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The real power in the world is SAUDI ARABIA and they are causing the Islamization of the World.

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posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by AbuMusaab

I understand. It is normal to fight for freedom from an oppressor.
I would probably do same.

However... I don't know for sure.

The people that start the war are not the same as those who fight and die because of them.

It doesn't have to be like that. There was a time where there was still some respect in the world.

In the blink of an eye friends become enemies and serenity chaos.
Signs are abundant we are all heading for global chaos and I truly believe we all should feel ashamed about it.

One more then the other... The facts are clear, yet we are blinded.

Any violence from me would not be directed at Islam but to the rulers of the west.They should be walking the plank.

For betraying your people as well as mine.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by FalselyFlagged

Its not an issue about the OPs logic but about the reality.

Sharia is an abomination of humanity. It is fundamentalist religious extremism and is incompatible with humanity.

Islam like all religions is just another terrorist cult seeking to control
its members with fear of torture and death. True spirituality is about
love and self sacrifice. Religions are just Paganism with a fancy name.
They are grotesque and they are to be feared .

Krishna taught the sacrifice of the body and
non dualism.
Buddha taught the sacrifice of the mind and non dualism,
Jesus taught the sacrifice of the heart and non dualism.
What did Mohammed teach? He is not even considered a God by Muslims,merely a prophet. A prophet cannot supersede a Divine teacher. Thus the Muslims deny the Divinity of Jesus. And thus they must deny the
Non Dualist teaching that we are all the Divine. Thus even at its core the
Muslim religion is only rituals and beliefs.
Peace in our time is an empty promise we have heard before.
Muslims killing Muslims puts the lie to that.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:08 PM
There are many powers in the world pumping money into the media-sphere to advance their various objectives.

There is no doubt Saudi Arabia is one of them. I think its a stretch to call them "the only" or "the main" player in this regard, but there is wealth and power in Saudia Arabia advancing a dark agenda for sure.

The Saudi royalty is actually in a very politically precarious position. On one side, they have to appease the hardliners in their own nation, so they shower cash on extreme Islamist groups that spread a message of hate and intolerance. On the other, they are dependent on US weaponry and money for the security of their regime, so they can't afford to alienate the US too much on a diplomatic level. Making the whole thing more complex, they are developing newer and increasingly stronger ties with rising powers like China and India. Its a delicate and potentially explosive situation all around.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by expat2368
reply to post by AbuMusaab

Instead we should tell everyone about Geert Wilders and his video "FITNA"

EVERYONE needs to watch it.

Islam is not a religion it is a system of control of every aspect of your life. It is growing in the world like sores on a leper. It is based on the rantings of a murderous pedophile.

I will post these for everyone.

I haven't seen them yet and hope I have loaded them correctly.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:10 PM
islamist are so quick at mixing race and religion. Someone talks against islam, BOOOOOM! That's it, he is a racist.

Knowing that islam is not a religion but a terrorist way of living just like the Hells Angels or the Mafia but on a larger scale, it is so scary to see how people are blind! islam IS THE biggest threat against world peace and decent ways of living? Maybe I am wrong; maybe Nibiru, UFO's, illegal aliens from Mexico, 2012 and the BigFoot are what is really a threat against peace and a decent ways of living. But I doubt it......... I have devoted my life against islam since I have been threaten by some of them for speaking my mind. Once, the police asked me to move with my wife and kids because we were in danger. But we did not. We refused to. And we are still alive today and doing well in our socialist french canadian province.

Evidences are here, they want to take over the world and I refuse to see that happen. Come on people open your eyes! It not because a moderated islamist is your friend that he will not stab you in the back.

I will surely get baned of ATS board for posting this, but I don't care about it. With a new IP address and different email i will get back here to continue my work of opening your eyes till you clearly see that islam is menace against us.


[edit on 30-4-2010 by St-Patrick]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Trublue
reply to post by AbuMusaab

Although I appreciate your honesty here and the ability to talk calmly and be rational with this whole subject, I must say I really can't understand your allegiance to such a religion or to Mohammad - we are all aware by now that Mohammad was very brutal man who committed hideous murders on our people and he was a dirty old man who after the age of fifty took a six year as his bride and had full sexual intercourse with her when she was only nine.

Many of the Arab nations still hold the view that this is OK and their treatment of woman is despicable and I don't think anybody can have respect for that or have any wish for such a thing to be made law in our own lands.

You have honour killings and other stone age practices which do not belong in the world today, they are simply backward.
[edit on 30-4-2010 by Trublue]

I will go through your points, but first I would like to say to stop using the words of ex-Muslims. You do not need their words to make your points. If you need their words, then you are just allowing them to manipulate you.

First, for the most common charge of pedophilia. In tribal societies, families would choose husbands for their daughters based on certain qualities of the man. Some would choose based on wealth, or connections. Some would choose based on character and good morals. Muhammad was chosen for this reason. If a marriage is not consummated within a certain time frame it is considered annulled, but since she was so young, they waited until 9 (it is believed) and instead of intercourse they did 'thighing' to consummate the marriage. Women of that time were not the like the women of today. My grandmother gave birth at 14 to my Aunt. And that was in the 1930s. It is not uncommon. Perhaps if we had better records of other people at that time, you would see it is not unusual. Aisha (ra), the wife in question, went on to become one the brightest and most knowledgeable scholars of Islam of all time after her husband's (saw) death. Most of what we know about the intimate details of life and best character for men AND for women come from her being in the presence of the prophet for almost all of her life. After Muhammad (saw) passed away, people came to her from all over to ask about things and she was basically an Islamic jurist at this point since she was so knowledgeable.

He was not a "brutal" man. That is only your clearly biased opinion, because although I came at you in a calm way, your reaction was only to launch some filthy insults at the Messenger of Allah (saw).

Honor killings are forbidden in Islam and explicitly so in the Qur'an and Sunnah (teachings of Muhammad preserved through ahadith, or traditions).

The punishment for fornication is 100 or 80 lashes (I forgot the number) and the punishment for adultery (cheating on your spouse) is death.

My wife was born in the west and although she came from an Islamic background, her brothers and sisters are mixed with religion (some practice and some don't). She chose to cover herself (before I ever met her). No one forced her. In actuality, it would have been easier for her to just abandon it and blend in.

If you would ask her, she would tell you this, "Stop trying to 'free' our women." I say the same to you. They do not want for themselves what the women in your society have gotten. That's why they are unhappy, depressed, constantly worried about their image...obsessed with clothes and makeup and acting like men.

And our men are not interested in becoming like your men. Meek, pathetic, effeminate, and sad. Obsessed with fornicating and indulging in vain pleasures such as intoxicants and foolish, risky behavior.

Islam IS a complete way of life, as you have mentioned before. Let us live it in peace in our land (by removing your support for corrupt governments, removing your troops from our land, etc.), or we will not let you enjoy peace either.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by AbuMusaab]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by AbuMusaab

They love for the Sake of Allah and hate for the Sake of Allah. Meaning they love each other and hate disbelief and those who spread it.

Racism is a disease. Nationalism is a disease. Hating those who hate Allah and His Messenger (saw) is an obligation and an article of faith.

Pagans believe that if they kill an animal or a person and offer part
of it to their God he will love them and give them favors. This is
the religion of children. Mindless belief. Yet this is the level of most
adults today.

The preaching of hatred is Demonic. It is as far from true spirituality
and love as one can get.

The world saw the same thing with the Catholic Inquisition in the
1500s. It is just evil. A lot of humans seem to like evil.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by RRokkyy]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by St-Patrick
islamist are so quick at mixing race and religion. Someone talks against islam, BOOOOOM! That's it, he is a racist.

Knowing that islam is not a religion but a terrorist way of living just like the Hells Angels or the Mafia but on a larger scale, it is so scary to see how people are blind! islam IS THE biggest threat against world peace and decent ways of living?

Yes well explained below.

"Death to Islamophobes!"

Any suspected critic of Islam will hysterically be called an "Islamophobe," "racist" or "Zionist," and will be subjected to vicious vitriol and absolute, sheer hatred. This development will represent something straight out of the Muslim Brotherhood agenda--a rabid brainwashing sweeping across Europe in particular.

Labeling someone with the invective of "Islamophobe" represents the result of a serious mental illness that causes those who think they are morally superior to turn into violent haters of their fellow human beings, who may understandably be objecting to the atrocity of Islamic history and the obvious Ummah goal of Islamizing the entire planet, bringing with it the extreme anti-human and woman-hatred of Islamic doctrine these past 1,400 years.

Case in point: For many years, I've been critiquing the pathology of all religions and cults wherever I see it. Yet, now that Islam is so everpresent and threatening to our very freedoms, when I address its abundant pathology, I am labeled a "fundamentalist Christian" or, when that doesn't work, an "Islamophobe," "racist" and "Zionist." This derangement can become very disturbing, as anyone who has been subjected to it can attest.

Indeed, not long ago I was the victim of the same sort of depravity on my website Freethought Nation, when a disturbed cyberstalker began to post a series of harassing and insulting messages because I dared to criticize Islam.

I include this discussion here as a sort of object lesson in how the Islamists and their propaganda will attempt to shut us all down. Naturally, this harassment will essentially end in a threat, which this one did as well.

Practically all critics of Islam are smeared--tarred and feathered is more like it--with the epithets of "Islamophobe," "racist" and "Zionists," a tactic apparently contrived by the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi wealthy elite, among others.

This plot of stealth jihad has obviously worked, as thousands of dhimmis programmed by lefty liberal media are making the rounds, spewing out this anti-infidel hate speech like so many trained robots. These programmed individuals are holding up human progress--and are potentially complicit in the possible destruction of true human civilization. They need to be shaken out of their denial stupor.

It is blatantly obvious that these PC propagandists do not care about the human rights of people objecting to their countries being turned into hellholes like much of the Islamic world. They are only concerned with coddling Muslim fanatics who would just as soon see them turned into slaves.

We seem to be but a few steps away from where being deemed an "Islamophobe" can bring down a fatwa calling for death. We can only hope all these politically correct "human rights activists" so vehemently assailing others as "Islamophobes" are prepared for the bloody aftermath of their actions.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by Trublue]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:20 PM
It's funny. We have one Muslim on here (FalselyFlagged) who does his own Ijtihad on hadith.

And we have tons of non-Muslims who are busy posting the works of other non-Muslims to justify their opinion of Islam.

Just go on youtube and listen to the words of those who are fighting you. We are not hiding anything. We will tell you ourselves what our objectives are.

I did not come on here to convert anyone to Islam. I am only here to provide a perspective which is clearly lacking on this forum. What's your answer to this?

Posting the foolishness of some losers who make anti-Islamic propaganda, and insulting the Messenger (saw).

You are proving my point.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by AbuMusaab

And our men are not interested in becoming like your men. Meek, pathetic, effeminate, and sad. Obsessed with fornicating and indulging in vain pleasures such as intoxicants and foolish, risky behavior.
Islam IS a complete way of life, as you have mentioned before.
[edit on 30-4-2010 by AbuMusaab]

Polygamy for the rich Muslim.
Virgins for the dead Jihadi with no women.
Polygamy is the door into the European Elites minds.
With a birth rate of 8 children per female there will
be more people in Gaza in 120 years than on the entire
planet now.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by RRokkyy]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by St-Patrick

I'm not saying you do not make a point but IMO the biggest criminals are those who rule the US. The US has been at war non-sop since the second WW. Killing millions. They dropped the A- Bomb. Twice !

Their manipulation and meddling are a direct result of the situation we live in right now.

You are a perfect example of successful indoctrination and blinded by hate.
If you ever learn to open your eyes you will see there is a lot more going on.

What would you do when your country is invaded or when your government is one chosen by another government... Sit around and enjoy it ?

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by FalselyFlagged

Originally posted by Trublue
reply to post by AbuMusaab

Although I appreciate your honesty here and the ability to talk calmly and be rational with this whole subject, I must say I really can't understand your allegiance to such a religion or to Mohammad - we are all aware by now that Mohammad was very brutal man who committed hideous murders on our people and he was a dirty old man who after the age of fifty took a six year as his bride and had full sexual intercourse with her when she was only nine.

Your claim that Ayisha was 6 when married relies upon nothing but a 10th or 15th hand hearsay written about the prophet 200+ years after he died.

If somebody 200 years after Jesus died went and claimed that his feces would cure herpes, does that make it true?

It just mean that its meaningless hearsay. My opinion is that Ayisha was a teenager and that some pedophile claimed she was younger in order to justify his own relations with a young girl.

Please read this source which refutes that claim!

There you go telling another blatant lie and I bet you know it is too!!!!

Watch video it is said by Arab leader - at around the 1.30 minute mark.

"... He took Aisha to his wife when she was six, but he had sex with her only when she was nine ..."

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by RRokkyy

Originally posted by AbuMusaab

And our men are not interested in becoming like your men. Meek, pathetic, effeminate, and sad. Obsessed with fornicating and indulging in vain pleasures such as intoxicants and foolish, risky behavior.
Islam IS a complete way of life, as you have mentioned before.
[edit on 30-4-2010 by AbuMusaab]

Polygamy for the rich Muslim.
Virgins for the dead Jihadi with no women.
Polygamy is the door into the European Elites minds.

You do not have to be rich to have more than one wife (limited to 4). And the reason for polygamy is actually a blessing. In your society, how many women are divorced and lonely? And live on their own?

Many of the Muslims during the Prophet's time would not only marry young women, but also marry older women whose husbands had died in fighting so they would not be alone or without a husband. And so they would be protected.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by AbuMusaab]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Trublue

Originally posted by FalselyFlagged

Originally posted by Trublue
reply to post by AbuMusaab

Although I appreciate your honesty here and the ability to talk calmly and be rational with this whole subject, I must say I really can't understand your allegiance to such a religion or to Mohammad - we are all aware by now that Mohammad was very brutal man who committed hideous murders on our people and he was a dirty old man who after the age of fifty took a six year as his bride and had full sexual intercourse with her when she was only nine.

Your claim that Ayisha was 6 when married relies upon nothing but a 10th or 15th hand hearsay written about the prophet 200+ years after he died.

If somebody 200 years after Jesus died went and claimed that his feces would cure herpes, does that make it true?

It just mean that its meaningless hearsay. My opinion is that Ayisha was a teenager and that some pedophile claimed she was younger in order to justify his own relations with a young girl.

Please read this source which refutes that claim!

There you go telling another blatant lie and I bet you know it is too!!!!

Watch video it is said by Arab leader - at around the 1.30 minute mark.

"... He took Aisha to his wife when she was six, but he had sex with her only when she was nine ..."

So, because 1 Muslim Cleric said it then that means its true??

Ton's of Christian Priests say that speaking in Tongues is God's language! Does that make it true??

It's just another opinion.... And his opinion is derived again from that SINGLE HADITH (naration) which was written 200 years after the prophet died, narrated by a random person, written down in a collection.

Many of the hadith contradict themselves as well as the Quran, and hundreds of thousands were rejected.

The argument that because a cleric says it, that it must be true is ridiculous.. Because many clerics will also quote a hadith and say that it's a fact that Muhammad made the moon split in 2, and half of it crashed into his front yard, as a miracle.

Do you believe that hadith is true? If the answer is NO, then you have no justification to say that the hadith which claism Ayisha was 6 is true, because its nothing but hearsay, as with all hadith.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:34 PM
]Originally posted by RRokkyy

Polygamy for the rich Muslim.
Virgins for the dead Jihadi with no women.
Polygamy is the door into the European Elites minds.

Polygamy is also a mormone thing.
Indoctrination. Besides, what fool would go for virgins anyway ?
You are right about the last part. European elite do need som polygamy.
Centuries of incestious marriages has left scars.

Oh By the way. Explain to me why Pologamy is wrong ?

Those Palestianians have to learn how to swim if that would happen.

[edit on 4/30/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by FalselyFlagged

I believe christian priests prefer boys rather then girls anyway.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:37 PM
Do not take anything FalselyFlagged says to be representative of Islam. He is obviously a hadith rejector and this has been refuted a million times, so I will not do it here. But if he rejects hadith then he is not a Muslim.

FalselyFlagged, it's the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Not just the Qur'an. Don't call yourself a Muslim and stop pretending to represent Islam, especially to all these non-Muslims.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by AbuMusaab]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by RRokkyy

Originally posted by AbuMusaab

Polygamy for the rich Muslim.
Virgins for the dead Jihadi with no women.
Polygamy is the door into the European Elites minds.

Polygamy is also a mormone thing.
Indoctrination. Besides, what fool would go for virgins anyway ?
You are right about the last part. European elite do need som polygamy.
Centuries of incestious marriages has left scars.

Oh By the way. Explain to me why Pologamy is wrong ?

Polygamy is wrong because grown adults are nothing but children which need to be controlled by the government, because they are too stupid to make up their own minds. Duh.

Also, its a good thing that there are millions of lonely women who can't find a husband in the USA, because there are more women to men naturally, not to mention the fact that millions of American men are gay, so that leaves not enough suitable husbands.


[edit on 30-4-2010 by FalselyFlagged]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by AbuMusaab
Do not take anything FalselyFlagged says to be representative of Islam. He is obviously a hadith rejector and this has been refuted a million times, so I will not do it here. But if he rejects hadith then he is not a Muslim.

FalselyFlagged, it's the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Not just the Qur'an. Don't call yourself a Muslim and stop pretending to represent Islam, especially to all these non-Muslims.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by AbuMusaab]

Who said I am a representative? I am just voicing my opinion, just like you. You are not a representative for the entire 1.3 billion people either, as they cant even agree amongst themselves.

So much for your "brotherly love", as you are quick to claim that I am not even Muslim...

And I did not say that I reject all hadith or sunna. I believe in the ones that are congruent with the teachings of the Quran.

Do you personally believe that every single hadith is true? EVERY SINGLE ONE? Even ones that are against Quranic teachings? Even ones that contradict others?

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by AbuMusaab
Do not take anything FalselyFlagged says to be representative of Islam. He is obviously a hadith rejector and this has been refuted a million times, so I will not do it here. But if he rejects hadith then he is not a Muslim.

FalselyFlagged, it's the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Not just the Qur'an. Don't call yourself a Muslim and stop pretending to represent Islam, especially to all these non-Muslims.

Thank you for coming out and saying that.

It seems FalselyFlagged is only here to inflame.

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