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Urgent Web Bot Update Ref: 10/25

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posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by jtma508

Well if you have been at this for years than maybe you can answer my question because Eco is taking the long way round.....

Is the webbot program based upon the precognitive ability all of us seem to have???

I'll keep it short and simple, hope you can do the same!!!


[edit on 4/10/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by ecoparity

With other words...the webbot program depends on the precognitive ability of people.......


in my view, ecoparity was explaining a computer machines exotic way of reading peoples 'body language' as it were...

'reading' and analizing the many otherwise intangible qualities....
which a psychic or sensitive plugs into their mental computations.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:21 AM
maybe now is the time to buy a thousand shares of USO:

it is very trades on a average of 12 million shares a day, the 10/02/09 closing price was 35.87

last year the price ballooned up to 120 a share, plus the idea of it going significantly lower before the end of the year is highly unlikely. it's a broad based measure of the cost of oil on the US market
if the SHTF in the middle east, every time the stock goes up a dollar, you make a 1000 bucks.
and any trouble in the middle eastern oil supply, USO moves rapidly up.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
in my view, ecoparity was explaining a computer machines exotic way of reading peoples 'body language' as it were...

'reading' and analizing the many otherwise intangible qualities....
which a psychic or sensitive plugs into their mental computations.

Thanks for that short summery of Eco's story.....

reading peoples "body language" over the internet would be best explained as looking at the amount of emotion they put into their words (subconsiously) and what they really mean instead of what they are saying, right??


[edit on 4/10/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Yes... WebBot uses sophisticated pattern recognition based on linguistic shifts that are caused by changes in the population's mood and general state of mind. It uses these linguistic shifts as a proxy for the way people are feeling. So for the program to work, the underlying mechanics depend upon the population being precognitive.

Let me state it another way. There is a vast body of data that suggests that people ARE precognitive. That doesn't mean we are consciously precognitive (that is, that an image or scenario will pop into our heads) but that we 'pick-up' something on a subconscious level. That will modify our perception and behavior in subtle ways. Some of that will manifest in our use of language. WebBot is designed to identify these shifts and attempts to make predictions based on them.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
if the SHTF in the middle east, every time the stock goes up a dollar, you make a 1000 bucks.

That all depends on how many shares you buy.

EDIT: Never mind, I missed where you said a thousand, my bad.

[edit on 4-10-2009 by mkross1983]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by jtma508

Thanks for that excellent explanation....

I'm gonna print this text in stone and hang it over my bed because that is exactly what i thought the webbot program was.....

now, when we assume most people have precognitive abilities because test showed this, why are we forgetting that this "ability" has a certain timelimit to it? From what i understand this conclution was based upon the fact that people would react to a horrible picture seconds before it was shown to them. I'm willing to believe that we have this ability because it serves a purpose. We prepare our bodies for an eventual shock etc etc...

But to assume that all humans have precognitive abilities and not only that but without a timelimit.....we can see (subcontiously) things into the far future?? There is a big difference between feeling a massive headache right before you bump your head and feeling a massive headache because you are gonna bump your head next month!!!!

I like the way you explain things and i'm more than happy to learn new things but can you understand why i'm having such a problem with this subject??


[edit on 4/10/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Sorry for confusing you. No, my first post didn't indicate that I didn't believe in the possibility of precognition. It was showing that I didn't trust in the system used to interpret the data.

I've for some time thought that humans have precognitive abilities, but to pinpoint what exactly it is we're emoting about...that's a whole other ballgame.

I simply have problems with people preying on people's fears, which is what I think this group is doing. If the price wasn't so steep, and the interpretations so dire, I may think otherwise.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by questioningall

One other thing - you may want to start gathering the IP addresses of your favorite websites - because that is another prediction that is ongoing. The PTB will shut down the web in the way of not being able to type in names (.com .net, etc) the only way to get on websites will be to know the IP addresses.

It would be good to get ATS's IP address and store it in your computer somewhere -

How do you obtain these?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by msdesertrat

In windows:

click start, type, "cmd" in search window

type, "ping x", x being the name of website, ie

Although I'm fairly certain DNS servers are decentralized and it's simply not possible to remove this. Can anyone else back this up?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:59 AM
WHEN these "predictions" fail to pass (and they will, I'd put my mortgage on it), I will bump this thread (and perhaps others warning of some kind of doomsday event in October 2009) and I will demand an apology from those doomsdayers who seem desperate to whip up fear and scare others.

The number of accurate predictions ever posted on ATS over the years?




Please bear that in mind.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Look into the Global Consciousness Project as far as depth of precognition. You are basing your timelimit on some of the laboratory experiments which (be necessity) look at proximal precognition. It's much harder to measure longer term precognitionb because you lose all the experiemental controls. The fact that we are precognitive at all flies in the face of common 'understanding'. If we are precognitive, as it would appear, then there is nothing that suggests it would be short-lived. For all we know there may be differnt types of precognition. Maybe one personal type (to keep us out of danger --- how many times have you heard of people deciding to modify their plans or behavior because they 'had a feeling' and it turned out to save their lives) and one global type (to protect the survival of the species). Who knows?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 11:06 AM
And while we're at it, because it would most certainly be relevant, let's make sure we keep our eyes on this prediction as well... albeit non-WebBot:

October 15th

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 11:13 AM
Timewave technician#2 here.The NOVELTY peaks,which look like downward plunges on the graph also indicate CONNECTEDNESS.Like this could be an event which has our attention all together focused.Shorter time span increases focus,IMHO.
This system of looking for tendencies,whether toward the new or the 'back' to habitual,(interconnected vs isolated) is based on the I CHING which is all about time and broken down elements of the various manifestations of change,called TAO.This was thought to be somehow encoded into the very arrangement that the elements which make up The King Wen Sequence,an arrangement far older than our current civilization,and a one used by the Chinese from ancient times until right now.
"Throwing' the I CHING is a very involved process,it kinda takes root in your way of seeing things.It is amazingly accurate,that's the rub.IT WORKS.The problem is twofold;how to phrase the question to narrow the scope of the applicability of the answer and interpretation.Ask the vague question,get an answer then mis- interpret,happens all the time.You know when re reading the text after the dust has settled and usually can clearly see where you went wrong.You get better with time,more accurate.And experience more Deja-vu's and serindippities(gotta love that word)Like Webbot it taps into a stream we can't see or scientifically measure.Like mind itself.But I do not think the webbot guys are 'calibrating'off the TWZ,itsa koinkidinkie.Really.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions

type, "ping x", x being the name of website, ie

Thank you for that information. Continuing with more question. How do you then use that number to access the site? When I type "http://ATS number obtained using above technique/ it loads the ATS header but not the page.

I would U2U about this rather than clogging up the thread, but I don't have the post count. If this continues, I will.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

OMG stop it with the web bots. I am a programmer and a computerwiz. I know many here on ATS well some are computerwizes and some are programmers. If your not a computerwiz or a programmer then google define webbot.

WebBots are what google and many search engines use you can call them webbots or spiderbots. What the search engine does is grab data from the Internet.

This program that predicts future events is nothing but a stats math program that grabs information in this case it's whats people is posting on the internet. They then use stat math formula to predict that is the probability of this even happening then based on what the programmer want they will allot anything that has a 50 or above percentage chance of it being real or the even may come true.

It's like for example if someone says I am going to hit you with the bat Many times. You lol and say do come on do it.

Now you will try and figure out what the odds are for him to hit you with the bat.

Well the more times he keeps saying he will hit you with the bat the higher chances he might just hit you with a bat.

That is what math states. In this case the math in the webbot states that if Topic A is discuessed 500,000 times on the internet then it has a high probability of it of being true.

The web bot is doing nothing but making guess from what is posted on the internet.

Now I say we as humans have a better guess then this web bot the reason is that We logically know when their is any misinformation or lies being spread on the internet. We know not all website sources are good to put in a research report.
So we do a better job at filtering information from the internet then a computer. This webbot will grab every topic and find out how hot the topic is meaning how many people keep talking about this topic. Then this webbots makes it predictions based on how hot the topics are.

This what a web bot can do. Web bot or spiderbot job is to search the internet for information that we the people post on the internet. I then feeds this data threw math formulas to figure out the possibility of such a event that might happen.

It shows if you still follow what this webbot is saying then your intelligence is lower then a computer because you need a computer to give you information and make the decisions for you. The maker of the software of the website just wanted publicity.

He wanted to create a hype so he can get more funds from investors or governmetn grands to help his research.

Talk to Any programmers or a computer science major and they will say the same thing I told you. The webbot can't do a good job at prediction future events. It just makes a mathematical guess.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by jtma508

But to assume that all humans have precognitive abilities and not only that but without a timelimit.....we can see (subcontiously) things into the far future?? There is a big difference between feeling a massive headache right before you bump your head and feeling a massive headache because you are gonna bump your head next month!!!!

I like the way you explain things and i'm more than happy to learn new things but can you understand why i'm having such a problem with this subject??


This is just a brainfart but you could see it like this, when you have one single battery it gives a certain strength but when you tie 10 of the same batteries on the same line it multiplies the strength given. If you translate it to precognition in humans then we are the battery and the internet is the connection line, throw in the statistical and linguistic capabilities of the webbot and voila the timelimit get's pushed back. They have a year and a half of time wherefrom they can predict certain shadows of future events and beyond that they pick up stuff but cannot figure out what it is or the context it should be placed in.

[edit on 4-10-2009 by Harman]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 12:48 PM
Ok,I have read about the "web-bots" and how they work.

In very basic terms, it looks for word's and phrases about certain days.

This is not predicting one bit, IMO.

It is just seeing what people are talking about and when.

Remember, simple things like earthquakes happen all the time, even series and in multiple locations. (check it out to see for yourself)

For these events of the web-bots to come true, people would not only have to know before-hand, but must be talking about it on the web.

Is it possible, yes.
Is it probable, IMO, no.

If you believe in this, you do not believe in prophecy.

What you actually believe is people know about important world events coming in the near future and are talking about it on the web.

Honestly, this is more like NWO kinda stuff, the predictions.(IMO)
, I have an account @ Bof A, I will make sure to look for mails to this effect as well as keeping some money handy around that time.

Better safe than sorry.

Also, just because you are paranoid, does NOT mean they are not out to get you.

[edit on 10/4/2009 by mrmonsoon]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

There are actually many ways to prevent this.

The simplest way would be to have a router that drops all "ping"pack's before they ever enter the site.

This was done durning the invent of "DOS" attacks.(Denial of Service).

In very simple terms, personal computers were/are taken over by virus.... and they all ping a certain site.
(Imagine 100's of thousands of computers all pinging ATS all at once.

It could not handle all the traffic and actual members could not get in because of the flood of pings that were being responded to.

This is the most basic description of this, the true nature is far to complex for a simple discussion.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by msdesertrat

You mainly do a whois lookup you type in the website name and then click lookup.

I use linux system. I am sure you can google whois lookup and find information about where the website was registered and by whom and how to contact them and their ip address. That's to contact the owner of the website.

You can use a lookup tool. you type in the domain name and then it spits out to you a ip address of that website.

Hope this helps.

[edit on 4-10-2009 by computerwiz32]

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