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You Have Nothing To Fear (**read this thread it may change your life**)

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posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Colopatiron


This is in YOUR context.
That does not mean just your and my backyard.

The UNIVERSE does NOT provide in abundance of food to all the world in a general sense.
If it did - well - we wouldn’t need UNICEF now would we?
(Not trying to be flip I’m just tired, so tired of this bs happy happy joy joy that is only a puff of smoke blown at mirrors)...

BUT I REITERATE - your intent, I believe, is to do a kindness here, and for that I thank you.

The only way you can get uric acid buildup is from meat.

Again. BS. Your words, or the words of a website, I could care less, it’s misleading, irresponsible and just plain wrong.

Why would a gout website tell people to eat Asparagus and vegetables and say they are gout friendly? I think you are the one spreading misinformation or that needs to get your facts straight on that area....

Why do websites quote anything? It all comes down to money in one way or another. Just because you find it on a website doesn’t negate the information from being pure bologna.

My Mother has suffered with gout for years.
I KNOW for a fact that black cherry juice and coffee help her gout.
I also KNOW FOR A FACT - and not from a website, but from the word of a paid dietitian from a world renown clinic - that her gout, anyone's gout can be inflamed by many vegetable. Some I listed.

Added note: Do not ever. And I mean EVER accuse me of misleading anyone. Especially when your posts are full of misrepresentation, bald faced lies, and BS from the get go.

I will say again, I respect your intent - to give people hope and cheer... But I am loosing that respect with every reply you post.


[edit on 29-10-2009 by silo13]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Detailed Perfection

What whole countries are referring to here? Where in the world is SO crowded that one would commit trespassing by going for a walk? Unless you plan on building a complex house, you do not need any kind of permit.

Yes you do need planning permission to build even a hut. Just because this does not happen in a small town in Texas does not mean that this does not happen elsewhere. There are houses razed to the ground for infringing even one rule. Because land is cheap wherever posters are, does not mean it is cheap everywhere. Because not all the land is owned by someone where you are does not mean that it is not all owned by someone elsewhere, and that you are liable to be trespassing and can only look at said land over a fence. Because you are able to buy cheap land and grow your own food does not mean that is possible everywhere. Because tools are cheap for you does not mean they are for everyone. Because you are able to buy cheap land, plant seeds and grow food (which Monsanto will soon outlaw, so this is all nonsense) and have the physical strength and capability to build a house or shelter, does not mean that everyone can.


Don’t be rude.

Every country, every continent, every nation, and every state has farmland and land owners. Find those people and talk to those people.
You may have to live with out some luxuries like internet, video games, movies, fancy cars and new clothes ... I think that's what's so hard for most people.

Yes, there are farmers everywhere, well, at least those who have not committed suicide. They are either mightily rich and would set the dogs on you, or they are extremely poor and struggling and would not allow some odd person on their land chopping down trees, ignoring the fact that you would not be allowed to build with the trees anyway. Most can hardly feed themselves let alone exchange food for labour.
There is a whole world outside America, and what you have to realise is that the rest of the world does not always work the same way.
It is rather smug to example something that has worked for you in a small community and then say that this is possible all over the planet when this is not true. Widen your horizons and you may realise that what is possible for you is not possible for the majority.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Much love and light to you for stating the obvious. It's amazing how fear keeps so many of us in check.

To the people who try to beat down on the facts of the OP. All facts are relative to something. Majority believes does not make something more true just more probable or highly likely. Because it's scientifically proven does not mean it's the only truth. Scientific evidence often dependend on some manufactured or controlled environmental factors that often do not correspond to actual day to day reality. So if you didn't try it for yourself don't go about using someone elses biased research or worse someone elses word for it (especially if that someone else conforms to the general masses idea of the truth) as proof that something is one way or another. Try it youselves or at least be open minded to it. That IMO is denying ignorance. Life would not have been able to survive and flourish even for a second if it wasn't for the fact that the universe does provide all the neccessary food and shelter and health aids to make it so. Common sense IMO...

I'm tired and rambling so

S&F to the OP and all the love in abundance to all.

[edit on 29/10/2009 by IAmD1]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by mrwiffler
You air head. People already grow food. The point is you can't say that "we will never starve".

Let's say you lived in Ethiopia and said this just before millions starved..."hey everyone, food is free, all we have to do is plant some and we'll be ok."

Doesn't work like that. There are BILLIONS of us. The only reason you probably wont starve is because you probably live in the west.

You are very new to utopian idea's, I can tell. It is good to see someone being positive but me going and planting a bit of food AIN'T going to help if the world turns to sh#t and the west is forced into starvation.

Whenever information or data is presented there are what is known as outliers. They are the special instances outside the norm. If I say the sky is blue, someone could say WRONG, the sky is sometimes light blue, sometimes a grayish blue, sometimes even a little purple, don't tell us the sky is blue, you have to define which kind and point out EVERY variation or you are misleading people! Does that make the sky not blue by pointing out outliers? The reality is there are no absolute truths, not in a world full of variables and statistical outliers. It's fun to argue sometimes, howevever everything people say could require a footnote pointing out, "well, it's true unless this happens". Tell someone you are going to a grocery store and will be right back, "well, unless my car breaks down". I'm going to sleep, "unless of course I get a pain in my side and can't".

I've debated and have argued many points in the past and the leading argument against statements is someone pointing out an outlier. The other is someone nitpicking on semantics on an area where there is agreement but people just would rather argue than stop and say LOOK WE BOTH AGREE. I never said people wouldn't starve, we are in agreement that there are people starving in Ethopia. I'm not disagreeing with what you said, you are stating something I agree with and are presenting it in a way as if I disagree.

Here's is where your information stops short, yes they are starving, yes some more may starve and die. They are an outlier.

Areas high in government perpetrated genocide will have a tougher time. I never said it would be easy for everyone, some will having living conditions that make it more difficult. As in the case of the somalian pirates who were in the news, countries and people were dumping chemical wastes in their water and overfishing in their area water. People were raiding and stealing from the somalians. The same goes for areas in Africa that depend on poor labor for diamond mining. Their land has diamonds in it yet they don't lay claim to it, instead they are slaves to help others lay claim to it. Resources and land have been stolen from people throughout the history of the world, often being followed up with genocide and murder. Do you think the people in Ethiopia and Somalia have always had these starvation problems? NO, or they would have died off a long time ago.

Here is the fascinating thing, you look at people as the problem. As if plants and animals are smarter, animals have caught on to this free food thing. What Ethiopa lacks is leadership that harnesses the power of their people. They have hands, they have feet, don't understimate the power of groups. If there are millions of them, there are millions of possibilities. Like someone else stated, WITH WHAT LAND? THE LAND YOU ARE ON BELOW YOUR FEET. Your theory is based on an idea that since people in Ethiopia are dying, overpopulation leads to starvation without any recourse. Well, they each have hands, they can plant, harvest and defend their land and protect their people. There are photos of these starving people with full vegatation and greenery in their areas.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:57 PM
double post

[edit on 29-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Colopatiron

What Ethiopa lacks is leadership that harnesses the power of their people. They have hands, they have feet, don't understimate the power of groups. If there are millions of them, there are millions of possibilities.

Well, they each have hands, they can plant, harvest and defend their land and protect their people. There are photos of these starving people with full vegatation and greenery in their areas.


I’ve rarely read an opinion on ATS that makes me sicker at heart or more disgusted than yours.

You’re like the person that walks by a beggar and tell them to get a job.

One day, (and though I hope for your sake it does not happen to you and yours) - Some day karma will visit your doorstep, and you’ll look about you and scream over parched lips, ‘But, but, there’s land beneath my feet! Why am I starving to death!’
And at the same time someone more fortunate will pass by you sipping a nice long drink of water and tell you to quite complaining.

peace to you and yours

[edit on 29-10-2009 by silo13]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 04:51 PM
So when does the world end, that's what I'm waiting for. Of course there is nothing to fear, we live in America.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:05 PM
Sometimes it can be hard to see light at the end of the tunnel in the days we live in. We've got to think positive and be productive to just get through it. I truly believe we are at a place in our time were we could embark on a revolution. Things have really speed up through the years and something has got to come through and show some light. More and more people are becoming aware of their surroundings and the faults that rely within. Poverty will one day hopefully be abolished it sickens me of how powerful our nations are and we can't provide enough for those in need. Why in the hell are we fighting a war that accomplishes NOTHING AT ALL? We should be fighting in the countries were CORRUPTION is enacted daily in Ethiopia and Africa amongst many others. I would much rather lose my life fighting for the lives of people that truly are in POVERTY are PERIL in the out most sickening conditions ever witnessed.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by OpenYourHead]

[edit on 29-10-2009 by OpenYourHead]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Colopatiron



posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by Colopatiron

What Ethiopa lacks is leadership that harnesses the power of their people. They have hands, they have feet, don't understimate the power of groups. If there are millions of them, there are millions of possibilities.

Well, they each have hands, they can plant, harvest and defend their land and protect their people. There are photos of these starving people with full vegatation and greenery in their areas.


I’ve rarely read an opinion on ATS that makes me sicker at heart or more disgusted than yours.

You’re like the person that walks by a beggar and tell them to get a job.

One day, (and though I hope for your sake it does not happen to you and yours) - Some day karma will visit your doorstep, and you’ll look about you and scream over parched lips, ‘But, but, there’s land beneath my feet! Why am I starving to death!’
And at the same time someone more fortunate will pass by you sipping a nice long drink of water and tell you to quite complaining.

peace to you and yours

[edit on 29-10-2009 by silo13]

in FACT you and the other negative people here are one of the reasons this concept seems all "too hard" and "impossible".
Oppressed people will starve, oppressed nations will live under the rule of the negative powers that rule the earth, negativity that is perpetuated by you and other here even.
The universe is a wonderful thing, and has supplied you and I and our earth with everything we need to live, it has been allowed to be corrupted by a few and many...the many that allow it to happen.
What can I do? oh it's all to hard...oh you can't do that, etc.

Anyways like I said in my 1post in this thread, he who shouts loudest and longest thinks they know more than other...and is more in touch and knowledgeable.
Why would some one post a truthful thread with positive real info when there is a billion posts on SHTF or 2012 or Obama, or little green men, NWO, the US economy, liberals/commies, why free health care is so wrong and why that free care shouldn't come from "their" back pocket....
Apart from small pockets of this site I would have to say this would have to be the most insecure, self centred, negative, place on the net.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:29 PM
OP, your post would make sense if we all lived 200 years ago...but as you've seen by others is not anymore! Nothing is free..not even air..i have to pay 50 cents just to put it in my tires.

Id like to be shown where I can build a free house, because if you can show me that, Im there!
Take a look at the homeless camps right now and go tell each one of them that they can have a free shelter..or free food..LA is full of homeless that would love to hear this "tale" you tell.

Im a poor person myself..luckily I own my own home..sure, I grow my own veggies, but its because I have a tiny plot of land that I was lucky enough to own. I sure couldnt go down the road to Farmer Bill's land and plant some veggies in his field.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:49 PM
Ignorance is bliss
knowledge is power
not knowing can kill you

you must be pretty happy

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:49 PM
Thank you for the post op, I have nothing to add or take away other then just wanting to say I appreciate your time and effort for making the thread and it was a good read.

S + F

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:57 PM
When I went to Ethiopia I think a lot of the populace would disagree with your assertion that "people will never starve".

realism doesn't usually coincide with optimism.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:00 PM
and why is this on the front page? Is controversy and sunshine puking optimism our flagstone now?

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:00 PM
I understand what you are saying. Very thoughtful of you to give inspiration to people who really have none these days. As I have just witnessed on some of the replies some people just want to point the finger and say how wrong you are. The truth is Government owns all land. If you do not pay taxes you are evicted from that home you think you own. That none the less does not make you wrong. Change starts somewhere. If the government will not look out for us, then we should look out for each other. But the ones that point out to you how it will not work are the ones that will not even try. They are the one's who has lost the most hope. Thinking nothing can be done. I have been there so I know how it feels. Then a post like yours comes along and gives me hope and determination that if enough people would think like you anything could be possible. Many are ruled by the few out of fear. Its seems ironic to think this government was founded by such people which shouted at the top of their lungs,
GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH. In my opinion you are such a person.

Thanks again, S&F.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by silo13

I came here to post something about the stupifying ignorance of the OP. But thank god silo was already on the case. The OP made me feel sick that anybody could buy that BS, and Silo your post made me feel sick again for the right reasons. How can we, the so called civilised west let this happen?

To the OP:

-Food is only free if the land it's on is not owned and defended by a gun.
-Wood is only free if it's on land that is not fenced off and defended by guns.
-One can only build a mud hut if one has a parcel of land with soil that is not owned by elites and guarded with guns.

OP please deny ignorance or go hang out at GLP, because I don't ever want to read another word by you.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by sharps]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by silo13

As for people never going hungry?
That is just such a pipe dream I'm not even going to go there.

Giving hope is one thing - giving false hope, in my opinion, is a crime - but I choose not to go any farther with this thread.


[edit on 29-10-2009 by silo13]

I am sorry to say this, but what you say is disgusting and makes me feel physically sick.

The capability of Earth to produce food according to my calculations is at least 20 billion people - 3 time the current population. Even more if grown in greenhouses in extreme cold or permacultured deserts, or multistory structures.

My childhood was an excellent example how family of 6 children (I am the oldest) was living in the city and providing all the food for themselves all year round at Northern latitude 59 degrees from the land outside the city.

I know it when I say - FOOD IS FREE. It is you conditioning that prevents you from having free food.

Thank you for your attention. I will not be checking your reply.


OP, thanks for the post.

ATS made me feel the same. I still check it occasionally because of some great posts aimed at solutions - Awakening I and Awakening II were good examples.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by 297GT

Why would some one post a truthful thread with positive real info when there is a billion posts on SHTF or 2012 or Obama,

in FACT you and the other negative people here are one of the reasons this concept seems all "too hard" and "impossible".
Oppressed people will starve, oppressed nations will live under the rule of the negative powers that rule the earth, negativity that is perpetuated by you and other here even.

Maybe because it is not positive ‘real’ info, but dreamy pie in the sky nonsense. Yes, that is how life is meant to be. But if people are oppressed it is normally at the end of a gun, or because all resources are kept from them by the regime that oppresses them, which renders them powerless. In a money system you are only capable of doing or buying anything by the amount of money you hold. As you are arguing against a post showing totally emaciated people crawling on the ground near death, I find your argument that those people can just rise up and take their power back totally facile. If you are American, you are sitting there while your country is being destroyed from within probably arguing that the fool in charge is eligible and good. So don’t talk about allowing evil to flourish and oppress. And what is amusing is that your post is the most negative so far, whilst bemoaning negativity. If you need to live in a dream who am I to say it is wrong. But change will not come from not recognising the obstacles, as all you will do is fall over them.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:17 PM
Resources have been there from day one on this earth, the natural naturals of things that have been there have been absorbed, used,manipulated, engineered. changed etc, if life was simple then without control etc then it would be so much better and i do believe we would live beyond our current life expectancy (sp?)

we are from this earth and its natural, it will provide for us, but we have manipulated it where we are becoming incompatible.

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