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Anyone got any good stories to share with a semi-newbie ghosthunter?

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posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Algebra

Mighta been, I'll take a look in a while.
I'll U2U you the link as soon as we're up and running though. We're still under construction at the moment lol! Not much to see!

I'll definetely try the experiment though
We're all on board.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Algebra

If you are interested in weird places with strange vibes Berry Pomeroy Castle should definitely be on your list of places to visit.

It is very old and also quite isolated and not particularly well known. I have visited lots of castles but non had the ambiance that this place.

Happy hunting. Oh, and Merry Christmas!

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Ayana

Don't forget to take holy water and group of your own spirit guides with you on your hunting expeditions. Between you, you should be able to fend off anything nasty.

Merry Christmas

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by kennyb72

Seems just like one of the places we need! Thanks!

And I will take your advice on board about safety too!

Merry Christmas!

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by kennyb72
reply to post by Algebra

If you are interested in weird places with strange vibes Berry Pomeroy Castle should definitely be on your list of places to visit.

It is very old and also quite isolated and not particularly well known. I have visited lots of castles but non had the ambiance that this place.

Happy hunting. Oh, and Merry Christmas!

I dont actualy go ghost hunting myself. Ive thought about it a few times but never got past the planning phase. Although i did do some E.V.P experiments and got some great results. If my computer had'nt of died on me i would have posted them they were cool.

Definately on my to do list though. Maybe when im less busy and when i do i'll give Berry Pomeroy a visit. Sounds great.

Merry Christmas.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:19 PM

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 01:21 PM

What the feck are you on mate. Made no sense at all. I you were an animal id have to put you to sleep after that. Or maybe place you in the middle of the road like a baby fox and drive my audi v8 staight on shattering every cute little tiny bone in your fury little body and sending your soul in to oblivion.

No what i mean like

Wey Aye cushdy barney wor kid.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 02:07 PM
Wow, okay. Thanks for that Algebra.
The NE talk I understand

But aye, ignoring that bad attempt at trolling...

Yeah, we only got past the planning stage accidently. We were in the region of somewhere supposedly haunted, so we just decided to go there and got hooked

It's good fun though, it's definetely something everyone should do once.

[edit on 24/12/2009 by Ayana]

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Ayana
Wow, okay. Thanks for that Algebra.
The NE talk I understand

But aye, ignoring that bad attempt at trolling...

Yeah, we only got past the planning stage accidently. We were in the region of somewhere supposedly haunted, so we just decided to go there and got hooked

It's good fun though, it's definetely something everyone should do once.

[edit on 24/12/2009 by Ayana]

What equipment do you take with you? The usual camera and voice recorder or do you go the hole nine yards with electro thermometers and E.M.F gauges.

I watch a lot of ghost hunter shows where they always waste half the night looking at readings instead of trying to find out if somethings there. It really gets on my nerves. But i suppose the sceptics are more likely to believe, if they see an E.M.F go through the roof.

To me all that proves is there a high E.M.F. burst. Could be anything or nothing. not neccisarily a spirit.

I believe its more natural than all that. I see spirits as conciouse energys that travell as sound. Void of the senses of the body ei. sight and hearing but able to detect our energy signatures that emit from our hearts and brains. In those instances when you see one its because your on the same vibration level as them if only untill the shock hightens yours out of frequency. Its complicated stuff tahts hard to get your head round but it makes sense to me lol.

Bet your really bored now so i'll shut up. I think it should be fun because the higher the emotions the bigger the signal. Especialy fear.

Hope you have a merry one.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 03:19 PM
I live in a row of old cottages (circa 1840).
I used to have problems with the kitchen tap going on and off. The water would start running by itself. I thought it might be the washer but it still did it when the tap was replaced. Then one day a friend coming to visit saw an old man standing by the sink. He actually saw him through the window and thought I had a visitor. He said he was wearing 'old fashioned clothes'. I was in the same room at the time and saw nothing. A few weeks later I was having work done upstairs and had gone out and left the men in the house. When I came back they were scared stiff and asked if the house was haunted. They had wedged the doors open upstairs as they said they were opening and closing by themselves.
The next thing was a few weeks later when someone fitting a new bathroom floor said he felt he was being watched. And shortly after that I felt something touch me on two occasions. I was alone in the shower at the time so it was a bit weird!
For the last couple of years there has been nothing. Except for a few weeks back. I got up in the night and there was the strongest smell of lavender. My neighbour has had this too.
But I don't feel threatened.

[edit on 24-12-2009 by unicorn1]

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by unicorn1
I live in a row of old cottages (circa 1840).
I used to have problems with the kitchen tap going on and off. The water would start running by itself. I thought it might be the washer but it still did it when the tap was replaced. Then one day a friend coming to visit saw an old man standing by the sink. He actually saw him through the window and thought I had a visitor. He said he was wearing 'old fashioned clothes'. I was in the same room at the time and saw nothing. A few weeks later I was having work done upstairs and had gone out and left the men in the house. When I came back they were scared stiff and asked if the house was haunted. They had wedged the doors open upstairs as they said they were opening and closing by themselves.
The next thing was a few weeks later when someone fitting a new bathroom floor said he felt he was being watched. And shortly after that I felt something touch me on two occasions. I was alone in the shower at the time so it was a bit weird!
For the last couple of years there has been nothing. Except for a few weeks back. I got up in the night and there was the strongest smell of lavender. My neighbour has had this too.
But I don't feel threatened.

[edit on 24-12-2009 by unicorn1]

Cool! There seems to be a lot of activity in old buildings where works bieng done. The theory is that the spirit does'nt want anything changed and so protests. Does'nt seem to me like you have any need to be afraid. Oviously you aknowlege its presence and have respect for it bieng there.

The touching in the shower thing seems a bit creepy. I like to imagine them testing to see if your real or not. Kind of like your the ghost. The thought of it being done delibrately to freak you out is way to scary. If thats the case, i would be out of there like a shot in my birthday suit lol.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 06:20 PM

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Put that which crack pipe from down. Your face before it eats. Help not someone else. Retarded your mental illness seems.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 09:33 AM
Lol, is he still going? How sad.

Algebra: yeah we have thermometers and EMF and stuff, but that's mainly to keep an eye on stuff so we know we're not imagining it. You never know the amount of tricks your brain can play on you, especially with temperature!

Plus it counts towards evidence, doesn't it?
It's more like they theoretically have the ability to disrupt the atmosphere, just because of what they are, and probably in other cases because they want to, and people can sort of prove this. So if they can disrupt a field (EMF fields don't usually move or appear as far as I'm aware) or rapidly chage temperature or humidity just as we sense/see/feel/hear something, it counts more than just reporting it in peoples eyes.
Gone are the days of blind faith, I'm afraid. People have to have proof of everything in a world like this.
Well, they do on some subjects anyway... My mother for instance, point blank refuses to believe in ghosts (and global warming) unless you put the proof in front of her, but she'll still go out and buy anti-wrinkle cream with made up ingredients that really don't do anything, or a belt that vibrates and supposedly is the equivalent of doing 140 sit ups in half an hour.

Such is the modern world.

Plus, no, you're not boring me. I'm a scientist, I like theories and the scientific side of things

Unicorn1: Wow, that sounds amazing! Obviously, probably a bit freaky, but I don't think I'd mind as long as it didn't feel threatening to me! If you respect whatevers there, theres no reason to be scared, really.
I suppose if I was a ghost living somewhere I'd known, I'd get a bit reckless when things were being changed too, throw stuff around, have a bit of a tantrum. It must be weird for them, if they are a conscious physical 'them'. There are a lot of stories of things like that happening in old buildings when work is being done though.
And yeah, I like to think along the lines of Algebra too. It'd be pretty cool if they were testing if we were there at the same time as we are for them. Just like nothing had ever changed.
It'd also be nice to think they aren't all stuck here reliving trauma, like some stayed of their own accord, just coz they never wanted to leave. And just coz they loved a place.

Oh, and Happy Christmas all!

[edit on 25/12/2009 by Ayana]

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 09:57 AM
There are three instances that I ran into ghosts. A woman had died in a house we were redecorating. Her son kept her room exactly like it was when she was alive. When I was alone in the house a motherly ghost told me to stay away from the pool because she didn't want me to go near the water for fear I would drown. I'm an avid swimmer but she was scared for me. Maybe that's where she died, I never found out.
The other instance was in my apartment complex. I saw the figure across from my patio for a moment and then again when I opened by front door a few days later. It was like a gust of smoke but there was no wind on those days. I am convinved that ghosts enhabit empty rooms and buildings and when humans move in they have to wander to find a new place to be.
Both ghosts were harmless. They have no power because they are made of kenetic energy and some matter like dust and particles.
The other instance was a ghost of a little boy who was playing in his backyard of a house that was for sale and empty. He didn't know how to get to where his parents moved and was scared so he stayed behind. He was calling out in a voice that sounded like a cat/bird/rusty wagon/squeeky gate, again no wind or animal around. I suggested he not be bound by fear and a few days later the noise was gone.

[edit on 25-12-2009 by JJay55]

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Ayana

Go read this
you'll also find a link to our local ghost hunting group along with how they document their findings

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Ayana
Lol, is he still going? How sad.

Algebra: yeah we have thermometers and EMF and stuff, but that's mainly to keep an eye on stuff so we know we're not imagining it. You never know the amount of tricks your brain can play on you, especially with temperature!

Plus it counts towards evidence, doesn't it?
It's more like they theoretically have the ability to disrupt the atmosphere, just because of what they are, and probably in other cases because they want to, and people can sort of prove this. So if they can disrupt a field (EMF fields don't usually move or appear as far as I'm aware) or rapidly chage temperature or humidity just as we sense/see/feel/hear something, it counts more than just reporting it in peoples eyes.
Gone are the days of blind faith, I'm afraid. People have to have proof of everything in a world like this.
Well, they do on some subjects anyway... My mother for instance, point blank refuses to believe in ghosts (and global warming) unless you put the proof in front of her, but she'll still go out and buy anti-wrinkle cream with made up ingredients that really don't do anything, or a belt that vibrates and supposedly is the equivalent of doing 140 sit ups in half an hour.

Such is the modern world.

Plus, no, you're not boring me. I'm a scientist, I like theories and the scientific side of things

Unicorn1: Wow, that sounds amazing! Obviously, probably a bit freaky, but I don't think I'd mind as long as it didn't feel threatening to me! If you respect whatevers there, theres no reason to be scared, really.
I suppose if I was a ghost living somewhere I'd known, I'd get a bit reckless when things were being changed too, throw stuff around, have a bit of a tantrum. It must be weird for them, if they are a conscious physical 'them'. There are a lot of stories of things like that happening in old buildings when work is being done though.
And yeah, I like to think along the lines of Algebra too. It'd be pretty cool if they were testing if we were there at the same time as we are for them. Just like nothing had ever changed.
It'd also be nice to think they aren't all stuck here reliving trauma, like some stayed of their own accord, just coz they never wanted to leave. And just coz they loved a place.

Oh, and Happy Christmas all!

[edit on 25/12/2009 by Ayana]

Oh your a scientist. Allow me to appologise for my ignorance. Of course your going to use everything at your disposal. But the problem is, lets say you get an E.M.F fluctuation thats high compared to base readings. You then have to prove that it was a spirit that caused it other wise you just back to speculation. It leaves you no closer to proof. I think science is yet to invent an instrument that could measure a ghost.

I know what your saying about sceptics. Theres a saying that go's "To a believer no proof is neccisary, to a sceptic no proof is possible". You could film a spirit manifesting in front of you and then walking straight off through a wall and people still would'nt believe its true.

I already believe so no proof needed in my eyes but i'd still love to have another experience. Out of interest are you a para psychologist? I would love to hear some of your theorys on things like ghosts and demons or any other phenomena you look in to.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Algebra

Okay, I use the word scientist loosely... I'm not yet qualified but I'm basically doing a course totally not related to the paranormal, it's just a background interest.
But in other ways, I'm the best at staying grounded (hopefully) and rationalising stuff, you know.
Either way, yeah. There's no real way to prove it was a spirit, but it makes it seem less like its in your head, you get me? To have something recorded always helps.
And at the end of the day, that saying is true, but I can convince myself either way, right?

And until I create my proton pack thats all we have

JJay55: your stories are wonderful, thank you for sharing!
DaddyBare: I will check that out, thanks!

[edit on 25/12/2009 by Ayana]

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 03:41 PM
Point taken
I wish these scientists would hurry up with the proton packs i cant wait.

Hope i did'nt come accross like im rubbishing all scientific attempts to measure or capture spirits. I sometimes type faster than i think. If i offended you im sorry.

Its whatever works for you at the end of the day. At least your out there doing it.

Joke for ya.

A little old lady answers a knock at the door, to be met by a travelling vaccum cleaner salesman.

Before she can speak he tips a big bucket of dog # all over the carpet and says. "If this vaccum cleaner doesnt pick all that up i'll eat the rest"

old lady says"I hope your hungry they cut my electric off this morning".

[edit on 25-12-2009 by Algebra]

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 03:53 PM
After I learned to OBE a ghost used to come around and mess with me. It would usually begin with me sensing him, ... I would try to ignore him as best as I could, ... but he would continualy try to get my attention, by touching me or rubbing my leg. I think he enjoyed to scare me, and seemed somewhat dark.

I reached a point where I decided I would not ignore him anymore, and if he could touch me, .. I had the power to touch him. I started to fight back by electrocuting him, and creating force fields. It took awhile but he finally got the hint, .. and I have not seen him in quite some time.

I know everything I typed seems completely mad, but unless you've had an OBE or NDE you won't understand the mechanic's of the other side.

When ghost hunting your best tools will be your senses, you will feel their energy before any device can pick it up.

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