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war with aliens aftermath

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posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:28 AM
The result?

A beautiful extra-terrestrial landscape crushed under black leather jackboots, before an American Flag is planted on alien soil.

I'm pretty sure if we won a victory on Earth, we'd seize their technology and take the war to them. Its our way.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by calcoastseeker
Your assumption is they have never been here.

Look around has anything changed in your daily routine or lifestyle.They have been here for all time and many years ago there was contact with us.

They basically told the leaders of the human race that there was no way a war with these advanced species would turn out good for us.

We at the time understood the logic of their thought and let them do what ever they wanted.

There is more than enough evidence of their long and continued presence
on this earth.

Do some research on the shear number of witnesses of flying craft and humanoid creatures through out history.

They're here and are our superior and know it.

Before we start debating how to fight them or if we would win,the human race needs to figure out a way to live civilized amongst our selves.

Try this link to start with.
Humanoid Encounters

Your assumption that they live here is based on false and much unproven "evidence".

I think we need to consider why Aliens would invade our planet. The replies I have read seem to have assumed that the Aliens are coming from some sort of government with the intention to take our planet and/or resources. Perhaps it's nothing like that at all. For all we know there could be "Alien Pirates" out there that just happen to come across Earth and decide "Hey look, early civilization and life on this planet, lets have some fun." But I suppose that goes off-topic too much?

If we were to "win" a war against Aliens then, like many have already suggested, technology would take a huge leap. I think society would have changed as a whole as well. As a result of our desperate struggle for survival as a species, everything in society would have some relation to war and survival. Women are kept safe for breeding (In a humane way I would hope - maybe working in weapons production facilities or as scientists, etc). All men are sent to war with the exception of a few men and women who are used for things like research and development, imagine all the scientists that would be reverse engineering newly acquired alien technology and what not. Doctors that would be studying the aliens physical biology, etc.

As a result of this war humanity would constantly be developing for war and always ready for defense and attack on an Alien species. It's also likely that an Alien species would have more than one 'home planet'. It would be the beginning of a never ending war.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by Millions

I think if Aliens were going to declare war on us, they would of done it along time ago, at least by means of psychical attack, maybe they are just waiting for us to destroy ourselves as im sure they are aware that we humans are on a distructive path anyways.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by LostOnEarth2012
reply to post by Millions

I think if Aliens were going to declare war on us, they would of done it along time ago, at least by means of psychical attack, maybe they are just waiting for us to destroy ourselves as im sure they are aware that we humans are on a distructive path anyways.

Or they just don't know of our existence yet. I'm sure they'd see our constant advances in technology as some sort of threat no matter how minor it may currently appear to them.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by Amalgam

I think that's a fairly good guess. In a way, it would turn out something like Starship Troopers, sending our soldiers all over the galaxy to fight on a slew of different planets - and yeah, most likely, we'd take the war to them, using their own technology. Of course, if they invaded us first, then they'd be getting what was coming for them.

But I'm pretty certain of two things; if they came here openly, they don't want war. And if they're already here, then war isn't their way, more like manipulating from the shadows.

There's an old TV-series from the 90's called Dark Skies. To sum up in short, president Truman meets with an alien (grey) who gives him an ultimatum, and the future head of Majestic 12 says something to the effect of this; "When we created the nuclear bombs, did we threaten Japan to use them on them?" To which Truman replies:
"Of course not. We bloody well USED them."

So, if they're just threatening us, (or like now, if they really ARE, abducting us secretly) then we can probably kick their asses. If they're done threatening us and goes to war, well...our chances have diminished quite a bit since they have the confidence to actually take it to war.

But we can probably still kick their asses, 'cause we're humans, and they're just crappy greys.

[edit on 9-9-2009 by David_Reale]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

What a great video that was!realy makes one think at what lays at the bottom of our oceans or under our soil

The music is sensational too,always loved this in that film(sunrise-If im correct)It works well on this footage too

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:06 AM
Ok on topic,I get the feeling that any aliens out there are going to kick our collective arses if its a long range war.Ground based there may be a chance to wear them down with resistance-but it all depends on their technology.
I get the feeling that we might not be a able to hide,and will all be lit up like candles on their radar onboard ship.They might see in other spectrums of light too

There are if you believe the accounts told,many alien races out there in many forms

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by noangels
I get the feeling that we might not be a able to hide,and will all be lit up like candles on their radar onboard ship.They might see in other spectrums of light too

No we can hide... trust me on this for now
We also have a couple other tricks I will do a thread on soon. Don't count us out yet

[edit on 9-9-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by noangels
I get the feeling that we might not be a able to hide,and will all be lit up like candles on their radar onboard ship.They might see in other spectrums of light too

No we can hide... trust me on this for now

Well since we supposedly win this war against the Aliens I suppose I'll just blindly trust you on this.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by Amalgam
Well since we supposedly win this war against the Aliens I suppose I'll just blindly trust you on this.

Oh no don't trust me blindly... but don't just toss it aside either. You would be surprised at some of the things we really have

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Cool,make sure you do that thread!I must admit that is one thing that has popped up into my head when this topic pops up in conversation with friends-how do you evade capture!

Also their weapons are far too good,I have heard (not personaly of course)that they use sonic waves,and these can penetrate through objects to reach their targets!

anway,look forward to your fututre thread on this thought provoking subject

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

You would be surprised at some of the things we really have

Oh come now, don't tease us.

Give us just a smidget of info.

( You know it'll send some of us off on a search

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by noangels
Also their weapons are far too good,I have heard (not personaly of course)that they use sonic waves,and these can penetrate through objects to reach their targets!

Whose weapons and who told you that?

And why do people assume that just because they can get here that they would be more advanced then us?

Hitler was very close to using Tesla technology to make his saucers. Tesla patented the means over 90 years ago. TT Brown and Lear Co. were working on antigravity for the DoD in 1952...

Just because they finished a spaceship while we went to war instead doesn't make them more advanced...

Imagine if Hitler had been successful? Storm troupers on the way to Alpha Centauri...

A Star drive is only a small step away from where most people think we are... we already have the concept in our Sci Fi stories. Don't forget Jules Verne got to the moon before Apollo did...

Hollywood tells us they must be more advance... that is not necessarily true

Also a pygmies primitive curari tipped blowgun will still kill

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:41 AM

And why do people assume that just because they can get here that they would be more advanced then us?

Well if we go with the "space pirate" idea then it's not necessary. For all we know it could be likened to a bunch of teenagers driving around in a car shooting at people with a paint ball gun.

But if we go with the "Advanced alien civilization declares war on humanity" approach I think it would be a safe bet to assume they have more advanced weapons technology then us. Though it's possible that originally they were a peaceful alien race and had never seen a need for weapons technology and only made it as a direct response to there need of a way to acquire this planet successfully. (This hypothesis would support our being able to 'win' such a war.)

Regardless, I think any alien civilization that could travel such vast distances in space on a large enough scale to declare war would be smart enough to make some form of advanced weaponry and war tactics.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Give us just a smidget of info.

You want a smidget?

Okay... Lesse if I can do this without the Mossad kicking in my front door

1) A substance, the original had to be made in orbit... this was made before ISS...

So WHERE was it made? (MIR was too small)... (don't know yet)

HOW was it returned to Earth?

Space shuttle DoD mission return weight [classified]

2) A Patent and a conversation with the owner...

And yes, I've worked on/with HAARP. If you want to learn more about that see US Patent #xxxxxxx. If you read the patent you'll understand the relevance to HAARP and the Stealth Bombers, etc. You're an intelligent man and I'm certain that you'll be able to make the connection. If you read US Patent xxxxx, you'll understand (a little better) my connection to/with and collaboration with these men.

LOL...suffice it to say that the 'Predator' (as in the movie) is alive/living at Los Alamos!

Part of a private email...

3) The warning...

Hi, Ron...Good Morning!

I am free to talk about any of my published US Patents which are in the public domain. I am, however, under an edict from DoD under the NSA to 'report any inquiries relative to the stealth patent'. I had a phone call from a person who identified himself as an 'Undersectetary of Defense' and the person read a statement to me which I later found was excerpted from the National Security Act, as amended. I was 'ordered' to report any inquiries of any kind, by anyone, to DoD relative to that case (patent). I've only had to do that one time in 20 years when a group of Isreali's, based in Philly, contacted me relative to undertaking collaboration on some 'project' in Haifa. I reported this as instructed and the group 'disappeared' shortly thereafter.

4) How does it work?

Well that is top secret... but if you know how fiber optics work you will have a rough idea... only this 'stuff' works on OTHER EM radiation... say radar, say energy weapons...

If you 'coated' your license plate with this 'stuff' you could avoid certain ground radar situations

There that is already to much info

[edit on 9-9-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:04 AM
You should all prey when they arrive, its not Daleks

[edit on 9-9-2009 by hisshadow]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

So WHERE was it made? (MIR was too small)... (don't know yet)

So we really can hide...

Remember the module-based motherboard concept from the spacecast 2020 papers? Perhaps such systems are already in orbit and capable of "industrial processes":

In this concept, a large satellite will serve as a motherboard to space modules by providing inclusive support of power, communications, and housekeeping. The modules will be small with each having distinct missions or functional capabilities ranging from imagery to communications and will be lifted individually to the motherboard. The modules and motherboard will be mated via common satellite interfaces. These modular payloads will be less complex, upgradable, and will provide national security decision makers and forces a responsive space capability. Physical connectivity to the motherboard is a beginning, replaced eventually by proliferated and distributed modules that are "virtually" or electronically connected as technology allows. The idea of small, distributed and proliferated systems is central to most of the SPACECAST papers....

[b[....If a permanent human presence becomes a goal, provisions could also be made for a manned orbiting industrial park. Beginning as a "bare base" with the organic essentials of gravity, power, water, air, food, and fuel, such a facility could grow to allow industrial processes to synergize with the benefits of the space environment and permit spin-offs into other areas. (Warning: .mil link)

"If a permanent human presence becomes a goal..."

And has it not already been a goal for years?

[edit on 9-9-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:58 AM
You talking about the stealth suit that might be seen in action after the IDE tank vid in Iraq knocking about on this site?I didnt know it could shield against radar or energy weapons-and sonic weapons?I dont think so,hell I think even old fashined micro wave weapons we have would cook the wearer instantly at the correct setting-or even older bullets or spears!Great news,so when is the goverment going to give all of US our suits!Thats realy made me feel better zorgon!

If you believe all thats out there in book form or now the internet,then we have used those NAZI designed saucers to reach mars a long time ago.There even a clip knocking about showing one of these craft after landing on mars doing a reading of the air samples,but of course that clip is tied into the hoax of Alternative 3(btw great book if you havnt read it)

I heard of sonic weapons from reading Timothy Good with accounts given to him by one of his sources about a russian base and a UFO sighting

The ufo was targeted by a missile as it hovered over the base,the missile had no effect on the craft who then fired a sonic beam that turned soldiers into statues of salt instantly(very biblical)

Our old missile tech wont work on their craft,I saw an old ufo clip on TV in the early 90's that was taken near an army base in russia that showed the russians launching a missile that hit a glowing force field that suddenly surround the craft at the moment of impact.We might be able to turn up the radar and bring them down or use lasers like the one used from Pine Gap against the intruder in the NASA clip(who avoided it)

I must have heard about sonic beams in other books or magazines in the mid 90's where I took an interest in this subject.There have been mentioned other times too,will have to look at my book collection and old magazines to see when and where when I get a chance

BTW that UFO clip in russia showing the missile hit its force field can not be found online.I recorded it off TV onto VHS(tape long gone!)when we used to have these sightings type programs on in prime time.Funny thing is I never noticed the missile(nor did the program makers,who just showed it as a black triangle hovering in the dark night with lights below on the ground)It was the next day when a mate came over and I showed him the clip and he said(wow,that force field stopped the missile)after he said that I could clearly see it

Anyway most of these aliens are so far advanced from us,they even did the DNA altering years ago to make us do their hard manul work!We are their bastard children-dont delude your self into thinking we are tech equals with them,if they allowed us to use all our brain like they do then yes we would,but they gave us enough to do our jobs

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:01 AM
The outcome? Here it is; 10 saucers downed for a cost of almost an entire human civilization.

Who are earthly survivors?
- The survivors are those that would merely and over-time cease to exist due to some form of radio-active or biological outcome.

10 years goes past, whilst we desperately attempt to find their planet(s).

On the even of a 10th year. The so called battle would only have began and the next phase of an alien attack on our planet would be a disastrous outcome for earthly humans.

Realistically we can not comprehend this theory from our victorious perspective. This is like comparing a war between North Korea and USA. Surely North Korea might inflict some form of damage and down let's say 10 of our F-22 fighters, but in the end there would be no more North Korea.

Simply, a nation that can inter-stellar-travel is surely capable of wars. Now let's look at a realistical analysis of our current technology on spying other nations. What do we have that is capable of spying and fighting at once?

We have a :
1. A drone
2. A stealth plane
3. Probe as a satellite (perhaps if its remotely possible?)
4. Some supposedly secret super technology?
5. Satellite? (perhaps, but that could easily be downed, if all for all we had this technology by now US would had used it instead of fighting conventional wars).

What do aliens have that are capable of spying and attacking?

1. They would logically have without any shadow of a doubt, a more sophisticated spying craft compared to any of ours, irregardless of how much reverse engineering we would have done to their crafts. For all I could guess, it takes us 50 years to reverse engieeered a craft to a stable state, whilst it would take only a matter of seconds for an alien nation to change a type of a craft that would be susceptible to an attack on their own newly created craft.

Please, this is not possible by any remote chance that we would win a batle against a civilization who is possibly 10000000 years older then us.

[edit on 9/9/2009 by krystalice]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:12 AM
Interesting post.

Personally, I don't think any war with aliens would ever be like the Hollywood sci-fi films; lasers blasting, photon torpedoes, skimming a trench to fire proton torpedoes into the 2m wide exhaust port.

No - that doesn't seem likely. If an alien race has mastered the ability to travel the distances (and time) it takes to get to Earth, I couldn't see their idea of "war" being so...violent and primitive.

I figure, if an alien race DID want to war with us, it'd be for something like natural resources - not for some Borge-esque view of total dominance.

So if they wanted natural resources, they prolly wouldn't use weapons of mass destruction where what they came to recover could be ruined.

Most likely we (the plebs, not TPTB) wouldn't know - it'd be some pathogen or genetic weapon tailor-suited to our human species to wipe us out quickly and cleanly.

Just my grim view

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