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4 police officers shot dead in Wash.

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by neformore

Originally posted by mr-lizard
It wasn't an attack, if anything i was defending peoples rights to an opinion.

I'm glad you were defending Elevatedones right to an opinion.

Now, the subject of this thread is "4 police officers shot dead in Wash" - so how about getting back to the discussion at hand, eh?

Im curious to what excatally we discuss here?
Why they were shot?
Who shot them?
The motive?
Were they good or bad cops ?
Gang hit?

[edit on 29-11-2009 by Grayelf2009]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:07 PM
R.I.P to these officers.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I didn't say there are not bad cops. I said that it is ignorant to label them all as bad.

My being a mod has nothing to with me posting in this thread either.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by elevatedone

Ignorance? Ignorance would be to say that every police officer is an upstanding morally correct citizen. There is no "WAGON" here to jump on. How many threads have there been in the past few months about cops tazering children, killing teenagers and operating outside of the law for the hell of it?


What about the video evidence that goes with almost every one article? What about their punishment? "Suspension with pay", it makes me sick. Forget the corrupt justice system. As this country slides deeper into a hole, I think that instances like this where people take matters into their own hands will occur more frequently.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by apacheman

Sad thing is that if these were bad cops who deserved it, the "good" cops will never acknowledge it, but will cover up any crimes they committed to spark it.

Until I hear more, I'll withhold judgment, but street justice is my #1 suspect here.

Society can't give these people extraordinary powers without adequate supervision and control and expect these people to remain honest. It simply does not work.

I'd venture that that majority of police in the field today are not qualified to be police by temperament or training. I'd also venture that the majority of police have given a wink towards illegal activity of one type or another. If nothing else, their failure to arrest and convict dirty cops puts them in that category.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by praxis]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Thanks Semper

My prayers to the family of those cops.

I expect stricter gun laws and more people in favor of gun laws due to incidents like these.

They might push for it, but they probably won't get it hopefully...
After Hungerford killings there were massive clampdowns on gun-owners which achieved fck all in preventing killings as the crazies just went overseas or bought them from criminals...

[edit on 29-11-2009 by WatchRider]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by TeddiRevolution

Ignorance? Ignorance would be to say that every police officer is an upstanding morally correct citizen. There is no "WAGON" here to jump on. How many threads have there been in the past few months about cops tazering children, killing teenagers and operating outside of the law for the hell of it?


Their last mass-debacle at Pittsburgh should be a warning to every single American.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:13 PM
Just wondering, anyone know what happened to the cops in , I think Seattle. The ones involved in killing that kid on the subway or El or Tram or whatever you call it.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
Ah another thread filled with ignorance.

Most of you just taking another - any opportunity to bash cops, probably because you've had a ticket, or a run in with the law.

Or could be you have nothing better to do than just jump on the latest "waggon" and bash cops.

I sincerely hope that you never need the assistance of an officer.

Been thee done that. Cops are useless in the commission of any crime. When they show up to do the paper work they are condescending pricks. They are useless in situations where you "need a cop."

It's not any opportunity to bash cops. These cops were probably corrupt and took drug money r worse, they killed a loved one unjustly. That is my speculation at the moment.

But you go ahead and blindly support the trash on the streets we call cops without questioning anything. Be a good shill for the blue gang.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:17 PM
But this makes no sense. If you think about it, there were witnesses left alive, and the only fatalities were the 4 police officers. Nothing taken, nothing stolen, and from what I can hear from the news is that there were no one else injured. Something does not seem right about this at all.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by pigwithoutawig

This one you mean?

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:22 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

It looks to me like we have a lot of questions but precious few answers. I would also suppose to add that these answers, when available, are going to come from Law Enforcement; who else would even know? Will there be a cover-up? Possibly, but for now there is no evidence of such that I can see.

But what is bothering me is the extreme amount of jumping to conclusions here, I'm all for exercise (as long as someone else does it
), but let's be honest here: Who here knows these cops? Who here has inside knowledge of what kind of people they were?

That's right; people. These were people, just like everyone reading this is a people. The only difference between them and you is the job they do.

As I said before, the possibilities are endless. It could have been a total looney-tunes that went nuts and thought the uniforms were from an alien invasion. It could have been a guy who snapped after getting a traffic ticket. It could have been a hit made because of a busted drug deal. It could have been revenge for an act committed by unscrupulous people in uniform. It could have been mistaken identity. It could have been something I haven't even mentioned. No one knows at this point.

I keep hearing about how the cops only see 'perps', and about police brutality, and about police making bad situations worse. You're right; sometimes that happens. Heck, it's happened to me! But unless you want to be as bad as the 'bad apples' you mention, I'd be real careful about taking the same stereotypical views you accuse others of. You get rid of bad apples by throwing them out, not by jumping in the barrel with them.

'Innocent until proven guilty'. Now there's a joke! So far I have seen tons of guilty verdicts, when all we know is that someone shot 4 people in uniform in a coffee shop. Wow, am I glad you guys aren't sitting on my jury! After all, I'm sure a good prosecuting attorney could come up with plenty of stereotypes for me! And since evidence isn't really needed if a stereotype suffices, that would mean I could get the death penalty for jaywalking.

Until these people are shown to be involved in something underhanded, or at least until these people are indicated to be possibly involved in something untoward, heck, until we know the names of these people, perhaps we should back off the cop-bashing. Lest we become the next group to be stereotyped to the point that first-degree murder becomes an acceptable method to deal with us.


As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:23 PM

four people go to work.

some guy comes in and shoots them dead.

but according to some folk on here because they were cops they deserved it.

if thats not indicative of a sickness in society, I don't know what is.

no one deserves to be shot dead simply for the kind of job they do.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by AgentX09
The only thing that seems certain is that these 4 were targeted.The rest is the usual ATS speculation before the facts become available.Please wait for more details before passing judgements.

You do know speculation and judgment are two different things right? If you don't want us to speculate then you might as well shut down entire sections of this site.

I speculate the cops were dirty bastards. I may be proven wrong but until I am my experience has shown me that cops are not gunned down like this without the cops being involved in something bad.

Or maybe this is the start of a revolt against corrupt police forces across the nation with a systematic history of severe community abuse? That would be a wonderful outcome if that's what this attack was. If it was the executioners are heroes.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Moon Knight

four people go to work.

some guy comes in and shoots them dead.

but according to some folk on here because they were cops they deserved it.

if thats not indicative of a sickness in society, I don't know what is.

no one deserves to be shot dead simply for the kind of job they do.

What if their job becomes to arrest you for not getting chipped? Or having a Bible study at home? Or take your kids to serve in dictoral army? Hmmmm what then?

I think all cops that are good should quit and join the state milita like the constitution says.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by sdcigarpig
But this makes no sense. If you think about it, there were witnesses left alive, and the only fatalities were the 4 police officers. Nothing taken, nothing stolen, and from what I can hear from the news is that there were no one else injured. Something does not seem right about this at all.
Maybe it's a serial killer?

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Moon Knight

four people go to work.

some guy comes in and shoots them dead.

but according to some folk on here because they were cops they deserved it.

if thats not indicative of a sickness in society, I don't know what is.

no one deserves to be shot dead simply for the kind of job they do.

I beg to differ... It's exactly the kind of job they do that may get them killed. For instance, if these four were involved in a cover up where an innocent loved one was killed would your opinion be the same? Mind you, they got away with it and are free to do it again.

I'm sure you would defend them the same huh?

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
Still why is it news. Police are mostly murderers. So who knows who they upset.

This comment is utter crap. It infuriates me to see such utter garbage posted as some sort of "justification" of murder. Murder is wrong, no matter who it is who is murdered.

Most policemen go through their entire careers without ever firing their weapons in anger. Most policemen get through their entire careers without ever having to kill or badly injure anyone. So how does that make the police "mostly murderers"?

Every time the police shoot someone, there is national coverage. That's good - it should be like that. Police misconduct should never be tolerated, and it should be widely publicized whenever it happens. Unfortunately, such publicity gives us an extremely warped understanding of what the police do.

Every single day, police throughout the country perform millions of acts of heroism, kindness, and assistance to citizens. They walk into dark alleys, abandoned buildings, dangerous neighborhoods, trying to apprehend dangerous criminals. They perform "welness checks" on seniors and disabled people. They do what they can to get the mentally ill into hospitals or at least off the streets for the night (during cold weather). They try to help "at risk" kids avoid ruining their lives.

I live in Chicago. I worked for an attorney who specialized in police misconduct cases, who is the scourge of the Chicago police (he won a verdict of $28 million for a case where police left a man in a "locked in" state, unable to move a musscle). I've seen police misconduct first-hand. There are some bad apples, some bullies and thugs and criminals in the police force. They are rare, and they are repeat offenders. The crimes against citizens are committed by the same thugs. Most of their fellow officers disapprove of their behavior and do what they can to stop it or mitigate it. Because their lives may depend on these thugs coming to their aid, they don't generally turn them in.

In my experence - here in Chicago, which has a reputation of corrupt and violent cops - most police are hard-working, honest, and dedicated people. They have a difficult, dangerous, and thankless job. They aren't paid all that much to do this job.

Your sig says that those who read the newspapers know less than those who read nothing, and I agree. And yet you fall for the typical MSM bull about evil murderous police. It's just not true. Such crimes are rare and not representative of what the vast majority of the police do every single day. It sells papers and air time, but it's pure crap.

For every bad cop - and yes, they do exist - there are many thousands of good cops. Anyone who says otherwise is full of crap.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by blupblup

Yea that's the one blupblup. Thankyou. I stand corrected on the location. so the cop quit eh, I suppose it's safer to do that than wait for someone to sneek up and execute you. Who knows , maybe the latest attack is in response to something like that. Maybe the people are seeing these things on vid and are getting fed up. I don't know but I think cops see all of us as potential suspects and aren't afraid to use force. Maybe people are getting fed up. I don't know! This could be way off the mark. I'm sorry for the friends and family of these cops. But I'll reserve my opinion on these 4 until we get some more info. But if there were 2 shooters then I think that changes things a lot.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:36 PM

Whats wrong with you people?

4 people are dead. You lot are revelling in it and throwing in ifs and buts and hypothetical scenarios.

4 families have no loved one coming home today.

anyone who thinks that is somehow deserved is almost as sick as the person who pulled the trigger on these people in cold blood.

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