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Please read-just happened-Northern Virginia

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posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by hungrydirt

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
It still doesn't seem to late to go back to the estate sale and start asking people if it happened to them too. Maybe you could even find the people you saw around you at the time. Or go to the local police department near the estate sale...or closest hospital.

That is the only way you are going to find one here will be able to tell you what happened. And I wouldn't wait any longer...the longer you wait, the less likely you will be able to find people who experienced it.

I'm confused as well as why you just left without talking to the other people.

See the above post. I am looking for people on a website that have experienced something similar. I'm not conducting a situational expose to sate your confusion. Sorry.

Well, now...excuse me?

It's the first question anybody would want to know?

If you can take the time to come here and ask for 'help'...can include irrelevant details about antigues and estate sales...we sure have the right to ask you why you left the area when other people in your group were visibly affected as well.


I smell BS.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Not read all the posts, but the film, Phenomenon with John Travolta comes to mind (good film by the way). I'm not saying this is what happened, or that I believe or dont believe you. Although I dont see why you would have such a reason to lie about it.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by AwakeinNM

I guess you have no more reason for name-calling, either. Azzshoot?

Are you suggesting that I was being over sensitive? After being refered to as an asshat? Perhaps that is the only direction this thread is going to take?
Since OP has decided, to take flight at the drop of the first asshat.

Tit for tat's a better reason then I gave you partner.

DC patriot

I smell BS.

Your post was my first clue.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:13 PM
Another "My Story" killed dead in it's tracks well done ATS.


posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Lee_K
Not read all the posts, but the film, Phenomenon with John Travolta comes to mind (good film by the way). I'm not saying this is what happened, or that I believe or dont believe you. Although I dont see why you would have such a reason to lie about it.

Maybe he was wearing eyeglasses and the angle of the sun zeroed in on the retina, giving him a sharp jolt.

At the very same time, the lady with the infant tripped over a field stone.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by AwakeinNM

I guess you have no more reason for name-calling, either. Azzshoot?

Are you suggesting that I was being over sensitive? After being refered to as an asshat? Perhaps that is the only direction this thread is going to take?
Since OP has decided, to take flight at the drop of the first asshat.

Tit for tat's a better reason then I gave you partner.

I smell BS.

Your post was my first clue.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by randyvs]

If you read my last post, I didn't call you an asshat, you stepped forward and claimed the distinction. Fin.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by h3akalee

no - the op was prepared to do NOTHING at the time , is prepared to do NOTHING now to actually investigate what may have occured

all he wants to do is talk about it on a forum

and he got thin skinned and spat his dummy out because ATS actually asked questions

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by DCPatriot

At the very same time, the lady with the infant tripped over a field stone.

This is probaly the most outlandish thing anybody could possibly think of.
At the same time, the most simple. Mystery solved.

If you read my last post, I didn't call you an asshat, you stepped forward and claimed the distinction. Fin.

I find this boring and non=productive to say the least. At the risk of not coming out ahead of you. Can we just call it even?

Even in "My story" you should speak the truth.

I remind new members of this all the time in their intros.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:49 PM
I dunno it almost sounds like a natural thing that happened a lighting strike to me, if they were using HAARP or some other secretive device they would found a better target I would think.
I also do find it very odd that no one would have talked to each other after it happened, that is indeed strange. I would definitely be talking and seeing if everyone was ok.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:53 PM
My gut feeling agrees with this possibility, that you just expereinced a daytime meteor/fireball... They often come one after another, in sets of 2 or 3 or more.. often there is no "boom" if the flash occurs far enough above the thickest parts of the atmosphere..

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by hungrydirt

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
Interesting that people would think that it could be some kind of crowd control device, especially given that the Tea Party is gathering in DC just north of you as we speak. It would be even more interesting if anyone there has experienced a similar phenomenon.

Exactly! The entire point of this thread was to see if anyone around the DC/NoVA area has experienced anything comparable to what I have recently. The fact that some intense testing at Quantico has been underway for several weeks now already has a large amount of people on edge.

The first thing that crossed my mind was a small scale EMP weapon. I'm assuming that it only affected your immediate area. Did you hear any snaps or crackles?

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:07 PM
Maybe it was a meteor, was it like this the flash,you would not need to c the bolide as it may have been behind or straight over head watch this for a flash two or three flashes can happen with breakup.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by onecon]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by hungrydirt

I am not going to go back at your behest, for reasons which would seem snobbish to you, I'm sure. Nor will I go prattling around the scene asking random people if they have seen a "flash of light", nevermind the fact that it's safe to assume that the people that were there several hours ago have gone. Thanks for the pretentiousness. I knew this was an absolute mistake in trying to garner anything positive or productive from this forum.

Hardly ever a Skeptic from the get go. Always start with an open mind.
Not this time. Something isn't right with your story. Your account of what happened is more unbelievable than what happened. You didn't even
get up and say, are you ok? Did you see that? You just stumbled to your car and left? Not buy'in it.

I would also like to no what reason you have for doubting this forum?
This site is realied upon by every member who spends anytime here at all as a the largest source of information any one could possibly need.
I suggest you know nothing of ATS, to say such a thing . BYE.
[edit on 20-3-2010 by randyvs]

I would say you know nothing of why this person feels this way. Why do you people always attack members personal experiences? You have NO idea how YOU would react in a situation like this. It's all nice and easy to say what you would do but when it happens those plans you may have had will probably change. If the OP was that scared it should be understandable as to why they left. Everyone handles things like this differently.

I can also understand why this member feels that way, I see it all the time on here and a lot more lately. I am honestly getting tired of people running off other members when it comes to personal experiences. The OP came on here to tell what happened to them and you automatically think it sounds fishy because they left the scene of the incident. Not everyone on here is going to tell a fable, some really do just want to share what has happened to them. I would believe that the OP is still a little surprised or shocked about what happened. The OP is just wanting to know what people think it might be and if anyone in the area or others areas might have seen something like this.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by onecon

Man that's a great vid onecon.
Never seen that one before.

I would say you know nothing of why this person feels this way. Why do you people always attack members personal experiences? You have NO idea how YOU would react in a situation like this. It's all nice and easy to say what you would do but when it happens those plans you may have had will probably change. If the OP was that scared it should be understandable as to why they left. Everyone handles things like this differently.

Awe are you for real? Attacked? No one was attacked. So get off the gas.

I do know how I would react. So don't tell me I wouldn't. Maybe you don't
know yourself to well. That's not the case for me. It's obvious he was
full of it. An attack? get out! Bleeding heart or what?

Yep, hell I run everone off I git me a dern chansta.

Come out of the clouds Grey.

He ran off crying and limping for almost no reason. WTF? A sign of emotional distress. Bigtime. Just because you think it was something you could easily swallow?

[edit on 20-3-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:42 PM
Apologies if this has already been mentioned, I'm short on time this morning and have not read past page 2.

My initial thought was, if your physically still ok, and have family members keeping an eye on you, I'd say go to bed (at normal bedtime of course, if your feeling tired before bed time after something like this, seek medical help).
Hopefully you will have a good night's sleep, and dream. That lets your brain deal with the days events, sort out happenings and connect up neurons etc. You may wake up in the morning and have a few more useful bits of imformation somehow pop into your head. Just an idea.

As to the occurance, I was thinking 2 senarios.

1. Being an antiiques type event, perhaps (this is a big perhaps) a jar of some old medical products had been opened by a young kid? Leeching a highly toxic fume into the air? This could have affected women more easily perhaps (akin to achohol intake) and what you experienced was..... Fainting???? I experienced an odd faint, which involved some blackening out of my eyes, and flashes of white (brain induced), and whump sounds as well. I know I felt odd, collapsed, etc. I also would not feel like chatting to anyone either after an event of this type. I kind of felt embarrassed when it happened to me (I was visiting in an hospital no less!)

2. Perhaps that CME from the sun which was due to hit these last few days had caused like a standing wave, or node, which somehow struck you folk? Although, I'm going with idea number 1

Hope your feeling well.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by randyvs

You seem to be a little full of yourself. How do you know this person is lying? I am not even going to argue with you, it's pointless and a waste of space in the thread. The OP came on here to tell a story and yes people seem to have attacked them.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:54 PM

You seem to be a little full of yourself. How do you know this person is lying? I am not even going to argue with you, it's pointless and a waste of space in the thread. The OP came on here to tell a story and yes people seem to have attacked them.
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Ya know you seem more upset than he was. Never anywhere in this thread have I used the word lying. There is no arguement.
Speak the truth, back up what you say. It dosn't look a little funny to you that he didn't retort? What the hell is wrong with you?
I have nothing else to believe . Only that he was full of b.s. and weak minded looking for some attention at your expense and mine .
So sorry.

If I seem, " A little full of myself" it might be because I am. At least I'm
not full of crap.

Thirtyfive stars for what? A Pile? Something the guy wouldn't even back-up. Naive.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 07:00 PM
Well, this thread started out interesting, but the OP killed his own thread. When you come to a forum like ATS and bring a story like this, do you not expect people interested in your story to ask questions? I mean, you came here to ask us if we could help you make sense of what you experienced and to see if anyone in your area saw anything similar, yet when someone asks questions as they try to get a feel for what actually occured, you get all bent out of shape and start getting rude with people. WTF is that? The ones who could have given you the most insight and information are the ones who experienced exactly what you experienced; the people at the same place you were. Why is it unreasonable to ask why you didn't speak with them? It's ridiculous. Based on your attitude and reaction to simple questions, I'm almost inclined to believe you are just making things up. If you really wanted to know what happened, you'd go back to the source and see what you could find instead of coming here and talking to a group of pesky question-askers who weren't even there.

As they say, "whateva!"

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 07:40 PM
In the past 2 years, I had 2 similar experiences --both of which happened as I was praying. And I know I saw something because the 1st time I had 1 cat in the room and he crouched to the ground as if he was expecting a booming thunder. The 2nd time I had both cats in the room when it happened and they both saw it and were startled. The same cat crouched and the other hesitated then ran out of the room.

The flashes of light were different than lightning --much brighter, much whiter and it filled the whole room, not like a lightning flash where it fills the area by the windows more so than other parts of a room. The whole room filled evenly with light.

Quite odd indeed. I half-expected a spirit to appear before me, not aliens. I don't believe in aliens in the sense others do. I have been "shown" that they're really Fallen Angels and that they're going to play the part of the Delusion (the Biblical Delusion) when it happens, which will be "soon."

Interesting story of flashes though --thanks.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by hungrydirt

If it was on the Friday from European time zone, your experience could have been caused by this:

Large Hadron Collider smashes energy record again

On Friday morning, the machine created two beams of protons, each with an energy of 3.5 trillion electron volts.

The effort breaks the prior record, set by the LHC in December, of just over a trillion electron volts in each beam.

The LHC will now aim to smash those two beams together, hoping to create new particles that give insight into the most fundamental workings of physics.

They don't know what they are messing with - or what the effects of their study will have on earth everywhere else.

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