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Shock Video: School Kids Taught to Praise Obama

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posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by amazed

I agree with you to a certain degree, but informing children about a situation and allowing them to have a say in said decision are two different things. More importantly, it is a difference that parents should be making.

Second, what you choose to discuss with your children is your business. NOT THE SCHOOL'S.

What if the school said to your kids: Well, anybody that votes for Obama's healthcare reform is taking money out of my pocket and if you do that, i will no longer be able to afford the things I need.

You see where I'm going with this, right?

If you want to discuss politics with YOUR kids, go right ahead. But school is not the place for these discussions.

I choose not to discuss the economy with my kids OR the fact that our house could be foreclosed if we miss one paycheck. I think their biggest worry should be when kick ball starts and whether or not they made the baseball team.

Again, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with how you handle your kids. Just don't become a substitute teacher in my kids' school and start talking about this stuff.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by amazed

Amazed I am with you and I think maybe my points are either incoherent or maybe just not focused. Regarding the music thing, I was trying to make that point but rushed it.

Programs such as these take place all the time. My child was attending a public school on a military base (NOT A DOD school) and they sang patriotic songs and such. Patriotic/Nationalistic songs are different from purely singing the praises of a person that has yet to prove his worth.

Regardless of the sitting president, I just don't really see it as a needed program of study so to speak at that age.

I think public educators in general and probably the minority are getting swept up in the moment and are not using their critical thinking skills is all.

My main issue stems from things such as the Pledge (I'm not really a big fan -- but this apparently isn't the place for debate on it) and the use of school time to promote the greatness of how he fixed our economy?

Alas, it's a big uproar ultimately about the wrong thing is what is sad. Everyone is equating it to Obama, and not the pathetic state of Government run schools in general.

Again, the purpose in my eyes for public education is not to create well rounded, informed, educated, critically thinking populous but rather have people that are good enough for government work.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Critical_Mass

It takes more then a BS detecter to succeed. But it helps. Parents who home school should bone up on physics, advanced mathmatics, applied science, etc.I just prefer to pay professionals to do this. And tutoring if need be. I'll work on morality and right and wrong. our I see our job as parents is to provide a moral compass for them to follow. If this makes me an elitist then so be it.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:18 PM
I don't like it at all, but the only way to stop things like this from happening in public schools is for the community around them to step up and shut it down.

I would dislike this just as much if it were Clinton, Bush, Reagan any of them. If people have such a damn fit over the pledge in class or prayer in schools, then singing the praises of a president should fit right in there as well.

If there were a school having children sing the wonderfullness of W, the msm would have come unglued. You would have had camera crews chasing down the teacher, principal, school district representatives and probably the dog-catcher as well.

Disturbing to say the least


[edit on 9/24/2009 by DelMar]

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:18 PM
i wish i could say that this video surprised or shocked me. It didn't. I knew this would happen. Schools think its okay to represent Obama as some heroic deity that is our new lord and savior. After the election many people from my school wore obama shirts with the Change slogan on it. I wore mine that said "more of the same" under it. i was sent home...

America is quickly turning into a country where free speech is only for saying things that the majority agrees with. but this whole brainwashing children thing is going too far. School is for education where things should be taught in an unbiased manner. The children should be taught about government but not taught who to support.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:20 PM
Fire this teacher immediately and revoke her teaching license. These poor children...

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
reply to post by amazed

I agree with you to a certain degree, but informing children about a situation and allowing them to have a say in said decision are two different things. More importantly, it is a difference that parents should be making.

Second, what you choose to discuss with your children is your business. NOT THE SCHOOL'S.

What if the school said to your kids: Well, anybody that votes for Obama's healthcare reform is taking money out of my pocket and if you do that, i will no longer be able to afford the things I need.

You see where I'm going with this, right?

If you want to discuss politics with YOUR kids, go right ahead. But school is not the place for these discussions.

I choose not to discuss the economy with my kids OR the fact that our house could be foreclosed if we miss one paycheck. I think their biggest worry should be when kick ball starts and whether or not they made the baseball team.

Again, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with how you handle your kids. Just don't become a substitute teacher in my kids' school and start talking about this stuff.

Excuse me? Did you actually read my post? please do so and then get back with me as your reply to mine seems to be on the side of confusion.

My children are old enough to learn about politics on their own, so of course I talk with them, they even have some different opinions than I do, and I LOVE that. Why? It shows they are learning and thinking and that pleases me.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:27 PM
Just to reiterate this, because this IS all about context;

The Youtube post claims;

This was filmed around June 19, 2009 at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ

The truth of the matter is this;

The full statement is as follows: “Today we became aware of a video that was placed on the Internet which has been reported by the media. The video is of a class of students singing a song about President Obama. The activity took place during Black History Month in 2009, which is recognized each February to honor the contributions of African Americans to our country. Our curriculum studies, honors and recognizes those who serve our country. The recording and distribution of the class activity were not authorized.”

Breaking News: Video of Burlington Twp. elementary students sing Obama praises

Don't fall foul of hyperbole. You have to look behind things, and not take them at face value.

Deny ignorance.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy

Patriotic/Nationalistic songs are different from purely singing the praises of a person that has yet to prove his worth.

Or even AFTER he has proved his worth. Praises of people (or Gods) is the error.
Holding any ONE person (or God) in this high regard is where we have gone wrong.
He is not smarter or more worthy. We are the same - We are equal.
The exultation of one human being (or God) is folly. It teaches us that there are those that are lesser and greater and that someone else has the answers. This is against our natural inclination and ability to problem solve and trust ourselves.

No one can tell any of us what is right for us. It is imperative that we learn to use this personal muscle to draw our own conclusions and make our own choices. Children especially shoudl not be chanting the name of a self made leader.

For instance - Obama smokes cigarettes. Now really - this is frightening - that a man that we are holding in such high regard is doing something that is so detrimental to the health of this species and to the health of children.
This is not to say that he is "wrong" for smoking - that's his business -
It IS to say that we should always refrain from holding someone in this priest - like position -

Don't indoctrinate these children -
Teach them how to read and creatively write and think critically.
Teach them tp look up to themselves -
And NOT to chant and follow the "name" of another.
Men are not gods and frankly "Gods" are not gods.
It's fantasy.

Go on and eat me for dinner guys - : )
I can take it.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:30 PM
Even the liberals find this disturbing.

Something's not right here.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by neformore
Just to reiterate this, because this IS all about context;

No it's not. I have a problem with this no matter the context.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by neformore

You state that its the truth of the matter...and albeit, a Youtube poster holds less credence than the school posting their memo....but what if the school is not telling the whole truth?

Devil's advocate has left me......and as you said deny ignorance which for some would mean denying the ignorance that they feel is the public school system.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by lucentenigma

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
Find out the name/location of the school, call them and demand that the teacher be put on administrative leave. This is absurd and an outrage. I won't go as far as to say this is indoctrination, but this is a teacher forcing their views to children.

And you're right, if this were Bush, this would have been headline news and ALL the MSM networks would have been talking about it. I can see Chris Matthews now or Keith Olberman spouting off at the atrocity if this were the case.

How the tables have turned.

Call them up yourselves.. I just did.

They are a public school with very liberal values. Kids aren't forced to go to this school, though the entire district appears to have very liberal values as well.

Personally, although I know it offends many here, I believe that the teacher was acting within the spirit of the school.

How are they not forced to go to this school?

Because Public School is only the Public option... they still have the choice to take care of it themselves and home school or pay for private school.

It's the same as with the health reform debate.... you don't have to use it...

The only thing mandatory is that you have some form of it...

[edit on 24-9-2009 by HunkaHunka]

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Resinveins
No it's not. I have a problem with this no matter the context.

I can see how people have a problem with it. Thats not my issue. My issue is that people have condemned it without even considering the context of it, on the pretext of a lie about when it was filmed.

During black history month, the first black (mixed race) President is in office is going to be a BIG deal, no matter how you look at it. The election was historical for that very fact, and February is right after the guy was inaugurated and very much on everyones mind, and thats the context of the video.

Its NOT filmed during the general school year, with no precedent for it at all except indoctrination. There most certainly is an explanation to how it happened. Agreeing or not with the reasons why it actually happened is a different thing altogether.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Supposedly, the video was apparently recorded by Charisse Carney-Nunes. At any rate, it first appeared on her YouTube account and was scrubbed earlier this morning once it hit the blogs.


Here is a screen shot of the youtube account that belongs to Brand Nu Words (Carney-Jones Company) before she pulled the video.


You can see that it says 'a father's day tribute to Barack Obama'.

Either the screen shot is doctored or the school is lying about it being a black history month event.

Here is a link to Carney-Jones youtube page. You can see all the comments about the video on it, not to mention it looks like a Obama Shrine.

Carney-Jones Youtube Page

A little background on Carney-Jones from her personal website:

Charise is the founder of Brand Nu Words a publishing company dedicated to telling unique story's to children and families.

She was also a classmate of Barack Obama at Harvard Law School and president of Harvard Black Law Students' Association.

Charise Carney-Jones Personal Website

Charise Carney-Jones Myspace

Brand Nu Words Website

Deny Ignorance!

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

The difference would be that the youtube poster is more or less anonymous, whereas the school and it's statement can (and I'm sure will) be held accountable by parents and other adults whom were present for the event.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by spinkyboo

I like how your post flows in a nice descending manner as far as the lengths of each line
Alright, what I don't understand is why we have to proclaim a preemptive statement such as what you made at the end of your post.

This place should be free of mindless dribble and attacks and more about the open discussion of ideas and free thought! Thus, allowing the free conduct of debate regarding issues like these, from all different points of view without the fear that we will get 'jumped' or 'flamed'? Dissenting views and like views alike I enjoy having this healthy debate, it makes me a stronger person

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Exactly. You must have some form of education. They tax you and draw your district lines so your options shrink and shrink until you're sticking them into the public option.

The same thing will happen with the public option heathcare.

They set the bounds for the game. You either play it in bounds with their rules or you go to jail. Unless you're independently wealthy, connected or a politician (which happens to be both) you eventually get corralled into the public option.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy
You state that its the truth of the matter...and albeit, a Youtube poster holds less credence than the school posting their memo....but what if the school is not telling the whole truth?

I see no reason for the school to lie.

Sadly, I do see a reason why someone would choose to frame it in a different context, in the "smear at all costs" world of US politics.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Resinveins

...I have a problem with this no matter the context.

Really? Okay...if context is not to be considered then perhaps just for a moment we can ignore the fact that it was a song in celebration of Black History month....

Lets also ignore the school districts comment that Black History month "honors the contributions of African Americans to our country. "

Ignore the fact that President that context we are ignoring...would certainly qaulify as someone worth honoring during Black history month being the first black POTUS in history and all.

Let's ignore that context.

While we are ignoring context...can we also ...just for a moment...ignore the context in which you view the President or his Policies???

Because absent the "context" of the mountain of far right rhetoric about President Obama and socialism, nazi comparisons, brown shirts and "indocternation"....this is not news at all.

Really...absent that context...would FOX be leading with this breaking "news" story?? Who cares? No more pressing issues facing our nation at present than a class of kids on youtube singing about the president?

I have seen right wing blogs posting teachers names, phone numbers and emails encouraging readers to "express" their displeasure....congrats FOX...grade schools are expendable for the sake of tabloid news ratings.

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