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Disturbing life forms on other planets........

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posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by zorgon

The only one i was able to recognize was a
and if it was one, then he had some issues

I've never been watching those videos before.
Don't want any of them in my fish fry.

[edit on 31/7/2009 by internos]

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:29 PM
Here is another one of the Dumbo Octopus... easier to see why they called it that

Many here..

Cnidarians - Jellyfish & Kin

This strange fish was caught in Asia - no details

LOTS of Weird life forms here

Even More Weird Life Forms

Its probably all those UFO's and USO' reseeding the ocean with new life


Their samples are getting away while snooping around our oceans

[edit on 31-7-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:48 PM
I love spiders.

I give you charlie my prized pet spider. 19 years old and still full of spunk (4 years above average life span). Just 7 more years and she sets a world record.

Sorry for the bad quality it was taken from my cell.

Spiders are also quite alien looking imo

[edit on 31-7-2009 by DaMod]

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Ah here we go someone made a video


Indonesian tsunami creatures

Yeah I love that video, I was thinking about posting that but you beat me to it! Great Vid.

Here's one of my favorite critters, is it a plant or an animal?


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by zorgon



its unimaginable what life is out there,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and here as well!!!


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

oh my goodness!!!

after i saw "the mist",,,i thought on other world on some things/life can be quite a bi different,,,,

i havent even seen nilch really what we got here on this planet,,,

uchas in our deep oceans and jungles,,,,epecially this that went extinct just a 1-2 unred years ago that we never even seen,,,even bugs or such that are 200 feet below the soil even....



posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 08:49 PM
Some of those sea creatures i have never seen,cheers for that! it basically is another little universe down there.I wish all countries the EU,America,China,Russia,India really put some money and dedication into searching the ocean and space more.If we did we could achieve so much in just 30 years if we wanted to.I was watching a show here though and it was basically asking an audience about various questions,one of them was about space exploration and many many of them thought there was little point because of the money involved and they didn't see how it would affect their day to day lives....was quite sad.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Solomons

yes it sad,,,,i wish i wasn't so expensive as well,,,

it seems one needs competion in science to really help expand and gain more...

theres so much we will never see....

I agree,,,the deep ocean is another universe in a way,,,its easier to send up a sattlelite into space than it is to explore the deep depths of the ocean,,,

yes,,it would be beautiful if we joined forces and share what we learn...


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by DaMod

ok,,,,sighhhh,,,,,thanks for sharing,,,,


amazing on the age!

i seen a show on spiders not to long ago,,,,

the camel spider in iraq i beleive is scary,,,(i think that was the name)
a soldier went to sleep there and at night one came along and took a chunk out of his arm,,,size of a quater,,,!!!


it injects a novicane like substance where you dont feel it,,,,good thing it wasnt his wrist or such,,,coulda bled to death??

i think that was the name???


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by amyfriend
yes it sad,,,,i wish i wasn't so expensive as well,,,

Well it's not really that expensive. Compared to the Defense waste.... errr spemding it's a drop in the bucket. NASA's annual budget is a few billion, but taxpayers just shelled out 700 billion to bailout banks and coporations who used the money to pay bonuses and give raises

it seems one needs competion in science to really help expand and gain more...

That was wha the "Cold War' was all about... competition :p Worked too... they had the public fooled. But private companies are already launching and building spaceports. I think I will bug Virgin for a promo pass for Pegasus... (maybe I should get two
) In any case Space Port America is just a few hours away.

theres so much we will never see....

Well I am willing to bet you will be able to see the Earth from space in your lifetime... Today a ticket is $200,000.00 but another 10 years will put it within reach. Maybe Robert will let us spend a week on Genesis

I agree,,,the deep ocean is another universe in a way,,,its easier to send up a sattlelite into space than it is to explore the deep depths of the ocean,,,

Yes it is easier because the water pressure will crush you as you go deeper... but its an awesome world and you are virtually weightless and still need to bring air with you... below 100 feet though its cold and dark

yes,,it would be beautiful if we joined forces and share what we learn...

NASA has been doing that... making treaties with all the other space agencies... I am just not happy with NASA being the one doing this. But NASA has the backing of the DoD... in money... but more important with nuscle, should it be needed... and that is the sad part

I just hope I can count on the NAVY to do it right
So far they have been very open... Don't forget Star Tek is a NAVY operation

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by zorgon

huggies hun!!

i do hope the budget does increase!!!

you are truly a sherlok holmes but a Knight on your research and knollege here...

do they have like big probes that they just leave down there deep and watch like a webcam,,kinda like our sattlelies in space...???
I always see them on boats lowerd down on thick gauge cable,,,but never heard about a big probe they could just leave put down there and watch,,,

but i suppose that could be littering???,,unless theres a mechanism/timer of such that eventually will float it up eventually...

i can honestly say I know nothing on the deep ocean..


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by amyfriend
do they have like big probes that they just leave down there deep and watch like a webcam,,kinda like our sattlelies in space...???

Kinda... they use little robots. Here is the one they are testing in Antarctica before they send it to the Ice Moon Europa

Almost looks like a UFO

Its called ENDURANCE

I sure hope the Critters under the ice on Europa won't mind the intrusion

I wonder if NASA would release the picture just as the probe is about to get eaten

but i suppose that could be littering???,,unless theres a mechanism/timer of such that eventually will float it up eventually...

The new ones are self powered and remote controlled so they come back up with the films

i can honestly say I know nothing on the deep ocean..

Its cold. its dark. its wet and has many big things with big teeth that will eat you are giant tentacles that will hug you to death

Oh and regarding happy pictures

[edit on 31-7-2009 by zorgon]

[edit on 31-7-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by amyfriend
huggies everyone...

Ive thought on life forms on other planets that may be quite disturbing in the way we look at it....
I know the odds are small but with the vastness of our galaxy its more than likely there MANY 1000's and more of planets with life on them..

I cant even imagine on different universes that could be as well....

but to keep it simple,,,I seen the movie "the mist" and a show on spiders on the history channel,,,,

the scientist said 99% of spiders wont get bigger than 8-10 inches becauseof the oxygen level thats available on how they breath ...
scary on also how some can be so venomious and tiny....

good thin black widows spiders dont grow wings and lay 1000's of eggs.....

but my point is that there would be some planets with huge bugs on them and with the right eco system they'd be the size of small cars....???
kinda like the movie "the mist".........

(but underwater life forms can grow big as well on how they use oxygen for the record),,,Im not an expert but the giant squid comes to mind.....

like our planet somewhat back in the dinasour age,,,,,Im sure there were some big creepy bugs around that would be scary enuff....

I hate to use the scientific example of "the mist" movie so please forgive me....
but that movie reminded me if we were say 1 cm tall and in the rain forest,,,,

that movie was scary!!!

I urge you to consider a visit to one the missions chapters of the video game Mass Effect and meet the Rachni, (species description, scroll down for the Rachni topic).
One of the heroes you create advancing through the game in a mission is a presented with a choice to either completely eliminate the last descendants of this insectoid race or spare their lives and make them allies.
In a short Sci-Fi story I wrote which is inspired and acts as a sort of an extension of the original story plot that accompanies this Mass Effect game chapter, I created a plot of an human explorer landing on an alien planet with scarce signs of life (which is the Rachni homeworld) inhabited by insectoid creatures (currently the Rachni trying to reestablishing their civilization) until the explorer stumbles in an amazing sight. A giant statue of another human sitting in the middle of a ruined hive metropolis. The explorer has no connection with the actual storyline or heroes of the Mass Effect universe and of course is feeling extremely perplexed and in a state of awe from this discovery. The statue is the only sign of human presence in this distant part of the galaxy. The statue represents the original game hero that chose to spare the species, a move that reintroduced this insectoid civilization back to existence.

So my guess is that if we ever get to explore the Cosmos and find our share of alien races some of those other races could be disturbing to look at but that has nothing to do with how we could or should cooperate with them.

[edit on 1-8-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by LetTheTruthBeTold
reply to post by star in a jar

Nice find on that website. Some pretty interesting ideas on how gravity would affect life forms. Good theoretical illustrations too. Its pretty cool what different ranges of gravity can do.

There appears to be no reason why life could not evolve across a wide range of gravities. Both crushing pressure and near-weightlessness are handled with aplomb by Earth-based life. High gravity could be expected to result in stocky, multi-legged creatures with very fast reaction times. (A classic on the subject is Hal Clement's Mission of Gravity.) Low gravity organisms would likely be more delicate, possibly balance on two or even one foot, and would have the option of airborne existence. What is perhaps less obvious is that high gravity would correlate with a thicker atmosphere and higher water content. Skies would be thicker, yellower if the atmosphere is like ours, mistier or cloudier. The thicker atmospheric blanket means that high-gravity worlds in an otherwise hostile stellar neighborhood would have a better chance of harboring life than low-gravity planets. Dickinson and Schaller have two drawings (below) envisioning how all the gravity-related factors would mesh.

Our Solar System formed with a rare combination of factors. It is not a twin sun system as the majority of star systems are at least in our own Galaxy. We know very little close to nothing of how life would begin and evolve in twin or even triple sun systems across the Milky Way.
Considering high gravity planets, with enough rock mass to hold continents and thus possible convenient targets for us to visit for exploration, life there especially the most advanced species that can elevate to the level of having intelligence, would be life forms accustomed to less sunlight and a more gaseous environment than we find on Earth. In seeking species with at least some kind of similarity to us or even the kind of similarity we witness on earths fauna, in order to engage in joined ventures we would have to seek, creatures that are accustomed to the dark, have fast reflexes, probably used to live underground (if their physiology has to avoid the limiting factors posed like high toxicity by heavy gaseous atmospheres) probably have more than one set of eyes, more than a set of two legs and hands. If we have to look for them already out of their home planets like encountering them in space, we would look at moons and asteroids or any sort of environment that could be manipulated to feature a natural cave system. All the above is hypothesized not taking in to account possible intelligent life forms that might have evolved in a marine environment.

Our deep oceans and cave systems might be holding insights on what we would be encountering once we start exploring space efficiently.
Another question is how their technology would be like in appearance if they happen to visit us here on Earth. How their ships would look like, what kind of philosophy their mechanical technology would have to go, even what kinds and shapes their jump suits would have to follow.
Ufology and the vast archive of sightings and testimonial needs to team with science in order for us to start getting some ideas about how life would look in other worlds, if indeed alien life is visiting us. It would help us pinpoint what types of other systems might harbor life that would find an interest in making a contact with us since some of them might be visiting us.

Though there is a problem with Ufological data. Most cases including descriptions of UFO inhabitants present bipeds like us. It might be highly unlikely that the majority of intelligent life in the Cosmos has to walk on two legs. If the data we gather from Ufology has even some vague connection with what is really out there then we have to figure out what is wrong with our mathematical models that can predict results based on possibilities. Either only life that resembles us is visiting us, which would mean that the possibilities for existence of intelligent life that has the ability for space travel is really huge beyond any measurement, or we just see and interpret results the way we would like them to be instead of the way they probably are.

[edit on 1-8-2009 by spacebot]

In the hypothesis where life that resembles us is visiting us at increased levels instead of life that is entirely different from us (that should be visiting us but it's not), could be true then, then there might the prevailing trend that similar species in the Cosmos prefer to meet other similar species over species that would look dissimilar. Then we would think there is the possibility that different species probably behave and think entirely different and there is little chance of successful contact and joint ventures with them.

[edit on 1-8-2009 by spacebot]

Thus there might be a chance that Live and let Live philosophy might be limited in the Cosmos between entirely different species in cases where two different civilizations had for some reason to share the same environment.
We can observe by the way entirely different star systems that surround our own exist, if they harbor kinds of intelligent life, will be probably entirely different than us and there would probably be little interest for many of them in conducting us.
So intelligent alien life might be a few light years away but totally indifferent to meet us.

Having said the above I believe that our oceans present an unique opportunity for us to meet entirely different kinds of life probably similar to what we should be witnessing in space, although none of them intelligent in the way we perceive intelligence (but you can never be sure of anything) that is not armed and is not scared of us.

[edit on 1-8-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by spacebot
So my guess is that if we ever get to explore the Cosmos and find our share of alien races some of those other races could be disturbing to look at but that has nothing to do with how we could or should cooperate with them.

Well its funny but Amy's title can be looked at in another way

"Disturbing life forms on other planets........ »

If we go mucking about on other planets we might just we disturbing the life forms
And they may not like it

When NASA sends that probe to Europa, and it drills down into the ice into an alien sea... who knows what we will find?

The thing most people don't realize is that water temperature is constant. If there is indeed liquid water under the ice on Europa, something they are positive about because of surface cracks it would be no different than the oceans here... Water cannot get below 40 degrees F It freezes solid at 32 but between 40 and 32 it is in a slush like state and changes quickly

Having dived for many years I can tell you that water below a certain depth is 40 degrees... below 100 feet very little light gets down there. Diving under the ice... the water is still only 40 degrees

The point is that the ocean on Europa would be the same temperature and the same amount of light from the sun as deep oceans on Earth

We have seen what odd creatures are in our depths... I see no reason not to expect the same on Europa

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 01:04 PM
I don't think that we have successfully recognized or identified all the life forms that are on our planet.

I think that it would be impossible for us to take on the task of species mapping of another planet we can't map our own.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by SpiritoftheNightSky

Correct but its more to do with simply finding other life...i dont care what form it takes.Europa though,i think we will find simple life under the ice which if thats all we find in my lifetime i will die a happy man.As for mapping all life on earth,yes even in the rainforests we are still finding new life never mind under the sea.But hundreds if not thousands of species probably go extinct every year so it would be an impossible task to ever find out what we missed.

[edit on 1-8-2009 by Solomons]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 01:34 PM
A few years ago I heard they discovered a new spider and a new snake in Australia... They were both highly poisonous

The odd thing was that the toxin in both was the same. I don't have the article and it's not easy to find the right search words so I toss it out there in hopes maybe someone from Oz might recall this

IF the theory of evolution is correct, what's to stop things from still evolving under our nose. But the fact that the toxin was the same in unrelated species that just suddenly appeared sounds more like a 'visitor' had something escape

[edit on 1-8-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by zorgon

ineresting point,,on species still evolving,,,,lets hope the commonhouse fly doesnt become venomous...

small bugs/spiders that are so poisonous is frightning to me...

I even run from a you know where I


posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Solomons

your right,,,,be amazing if someday we know theres some fish or something under the ice on Europa,,,,

in are short lifetime we may have to settle for that...
I also hope there was some tiny shell fossils as well on mars,,since it had rivers and seas,,,,

if all this is true,,,,one would have to realize there there would be huge planets of just rain forests out there somewhere,,,

Im happy we at least got mars and a couple moons here in our back yard at least...


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