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Please read-just happened-Northern Virginia

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posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:26 AM

Im sorry to hear that your experience is causing you to seek medical help. If I were you, I would try not to sound too "crazy" if you know what I mean while at the hospital. Dont need any thorazine messing you up for days.

I grew up in Northern Virginia- right outside of Independent Hill- a few miles from where you were. I spent 25 years there, and growing up there, experienced many a strange things in and around Quantico.

Apart from the bombs they detonate over there, there were always strange lights, and once my brother saw a blue glowing blimp like ufo over our home.

Also, I know there is goverment testing going on near Catlett- it wouldnt suprise me, if there is alot of underground bases in the area.

Best of luck, I wish you well

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:38 AM
I would just like to say that it most likely was a meteor like one other member suggested. I have seen them come down and it creates a brilliant flash of light that will completly light up the night sky and make it look daylight. I suggest you check out some meteor videos and see what they look like as they enter the atmosphere.
Hope this helps you out.
A1C "Reign"

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by hungrydirt
Hi all. Sorry if I was quick to anger earlier. I've written several posts on this site, none of them really about anything fantastic (more mundane, politics etc.) and the fact I was really shaken by the incident coupled with the more aggressive posts sort of made me lash out.

I did drive back to the area where I initially experienced the flash, although much later. Nothing noteworthy was garnered from the trip, but so much time had elapsed that I wasn't shocked by this. Two things of note have since unfolded; I have been getting waves of nausea consistently throughout the day. I haven't been able to eat since breakfast. I am going to check myself in to Fairfax County hospital in the morning to at least assuage my fears that something biological happened to me. I am not an optometrist, so I don't know how to scientifically explain this, but my eyes are not adjusting in the darkness. Like my pupils will not dilate or something.

I am sorry I cannot prove anything to you all. All I can say is that myself and six other people experienced something today whether it was a shared neurological incident, geographical, meteorological, etc.. I am sorry I did not do a better job of investigating things.

I hope you are still reading this, because you are describing something that could possibly be more of a medical emergency and I would suggest that you get evaluated right away rather than waiting until the morning.

I am only an EMT, not a medical professional so do not take this suggestion as such, but I am personally familiar with what you are describing. The sluggish pupil response could indicate either optic disk swelling (papilledema) or inflamation of your optic nerves, called optic neuritis. The optic neuritis is most comonly caused by MS, but there are several other reasons it can develop. however The fact that you are also experiencing nausea and earlier you mentioned a headache, could also indicate intercrainial pressure, which the papilledema can also be a symptom of.

Here are some medical links:


intracranial pressure

optic neuritis

Please, if you are reading this thread still, seek medical care now.

Take care

Edit to add: I know you said that it seemed that others around you appeared to have experienced something, but I have to add that 'bright flashes of light' have been associated with brain anyeruisms, which could then lead to the other symptoms you are describing.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by westcoast]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 02:28 AM
Hiya HungryDirt,
I hope you've been medically checked out by now! Please don't let anger from other posters destroy a rather interesting thread, there have been some fantastic ideas and theories put forward by many on here.

If you can take the time to read through everyones suggestions and put forth your thoughts on them, it would be helpful for us to reach some sort of possible solution.

I'm sticking with my idea of an old poisonus medical bottle being opened (antique) leeching some harmful toxic fumes, affecting ladies more (similar to alcohol) and causing you AND the others to faint. Fainting can cause odd sounds from the auditory nerves, and blackouts/flashes from your optic nerves. A gas poisoning could also have left you with nasty headache.

Perhaps someone had emptied a tin of thinners into the ground from an old can and you happened to be unknowingly breathing it in?

Take care

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 02:39 AM
It sounds as if you are close to Quantico? I was thinking you may have witnessed a test of some sort of laser or similar weapon. If it was that, you're lucky, your sight returned. Something displaced the air in it's path, or you wouldn't have hear the "wump" sound. I'm guessing that was just air, refilling a brief vaccum created by the passage of something, energy or projectile. Maybe they have a "rail gun"?

Since others were effected as well, it probably wasn't caused by any physiological abnormalities in your body. I figure, if I have an aneurism, the guy next to me isn't likely to collapse.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:09 AM

And with this idiotic, close-minded tripe, I bid this website adieu.

Put them on ignore. Don't give them your power. Ignore and move on. You can't see their words if they're gone.

When I was a little girl, around 6 years old, my mom and I were walking home across a field. It was a gorgeous day out. The sky was clear and the sun was out. (this is how my mom tells the story) There was a big flash of light that looked like lightning. It knocked her down to the ground and she bruised and cut up her arm on rocks. Apparently, she felt herself go unconcious for a moment and woke up quickly. Looked over and saw me laying on the ground shaken, but not crying. I asked her "what was that?". She picked me up and got us home. My dad didn't know what to think of the story. Ever since that day my mom started having migraines and that is when my dad said I started seeing and speaking with spirits.
My mom went for an MRI the headaches were so bad. They couldn't find anything wrong. To this day she still gets them.

Be prepared for the fact that you may not totally feel the same again. Thanks for sharing here, as it gave me an opportunity to share this story. Anyone got something smartalleck to say they can sit on ignore.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by Asherah]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:40 AM
About the OP this noise and flash of light was also experienced in Mexico in Yucatan peninsula, around one week after the "Space Trash" fell between Mexico City and Puebla. ( and (

This strange Noise and Light were reported and covered by the mass media but there was no evidence and nothing conclusive on what happened only some witnesses as you.

This is strange. I hope you are ok dude.


posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:41 AM
I'm thinking it was internal, and the people around you were responding to YOU and your behavior.

What were you thinking before it happened?
Were you really extremely excited about the anvil?
Were you looking at the woman?
Were you having sexual thoughts?
Were you deep deep in thought and talking out loud or moving your mouth and talking to yourself?
Have you ever used psychedelics?
Does your mind wander?
I think the medical reasons talked about here could help to explain.
It could be a brain thing.
Go to a doctor?

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:52 AM
I have experienced a flash one. I was travelling by car, but not driving. I was reaching for stuff at the back seats, when suddenly, everything went white. I turned around and was trying to realize what happend. Lightning:no, weather was clear. Electric flash somewhere in powerlines? no.

Then the driver says damn, a speedcamera went off. Their flash has incredible brightness. I had heard that you cannot miss one, if it takes a picture, but i didn't know the effect was THAT dramatic

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 05:36 AM
This rings a bell for some reason...wasn't there another thread on ATS about this or something similar recently?

If there was, maybe it's related.

With nothing else to go on, i'd guess at some kind of electrical phenomena, a arc discharge or sheet lightening. What were the colour of the flashes? A blueish white would maybe indicate an electrical related event, having said that the weirdest electrical storm, i've ever witnessed, was back in 2003 on the summer solstice.

I decided one evening to get on my bike and ride the 180 odd miles from my home to Stonehenge, and arrived in the small hours of the morning.

Upon reaching Salisbury plain (not Stonehenge proper), there was hardly anyone else around, and the air was very still and it was very quiet.

I parked up in a lay-by for a smoke and a coffee from a flask i'd brought, and then i saw the most amazing series of flashes i'd ever seen. I've not seen it since then either.

There were both the classic forked lightening bolts, and sheet lightening that lit up the whole area for maybe a second at a time, but the really weird thing was, the colour and apart from a rumble, none of the 'cracks' of sound i'd normally associate with lightening.

It was bright purple. A pinky violet - purple to be precise.

It was surreal, almost magical. I'm sure that had i'd been closer to the open areas of the plain, it would have been blinding, it was that bright.

Probably a simple atmospheric explanation for it, but it was something that i'll remember forever, it was so beautiful.

[edit on 21/3/2010 by spikey]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 06:11 AM
Sounds like an episode of Lost!
did yea check the time? was there any odour! shaking? taste in the mouth after the flash!

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 07:32 AM
lol trying to get any help or intelligent conversation on ATS just aint gonna happen , this board went downhill when the mods just let people tear each other to shreds, most of the people on here arent looking for answers unfortunately they are here just to belittle and intimidate others....good luck finding your answer, personally i think it may have been a timeslip of about 5 seconds, expect them to start getting longer and appearing more regular over the next 4 years.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by hungrydirt

you need to ask people in that area...probably its lightning

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:17 AM
Very interesting, hope you are okay bud. It sounds like a quick sudden onset of hypotension, but I can't imagine the others around you reacting like they did over that. My suggestion would be to get the word out locally, setup a generic and public way for others to contact you, and maybe one of the others involved will research it on the web eventually, and find you. This could bring you all together, and reveal a clearer picture of what happened. Wishing you the best bud

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by hungrydirt

I have a simple theory as to what ..could have happened.

I will not claim or debate , saying "I'm correct" orr the likes , but I'v had a similar experience.

You mentioned large farm machinery, unless these machines are very very old like ohhh pre 1940 ...they all have/use stored electricity in large capacitors for the initial start up.

As in most estate sales/auctions that I have attended the ppl moving and or setting up the items "on display" so to say, are usually not, very familiar with the actual mechanics and "how to's" that are involved.

So IMO it is/was most likely that a large say 200k + volt capacitor, got grounded or touched, or had a simple item such as a metal rake or shovel leaned against it, thus creating a grounding affect, and giving the ppl in the immediate area a charge/jolt...much like a taser or stun gun.

Electric fence, control/charge boxs..."store" large voltage, indefinately, and could very well be the culprit.

Just my .02 sorry I'm not smarter, and avle to help you with anything other than simple theory.
Hope I helped, and hope you are ok, and have no ill side affects.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Asherah

And with this idiotic, close-minded tripe, I bid this website adieu.

Put them on ignore. Don't give them your power. Ignore and move on. You can't see their words if they're gone.

When I was a little girl, around 6 years old, my mom and I were walking home across a field. It was a gorgeous day out. The sky was clear and the sun was out. (this is how my mom tells the story) There was a big flash of light that looked like lightning. It knocked her down to the ground and she bruised and cut up her arm on rocks. Apparently, she felt herself go unconcious for a moment and woke up quickly. Looked over and saw me laying on the ground shaken, but not crying. I asked her "what was that?". She picked me up and got us home. My dad didn't know what to think of the story. Ever since that day my mom started having migraines and that is when my dad said I started seeing and speaking with spirits.
My mom went for an MRI the headaches were so bad. They couldn't find anything wrong. To this day she still gets them.

Be prepared for the fact that you may not totally feel the same again. Thanks for sharing here, as it gave me an opportunity to share this story. Anyone got something smartalleck to say they can sit on ignore.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by Asherah]

Asherah, I was hoping somebody would say what you did. I don't know about anybody else, but I am certain that "the big change" is occuring.

The 9/11 truth movement is picking up steam. More people are projecting positivity and believe We The People (WTP)outnumber the NWO.

Perhaps as we get closer to the galactic center, there will be more posts like the OP.

I would be very interested in hearing from the OP in the coming weeks to see if any permanent physiological/spiritual manifestations took place.

I had an experience with hallucinogens where I suddenly had a glimpse of reality so pure that I could hear what everybody in the world was thinking at the same time. I saw the manufactured drama between humans.

It was so frightening I thought my brain was not equipped to handle the knowledge and called into question my most basic concepts of reality. I thought it would kill me. I prayed to be returned to ignorance.

Something very good is happening. We live in the most exciting time in human history. We must keep our eyes open for events and changes that appear unexplainable at first.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 02:04 PM

if you could read the story with an open mind i think this could give you a theory of what happened but only you would know since it happened to you. i'm just trying to help you find out what happened. all i did was type in with flash of light and sound from the sky and came up with a bunch of hits, even ones regarding microwave radiation weapons that produce the same thing (flash of light and temporary blindness). good luck.

edit to add: read the story through, i didn't even give it a thought until i read it through and put the symptoms together, different paragraphs link to temporary blindness, sound in the sky, headaches, etc.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by jziegler]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:15 PM
I was also thinking maybe microwave/emp weapon.... though why it would be deployed remains somewhat mysterious... perhaps a test?

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by milkmustache

If it was an EMP type of deal, he wouldn't have been able to get the hell outta dodge, his car electrics would have been fried.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 08:30 PM
Regarding the folks who keep mentioning the LHC, fyi - the OP's event happened the day after. It would've been roughly 4 or 5am Fri for OP when the LHC reached 3.5 tev. OP had the experience on Sat roughly 10am.

If elle.mental can give us a clearer date (she states roughly a year ago) then we can get a better idea if there's any correlation. But her experience would need to be in Nov or Dec (2.3tev) 2009 (1 year 4 months ago) to hold any possiblity, IMO, to the LHC.

It's a far out idea, but I like it!

[edit on 21-3-2010 by markymint]

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