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Tiny dots in the air wherever I look!

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posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 02:27 PM
45 years old. Boys out of house. I spent past year 1 thousand miles from my wife and home living in van to be where I could learn how to day trade. Quit 16 year job.

The last seminar was on intuitive traders......this pulled me back to floating dots. I had no idea this was unusual until about an hour ago however its been a strange week.
I've always fought these feelings
Of having power. Not now....I did what I have not dared before.
I searched the web. First mercury poisoning...age 2 spent two week in oxegen tent. Currently fifty cent piece size scar on lung.....etc.......etc......etc.....Bottom line is I figured out the flow chart of the minds eye..and used the floating clear
dots that have always been with me since kidengarden nap time and condensed them, change their color to a vivid red & green. I actually was trying for all green
To inject mentally into my wife's outer aura because it was a greyish brown. I had just tried to adjust her lower aura...
..Without success. Finally realized yellow was the answer and. Ishifted the red over. It worked. Its crazy as-----. First time I ever looked anything up on auras. Freaking me out here. Thank Goodness w
You all are here. I've allways have seen but things now areo hundred fold. My color is green haven't figured much out but
Guess that not bad. Won't get big head. Although I find out next week when I go live day trading how far I project or read everyone projections. Gotta go now I'm on my phone now and brother just got here. I can't say anything ...this is driving meyy insane an ecstatic at same time.( Mercury used for insubconcious unlocking

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 02:33 PM
Every once in awhile your higher self will allow you to see at a subatomic level outside normal parameters. I know what you are talking about....much different than floaters.

Like those gnat swarms in the yard only much smaller...has a sort of heat wave mirage thing about it.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 03:07 AM
I'm back. Let me explain how I got my dots. My theory is this: at age 2 I was a norma toddeler. Then my dad heated mercury in the house on the stove.

All of us went to hospital with chemical pneumonia. I was most affected. 2 weeks in oxygen tent my lung actually bubbled up in a couple spots then eventually scared over. According to mo my personality had completely. changed. Not the happy little kid anymore. 4 years old I had my first in color dream. Tom and Jerry but as the show was nearing the end my mom woke me up. I was so excited but frustrated I convinced her to let me go back to sleep so I could finisj watching it. And I was great because I had never so it in color before because we only had .black/white TV. 1971 that day I started a preschool/daycare and all day I had some red sand in my eyes. Nobody could see anything

After a week of getting this different colored sand in my eyes I thought maybe I could Chang the color like the cartoon.
It worked and I made it the color of a window. I could still see them when I wanted to but they didn't bother me anymore.

When I started regular school a month later and we had to take a nap I would lay on my mat close my eyes and play with the sand. Then till now I have play with it.
Today while trying to change color of my mentally I'll wife aura i saw it was made out of same stuff. I called up my sand and told told it to be green. Half turned green the rest red but perfectly stirred up and really sparkle. I had not seen any color on them for 41 years. Beautifull. They lit up the world behind my closed eyes so now I had no problem seeing even my hands so picked them up and let them flow through my fingers then I started stuffing them in. After color was lighter around her I was able to pick them up and throw them in. It was so cool. Even though I would pick up two handfuls and throw without regards to color only the yellow would go in. Bye for now I'm exhausted. Just read it. The reason I said yellow was because no matter how much green I put in it could not take and latch on so I changed the red ones to yellow. And that took care of problem. Wife is still talk to her self tonight but she is calm about it. She usually yells and screams

edit on 9-7-2012 by mainboard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by mainboard

If you are able to retype what you said, and make it more readable and clear to understand, I would love to read it again and know more about what you are talking about.

You seem to have a lot to say that is pressuring your typing.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by berrygurrl

I get these, like someone else said, thousands, when I'm outside, and relaxed, pastel colours.
I assumed everyone saw them, until a few years back, and I asked one person, and they looked blankly back!!
Then I read a book, something to do with nature energies or similar, and the person writing said they see energy in the air all the time, movement all around ( not those words exactly).
I didn't finish the book, as this just made me feel like wow, that was all I needed from it at that time.
So I think it could be energies, like auras perhaps, or particles like someone else said... I used to enjoy watching them, mystified! But life takes your mind off things sometimes

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 08:59 AM
op are you sure they are not orbs?
I was sitting in a restaurant a couple of years back, when for no apparent reason a swarm of orbs came into my field of vision....right in front of me!! I went into susepnded animation, lol as my jaw dropped, my knife was pointing one way and the fork the other! I just could not believe what I was seeing. My Daughter, instinctively knew i had seen something and kept kicking me under the table. There was a man sitting alone to the right of me, to the other side of the room and I could see him smiling at me as all this was going on.
I could see him out of the corner of my eye. Anyway this only went on for about 30 seconds, but it seemed much longer. Then as they faded away and everything went back to normal, I looked to my right and the man had gone. Now I'm not rocket scientist, but it does'nt take a genius to work out that man could not have left the room that quick with out me seeing. I thought it was strange anyway.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by berrygurrl
pharaohmoan Thanks! Hopefully we'll get some straight answers...

Le Colonel I know! I see millions of them...and they are so tiny!! Its funny because I asked my boyfriend if he could see them and he couldn't! Its so bizarre how it seems more noticeable with less light....Maybe it is light in very tiny concentrated amounts...

Le Colonel Sometimes it does have a sort of geometric shape to it, and in fact it looked kind of like mandalas a couple times. I thought everyone experienced this too and that that's just how people see...but not everyone seems to understand....

I notice them with more light

Also, I think it's just the blood cells or particles in the fore of your eyeballs. The light magnifies them, so you may see them.. They look like sperm.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by berrygurrl

i see them all the time I call them invisable aggs and spermies. But only see them when im dizzy , cough or sneeze. Is this the ether peple talk about what would happen if one of this mid air spermis and eggs collided?

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by berrygurrl

i see them all the time I call them invisable aggs and spermies. But only see them when im dizzy , cough or sneeze. Is this the ether peple talk about what would happen if one of this mid air spermis and eggs collided?

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Sorry about how I wrote yesterday. I got a little high strung. Here is what I meant.

I have seen dots for most of my life. They came into view the same day I remember having my first color dream (I was 4) 1 week later I made them change color to clear so I could see through them. I remember thinking I can do it just like I was manipulating my dreams by then.

Since that time I have just basically played around with them as if they were real sand at a beach. I can mentally make any design or animation I can think of.

The best thing I can do with them up till yesterday is to have them set up as a screen, then put pics on them frame
by frame my sand hold the images together letting me make and store "movies".

I've long believed this ability was directly related to the mercury exposure leading to my first color dream / sand coming to me on same day.

I believe the metal interrupted right brain activity. Theorizing that being 2 years old. My stem cells would have repaired the damaged route in my brain. What I believe really happened is, due to high concentrations of this toxic metal the repair was impossible and an alternative route was made, bypassing most of the left brains filters.

This would allow for direct in / out for subconscious mind. It would account for taking 2 years to make a connection. The fact that I have no childhood memories until that day attests to something because I read yesterday that right brain is where a childs memories are stored up to age 10.

I saw something else yesterday. My sand came alive. They've always moved but last night they attacked the dark aura sand with a vengeance. I sensed extreme
Enthusiasm as they began chasing and absorbing the enemy.

It made me laugh and my adrenaline was so high I was still trembling last night when I found this site a made a post.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 01:13 PM
I get this all the time too and have also been told that they're simply "floaters" but not buying it.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 07:15 PM
I am able to see this phenomenon also,.
For me they look like live cells zooming around
I can see them if I let my eye unfocus and relax while looking at a light colored
object. I also have floaters( metal in my eyes from working on cars as a kid) they are much
different, slow steady movement which follows the eye movement..
and then there is the "Seeing Stars" moments,. this happens if one is starved for oxygen for a breif
moment, or standing up to fast, that light headed feeling,. that is different also,.
So yes,. i can see these tiny dots or cells as I call them

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 02:50 PM
One flew behind my cat one evening as he was licking himself. He looked furious as it caught his eye and went behind him. He looked at me and stopped licking until it appeared on the other side of him an then shot off towards the window. This was a winter evening, with no strange shadows or unusual light sourses banding around the room. He watched it with me, it really was enough to convince me.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by berrygurrl

I also have experience in this.. In fact, I went to Google to look this exact subject up. I wasn't sure sure there'd be anything, but now I am more convinced. The difference between what I experience and what I am reading, is that the specs of light are more visible to me when I'm looking straight into a blue sky on a sunny day.

It happened when I was trying to catch a quick tan before going on a date with a girl I hadn't seen in some time.. I was laying on a porch next to a sliding glass door. After I had heard something hit the door, it spooked me and I looked at the door, just a cat.. As I settled back down, I for some reason decided to look up into the blue abyss, and I noticed something I thought was very strange.. Tiny little dots of light. Everywhere. I'd have to fix my eyes a certain way to see them, almost as if you are attempting to look into the air itself. At first, I thought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. But the longer I observed, the more convinced I had become. These little dots of light were unlike anything I've ever seen before.. They were unnaffected by anything I could do to them. I tried blowing, swiping, yelling, all kinds of weird things to move these lights to my will. Nothing. It seemed as if they were completely of their own energy separate from our universe, but at the same time I could swear I could feel them having an immediate effect in the area I was in...

Since that day, I have gazed into the sky many many times, and I can always see them. I've looked at a few things on dark matter, thinking it may be linked... But I'm not sure what it is anymore. It isn't my eyes playing a trick, and I'm not hallucinating. Is there anyone that has actually proffessionally investigated this phenomenon? Any input would help put my conscious at ease. Thank you.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 04:13 PM
ok , 26 pages and still no definate answer , i have seen them too , my daughter called me out to back garden to look at something flying in sky , slow accent but couldn't see any wings , 3rd time ive seen recently , saw thousands just in a big cloud over blackheath common , bouncing around but contained in cloud , filled me with dread and ominous ,

what is this ???

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 05:54 PM
those are the actual building blocks of this 3d reality. you cannot touch them. they pass thru all solid mass and create solid mass as well. they spread colour, aree 100% transparent, yet hold the full rainbow of colours. you may think of them as random moving pixels spraying a layered wave of paint over each point in the matrix it passes to maintain the image. moving in a random manner.. these are the gatemakers as well. when focussing thought and exceeding the speed of light through stillness, they organise themselves providing the etheric colours as those in the chakra system diagrams. some diagrams have the colours mixed up for some of the chakras but basically, those are the main colours including pure whiteness.

i know it sounds crazy.. but u didnt come to ats to hear the normal now did you.

i believe they can well be the very God Particles science is trying to catch. and sticking to my guns again.. i'll say. they'll never catch it. it cant be 'caught' per se. but it can be sort of harnessed. the most ridiculous proposition which they refuse to entertain is the valid one... 'thought is affecting the experiment'.
edit on 16-8-2012 by 0mage because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-8-2012 by 0mage because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-8-2012 by 0mage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 10:23 PM
I have always seen this as well. I thought it was normal.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 02:57 AM
heh in addition to the "dots", at night in my peripheral vision, i see a radiant light,

kinda like a radar but only in a small area, and only at night...

or maybe a better description would be like a rotating spot light,
but its only in the corners of my eyes...

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by berrygurrl

Hello : )

I have been trying to search for someone who was seeing the same thing for years!

When I say to people: 'I can see the translucent molecules moving about and very fast', they probably think I am kinda mad! Given that my psychic and healing abilities then perhaps it is normal to me! It is amazing to be able to see this and I am very greatful : )
It is not an illness of any kinds (that's how narrow minded people think), I studies Science and neurology and in general people wishes to put worrying ideas onto your head. Well if you wish to communicate this or other topics related please feel free.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by solitudeandme
reply to post by berrygurrl

I get these, like someone else said, thousands, when I'm outside, and relaxed, pastel colours.
I assumed everyone saw them, until a few years back, and I asked one person, and they looked blankly back!!
Then I read a book, something to do with nature energies or similar, and the person writing said they see energy in the air all the time, movement all around ( not those words exactly).
I didn't finish the book, as this just made me feel like wow, that was all I needed from it at that time.
So I think it could be energies, like auras perhaps, or particles like someone else said... I used to enjoy watching them, mystified! But life takes your mind off things sometimes

I see them as like little see through dots or theyre like black and blink in and out i just cant really tell what they look like but it seems like they go in a certain direction. See ive alwasy felt like the same way abut them...when i was little i thought everyone could see them and i asked people and theyd look at me funny. At first i thought i could see air molecules. I was told that was ridiculous and that they're to small so im like well then i dont know what they are!!!! Now i think its energy flowing through the air. Ive looked into energy channeling and if i try and make a psi ball i can feel a tingling in my hands and when i look between them it seem like the dots are more cndensed there.

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