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You Have Nothing To Fear (**read this thread it may change your life**)

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Colopatiron

Forgive me for being jaded, but it doesn't matter what the universe provides when TPTB wont allow you to. I would love to live off the grid and be completely self sustaining. That is indeed my dream life. So no I can't take any peace in in it when I know its out of reach for so many.
I Its easy for you to say to those who are starving, "Just move." but you don't know what the barriers are that are keeping them in their location. It may be all but impossible no matter how desperate they are to relocate.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by calstorm
reply to post by Colopatiron

Forgive me for being jaded, but it doesn't matter what the universe provides when TPTB wont allow you to. I would love to live off the grid and be completely self sustaining. That is indeed my dream life. So no I can't take any peace in in it when I know its out of reach for so many.
I Its easy for you to say to those who are starving, "Just move." but you don't know what the barriers are that are keeping them in their location. It may be all but impossible no matter how desperate they are to relocate.

Let me see if I've got this right ...

You're dream is to live your own life and provide for yourself .. but you're going to sacrifice what would make you happy just because other people are unable to do the same thing?

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:37 AM

What does that mean for, ohhh, let’s see, all those people who can’t get out of their wheelchairs who are reading this? What? Too bad for you sucker! You can’t do it!

What about the old and the infirm? Those born with deformities? Those who for whatever reason can’t work and tend a garden and harvest. Well, we‘ll have none of that! OUT with them eh! Cant’ work, cant eat!

With all due respect, IMO, this kind mentality is part of what's wrong with the world today. We live in a 'me, me, me let everybody else fend for themselves' society and then we want to sit around and complain about what's wrong with the world. For some reason, we have forgotten or have become too distracted with our own selves to realize that WE ARE THE WORLD, and each of us is part of it whether we like it or not. It is everybody's responsibility to take care of the youth, weak, and infirm in our communities. That isn't just my opinion. It's how our ancestors have survived and built their tribes and communities for centuries. Respect and honor meant something to our ancestors. Where is that respect and honor today? We desperately need it. No one person, group of people, or country should be expected to take care of everybody on their own. It starts locally in our own communities with us.

Studies have shown that altruism reduces anxiety, stress levels, and depression of the 'giver'. Altruistic people get more out of giving than receiving (which is how we are all programmed today).

Few of us are immune to the frustrations and challenges of daily life—family problems, conflicts at work, illness, stress over money. When we get depressed or anxious, experts may recommend medication and/or therapy. But a newly emerging school of thought suggests that a simple, age-old principle may be part of both the prevention and the cure: Help others to help yourself.

There’s no shortage of research showing that people who give time, money, or support to others are more likely to be happy and satisfied with their lives—and less likely to be depressed. Could helping others be the key to weathering the inevitable storms of life?

These results may seem surprising, especially since our culture tends to associate happiness with getting something. Why should we humans be programmed to respond so positively to giving?

“As Darwin noted, group selection played a strong rule in human evolution. If something like helping benefits the group, it will be associated with pleasure and happiness,” explains Stephen Post, Ph.D., a research professor of bioethics at Case Western Reserve University who co-authored the book Why Good Things Happen to Good Peoplewith Jill Neimark.

While evolution may have primed us to feel good from giving, it may not be the only reason helping others makes us feel better. Since depression, anxiety, and stress involve a high degree of focus on the self, focusing on the needs of others literally helps shift our thinking.

“When you’re experiencing compassion, benevolence, and kindness, they push aside the negative emotions,” says Post. “One of the best ways to overcome stress is to do something to help someone else.”

Even better, feeling good and doing good can combine to create a positive feedback loop, where doing good helps us to feel good and feeling good also makes us more likely to do good.

Do Good To Feel Good

[edit on 30-10-2009 by gazerstar]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:42 AM
You know what OP, like another poster said before, you ARE loved. I don't totally agree with everything you have said here but it is such a nice fresh take on things. To me this is more along the lines of things we could all do after a collapse and ousting of the world's elite. Threads like this should receive nothing but encouragement from everyone. Even if some of those things can't be done due to certain factors or influences, I think the point is everyone can do SOMETHING no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to others. You will always have detractors and people that try to break you down here and for the most part there isn't any animosity in it, here we just look hard for the truth always. But the big picture gets missed. There should be a thousand threads of "yes if we are good things would be great" because we should constantly be reminding each other to be good always to one another. I thank you OP because hope is a lost concept to many and people like you bring it back to the surface.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by gazerstar
reply to post by Colopatiron

Just this spring, I planted my own fruit, berry, and nut orchard on the land behind my house. I planted apples, plums, peaches, apple pears, cherries, pecan, walnut, and almond trees. I planted strawberries, and raspberry, blackberry, and blueberry bushes. Next Spring, I'm going to build a huge platform and plant grapes.

Wow! How much did that cost you if you don't mind me asking?

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Colopatiron

Thank you for the kind words. It is our mind and our wants that will forever enslave us. We will strive to become "A" and once we become it we aren't content or satisfied. "A" will then strive to become "B" and so forth. Our wants go on endlessly and it becomes our purpose, to want. We must ease our minds and relax and enjoy the simplicity again, the peace. As everything is taken away, whatever it is, at our core we are all free and taken care of by the universe. Everything added to this is a blessed gift.

Throughout history groups of people came together and planted and shared in a harvest. They built homes and places to live together, communities. In those times, friends were people who helped you build your house as you helped them build theirs. We've really gotten away from the basics and what we are capable of. I just wanted to remind certain people. They doubt it today, in time it will catch up to them when they need it most.

That is the basic flow of society, indeed. This is what commercialism is about.

Yeah. It is sad that today's definition of a friend is a "hang-out buddy" or someone to party with or chat with. It is extremely rare for people to believe in helping their friends out. And even in the event that someone is courteous enough to help their friend out, there are always strings attached. My friend Dave called me last night and this idea came up in our conversation. He is thinking about enlisting the help of a professional because he feels out of control. I talked with him for a few minutes and basically reminded him that if I'm his friend and I know him, then I am more likely to make progress with him than someone he pays. In actuality, I didn't have to say much more than that to make him feel less out of control!

Selfishness and greed leads to the traps that we find ourselves in today. True love is the ability to be willing to take your family's and friends burdens without hardly a thought as to the "negative", or more accurately, unselfish consequences.

So, I believe that people will not hear or read what you have to say without first starting to actually love and care. A lot of people will claim that this source says this and science says that... yeah, I'm sure that those people work hard for the knowledge that they have, but if they were so knowledgeable, then why are things getting worse, or rather, why is it that our perception of things is getting worse? No, they are unknowingly (or some maybe even knowingly) dishing out very harmful intel. The greatest lies are ones that are backed by proof. Lies wouldn't exist if they were so easy to dismiss.

Okay, this is your thread, not mine, sorry.
Thank you, by the way. You may not know it, but you are proof of a higher existence. I thank God for you.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:23 PM
I must thank everyone for their input on this thread because it has made me re-examine my beliefs about the powers that be. Like so many on this list I too have blamed them for the state of the world all the while overlooking how they gained that power. They gained their power by creating the illusion there's no other way but their way and we accepted it as true. I asked myself how likely is it the people will rile up and remove the elites, NWO, Illuminati, freemasons, and all those other groups that have been accused of being anti humanity? My answer is not likely at all. For one mainstream does not believe such organizations exist to harm them and secondly people are too complacent to care.

Revolution is the answer many would say but world history has shown when that is done well meaning people take over and become that which they fought to remove, it's a never ending cycle. So the solution must reside elsewhere.

An individual offers up some possible solutions and he's criticized mercilessly and told his ideas are illogical but no one gave workable alternatives. If he offered what you would call a pipe dream that's ok at least he's still dreaming whereas others no longer dream making everything impossible to themselves. Another upside is the OP is making an effort to be secure in him or herself and not demand others be responsible for their well-being, one would think that would be seen as a big plus.

People don't have to agree with the OP but let it spur ideas how you could regain a joyful place in this world because it's a danger sign when all you see is misery and bleakness, kinda like the movie 1984. I actually read another thread where people stated they hated humanity, what a statement to make. It also would mean "the powers that be" have accomplished their agenda if it's to shackle the minds of the masses.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Colopatiron

You Will Never Starve
Absolute statements require absolute proof. I mean, neither you nor anyone else for that matter can promise me that I will never starve to death. Also, while growing your own food is good advice and commendable not every human being on this earth will be able to do so. About the starving people right now, the only thing that will help in the long run is a radical redistribution of wealth. For example, in the EU we have surplus of food that gets destroyed or dumped and buried in land fills. This happens in order to keep the prizes stable. If we made that food available to starving nations, a lot of people could be saved.

You Will Never Go Without Some Form Of Shelter
True, but again not every one will be able to do it.

There Are Breakthroughs Going On In Cheap Energy
Well, solar power panels aint cheap and wind turbines aint cheap either, though a skilled do-it-yourself kind of person could build one fairly cheap, at least cheaper than buying a ready one.

Mankind Is Highly Intelligent
Yes, we are brilliant. We have not only managed to survive all these millions of years, but we got smarter all throughout our evolution. I don't give much for the example you cited, like the pyramids aligned according to the Orion belt, well, it's a nice claim, but still disputable and certainly not accepted for whatever reasons by mainstream Egyptoligists.

Don't Forget The Progression Of Mankind

The earth is a round planet. The center of a round planet is deep inside at the core. You are talking about the center of landmasses on the earth mantle. Again, you can take any point on planet Earth and declare it to be the center of the planet. Furthermore, I thought Jerusalem was the center of the earth mantle.
Just kidding, I don't buy that Judeo-Christian nonsense either.

On the topic of aliens, I believe that the universe is teaming with life. Some may or may have not already visited us. I personally doubt the latter, simply because the distances are really vast and an alien civilisation would have woundrous science-fiction technology to get here.

Man Is Meant To Live At Least 120 Years
Well, no man is meant to live at most 120-130 years. But that point will become moot when science discovers Clinical Immortality, i.e. a way to keep you alive for ever. The problem will then unfortunately become unmanagable as far as food and starvation is concerned.

Everything You Need To Cure Your Sickness Is Provided On This Earth
Hm, yeah, great, all I need to not cure my illnesses (because they are of the chronic kind and thus not cureable ever), but to be able to live with them, is a trip to my local doctors and to the local pharmacy. I'm certainly not gonna suddenly become a botanoligist to learn what herbs are good for what. I know a few basic ones and that's just enough. Besides, nobody can convince me that there are viable herbal alternatives to the medication I am taking right now.

Wealth Is Creativity
I'm not a believer, but for all believing Christians I'll just quote Jesus here: “You cannot love and serve two lords. You are either with the Father or with Mammon (the good of wealth).”Something like that paraphrased and not an exact quote. And yeah, I used to be very creative for a while, but creativity doesn't get you rich fast. And about writing books, I could, but I am retired so what's the point. But I would certainly not write pseudo-science books and try to get filthy rich that way or through any other get-rich-fast-scam.

People are highly nutrient deficient! But there is help!

Ok, Nostradamus and the Plague and Vitamic C?
Maybe the Vitamin C was just a placebo effect. I'm surprised you did not know that the Plague was introduced by rats though. Not a European are you?

to be continued below

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Colopatiron

Oh, and with all that food for free, energy for free, shelter for free, I'm surprised you did not include the “wonderplant” hemp (the industrial one not the medical one). I say that because I have a friend who spouts similar opinions as you, but he always ties it in with hemp. And no it's not a wonderplant, a grow this kind of crop and solve all world problems of starvation, energy and shelter for free along the way. Great huh? I think the only thing free in this live is death and I am not so sure about that either. Everything else is not for free as in free of charge. When you grow your own food, you need first to invest in land and then invest a lot of energy and tough labor to make it work. Energy the same thing, huge investment upfront and there are countries that regulate energy in a strange way. There was this example here in Hellas (Greece), where this guy had built his own wind tourbines and had surplus energy and he wanted to feed it into the national power network and he got into a lot of trouble. Basically, if I remember correct in the end the power company offered to take his surplus power, if he agreed to become their customer with reduced prices or some such. Needless to say, he didn't take that deal.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by silo13

Colopatiron is right about the plague. Bacteria and viruses, after all, do not cause disease. They are the agent that disease works through. They may be a corollary, but science has a tendency to see corollaries as causations. Bacteria and viruses are always present in the body. Probably several hundred types of "disease-causing bacteria" in my body right now, but none of them can find purchase. This fancily-named bacteria that you mentioned would have no effect on society no matter how many people were carriers, so long as all the people had adequate defenses. Something like 90% of all ground commercial beef in the U.S. has E. coli in it, but 90% of beef-eaters aren't barfing. This is because of the immune system. Vitamin C is one of the main components of the immune system, so it's very likely as a candidate for "Cause" of the Plague. The bacteria you mentioned is just an ever-present feature of the environment.

In other words, guns don't kill people, standing in front of flying bullets kills people.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by IceOwl]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:32 PM
Interesting post. I agree with much of what you've said, but am curious why you mentioned twice "people shouldn't have grey hair in their 20s." I know a handful of men who are extremely healthy yet grey early - even starting in high school - and their fathers did as well.

I imagine this lack of pigmentation is a genetic trait - not a nutritional deficiency. What leads you to conclude this is a sign of ill health?

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Fingersoup

I don't have an exact number, but it was surprisingly affordable. I decided that instead of wasting money on frivolous and impulse shopping buying things that I really don't need like clothes, shoes, purses, lotion, manicures, magazines, and just junk in general that clutters up the house, that I would invest that same amount of money into something that would give back like fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, seeds, etc.

I don't know how it is in other areas, but around here fruit trees are CHEAP, especially compared to landscaping trees. I don't know why other than maybe not many people buy fruit trees around here making the demand low thus causing the reduce in price. Also, I didn't buy everything all at once. I shopped around and got stuff from Wal-Mart, Lowes, a farm supply store, some of the local nurseries, etc. I discovered that waiting until it was almost too late to plant was an excellent time to buy because many times the stores drastically reduced the price in order to get rid of left over stock.

On the one hand, I figure that in a SHTF scenario, if the economy completely collapses and our money isn't worth anything, how can it really serve me other than being used as fuel for fire? While the money is still good, I invested in the future and spent it on food resources. On the other hand, even if nothing happens, I've still got my own little backyard, organic, food supply, increased my property value, and given back to the earth by planting trees to help clean the air and offset carbon emissions. The way I see it, it's a win-win situation.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by gazerstar]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:27 PM
starred and flagged

Thanks for your positive and reaffirming opening post.

it just so happens that last night, the decision was made that today we would start the vegie garden.

i wake up, the sun is shining brightly on the dewy grass and then this thread!

first step- a fence to keep the possums out! ( could eat them too!)

anyway thanks again, you are right and anyone who says you aren't just should get out of their boxes...

love to everyone
( now where's that shovel???...)

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by loveandthink
Interesting post. I agree with much of what you've said, but am curious why you mentioned twice "people shouldn't have grey hair in their 20s." I know a handful of men who are extremely healthy yet grey early - even starting in high school - and their fathers did as well.

I imagine this lack of pigmentation is a genetic trait - not a nutritional deficiency. What leads you to conclude this is a sign of ill health?

Hair has been pointed out by some to be a close link to your DNA. Battered hair or early gray hair suggests problems with your DNA. There have been articles written on this. This is a fairly modern suggestion, you won't find a whole lot of information on it. Some have said hair is basically dead strands of DNA. DNA test matches are often done from hair. I am no DNA expert.

My basic theory however is you go a long period of time without having gray hair. Some say your body duplicates and starts afresh with new cells throughout your entire body as old cells die off every 2-3 years. Even if it's every 10 years, to think after 20 years you start getting gray hair suddenly very heavily? It just doesn't make sense to think it's a trait because of how delayed it is.

Another person mentioned that a lot of things people attribute to genetics are in fact environmental. You get early gray, you go bald early, you are more inclined to obesity not because you got "the family gene" but because you are in the same family structure. You eat the same foods and are subjected to the same nutrient deficiencies and toxicity.

I really do think cigerette smoke including 2nd hand smoke contributes dramatically to the rise in premature gray hair. I believe it does rob the body of it's ability to fully utilize it's oxygen which is needed in proper blood flow and detoxification leading to weaker DNA. I've studied blood flow and the main things required are oxygen and water. If you have high blood pressure, you first need to increase your oxygen level and your water intake. If you drink coffee and smoke, suddenly you have slowed down your blood flow! Throw in some blood cholesterol (meat) to clump the cells together that do move and it's even slower blood flow! Throw in a high salt intake too! This all while having a normal looking body I think weighs on ones hair. I think blood flow to the brain is somewhat of a unique thing. Many have grey hair on their head but not on their stomach, arms or elsewhere. I think it's almost blood pressure related. It appears you need even better blood flow to adequately get the proper amount of blood to flow to your head. Which is why many people with gray hair probably suffer from dizzy light headed spells and possibly even stress bumps on their head.

Don't smoke when you're pregnant, why because it's effects on your DNA and the babies DNA and growth? It's something nobody really explores.

Just a quick google search shows others out there agree, many from first hand experiences...

Did your friend grow up around someone who smoked, have dizzy light head spells, blood pressure issues, stress related issues?

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:03 PM

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 06:37 PM
Almost reminds me of a day of watchingt the history channel... heh. Welcome to the site

Originally posted by Colopatiron
I've come to expand my knowledge on a very wide range of conspiracies, many of them I have unlocked to a point that I've come to form strong conclusions. I registered on this forum just to post this thread after reaching a level of enlightenment, I thought I'd share my findings with others.Please read it and post a reply and I will try to reply back if I am still a member and don't get kicked off. I guess the only thing I have to fear is being kicked off a fear forum for posting non-fear related information.

I was a long time reader of this forum and other conspiracy websites and I became very cynical, lethargic, pessimistic, sad, isolated, fearful, embarrassed by humanity, disappointed in government and in people. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, it was destroying my life. It also became addictive, entertaining, what could I uncover next, what else don't I know? I became less fearful and more numb, there was nothing I could do, I might as well know more. I digged and digged, the same conspiracies kept popping up. Nobody had unlocked anything new, the same ongoing unconfirmed debunked things surfaced now and again.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by TheFaiThfulSkepTic]

[edit on 30-10-2009 by TheFaiThfulSkepTic]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 06:46 PM
I just think that the theory of these resources being "free" is a very flawed concept. All of them: food, energy, and shelter require work in order to obtain them.

Work, or labor, means they aren't free. Someone, be it you, me, or society as a whole will need to do some level of work to provide these "free" resources.

You can't overlook this critical aspect when labeling these things as free, because as anyone can clearly see, they aren't free.

Food will require hours and hours of hunting and foraging for wild foods, suffering through winter when less animals and plants are available. Or it will require hours and hours of work at a job to acquire money in order to purchase these goods that you would rather not work to acquire on your own.

Shelter will require hours of building and repairing makeshift forms of shelter from rain, snow, wind, etc. Or you can work for hours at a job to acquire money to purchase a shelter that is better than what you could build and maintain on your own.

Energy will require hours of building and designing solar panels, cords, and other essentials to make it feasible, and even more hours to maintain. Or...well, you get the point (I hope).

Work means IT AINT FREE!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Boom Slice

Would this be better?
I'm sorry. I just HAD to post this after reading that. You have to admit. It is funny. I wish my life were this easy too, but I'm a 'realist'. It will never happen, but that's okay. I'm over it. Darn that hard work!

Oops! Wrong video. I fixed it. Sorry about that.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by gazerstar]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Colopatiron
You Will Never Starve
Every time you see a starving child, starving mother on television and are asked to donate money, have a look around. You will see grass growing, trees growing, vegetation. Throughout the history of the world, humans have grown their own food freely, yes FOOD IS FREE. If it doesn't grow, people have relocated miles to where it does grow. Walking across miles and miles of land, no cars! Research this, food grows everywhere, there are many plants that are edible. Believe it or not, berries grow in the wild! Believe it or not you can grow your food in absolute abundance to a point that you have to throw some of it away or give it away, freeze it, or not eat it! HERE IS THE FIRST KEY. THE UNIVERSE PROVIDES FOR YOU IN GREAT ABUNDANCE. YOU WILL NEVER STARVE. [edit on 29-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

Is that you?

Food isn't free and much of Africa suffers from severe water shortages. It costs money to buy land and raise crops. If you don't have land, you buy food from those who do. You buy it with MONEY! You can't survive eating wild berries unless you like getting rickets. Also, if you sneak onto my property to start digging through my trash or eating insects off my driveway, I will have to shoot you.

Do you want people in New York to start ripping up the sidewalks to plant food and tell their landlords that shelter is free? You try it and please get it on tape.

Originally posted by Colopatiron
You Will Never Go Without Some Form Of Shelter
Throughout history mankind has built their houses with wood, yes FREE WOOD. If you don't have wood, you could use mud depending on the part of the world you live in. Even if everything collapsed around you in a complete economic meltdown! SHELTER IS FREE. I know you have been programmed to think you need $100,000 or more to buy a home to have shelter, this is false. IT IS FREE.
[edit on 29-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

Wood is not free. You chop down trees on someone's property, you will be sued for trespassing and destruction of property. The same is true if you do so on public land as well.

Shelter isn't free. You must own or rent land to live on. You can't squat on public property either. The city will send in the cops to beat and arrest you. I don't know what kind of Disneyland world you live in but it's not real life. Please stop taking drugs. You are killing your brain!

[edit on 30-10-2009 by andrewh7]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:01 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

reply to post by Boom Slice

Good point. But you have pointed out another aspect of what I have been saying:

Work means IT AINT FREE!

That depends on how you view work. If you view it as something that you produce to sell and profit from, then you are absolutely correct. Work on something means less work you can sell, so therefore it is an expense.

However, if one views work a different way, the equation changes.

If you view work as something that you will do regardless of whether or not you need to do so in order to profit, then work is an unlimited commodity that it financially worthless. To demonstrate: if you are of the mind that every day you will be doing something all day, regardless of what you may or may not have to do to survive, then there is no reason to see work as something that is financial; it will occur whether or not there is immediate profit in it. Sure, you will focus your activities on what is needed to survive and thrive, but you will see no difference between working in an office or cultivating a garden.

It's no longer that you have only so many hours to accomplish something, but that you have as many days full of those hours as you need to do whatever needs to be done.

Where someone subscribing to financial existence would say "that requires a lot of work, and I don't want to work that much; I would rather pay someone else to do it", someone subscribing to a commodity-based existence would say "it's a lot of work, but I have to be doing something; might as well do this".

I don't really know if I am making myself clear, but this is the best I can do for now. I hope everyone understands what I am trying to say here.


As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

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