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Take Sarah Palin seriously.

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posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:31 AM
No thanks.

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." -George Bernard Shaw

I am honestly beginning to think Stormdancer and Eurisko are one and the same.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by TheLoony
In other words, you have closed your mind to any ideas she might have to offer. And this is "Deny Ignorance?"
Better take a good look at your mindset, my friend.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777
Excellent response. Obama promised "hope and change" and "transparency". We have yet to see either. And when he is confronted with the dichotomy of his statements, he continues to dance around the question and blame Bush. You can only blame your predessor so much before it comes back to bite you on the ass! I fear his backside is looking quite gnawed by now.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:17 AM
Think about the whiners who always complain about how violent society is, how corrupt our leaders are, how NWO is controlling us, and how unfair life is. What do they really get done? Not much. Then think about the people who are aware of the problems around them, but believe they at least can change their daily environment. Who do you want to be? What do you want to be--bitter and angry or positive and successful?

People who argue over whether we are "Traditionalists," "NeoCons" or "Aryans" are missing the point. They're trying to play with labels, because that's how moral justification works: "I am not doing anything constructive, but at least I am X, or part of X." We're not always easy to put on a map, so people like to do it for us. If they just read our ideas and thought about it, they wouldn't need any labels. We represent ourselves, unapologetically.

When you grow up from this infantile label-game, you realize your attitude and approach to daily problems matter more than what world-spanning interest group you claim to represent. People who do good things are too busy working to consider "what" they are. But we've come so far as to say we believe in a few basic ideas. Less government and bureaucracy. More traditional culture and individual responsibility. Happy families and good beer. An active lifestyle and homemade food. Maybe a war or depression now and then to keep us busy and focused on reality.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:43 AM
I don't buy it. Remember that She was brought into McCains camp to attract the Christian fundamentalist vote, which is exactly what had helped Bush in the rural red states.

She is another smiling and smooth political salesman, backed by another group of elitists, which in this case are the Christian Fundamentalists , "Reverend Billy Graham Ministries", which is to whom their Falcon 50EX Jet is owned by.

I call her a salesman because she simply says the right thing to the masses to sell her agenda of entitlement. Queen Sarah.

Ironic that she would point out in her Washington Post interview, her dislike for "the Elitist", another buzzword that will work with the commoners when in actuality , her flying around the US on her book tour in planes owned by Samaritan's Purse, another Billion dollar tax exempt corporation, owned Billy Graham and son, who don't pay taxes, because of it's charitable tax exemption.

Via charitable contributions these crooks have amassed enough money to own 12+ aircraft. Not just small single engine planes but multimillion dollar aircraft. For example , A Beechcraft KingAir costs $7 Million, which is the one in which they were flying Palin and crew around in on her book tour.

How many aircraft do YOU own ?

How much money is actually going to help these people for charitable causes if they can afford this many aircraft of this caliber ?

I am very sorry but these are elitists as well.
We currently have people losing their jobs and HOMES all across America and Sarah Palin is in the pocket of these rich people, selling her book, paid for teaparty speeches, and now being paid for a TV stint at FOX, creating her own little domicile or kingdom.

We don't need any more elected royalty, we need solutions from people who aren't simply motivated by money !

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:08 PM
I will give you cool and calm headed. I am a Wiccan and apparently Palin needs protection from us scary witches

vote lost...simple as that

She is too reliious for me. Even if she herself were a Wiccan...if she were that overzealous and war pro-Wicca I wouldn't vote

Who would I vote for? Nobody comes to mind but she certainly won't get mind

now if you'll excuse me my pot is brewing...I got a mean ole spell for this one

PS...Wiccans don't perform magic...pass that on to Palin please


posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:30 PM
Palin is in a league of her own, that's for sure. Thinking about it, as I do everything, lol, there must be a inspiration, a genesis to her mindset. Where do we find this seed of reality she fosters?

Here we see Sara in a interview way before she was chosen to run for VP.

Its quite clear where she gets her Ideas, look at her lapel pin, its a American Eskimo, yep that's it. I guess being out in the cold for so long just takes your mental edge away........

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:03 PM
I reckon they only put her on the political landscape initially to obviously throw the towel in for the republicans , thereby giving the Democrats the opportunity to undertake corporate policy and agenda for the next 4 years. In so doing , they discovered a yardstick of right wing American voting stupidity of a like hitherto never before unleashed upon the American public . They finally discovered how truly stupid some people really are . If they could follow a yokel bumpkin like this , what else can they unleash on these subjects , so they let her loose in earnest to find out.

Not only that , she has this polarizing ability that can destroy whatever she affiliates herself too . If a third party should emerge to challenge the main two parties , or rather a party not controlled by the corporations , let her be associated with that , let it get shown on all the tv channels . Let her endorse Rand Paul to taint his reputation , let her new movement , a concept of Ron Paul, now challenge Ron Paul . As the Indian in Pathfinder said "If you are not strong enough to kill the bear, use the bears strength to kill it."

Yes, she is a useful idiot for those that want to retain the status quo, to much of a drain on the credibility of the usa for them to let her stay there for too long thou.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by iMacFanatic
Take palin seriously?

When she only speaks in cliches and stock phrases? She sounds like a text book of banalities.

her gosh darn and gee whizzes is just plain corny is about as phony as you can get and she mangles her syntax in such a way that she comes across as ignorant and uneducated...even if she isn't.

I have never once heard her offer anything that would even pass for a solution to anything and I am not certain that she can. I honestly don't think she has the chops to be anything but a political gadfly.

Take her seriously. PHFT. Hardly.

I would vote for Tina Fay portraying sarah palin before I would vote for sarah palin.

As opposed to obama's "57 states" and pronouncing "corpsman" as "corpse-man" because our commander-in-chief knows jack-mierda about the military. Maybe obama needs the "hooked on phonics" software for his teleprompter? Or was that perhaps a Freudian slip because he just sent 30,000 more troops to afghanistan?

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

And you think Palin wouldn't keep prolonging this war? You think there would be any difference in policy? You think the agendas set forth years ago wouldn't be fulfilled, if Palin were in office?

Again, she's just the next face they're rolling out there for "selection", the next frontperson.

Nothing is going to change until we get a true, grassroots, third-party candidate in office AND vote out (almost) all incumbents in the Congress. And I hate to say it, be she ain't it. I wish we had a true third-party at Palin's popularity numbers.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Gun Totin Gerbil

That's exactly what they're doing, discrediting the third-party (Tea Party) movement. Its a real shame too, as I do sense a growing discontent with the status quo. That being large government, huge debt, unemployment, prolonged war, medical expenses, and foreign entanglements, all while most of the working-class people are struggling to get by on their paychecks.

And here she is, like an iron spike, dividing the third party movement. We need grassroots, not selections. The fact that she quit her post as governor of Alaska is enough (for me) to discredit her. Nevermind the fact that she was selected by McCain, making her notoriety bloom overnight (the antitheses of grassroots). Nevermind the fact that she's caught up in some pretty serious (now forgotten, but the info is out there) ethics issues from her time as governor. Nevermind the fumbling of her interviews during the 2008 campaigns. Nevermind the fact that she has no idea what the Tea Party represents, or more accurately, what it represented.

We need a third party, and she ain't it folks. She's a Republican in Libertarian's clothing. That's it.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by scrybe

That's exactly what they're doing, discrediting the third-party (Tea Party) movement. Its a real shame too, as I do sense a growing discontent with the status quo. That being large government, huge debt, unemployment, prolonged war, medical expenses, and foreign entanglements, all while most of the working-class people are struggling to get by on their paychecks.

And here she is, like an iron spike, dividing the third party movement.

I think you are mistaken,

She is a supporter of the tea party movement.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Well, yes, she supports the Tea Party movement, but she is causing many (including myself) to become disillusioned with the Tea Party movement, since she is seen as an outsider. Its kind of like a bunch of nobodies (grassroots) got together and started something very meaningful and powerful. And then, once it gets momentum, the cool kid (Palin) comes along and sort of takes it over. Maybe she didn't mean to, you know? But that's how it is portrayed in the media now; Tea Party = Palin. She's now heavily associated with the premiere grassroots, third-party movement. And when 55% of the population see her unfavorably, and 71% believe shes unfit to be president, that discredits the Tea Party.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 04:02 PM
I will not take Sarah Palin seriously. The thought makes me laugh. She is a nasty, mean-spirited person who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She cheats, lies, uses and she's not very bright. So, no, thanks. If you like her, that's great. But I will never take her seriously.

I do find it interesting how her supporters, instead of saying why we should take her seriously just keep trying to put Obama down, so their Sarah looks better. I guess that works for some, but I'm not going to respect her or take her seriously just because you try to make Obama look bad. No matter how bad Obama looks, Sarah isn't getting my respect.

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
like Obama's "change" you can believe in?

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Isn't that what got Obama elected?

Originally posted by centurion1211
As opposed to obama's "57 states" ...

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

BH!!! No need to be concerned. Palin is losing favor with the public. The interviews she has done lately...not to mention the "hand writing".....has made the public think she is unqualified for President.

Someone better let Eurisko know about this!!!!!! LMAO

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst

It seems like Palin supporters side with her because they can identify with Sarah ..... R-word

To think that the future of America is in the hands of the simple minded masses frightens me ...

watch this video, ... all of it.

those people scare the shyt out of me... where are their minds!?

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

I know just one person who likes Palin...and I know many conservatives. Most people think she's an idiot....which she is.

I don't understand how someone can watch an interview with this woman and realize that her intellect isn't low.

I know far more than she does about pretty much everything in goverment and it's not my job to do so. I work for a living! (FORTUNATELY)

Most people on ATS are FAR more intelligent than this woman. Over 300 MILLION citizens in the United States....and she's supposed to be one of the "best" ones?


[edit on 12-2-2010 by David9176]

[edit on 12-2-2010 by David9176]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by scrybe
reply to post by centurion1211

And you think Palin wouldn't keep prolonging this war? You think there would be any difference in policy? You think the agendas set forth years ago wouldn't be fulfilled, if Palin were in office?

Read some of the threads. I've never said I support her as a candidate or would vote for her. I'm here because I'm against the character assassination being done to her - especially when they start using her disabled child as a shill to get to Palin.

Again, she's just the next face they're rolling out there for "selection", the next frontperson.

Quite possibly true.

Nothing is going to change until we get a true, grassroots, third-party candidate in office AND vote out (almost) all incumbents in the Congress. And I hate to say it, be she ain't it. I wish we had a true third-party at Palin's popularity numbers.

Sadly, I don't see a 3rd party doing anything except making one of the other 2 parties lose because they siphoned off some of their votes.

And this is why I think some (many?) of the left is brain-dead on this issue. Having Palin lead the Tea Party or whatever as a candidate would be just about the only way obama can get re-elected in 2012 because that would split the conservative vote. So, instead of constantly tearing Palin down, they should be trying to get her to run. It's doubtful that the GOP would accept her as a candidate (the dems biggest fear), so Palin's only chance would be as a 3rd party candidate.

Makes sense?

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
I'm here because I'm against the character assassination being done to her

Quite possibly the most ironic statement ever posted on ATS. Having observed quite a bit how you conduct yourself here, your chivalry is devoid of any honesty or meaning.


posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by David9176

well I am pretty sure these people also think fox news is a worthy news source. they are pretty much brainwashed by the media and their propaganda machine.

damn this woman is stupid.

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