubters and intentional dumbing down of this tragedy will lead to the inevitable panic as the destruction awakens a larger percentage of the masses.

What can survive this? Only time will tell.

Please follow links before you try to question the authenticity of of the OP, it saves time and gives you more to discuss in a rational, intelligent manner.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by super genius

You are kidding right?!! You cannot equate a giant oil spill killing the waterlife to humans eating meat. Meat eaters get meat that has been killed quite quickly and in a non-painful manor. This spill will, yes, kill the wildlife, but it is most certainly not quick. It is a lengthy death.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:59 AM
While it is very heartbreaking to see these images, they MUST BE SHOWN, this is what is happening to the wildlife and it is terrible.

I found an article here on the efforts to rescue some of these wildlife and hopefully give them a chance to live.

Birds released from oily grave, never to see the ocean again

RAMAH, Louisiana — Two birds bound out of a cage to check out their new surroundings in the Louisiana countryside, far from where hundreds of their number writhe in an oily grave on the Gulf of Mexico.
About 80 kilometers (50 miles) from the coast, in the Sherburne Wildlife Area, a cattle egret and a least bittern took their first steps in total freedom, 10 days after being found and treated in a coastal rescue center.
"He is scoping around his new home," Sharon Taylor, a veterinarian with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, says of the egret.
The bird then took a few steps in the marshland before trying out his wings. His smaller companion followed a few minutes later.
"They look happy here," said Taylor, surrounded by gently rolling meadows dotted by flocks of birds.
They are just two of the hundreds of birds affected by the devastating oil spill soiling the Gulf of Mexico.
On Thursday alone, some 60 birds were coated with oil when the leak hit the Queen Bess Island Rookery. Of the affected birds, 41 were pelicans, Louisiana's state bird.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by bkaust
I may just be hormonal, but those pictures made me cry. All those poor animals without a voice just dying, and noone really doing anything to help, i'm sure if BP allowed people to help, and told us like it is, people would be getting in there trying to save the wildlife and give it a fighting chance. but, they aren't

BP is not stopping anyone from organizing and carrrying out a clean up. Problem is...NOBODY is organizing nor carrying out a clean up. I tried to get some people together from my area and the one clincher, "How much does it pay?" always stopped people from lending help. I guess it really is economy before ecology.

I know where to get hazmet suits and equipment for nothing but that doesn't seem to appeal to people wanting a paycheck. I did find volunteer sites in need of volunteers

Problem is, nobody wants to clean up someone else's mess for nothing. After all, what would BP learn if we cleaned up our shores ourselves. Nothing like cutting our noses off to spite our faces, hey? That will teach those oil giants a lesson...NOT!

My apologize...I said nobody wants to but in fact several organizations are already there. What I meant to say is that the rest of us boo hoo over the photographs when we could be doing something. I am just waiting on a bus ticket.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by peggy m]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 11:06 AM
I was able to find at least one photo that may not be too disturbing.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by T0XiK
has anyone ever thought about this "disaster" was made to sway everyones emotion and make everyone vulnerable to mass mind control? when people are too emotional they are easily controlled.

I'm leaning more to the "staged" disaster, the reason being it happened not that long after obama gave the okey for more drilling, which after this he put a freeze on all drill for the US.
The mind control? I'm not . . seeing it. Though what I do see coming shortly is obama now pushing his Cap & tax err Trade bill, because now everyone believes oil is evil now.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by pr0digy
I'm tired of seeing people tell others regarding this subject to stop self loathing and blame yourself for this incident. Yes, we use oil, but the fact of the matter is, it's all we've ever used, some of us here are not inventors and wouldn't know how to go about inventing an alternative energy source, just because we have cars and use plastics does NOT mean we are to blame for this tragedy what choice do we have?

Thank you! I would like to add that the mess is already made. Instead of wasting our efforts on the past event that we cannot change, we really ought to focus on the future events that can be stopped BEFORE they happen.

We got oil in the southern most part of our country. Oil burns. We got hurricane season fast approaching that will spread this compustible material inland. We got the driest months of the year approaching. Connect the dots. Possible versus probable increases the longer nothing is done by ways of prevention.

The disaster has already happened but we sit back and boo hoo over pictures and point fingers at our insatiable apetites for oil? The worst can be prevented and here we sit tuning up our violins.

Once upon a time, I wanted to change the world into a better place. Then I grew up and realized the world is controlled by people who do not want change because they are waiting for a miracle to make change unnecessary.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by discl0sur3

These photos are bad.... very bad and very sad... and what do we have on the MSM over here... Celebs getting naked for playboy and benitez getting sacked from his job at Liverpool football club.... or the shooting in the Lake district (ok, maybe this was a bad event too) but hardly anything of note about this "oil spill"..... this huge "oil spill"....

All these years of green energy and they messed up big time!!!

I'll have to check the video out which you posted....

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:17 PM
I wonder what people are doing to rescue what wildlife they can.

Of course you cannot save the fish.

Some of the birds though could potentially be saved.

That is a lot of oil.

Poor birdies

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by discl0sur3

This is really horrifying.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:50 PM
This made me so sick and upset. My heart literally feels like its going to burst open. I did post it on my FB with a warning but people need to see.


posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 01:50 PM
That is really bad and I can't even imagine how many fish and other underwater life has been affected. Why hasn't the world staged a BOYCOTT BP campaign? We should hit them where it hurts.. in their POCKETS. How many days, weeks, months is this spill going to go on? I know it's a complicated situation, but from what I read they were too cheap to install a 100k fail safe device. Anyways what about that guy who proposed the tube with the cotton filters to stop the flow long enough to patch it? He even said he tested it and it proves to work above the water. I'm sure there are intelligent engineers somewhere who can come up with a solution.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by ExScientiaVeritas

So I guess this member, Erica1631 is lying also by your way of thinking when she posts:

"I got a telephone call from some friends of mine in Gulf Shores, AL inviting me to spend my vacation there in July. Gulf Shores is 30 miles from the Florida state line. They said that the beaches are still beautiful except for the large numbers of dead turtles, fish, birds and dolphins washing ashore. Beautiful? How in God's name can you just ignore and step over the possible extinction of these beautiful species that BP has sacrificed for the sake of oil and greed! I would not put my big toe in that water filled with Corexit and who knows what else. It would take more than two or three marguaritas for me to ignore the stench and grisly sad sight of those poor creatures."


[edit on 4-6-2010 by manta78]

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