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To All TPTB/Black Ops, Time To Wake Up To Equality and Love

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posted on May, 4 2010 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

You see polarization as this positive or negative. There is nothing but positive after you pass the test, the test given has blank spaces after the questions, and when you put positive answers in, you pass it.

The test is not about choosing a side. So while negative and positive are opposites, its not these opposites that represent the duality. The duality is there by having day, night ,birth, death and possible choices we can make in the events each day. Ie. how do we respond when someone is upset? Hurts us? Asks us to do something against our conscious? Questions, challenging moments, are the duality, not the positive or negative we input into the world, thats the stuff we're getting graded on. And its us in the end that ultimately does the grading.

There is only one way to pass the test. An infinite number of unique rays, using their unique concepts, opinions, talents, expressions, pathways, but they must be positive to pass.

The test has nothing to do with polarity between the positive or negative choices we can make. Its a part of who we are in essence. So while the positive or the negative may be poles, they are the duality, and therefore you are confusing the questions and the duality of responses possibilty, and the answers. Only one side brings us home. And chosing to stay in an old dusty DVD for ages longer, is an option, but not a good one.

[edit on 4-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by polarwarrior

You see polarization as this positive or negative. There is nothing but positive after you pass the test, the test given has blank spaces after the questions, and when you put positive answers in, you pass it.

After you completely leave duality our orientation would be called positive even though it is actually somehwhat neutral, we would behave like a positive. We would all be loving and caring for one another. The negatives eventually (when they leave duality) also become loving of one another, so often it is said that they slingshot over to the positive path becuase the negative path ends around sixth and then entities can only pursure the positive path. But...they do not have to chose positive yet...they dont need to come over to the positve side to leave earth school, or the next few levels either. They have a few billion year to go, and a few levels of ascension in the way we see time before they will think about slingshotting over to our side.

The test is not about choosing a side.

Entities incarnate as animals before they move on or "graduate" to incarnating as humans. Nature is not evil or good, it just is. Animals have not chosen a side yet, we become human for the choice level or the desity of choice which we are in now. Choosing a side is the only thing we have to do. We have to choose one or the other then pursue it to a minimum degree to graduate. We will then graduate to angels or light beings whatever you want to call them, and the evil humans on earth will graduate into being demons or whatever

There is only one way to pass the test.

Nup, there is only one way that you know of to pass the test.

Only one side brings us home.

No, thats what they would love you to think. Its not necsesary for you to realize their is more ways home than the path you know of. So long as you have found a path then thats fine with me but you cant go and say there isnt another way home, the path of negativity.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:30 PM

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

-Albert Einstein

This delusion of seperation is what makes it so hard for people to grasp that "all is one". It is not an easy concept and not one transmitted through words but many great minds seem to have been able to grasp it. And a global awakening is underway, people are awakening to oneness all around the world each day. If you meditate on the concept it can be seen, no amount of words will ever be able to tell another.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Infinity is wonderful, its infinite, endless, beyond, beyond, and then again beyond, and its never ending, infinite endless possibilities, all things exist in "no time". At no point does the Infinite Family Of Light ever join together as One Being. There may be endless planes and dimensions that you could experience a kind of oneness if you wish though you would still experience being you, and then as you think of another location, there you would be, if you were compatible with the experience. Unity means united, and its the Universal Understanding, profound telepathy that I experienced already in August when I stood more strongly in myself with memories of people, and felt so disconnected and alone here, so foreign, that I reached into my Family and was welcomed home for a few minutes.

Our innermost thoughts are understood.

Its profoundly wonderful, the way it is. Filled with many many adventures and eternal progression. The other thing is the Infinite Roll of Film stretches endlessly in both directions. And we exist as many versions of self, past, present and future where there is not past, nor present, nor future in "no time", endless versions of self, and we are all of ourselves.

[edit on 5-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

The ones who are not aware and loving, who commit evil acts and dull their light, first of all discover who they are, and why they came, and when they realize how completely lost they were and the hurt they caused their family, they are filled with the most heart rending remorse, and turn themselves over to things you can't imagine. This could be endless murders, torture, in hell zones, depending on the severity and situation that they are in, and they judge themselves. We really need to forgive each other,and ourselves while in time, and work at unblocking layers of self, for miracles can happen, breakthroughs can occur, when one is taking responsibility and embracing this remorse and sorrow now.

And they will continue with yet more tests within the duality until they choose to become aware, and realize that only love is the way to progress, and desire equality and peace,.

[edit on 5-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by polarwarrior

Infinity is wonderful, its infinite, endless, beyond, beyond, and then again beyond, and its never ending, infinite endless possibilities, all things exist in "no time".

Well yeah, infinity is everything which is why these descriptions dont make any sense. There is nothing you can say about infinity that is not true for at least some part of it. Like im sure much of it is wonerfull but there would also have to exist a non wonderfull part as all possibilities are covered. So there is nothing you use to describe infinity, using finite examples like rolls of film defeats the purpose because the portion of infinity thats being described is effectively rounded off to 0% in comparison to how much is not being described.

At no point does the Infinite Family Of Light ever join together as One Being.

Id agree with this because technically we never seperated in the first place, we just explored the illusion of seperation.

In your experience you said that you

felt so disconnected and alone here.

You were probably observing from out of the illusion perspective where the true nature of things which is interconnectedness between things is apparent. Unfortunatly such an experience is not a one off for me, it happens at least once a week now in extremly deep meditation, where I feel the complete interconnectedness between all things and how it all shares a common trunk back to the infinite plelum from which our realities are distilled from. The reason I said its unfortunate is becuase I cant stay there as much as id like to ive gotta keep at my mission here, I have a "taste" like a constant reminder of all being one, then I have to venture out into a world of egos who see themselves as somehow seperate from the rest, and share oneness with them

There may be endless planes and dimensions that you could experience a kind of oneness if you wish though you would still experience being you, and then as you think of another location, there you would be, if you were compatible with the experience.

Its not like I wish to experience oneness, it more like im not in denial about it. Theres fear that holds people back from realizing that all is one, and its to do with the loss of self. But also to do with them not being able to face the fact that they are all things, there are things they cannot handle and want to seperate themselves from as much as possible so must deny that all is one for them to retain their own purtity and seperate from those evil acts or whatever. Also, the ego also does not want to face the fact it could be dissolved or lost amoung all the other egos as the spirit merges with everything else, on that threads of consciousness picture there is much holding people back from seeing they are the collective thread as well as all the fibres, they are not just one fibre. If you dislike another fibre, it will hold you back from realizing you are all fibres.

And we exist as many versions of self, past, present and future where there is not past, nor present, nor future in "no time", endless versions of self, and we are all of ourselves.

Ok its good to see we agree on time. Have you ever stopped to think that possibly these other versions of your self that you speak of could be the other people surrounding you now? You say, we are all of ourselfes, so would you agree with the term "otherself" has a place. I suppose it could be very hard to admit that the way some people are behaving that they could possibly be a part of you. I make the extension from this that other people on this planet are versions of myself, they are my otherselfes, we leaves all have the same trunk, I just see myself as the whole tree now rather than just one leaf.

"I am you as you are he and we are all together"

Were one being experiencing many different facets of ourselfes, like cells in the body of god or something...we are all one.

When we realize that harming another in indirectly harming ourself....well then. Whe we realize that allowing another to starve is allowing a part of ourself to starve. No wonder jesus said treat others as you wish to be treated...he knew

An illuminati motto is "divide on conquor"

I think many have been successfully divided.

The ego creates the deadening illusion that we are separate entities, islands unto ourselves that literally have no connection to the world around us. Nothing could be further from the truth. The ultimate spiritual realization has always been that all is One. The more profound our realization of that absolute fact the more significant will be the positive impact that we will have upon this world that we are all creating together. The more we realize how big an impact we are actually having, whether we're conscious of it or not, the more our conscience—our spiritual conscience—will be awakened. The realization that all is One is the essence of enlightenment, and the actual experience of that realization is the recognition at the level of consciousness that there literally is no other. If there is no other then there is only you. That means you are that one unified creative impulse that chose to initiate the evolutionary process fourteen billion years ago. As you become more conscious of that fact, you realize that it's up to you to drive that process forward in this very moment. The awakening of spiritual conscience means that the future literally depends upon you—not metaphorically or theoretically but actually. I'm talking about a living realization—that's what radical, impersonal, evolutionary enlightenment is all about!

[edit on 5-5-2010 by Unity_99]

[edit on 5-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

[edit on 5-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

The interconnectedness is the Many In One, note the One. What this means is the One is many infinite rays, but we are united always. And the Universal Understanding is something incredible, my Higher Self in me, the greater me that stepped forward in August joined up in the normal way for her, reaching in.

Do you imagine in the Beyond, what many would call the Gardens of Heaven, there is anything short of eutopia, and joy?

That moment you speak of when we come first to this 3d level and experience the perception of being separate that is the moment "in inifinty" when your own individual unique life, become an infinite roll of film that stretches forward and backwards eternally, and "in infinity" in "no time" there are infinite versions of you, at each clip of the film. You Higher Self is a Future You. This is metaphorical, but a very clear idea of what is meant.

The Many In One can best be described as Individual Rays within the Infinite Light. Or, like an Infinite Fibre Optic Strand.

You have somewhat misquoted me, in the way I said, when I felt suddenly isolated and alone. That was when my Higher Self emerged in me, and She was not comfortable feeling alone. And that experience of Unity, in what my walk in friend calls the Universal Understanding, telepathic oneness, with innermost thoughts shared, is HEAVEN. I've written that many times. You're not understanding what is being said in the "Many In One". We experience life perceiving ourselves as individual, yet connected. And each of us is ourselves, unique, with our own dreams and wishes and goals and eutopias that we create.

[edit on 5-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by polarwarrior

The interconnectedness is the Many In One, note the One. What this means is the One is many infinite rays, but we are united always.

The many in one, so the many is small parts or components of the larger one, all(the many) is part of the one, all is one. The many are all in one, all is in one. All is one. If something doesn not seem to be in the one, your scope of the one is not big enough. The one includes all things. The one is infinite. The universe could be thought of as a giant living being or something, with many individual cells in it, these cells share a connection with each other, fractally you are not just one cell but one body as well hence you are also all cells. The opposite is also true, the many subsett parts contain the whole. Fractals and holograms help here. You know how in a holographic picture if you cut it in half and shine the laser onto just one half how it doesnt show half the picture, the hologram is still whole its just smaller. And you can cut that half in half again and again and each time the tiny part will be seen to still have the entire picture. So each infintesimally small part contains the whole.....well like in a hologram, you are the whole! So the entire universe (whole pic) is in you (small cutout). You are the one, as well as being one of the many in one, you are all of the many in one. You are everything, and everything is you, you are every being, every situation, every emotion, you just are.

Do you imagine in the Beyond, what many would call the Gardens of Heaven, there is anything short of eutopia, and joy?

My experience has been one of unspeakable joy, no words come close to describing the profound heavenly love and joy. Gentle it is, yet powerfull. Calming while exciting, pure and utter bliss. Inharmoniousness is not really possible in such realms, it is instantly forgiven and harmonized. Secrecy is not really possible either, that which is known by an entity is known to all others. This ineveitably means it is impossible to decieve. So I say learn all you can from the experince of being decieved while it still lasts.

[edit on 5-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

My walk in friend talks about Divine Mother, in a ple'o'sha'n concept, where the Creator always discovers She is yet the Child of another Creation, this would Infinitely continue, so a Beyond, beyond the Beyond and so forth, continuing with every Universe being the Creation of yet another. Under this concept, each Universe is asking a question. This one in its dualistic form is asking: separation or unity? Not unity in the Buddhist sense of One, for in Infinity everything stretches Infinitely at the "moment" of its "being", though that "moment" for everyone had no beginning, nor ending, start, nor finish, and though in Infinity, in "no time" there is no "higher" or "lower", "greater" or "lesser" for all things potentially are equal and the same thus exist in complete equality, for we are the whole infinity of self or being at once. This actually means no predecessor as well, no "Mother" or "Father", only profoundly equal Brothers & Sisters. Infinity means all that has ever existed always existed and therefore no One ever existed as One, for no moment in time like that is possible.

An eternal Family equal as in all potential to be equal at a certain "moment" into the "future" where such a "moment" is merely a concept, as the whole at once is our Infinite Being in "no time" has always existed, and will always exist with no beginning or ending in Infinity. Each Infinite Ray of the Infinite Family of Light, also in "no time" experiences infinite persons at each stage of development, that they can meet and interact with, which is what your HS is all about.

Infinity is boundless, endless, no capping it, no limits, no One. For at any "moment" in "no time" we, including our individuality always have and always will exist in an infinite extension of that perceived individuality. Which is why the moment of perceiving it, in this Infinite Universe School at the grass roots foundational level for all lessons, 3D, is the moment when it all is made real. This is the defining moment of the unique snowflake. While this is a much lower density than any are used to this is the greatest gift as from the moment we were here for a "sec" we are self, doing it our way, yet always connected to the Family of Light. Hence the concept of a roll of film, because this moment makes it real like the clip holding the scenes of your life whereas each clip in the film is a separate you that in "no time" you could meet with, infinite progression.

So "Mother" as the ple'o'sha'ns call Her is but a concept that literally in Infinity as a Predecessor cannot exist, yet the concept of giving birth to all of our unique, precious and loved by all "personhood" is a the concept of a mother. I still see the oneness that unites our Infinite Beings, the Creators/Designer/Teachers as Creator, so the Love between us all, the connections we all have, the Force as we call it. Though its up to us to see this or not at any given stage.

On another note and thankfully, we are not expected to understand this concept to pass the test here.

We don't even have to view the Creator the same way.

Anyone in any walk of life, in any part of the world, can pass this test for its about awareness, becoming conscious of the world, and seeking ones purpose for being here, and Love, lending a helping hand, compassion, giving. Some do this in meditation reflectively, others are very busy working in to help others in the world. There are many different levels of awareness and different locations, eutopia's that depend on ourselves and readiness for progression.

Here is a question. If it were possible for the Creators/Designers/Teachers to pluck a new soul from the Force, fabric between us and everything, would that Soul always have existed as an Individual realizing self, in Infinity?

[edit on 5-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

The universe could be thought of as a giant living being or something, with many individual cells in it, these cells share a connection with each other, fractally you are not just one cell but one body as well hence you are also all cells. The opposite is also true, the many subsett parts contain the whole. Fractals and holograms help here. You know how in a holographic picture if you cut it in half and shine the laser onto just one half how it doesnt show half the picture, the hologram is still whole its just smaller. And you can cut that half in half again and again and each time the tiny part will be seen to still have the entire picture. So each infintesimally small part contains the whole.....well like in a hologram, you are the whole! So the entire universe (whole pic) is in you (small cutout). You are the one, as well as being one of the many in one, you are all of the many in one. You are everything, and everything is you, you are every being, every situation, every emotion, you just are.

Quantum physics should be taught in baby steps from grade one on! There is so much in this, and your comments on the hollographic nature of the universe, and fractals is very accurate, and since we're all the Infinite Many in One, yet that which connects us could be conceived as Creator, infinitely connecting us, and streaming through the Universe which also infinitely existed. This is my preference in seeing this at this moment in "time and space". Many stepping stones along the way, in my life, became tools or moments of remembering, activating memories.

Starwars was one! When I was young it was just another action film, and my impressions was that while entertaining and expanded a cosmic viewpoint it was more of a male idea, and the concept of a universe at war was childish to me. But then we are children in this game/school "dream". Still, earlier memories expanded and short stillshots of a scene widened to a larger segment of the clip. But it was standing at the door inbetween the dvds in the collectors edition, and reaching in casually into the Force, that the most wonderful awareness occurred for the very Fabric or forces that held it all together, was pure Love, embracing me instantly. Though the universe is a duality school, its essence/Designer, is Benevolence & Love.

One of the dualities in this universe is the dark star/dwarf star in a binary system, and the stars themselves. A way of phoning home through our hearts is through our Sun, which is the hollographic projector, streaming in Light to the film to erect the hollogram.
The idea of the film clips, or the concept that 3D can be viewed on a screen like movie images recorded forever, by "higher" planes, or space/time dimensions, or that the entire universe/school can be viewed as a movie from the Beyond, by our HS's, akin to the experience in meditation when I stood on the giant colored poster of the universe, as a flat surface and initially couldn't get back in, for I was standing on a giant picture.
Then I was in, but a guide appeared and took me "up" where there was no up to the "ceiling" and opened this hatch where I was suddenly home, meeting with Family, in this wonderful Lit colorful landscape, and a village, approached by an elderly Teacher who asked me what I had learned in this lifetime..

To be con't

[edit on 5-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Yet in reality the Universe is not the Creator, but is held into being by the constant zero point influx of energy, from Beyond.

Perception - The reality beyond matter

Understanding that what the nature of a hologram is, and why actually using the idea of a video, dvd, film clips, etc makes sense based on how a hologram is formed, and the idea of a star as a projector, or lazer beam of light, fits in perfectly. This video is good, and touches on basic concepts including that this is like a giant flatscreen tv (a perfect allegory for the Universe, wherein stars and planets may come and go, but the screen exists forever, and wherein, the Energy, Force, streams in from the Beyond, the zero point influx and is the continual current time signal that the Flatscreen TV picks up to play its images or the hollograms would all cease.

In this way, The Many In One, conscious aspects of an Infinte Creator is still Love & Light only, whereas the Flatscreen TV has the purpose of being a school, in reality its merely a dream school, where we are challenged to make choices that progress us, or repeat the grade so to speak.

To explore the metaphorical use of the film clips, the dvd player, the flatscreen television, the video, the lazer projection of the stars, influxing energy from Beyond. This includes the fractals of which all consists, but only in this hollogram, illusion, so it would apply to illusion of our bodies, not to our Light Beings/Souls within:

To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms. A hologram is a three- dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser, and the fractals that all is made of in the hollographic illusion only..

To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on film.

When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.

The three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the rose.

Indeed, even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of film will always be found to contain a smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole.

The "whole in every part" nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order.

To be con't....

[edit on 5-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Quantum Physics itself explores the concepts of the Hollographic Universe, Fractals, and zero point energy influxing from the the Infinite Vacuum of Space, the Beyond, and all that is Beyond this. Infinity has no boundaries or limits. The nature of the hollogram itself is like a photograph that is constructed by a lazer, and the illusion of reality is influxing continually from somewhere else.

In Infinity consciousness is real, for consciousness is not a product of the hollogram, it is Light and Energy and Soul. When it conceives itself as an individual it is made real and forever exists, thought the Many In One nature is maintained as well. The photograph or dvd or flatscreen itself is not the Creator, for it is a construct, and an illusion, whereas Consciousnes is real and behind the influx. We think therefore we are! If we are, we exist beyond!

The Many In One/Creator is not a part of the duality itself, and does not contain every possible behavioral choice we make inside the school, souls are pieces of the Creator as many drops of water make up the ocean, but not fractals, for they are Consciousness and therefore Beyond, and behaviors themselves may be directed by consciousness but are not consciousness.

So we are not all one, as two separate polarities of good or bad. And in fact, only the positive can pass the test for the Beyond is eutopia. Passing the test is the whole purpose of the construct of this illusionary school. But we have an Infinite number of future Selves who have already done this, and an Infinite Family of Friends to assist us.

[edit on 5-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 03:48 AM
Ok I agree with much of what you say, up until the point where you see infinity as manyness whereas I see infinity as unity and many-ness as a finite concept. I have a couple of much more simple examples.

A circle has no beginnning and no end. It represents eternal, wholeness, unity, infinity and perfection. For sacred geometers the circle represents the divine, all that is, the one potentiality from which all else eminates.

Another unuiqe and mysterious property of the circle is that, unlike any other geometric shape, the sum of its perimeter is unknowable (who knows the true measure of the divine?) We can only ever approximate the perimeter using pi which is an irrational number a number whose decimal points stretch on to infinity.

The circle has infinity lines of radial symetry, infinity angles, infinity tangents....One side. One centre.

Do you like crop circles? If you do im sure you'll already know how they got their name, becasue they started out as circles. Some just a single circle, other concentric circles...over the years they progressed on up through the sacred geometry the same way all shapes start with the circle and the vesica pices from which all else is born. The infnite, united starting point.

Here is a roughly circular polygon with a finite number of sides, in this case 15. Whe using the term polygon ill only been talking about this type;

Here is one with 20 sides.


So how many sides does this shape have?

Without zooming in, an answer greater than about 1,000 could be correct. But so too could the answer one, in the case that it is a perfect cricle.

If You were to zoom in infninetly and it still appears circluar you would realise it would have to be either an infinty sided polygon, or a perfect circle with just one side. So the answer would be infinity or one.

If it has almost infninity (or finite no. of) sides it is a polygon, a shape with many sides. But if it has infnity sides, it is the same as a circle a circle which has one side.

So the more sides you have the further you get from the one sided circle...but if the number of sides is infinity...then you are back to the circle side.

So where S=no. of sides, 1LSLinfinty you have a polygon(manyness)...if you have a circle then its 1=S=infinity.....yup infinity is unity.

My own understanding of why infinity is unity is far far too complex to put into any words or pictures but I knew there had to be a simple example somewhere so I looked within...and I was shown a picture of a circle. It didnt immediatly hit me why I was shown the circle so the first example I came up with had to do with many circles...its not as good but here it is anyways seeing as I already did the bad drawing in paint.

Suppose there are infinty circles in a line.


There are infinity circles over the length of my example, here are just a few more, so the below pic is obviously showing a finite number.


Now if I have infninty circles then it looks like this below pic;

If I take any two consecutive cricles out of my sequence they look like this
If I take 10,000,000,000 consecutive circles then it looks like this;
I can only count one, becuase there are infninty....BUT the moment I reduce the number of circle to a finite amount then I get this appearing
So the moment It reduces from infinite to finite, I get a discrete measurable difference, however infintesimal, and it becomes many-ness.

I can count more than just one when it is finite, there is a "missing circle" if you will that creates the seperation. It has nothing to do with me having chosen a fat line and no zoom which just stops me from physically being able to see...and it has everything to do with the moment it becomes finite is the same moment the seperation comes which allows the many-ness. When the circles are infinite they cannot be counted as there is no offset, or seperation...they will be seen to be all one....


I dont know if this could be of any help, oneness may not be somthing that can be taught to another, it just has to be "felt" by that person. It is the untimate coming together as humans and the solution to the worlds problems....for you see if you tell those chaotic people out there that they should be good to one another because its the right thing to do they may not be motivated......if you telll people to be kind to one another becuase the harvest is near and they want to pass the school.....they may not be motivated, for look at how many flunk school dispite the lure of lucratuve careers....but if you tell people that other people are their other selves, then you dont even have to say be kind, it will be a natural response, the person will be as kind to others as they are themselves but considering other selves greatly outnumber the observer self they will be thinking of the benefit to the "whole of self" the collective and end up so unselfish, even if they are still selfish there is nothing but self so thats just fine.

With oneness...people would realize that by harming another person they are indirectly harming themselves and not through some action of karma they may not even belive in, but directly in a way they can see, People would treat other beings as they would wish to be treated becasue they see other beings as themselves.

Not to mention the great realization, lifting people out of low self confindence and esteem, you are the creator of the universe, experienceing your own creation, through a subset portion you created, through a veil of forgetfullness you designed, for the wild journey of re-discovering or remebering your own did all this for you

[edit on 6-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 04:02 AM
What can you say about infinity? Or the infinite creation? Anything you claim to know about it is efectively rounded to 0%. Becasue any number divided by infinity is an infinitesimal, it is effectively zero. Even if you know absolutely everything about all universes there is to know, the positions of absolutly every single particle and their interactions you still know 0% of all there is to know. The knowledge of every single entity you have ever met, combinded, is still 0% of all you could know

So our journey begins and ends in mystery (if there were an end). So along our journey can we ever claim to know anything worth knowing to define infinity???

Yes I think unity.

I dont know where exactly I learnt this, it may not have been untill 5th density the density of wisdom or contemplation.

It is not nescessary to know "all is one" to graduate from earth school into 4d. It is actually a requirment that the entity consciously understand that they do not understand.

But it is still somthing I wish to share becasue at some point it has become the core of my philosophy (and a great way to make the world a better place)....oneness is flowing through my veins...its in my dreams everynight, I roll over and say "all is one" out aloud. Every thing else I think I know about infinity is 0%

Everything else I think I have learned is actually 0% of the infinite all there is to learn.

The only thing I can ever say which makes any sense whatsoever is "all is one"

It is the only thing which I can claim to know that even means anything at the end of the day.....for even infinity cannot be proven or disproven.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
Ok let me just say first etman that if we were having this discussion a year ago I would have completly agreed with everything you say.

Hi Polar Warrior,

Thank you for sharing that, it's been a year now that you've felt the way you have so who really knows what can happen in another year.

Most of what I've shared is based on the understandings that I was shown on what earth life is about and where we go from here some of which came from questions that I asked that I had answered and was shown from a near death experience along with those same Light Beings (Family) let's just say for now some of which visited me frequently after the near death experience and I was given a choice on whether I wanted to come back or not and I chose to come back for my children and family among others.

I felt like sharing these experiences and I do realize that everyone is on their own path and journey in life and ultimately they will find their own answers to life. My modo has always been follow your heart and do not be ashamed of who you are so go with the flow of things in life and just be who you are and follow your true inner self and heart. That is all I'm doing here in sharing, I'm really not obligated to share any of this and I wasn't asked to either but I chose to and I always follow my heart.

I've always felt strongly about following the heart and letting it be One-1's guide and not the world around a person that expects a person to live a certain way or be different. More successful, popular, physically fit, wealthy, successful and so on for example. The world around a person should not be the decider or influencer for a person of who they are and how they should live their life and the best way for someone to live in my opinion is to just stay true to their inner self and do their own thing following their heart/ambitions in life---> Wishes/Dreams/Desires etc.

Nobody can change who a person really is deep down inside and nobody expects anyone to change either so one-1 should never be ashamed of who they are and just be one-1's true self. When it comes to people changing their habits/ways/direction in life that is their own freewill agency/choice.

I have learned if I may share that wickedness never was happiness and those who chose to live their life in this way are only on a path to more sorrow. I don't think anyone out there enjoys depression and sadness but maybe I'm wrong and they do. If they do than that is depressing and saddening to think about in itself from my perspective and I only wish I could do something to help such people because happiness is the better feeling wouldn't most of you agree.

But experiences of other realms, contemplation and mediation has lead me to another level where the seperate view is still true but there is a unity underling the whole of creation.

I don't think we are that far off on how we view things the more I'm reading your posts and I do see many truths in the law of one material and in your words just coming from a slightly different perspective but very similar really. I also view everything as being One-1 in design and part of One-1 infinite Design especially when it comes to the connection/relationship that all things have One-1 with another. The only difference here is recognizing that we have a connection/relationship with all things as they are eternal and infinite one-1 in design/likeness but all things are not literally all things in the sense that we are other spirits only that they are brothers and sisters to us in spirit but are infinite One-1 in likeness/design and share an eternal connection/relationship with us and everything just like we do with them and all things in One-1ness. So in that sense all things are One-1 in connection/relationship but not in the literal sense that we are the murderers and they are us only that they are brothers and sisters to us in spirit and one-1 in likeness/design and the same in relationship/connection being connected with all that is and One-1 in the Infinite One-1 sense.

Firstly yes I agree all those terrible acts you keep listing such as murder are horrible and of course I wouldnt reccomend you kill your family

That's great, I'm glad that we agree on something in that regard. So there is a good and evil way to live and killing someone is not a good way.

I want to talk about the depth of our disagreement where you think infinity is manyness and I think its unity.

There is a connection/relationship one-1 thing with another all spirit/physical having a one-1 connection/relationship one-1 thing with another being eternal. You may have missed the Infinite One-1 message if you did not pick up on what Infinity is where there's no such thing as Manyness as you've suggested or you-1 have simply misinterpreted/misunderstood what I one-1 have written.

Because the "all is one" pholisphy is the basis for other claims which you have a problem with so lets get to basics.

Depends on one-1's definition of what the All is One means for them? The Infinite One-1 is in likeness/design and is an infinite-1 equal opportunity/potential for all from an infinite/eternal perspective beyond time where there is no time so there is an Infinite One-1 found in all things where there is no all.

One cannot define or comprehend infinity for every time they think they know what it is they realize much more is still to go, its a never ending mystery that cant ever be completely explored, each time you think you know about you realize there is still more to it. Any concept about infinity you try to put into words or pictures is absolutly meaningless, its but a fraction of infinity.Would you agree that almost infinity(finity) is the opposite to infinity? and that in infinity nothing doesnt exist, but simply all that could be is? One cannot count things in infinity, take the number line for example you think you can count 1, 2, 3, ... but in infinity it actually goes 1.000001, 1.000002 all the way to 1.9999999 and 2 so there are infinity numbers between one and two. Now if you were to take any two of those infinite numbers inbetween and compare it to the one next to it you would realize it is exactly the same, there cannot be any discrete measurable difference or else there would be a number not covered and there would only be a finite amount of numbers. Essentially one could take any two numbers that are side by side in the squence and swap them over and the sequence would still be correct, what is there to distinguish these numbers from each other when they are exactly the same? The paradox is that you could keep comparing numbers next to each other one after the other along the sequence and each time they will be exactly the same as the last, and yet all combinations of numbers are still covered. The next step in comprehension comes in realizing that any two consecutive numbers in the sequence are one and the same thing, it is not possible to distinguish one from the next, for if it were there would only be a finite amount of numbers. So what does one call this infnity sequence of all possibilities, its one thing, its one infinite sequence.

Think of your exploration of infinity like that of a tree for an example, starting at one leaf first you see there are many cells but they are all in one leaf. Then you go but hang on there are many leaves, but they are all on one branch, then you realize it cant be one because there are many branches...and so on untill you realize its all one tree. But then you see another tree and claim its not all one after all, but in the scope of the entire forest, it is one forest. This can go on infinetly each time you think you have manyness it is just a subset part of a bigger "one". And it is my understanding that you may be on the cusp of seeing the next big "one" such as having exhausted the tree your looking out into the forest and will swear it is manyness untill you look down from the skies and see one big chunk of greenery. I see infinity as being all one thing, sure it has many parts but they are all parts of the one. The only number to describe a whole is the number 1. You may say ahh but there are many wholes, still there is one collection of wholes. It keeps coming back to one.

It sounds like someone has found bits and pieces of the Infinity One-1 truth. What you've written sounds very similar to what I've been sharing all along if not duplicate.

Here is where there the Code Infinity comes into play One-1 or 1111111111111111111111111111111 To infinity where there is no end, beginning, start point or end point and everything is Infinite One-1 in likeness/design Similar to your illustrations using Eternal Round- OOOOOOOOO's however in this case since everyone-1 is ONE-1 in Likeness/Design we use the code 11111111111111 instead of OOOOOOOOO to show that there are Infinite One-1 Creators equal One-1 to another thus code Infinity 1111111111111111111111111111 and Code Time 00000000000000000000 with zero-0 time where there is no time.

However One-1 can always replace the 11111111111111111111111 and use infinite eternal rounds as you have done OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to show the Infinite One-1 relationship with One-1 Creator to another among Infinite One-1 Creators that are technically One-1 in likeness/design with infinite Creators that are one-1 in equal opportunity/potential and One-1 infinitely connected One-1 to the other. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

I think some are getting the picture on the Infinity Creator Code-1 now of all things being One-1 where there is no all sharing that same likeness/design being Eternal-1 with equal opportunity/potential where there is no greater or lesser or more special being One-1 and the same where there is no all from the infinite/eternal perspective. Thus the Infinite One-1 with Infinite One-1 Creators to Infinity & Beyond!

There is only one word to describe infinity and that is unity, it is one infinite.

Depends on One-1's definition of Unity and Infinite One-1 Creators sounds very familiar.

There is no such thing as two infinite or three infnite is there?

You've figured a few things out where there is no few or out. Those who possess an understanding of the basic fundamentals of Infinity already see, know, understand...1111111111111 comes to mind that is Infinite One-1 where there is not only One-1 alone but Infinite One-1.

because these are just the same as one infinite.

Notice the One-1 Infinite code again 1111111111111111111111111111111111

So seeing as you cant put any other prefix before infninity apart from one, that is why it is called the one infinite creation.

Sounds like we are agreeing now on the Infinite One-1 on many new levels where there's nothing new under the sun and infinite one-1 levels where there is no many.

-"We don't see the world as it is.
We see the world as WE ARE"

I can respect your-1 way of thinking but you-1 are not the murderers out there and they are not you-1 but you-1 are Infinite One-1 with them and you-1 do share an infinite/eternal one-1 connection/relationship with them and they are your-1 brothers and sisters and Eternal Family of Infinite One-1 Light.

"You are not one of many. You are really MANY of ONE"

First of all where there is no first you-1 are not the murderers and they are not literally you-1 and when you write you are really Many in One-1 where there is no many there is truth in that because you are Infinite One-1 not many but Infinite and you-1 have Infinite One-1 levels of yourself but it is YOU-1 on Infinite Levels not THEY-1 but they are Infinite One-1 with a Infinite/Eternal connection/relationship to You-1 being Infinite One-1 in likeness/design with infinite One-1 equal opportunity/potential being part of what You-1 are and all that is which is Infinite One-1 where there is no One-1 alone or All but Infinite One-1. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Nothing will ever be real to someone who never believes anything to be real until they get a real wake up call and realize that was really really real.

Sorry for the gross oversimplication, but negatives graduate to the next plane for existance for negatives, and yes it is a bloody awfull place, hell could be one way to describe it.

Now we are on the same page and you-1 are definitely seeing the light admitting that those who commit negative acts against each other move onto another plane of existence for negatives and it's a bloody awful hellish place.

Thank you-1 for bringing this to light for everyone-1 to read and we absolutely agree with you-1.

This is why we-1 want people to understand that committing negative acts has a consequence to their actions and they may end up in negative planes of existences that are bloody awful hellish places as you've wisely suggested. But the Family Of Light understands this better than anyone one-1 knowing how they operate therefore that is why I share this with you-1 now being part of that Family of Light-1 possessing this knowledge and we are All-1 in likeness/design interconnection/relationship to that Family of Light-1 and all can know this for themselves where there is no all but Infinite Creators One-1.

Cant you see they are deceptive...really deceptive

Yes they are, those on the negative side are deceptive as deception is an opposite to the Light that are truthful and honest. You can expect to be deceived by the negative side because that is how they operate through lies and deceptions.

becuase the negative path ends around sixth and then entities can only pursure the positive path.

There is no such thing as sixth to the infinite and perhaps you've read this online or received this information from law of one, RA materials or other channeled materials? Beware of channeling entities that easily mislead many carefully mixing truths with deceptions and lies.

Entities incarnate as animals before they move on or "graduate" to incarnating as humans.

There are infinite entities in the infinite where there is no there or in.

Who exactly are you-1 referring to, which/what entities and what makes you-1 feel so sure?

Where have you-1 received your-1 information?

We have to choose one or the other then pursue it to a minimum degree to graduate.

Says who?

Where have you-1 received this information?

We will then graduate to angels or light beings whatever you want to call them, and the evil humans on earth will graduate into being demons or whatever.

Thank you-1 for sharing the light once again and admitting that those who live a good life full of Love make it to more loving existences among other higher dimensional light beings/angels as you've suggested (Call them what you will) where there is no higher or lower to the infinite only infinite One-1 as in 1111111111111111111111111 never-ending and never ever forget the beyond.

Nup, there is only one way that you know of to pass the test.

Do you-1 consider passing the test visiting the negative existences as you-1 put it that are bloody awful hellish places?

Is that passing the test from your-1 perspective and your-1 interpretation of utopia/heaven loving existences?

Unity_99 “Only one side brings us home. “

Polarwarrior.” No, thats what they would love you to think.

Who are you-1 referring to? The negatives that will go to bloody awful hellish places and turn to demons as you've suggested or the the loving beings that go to loving places and become angels as you've suggested?

Its not necsesary for you to realize their is more ways home than the path you know of. So long as you have found a path then thats fine with me but you cant go and say there isnt another way home, the path of negativity.

So are you-1 now suggesting that the path of negativity leads to loving existences and not bloody awful hellish places?

If you meditate on the concept it can be seen,

What can be seen? The infinite?
Are you-1 suggesting that you-1 have seen and found all the answers to the infinite where there is no all through meditation and a few OBE's (According to what you-1 perceived/thought/remembered an OBE to be?)

no amount of words will ever be able to tell another.

Nor can the human finite mind comprehend such a thing when it comes to the entire picture of the Infinity & Beyond where there is no entire or all.

There is nothing you can say about infinity that is not true for at least some part of it.

What makes you-1 sure?

Where did you-1 receive this information?

Do you-1 believe that all possibilities exist within Infinity or are they just infinite theories/philosophical thoughts/ ideas/possibilities that exist but only in theory/possibility and do not truly exist?

Like im sure much of it is wonerfull but there would also have to exist a non wonderfull part as all possibilities are covered.

So you-1 do believe that all possibilities are covered or exist then within infinity where there is no within?

using finite examples like rolls of film defeats the purpose because the portion of infinity thats being described is effectively rounded off to 0% in comparison to how much is not being described.

Imagine an Infinite 1-rope that has no end or beginning and runs from infinity to infinity and beyond never-ending. How is that rope finite?

Do you-1 believe in infinite parallel universe's with infinite versions of yourself in other infinite universe's existing on infinite levels of existences all at the same time where there is no time or all?

Unity_99 “At no point does the Infinite Family Of Light ever join together as One Being.”

Polarwarrior “Id agree with this because technically we never seperated in the first place, we just explored the illusion of seperation.”

If infinite Creators never separated in the first place where there is no first then how could the Infinite Creators ever have been One-1 Creator at any given point in time where there is no time?

Do you see how there must be Infinite Creators that are One-1 in interconnection/relationship One-1 in Likeness/Design One-1 to the another like family, One-1 in likeness/design with infinite Creators that are one-1 in equal opportunity/potential and One-1 infinitely connected One-1 to the other. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Its not like I wish to experience oneness, it more like im not in denial about it.

You do realize that we are all One-1 and have a One-1 infinite connection One-1 to another in spirit, likeness/relationship/design with equal opportunity/potential coming from the Infinite Creators One-1 eternal perspective.

But also to do with them not being able to face the fact that they are all things, there are things they cannot handle and want to seperate themselves from as much as possible so must deny that all is one for them to retain their own purtity and seperate from those evil acts or whatever.

You've felt the way you-1 have for a year now and I recommend you-1 continue your-1 journey. There is no denial but the truth and the truth is that there is only one-1 of you-1 in the here and now experiencing and you-1 are not the others Infinite Creators but you-1 do share an infinite one-1 connection/relationship in spirit with the other Infinite one-1 Creators but you-1 are not the others only You-1 in the here and now. You must think deep where there is no deep to better understand where there is no better but infinite one-1 sand of infinite others and you-1 are infinite one-1 sand. You-1 the Infinite one-1 grain of sand one-1 exist with infinite levels of the infinite one-1 You-1 to infinity and beyond.

I suppose it could be very hard to admit that the way some people are behaving that they could possibly be a part of you.

If it was truth there would be no problem with stating it as truth.

They are part of us but they are not us. One-1 in interconnection/relationship one-1 to the other like family, One-1 in likeness/design with infinite Creators that are one-1 in equal opportunity/potential and One-1 infinitely connected One-1 to the other. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111

Were one being experiencing many different facets of ourselfes, like cells in the body of god or something...we are all one.

You-1 are on the right track understanding that we all have an infinite One-1 interconnection/relationship One-1 to another like cells of a body used as (Metaphor.) One-1 in likeness/design with infinite Creators that are One-1 in equal opportunity/potential and One-1 infinitely connected One-1 to the other. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

An illuminati motto is "divide on conquor"
I think many have been successfully divided.

No question about that.

The ultimate spiritual realization has always been that all is One.

One-1 in likeness/design with infinite Creators that are One-1 in equal opportunity/potential and One-1 infinitely connected One-1 to the other. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

The realization that all is One is the essence of enlightenment, and the actual experience of that realization is the recognition at the level of consciousness that there literally is no other. If there is no other then there is only you.

There are Infinite other Creators never only one-1 alone or One-1 you-1 alone but Infinite Creators One-1 in likeness/design with infinite Creators that are One-1 in equal opportunity/potential and One-1 infinitely connected One-1 to the other. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Eventually the two will come back together when duality is left behind.

We agree with you-1 as well where there is no time only infinite perceptions of time and infinite amounts of time to make it back together with the family of light where there is no time.

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." Albert Einstein

This delusion of seperation is what makes it so hard for people to grasp that "all is one"

The delusion of believing you-1 are others in this world is your-1 own dream-1 world delusion-1 and Einstein's quote above was wrong where there is a right and wrong.

Now let us correct Einstein's quote from above where there is no above or there from the infinite perspective.

"A human being is one-1 in likeness coming from the same source or whole where there is no whole. He experiences himself because he has freewill/individuality the greatest gift of all things and they did it their way and I did it my way. I am what I am, they are what they are and it sounds like an infinite super One-1 Star. Not an optical delusion of one-1's consciousness but part of one-1's infinite One-1 self. The task must be to find One-1's true self and come to an infinite-1 understanding of who and what they truly are and all that they represent where there is no all only---> Infinite one-1 as in 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 to Infinity & beyond!

The many in one, so the many is small parts or components of the larger one, all(the many) is part of the one, all is one. The many are all in one, all is in one. All is one. If something doesn not seem to be in the one, your scope of the one is not big enough. The one includes all things. The one is infinite. The universe could be thought of as a giant living being or something, with many individual cells in it, these cells share a connection with each other,

You-1 are on the right track understanding that we all have an infinite one-1 interconnection/relationship one-1 to another like cells of a body used as (Metaphor.) One-1 in likeness/design with infinite Creators that are One-1 in equal opportunity/potential and One-1 infinitely connected One-1 to the other.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Ok I used to think quite some time ago that the ngeatives needed to wake up to equality and love and light etc. and that I could perhaps help save a few of them but I have since wised up,

You have?

How long have you-1 been wise for now where there is no long, there only now?

Do you-1 mean for a whole year now as you've suggested where there is no whole, year only now?

they know full well how to get out of this game.

What makes you-1 so sure?

Can people see in the dark where there is no light?

They have so much hidden ancient texts, et communications, artifacts etc. its not even funny.

Please share with us how you-1 know especially if such things are supposed to be hidden?

There is not "right" or "wrong" path they are just opposites to each other.

There is no right or wrong path but to suggest that there is a right or wrong path is WRONG...

Am I right or am I wrong?

Love & Blessings,
Best Wishes!

[edit on 6-5-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 08:54 AM
The following information is based on current human understanding of space, time and the material world in which it presently perceives to be occupying according to modern day human knowledge based on humanities current level of understanding, perception, awareness or state of consciousness of the material world and universe in which it views.

A View From Earth!

The Earth travels approximately 595 million miles around the sun every year at a speed of roughly 66,600 miles per hour or 18 miles per second.

It takes Light roughly 8 minutes to reach earth from the Sun.

When one looks up at the sun they are viewing events
that occurred 8 minutes into the past.

The Sun converts around 600 million tons of hydrogen into approx 596 million Tons of helium Every Second. 4 million tons is converted into energy per second, roughly 240 Million Tons per Minute.

Some of the biggest Stars yet discovered by science are 3,000 Kelvin/cool supergiants 2,600 times the size of the Sun.

There are roughly 100+ Billion Stars in the Milky Way galaxy. There are roughly 100+ Billion Brown Dwarfs (Failed Stars) in the Milky Way galaxy.The Milky Way galaxy is around 100,000 light years wide, it would take you approximately 100,000 years to travel the Milky Way galaxy at the speed of light going 186,000 miles per second or 11 MILLION+ miles per minute at 669+ MILLION miles per hour.

The Milky Way galaxy is just one galaxy among Billions observed.

Andromeda galaxy approx 2,500,000 Light years away. The Light that recorded this image left Andromeda roughly 2.5 Million years ago. Andromeda galaxy is approximately 200,000 light years wide, twice the size of the Milky Way galaxy.

Before we begin where there is no begin it's necessary to add some video's
to watch first where there is no first from an infinite/eternal perspective.

The Universe is Infinite and Never-ends.

Dark Energy and Dark Matter, just a very small glimpse where there is no small but Infinite.

Infinity Ideas!

Space/Time/Infinity & The Holographic Universe!

[edit on 6-5-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by ET_MAN

Originally posted by polarwarrior
Thank you for sharing that, it's been a year now that you've felt the way you have so who really knows what can happen in another year.

Actally Ive felt this way for millions of years prior to this incarnation. I wasnt aware that I was a wanderer and wasnt even very spiritually seeking a year ago. If youd got me when I was still half asleep, I would have agreed with you. But now im fully awake.

I havnt learnt anything much here on earth, certainly not anything spiritual anyway, I "remember" things, much at first which has slowed down to a regular trickle now as the concepts become too abstract to have any relevence for 3d space time living, furthermore things not relevent to my "mission" here which is to aid polarization for the harvest are not revealed to my incarnate egoic unless I specifically ask for it.

To clarify a couple of things what do you mean by one-1?, isnt that redundent? am i supposed to read that as one one or something, like why the numeral and word? How do I read it when you type everyone-1, is that everyone one?

Do you have any alternative as to why you dont think infinty is unity? Please dont use the code again its getting a bit old, or the roll of film, Ive never liked either of those examples they just dont capture the mysterious essence..I know they do for you but do you have any other approaches about saying what you say because it seems like almost all your posts are the same old thing to try a completely different tack of vocab that one could couple together with your other approach to try to picture your "thoughtform" behind the pages.

Would you agree that all you know is rounded to 0%?

Ok the the two paths positive and negative, diverge away in our plane and a few schools later they come back together im sorry but the negatives will join you in your "utopia/heaven" eventually, but you've got a few billion years apart yet to go.
The part about the negatives which isnt nescasary that you see yet, is that they do you more benefit than you care to imagine. I miss having negatives ensalve me for "learning catalyst" which is why I jumped at the chance to come back here and help in the first nothing is as it seems in the illusion, it is TPTB who end up serving you...the creator wanted them and their behaviour in the perfect creation.

The imperfection you think you see is in the narrow eye of the beholder. The way the world is, its perfect.

Enbrace the creation as a whole, drop the bias for one spiritual orientation over another....the 4d neg is only hellish becasue im a positive, to a negative(which is the only ones who will go there) its like a mad rock party full of the sick cool older entities as they plan their next attack on the naive positives...but both are bad as each other in thinking their path is the "best" they are just opposites. I know you find the negatives actions hard to bear but belive me one day, out of duality, you will look back and see it as having been perfect and sacred all along.

Most of your "says who?" or "where did you get this information" questions can be answered by, Im saying it because im posting, and I know from past experience. Ive been on this 3rd density harvest many many times, its all somwhat the same thing, just different parts of the galaxy and different looking people.

Ive got an idea, do you know how to astral travel? perhaps we could meet in a more suitable environment where these cumbersome words are not required and discuss directly using thought, that way we dont get the old word confusion.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

[edit on 6-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

[edit on 6-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

[edit on 6-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Why did you copy and paste unity_99's new OP into this one?

Its all getting really repetetive now. I think im done here. Good luck with your work, take care.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

I prefer posting to ideas, others have shared, for then if something strikes me the words just flow out of my heart, bypassing the structure. Titles and OPs are not what I am best at, and don't have my own blog because its overwhelming, I prefer to do posts, that write naturally out of my heart, and fairly quickly at that.

This thread which is sharing a very large amount of knowledge and experience also saddened me because one poster on here, Universal Light is a dear friend and the whole thing of having to agree on every issue to be friends is beyond my understanding. I will continue to shine what I have suddenly understood, because of the inner nudges to do so, and really want to at least try to nudge some of the lights that may be walking down the wrong path for I know some of what lies ahead for them, and also, recognize the light in them, some are family that I knew in my journey and know on the other end.

So after going taking this subject into prayer and conversation with my Family two nights ago, I woke with a completely clear understanding that if you truly follow quantum physcis and the Holographic Universe, and use logic and philosophy along the way, it ultimately leads to the truth, what is being expressed. I was telling my son that a truly open minded quantum physicist would, if examaning these issues, understand not only that life goes beyond 3d mortality, but that we are Many in One, and there many versions of us as well, in each clip. Its physics too.

I also knew I needed a clear thread with a clear title and more oranized OP, and asked ET_MAN about it. He assisted and added the photos, that are in his collection and also, edited the opening concepts.

So there is a shared idea and shared contributions in that first OP. And, I don't mind if he wants to link it on his thread. I'm very grateful he tidied up what could have rambled on for quite a while, and contributed. He is trying to open a discussion of Infinity and what quantum physics, and metaphysics leads to in ideas.

Also with yours, we will probably be disagreeing for the process of searching for the diamonds with my psi and energy recognition and strong pushes finally ceased for the whole door came wide open for me on that one little video you didn't like, that I love and my kids do too. And the contact is very strong, with more memories being added, and just happy, I feel that I was like Robbin Williams in that thread and got bogged down by the negative and almost lost, and all those crafts, sitings and contact are my family and those connected, or positive and open and pulled me out of the mud puddle. We help each other out of love hand over hand.

We do not share oneness of actions, but while we do not share in another persons negative behavior, we are still experiencing our own history, of lessons and path to recovery in unique ways, we can learn very much from the mistakes of another while here.

But there is always going to be many thoughts on these issues, they're big topics to discuss and I'm not sure very many people even do this, so this discussion is a good one to open up ideas and share on, while I will still be true to my inner knowledge.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Hi Polar Warrior,

You-1 are not getting it as you-1 are asking repetitively the same questions over and over again that I One-1 have already addressed in previous posts time and time again where there is no time.

That is why I One-1 have to repeat myself so many times for you-1 where there is no time-0.

No beginning or ending (#1) a symbolic/representation of equal opportunity/potential and One-1ness in Likeness/Design from the infinite/eternal perspective.

Infinite One-1 Creators!


Never-Ending to Infinity & Beyond!

Maybe One-1 year from now where there is no year only now you-1 will get it more as it's only been a year for you-1 now that you've felt the way you feel where there is no year but free-1 way.

If you-1 are going to avoid answering the questions I've asked you-1 where you've contradicted yourself many times where there is no time or many then go right ahead where there is no ahead and it's your-1 own-1 freewill-1 way so you-1 can choose/decide whatever you-1 want.

I hope that you-1 will stick around and further discuss but it's ultimately your decision/freewill that nobody can take away from you-1.

That goes for all the murderers out there where there is no all or out there, they don't have to be doing what they are doing and they do have a choice.

Your signature: "If the universe is infinite, nothing can be said to not exist."

Can a finite object, planet, star or universe exist?

Blessing & Love
to you always!
Best Wishes!

p.s. I've added Unity_99's post because it belongs in this thread and I was the one-1 who helped compose it.

Anything wrong with that where there IS a right and wrong?


[edit on 6-5-2010 by ET_MAN]

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