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I Was Tortured by the CIA

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posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:02 AM
So according to my theory, Bin Laden’s plan was to induce U.S. to attack Iran. Looking at past attacks on US soil (the most deadly before 9/11 being pearl harbor) and having a common sense understanding of the nature of how people would react after an attack on one’s soil, it is crystal clear

The potential consequences of US attack on Iran are clear and fit perfectly into Bin laden's intentions, but there are many possible outcomes to my theory that I would rather not get into so my thread does not get off topic. But just to state one example, an attack on Iran would in turn increase terrorism in the U.S. from the over 1 million Iranians living there(which would help put pressure on US to unoccupy Arabian peninsula). US and Iran Shia leaders would be entangled a decades long fighting (which would weaken Shia ruled Iran enabling and making it easier for Bin Laden to eventually establish his Sunni rule over all Islamic countries), etc etc

(JUST IN CASE, FOR MODERATORS: This reply is a continuation from my previous reply, I am just explaining a theory I had on 9/11 and Bin Laden's plan, I believe the uniqueness of this theory may be the reason why I was tortured)

[edit on 17-5-2009 by QuestForFreedom]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by QuestForFreedom

Just out of sheer curiousity, what exactly do YOU think Bin Laden was up to regarding the attack that occurred on September 11th? Do you believe that he had operatives that were trying to recruit people in other countries like Germany or Iran? What is your theory of the Mossad and their possible involvement in 9\11?

I'm sure you are safe to post whatever you feel here, and it wouldn't hurt to get down to details. Please tell us more.


posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:20 AM
If you could find a transcript of those documents or of the transcript for that TV special I would be very interested to see those. Again, I would like to believe these things but I cannot regard it as more than heresay without document proof. I can easily say that "Hitler's intentions for mass-murdering Jews was to get the Allies to attack Greece." Doesn't make it true. Wow, I really sound like a big skeptic. I also sound like my English 102 professor, clamoring for sources haha. Oh, well. I guess thats just how things work.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:43 AM
WTH? You still claim you're too afraid to gather evidence. Yet still here you are posting in the internet about this? Don't you think that if you're under surveillance they would be watching your net traffic too?
You're just making up excuses so you can keep your story alive without any evidence

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by dooper
Until I read this post, I had no idea how many people were being "surveilled."

I just went to my window to check, and sure enough - a car just drove past my house.

Gotta go.

Gotta load my weapons and start using my rear and side entrance.

Do they use transmitting micro cameras on squirrels? I have squirrels too.

Suspicious looking at that!

Not squirrels, robotic dragonflies. You know, how they hover as if theyre looking right at you? Well they're surveillance dragonflies.

Dragonflies are not real!

In my opinion, the OP is suffering psychosis. Years ago I had a psychotic episode that lasted a few weeks, triggered by zoloft and crap life problems, and in that time every thing I KNEW was a terrorist plot against society, and was as real and as undeniable as sunlight on my face. It all made sense.

Everything from subliminal audio in every motor - I could hear it in the tone of the motor - that somehow only I could hear audibly, to my neighbour across the road beaming terrorist messages into all the surrounding houses, in order to make us fight against each other. Seeing how society is ever getting more violent, it all clicked. The devious plot I had discovered was too insane for anyone to believe, which is the perfect method for success. Insidious.

After seeking help after a particularly odd event (which made me stop in my tracks and think WTF is going on), it dawned on me that the thoughts I had been entertaining were insane. It scared the crap out of me to be honest.

The OP may very well believe it all. Such an intricate machine the brain is, how easily it can break.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by QuestForFreedom

This morning while smoking a cigarette on my porch, my neighbor yelled out "Take it down!" 5 times.

Yeah sorry about that, my kid hung a poster in the living room. Now I wouldn't normally care about such things but this poster was of Obama, you know that Obama for change rising star commi looking poster. I had to yell at him to "take it down" 5 times before he moved his ass. That poster gives me the creeps.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by QuestForFreedom

The negative comments posted in this thread are misinformed.

While you may not be under constant human surveillance, you could be a target of remote mind control which can evoke the symptoms you describe. From my own experience and research (which you can read about here) the system being used is likely composed of the following parts:

1. a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellation equipped with high-resolution lasers which actively measure brain signatures of targets at any accessible point on Earth 24/7 in real-time
2. a highly-advanced supercomputer to process and react to this data
3. an underground military base to house the infrastructure necessary for this processing

This system is likely run by an intelligence/military consortium with emphasis placed on the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

An important thing to remember is that people in your environment can be subliminally influenced without their knowledge so as to synchronize their behavior with your experience. Also you yourself can be subliminally influenced so as to alter your perceptions and behavior.

My best advice is for you to do research and see what you find. The following topical suggestions may be helpful (note that this is not an all-inclusive list and that I myself am still researching this topic to the best of my ability):

Who? Department of Defense (DoD), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Clandestine Service (NCS), United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

What? BLUEBIRD, MKULTRA, ECHELON, COINTELPRO, Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT), Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

Where? underground bases (examples: Mount Weather, Cheyenne Mountain), United States SIGINT System (USSS), Unified Combatant Commands (UCC), The Pentagon

When? Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Operation Paperclip, Cold War

Why? population control, nuclear threat, civil threat, technological singularity, Apocalypse

How? US black budget, military-industrial complex, spy satellites, satellite constellations, quantum electrodynamics (QED), remote-sensing, microwave-hearing effect, artificial intelligence, laser communication

[edit on 17-5-2009 by tmk81]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by tmk81
reply to post by QuestForFreedom

The negative comments posted in this thread are misinformed.


No one has a single shred of proof and your only sources are from Wikipedia.

give up some proof and I will believe you.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by clcreek

Originally posted by QuestForFreedom

This morning while smoking a cigarette on my porch, my neighbor yelled out "Take it down!" 5 times.

Yeah sorry about that, my kid hung a poster in the living room. Now I wouldn't normally care about such things but this poster was of Obama, you know that Obama for change rising star commi looking poster. I had to yell at him to "take it down" 5 times before he moved his ass. That poster gives me the creeps.

LOL, that would get me yelling "take it down" too.


You are smoking a cigarette and someone yells take it down and you think they are yelling at you?

Does that make any kind of sense to you?

Ever think that maybe your neighbors are loud inconsiderate a holes? You really need to talk to somebody else about this. I don't think seeing people post agreeing with you is going to help your paranoia any.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by antar
You consider your self a kid still, post traumatic stress?

An alternative view on the CIA without any true understanding of their jurisdiction within the US.

Paranoid ramblings with anti-American underlying manipulation and agenda to incite anti-American attitudes on the board.

Yep this is not your first IP is it?

The OP and the other 7 posts are not even written in the same manner or style, I do not believe that the original story is yours.

130+ posts and you have only made 6 after the Op which is not in the same exchange or style as the following post replies.

You are showing NO interest in any of the posts which may lend you intelligent remedy to your alleged story.

sorry, most of what you said i could not follow, i think maybe i am not too familiar with internet lingo,

when did i say I consider myself a kid, i may have said something along the lines that other people may view me as a crazy kid, or speaking in that type of context

once again many people are fixated on me claiming this is the CIA, or I do not understand how they operate/jurisdiction,

So once again to clarify, I know some spy agency is doing this to me, I assume the CIA,

this is has nothing to do with me inciting anti-American attitude, I am just telling my story, I love my country, I love my fellow Americans, and I love the men/women who died for our freedoms, such as our freedom of speech,

not sure what IP means, i thought something about IP address/computer location, but if you can explain what u mean by this is not ur first IP. i would appreciate it

I am sorry I did not make enough replies, i guess because i do not go on internet that much, allot of the posts had the same line of questions/statements, so i tried to lump them together under 1 question/statement to reply to

as far as not being the same style, and not believing this is my original story,

i dont know what to say to that, ur right though, this isnt my story, this is my life

as far as showing no interest in those posts offering remedies, I have thought of many of these remedies for the past 32 months, such as gathering evidence and I gave an explanation to all of them,

but if anyone feels I havent fully addressed their questions, let me know, i will try to do a better job, I am sorry, there were like 60 replies when i first checked, which keeps growing, i am trying to address all the questions before tomorrow

[edit on 17-5-2009 by QuestForFreedom]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Kernel Korn
You are saying the CIA made an action against you. The Kernel was under the impression that the CIA was an agency that worked on foreign soil, like Britain's MI6. Domestic issues would fall under MI5 = FBI. It's not as if that it's impossible but if this had happened with any regularity J. Edgar Hoover would be rolling around in his grave.

thank you, i did not know that,

i said it was the CIA since it was spy agencies, so i assumed it was part of CIA

[edit on 17-5-2009 by QuestForFreedom]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by jenny21
This does seem to be some type of gang stalking, have you been able to lose them in the past few days?
Do you see them each day with the same frequency, amount?
If you try hard enough tomorrow, would you be able to lose them?

yeah nothing has changed really,

when i first started to twitter and post in forums a month ago, they threatened to kill me,

but pretty much everything is the same, i think they are trying to break my spirits, as if this is not putting any pressure on them by showing this is not making any difference in their daily tactics, but who knows

[edit on 17-5-2009 by QuestForFreedom]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
WTH? You still claim you're too afraid to gather evidence. Yet still here you are posting in the internet about this? Don't you think that if you're under surveillance they would be watching your net traffic too?
You're just making up excuses so you can keep your story alive without any evidence

the reality is until something makes it into the realm of mainstream, it is not really news that can be used to put pressure on my torturers, especially with all of the information out there in the age of internet,

I do not think our government will ever let it get to the point where my story may actually break into mainstream, my only hope is that posting on here and in different forums I may keep getting closer to that point,

now my hope is that they will talk to me before that point is even close to being reached, however, the other possibility is that their threats will get allot more intense, at which point I do not know what i will do, that is delete all my posts or not

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:59 AM
in reply to

"You are smoking a cigarette and someone yells take it down and you think they are yelling at you?

Does that make any kind of sense to you?"

well i had a feeling i would get reactions like this from that post, if you read that incident in isolation, then obviously it sounds crazy, as do some of my incidents in isolation

i guess im at the point that some will believe some will not,

[edit on 17-5-2009 by QuestForFreedom]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by ngoogs
If you could find a transcript of those documents or of the transcript for that TV special I would be very interested to see those. Again, I would like to believe these things but I cannot regard it as more than heresay without document proof. I can easily say that "Hitler's intentions for mass-murdering Jews was to get the Allies to attack Greece." Doesn't make it true. Wow, I really sound like a big skeptic. I also sound like my English 102 professor, clamoring for sources haha. Oh, well. I guess thats just how things work.

I actually never found the documents online, I tried many times, I am not good with internet, but when I posted a blog on this theory someone replied to me and told me he found them online, now I am not good with internet terms, so i dont understand half the stuff he is saying, So i am just going to copy and paste everything he said here (PS i originally posted my theory on Bin laden over two years ago at that blog site, thats when he searched and found the documents, i didnt post for another year and a half after i first posted my theory, but when i did post again is when he replied to me, so he was having trouble finding the documents again after a year and a half)

but anyways here is what he said:

"The document(s) you spoke of in your other post...
...aren't being suppressed. They are reasonably well known in professional circles, though not nearly as well known to the general public.
IIRC both Bergen and I think Wright have made passing though very non-specific mention of them.
Additionally, there is at least one collection of al-Qa`eda-related documents that I found which includes them/it [can't quite recall whether it's one doc or a few related ones]. I went looking for it again the other day after you posted again, but am having problems digging it up (I don't have the collection, as it's a sort of "marginal" publication, but I know this particular document is in there). In the main I'm having difficulty with the "prime mover" to the search - I've found the CNN documentary transcript, but nothing that specifically characterizes the documents (not the Harmony docs they point to on the CNN site associated with the documentary, something else) - I know I've seen something that gives enough information that I was previously able to track it back to which specific document it was. If you've more information on the context of the documents cited in the documentary I can have another stab at finding it."

So i replied to him, but didnt hear anything back, although i did delete that blog soon after (because of the fear), but I copied and save all of my posts and the replies i got on there

But anyways, i will also try to find this CNN transcript, I am not really good with internet, I wish i can find the video, I found the name which was “CNN Presents: In the Footsteps of Bin Laden”

Now, the reply i gave him was that reason I told him he may not have been able to find them in the CNN transcript is because I cannot remember if they actually talked about the context of the documents in detail or if they just showed them on the screen, but i know they definitely showed them on the screen,

but if any of u find the transcript, the documents are presented during the section in which they are discussing when they first invaded Afghanistan, a military officer (special operations i believe) is discussing how those documents were retrieved and how they were on the hot on the hunt for Bin laden, he even mentioned how they had his walkie talkie and could hear him speak, so thats the part the documents are presented

[edit on 17-5-2009 by QuestForFreedom]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by clcreek

Originally posted by Harassment101

To be honest if you are being investigated this way, which many are and they just don't know it...

Are there really enough CIA, FBI and other "agents" out there to follow all these crack pots that claim they are being followed?

The folks that are capable of doing it don't use conventional technology. They can do just about anything you could imagine and can appear in infinite numbers.

No, the CIA and FBI are not capable of this stuff, but they will follow instructions from these folks when asked.

First of all, obviously these folks are not being "investigated" as their being "harassed" instead.

This is alien related stuff, alien related technology. Why they want to drive folks crazy, I don't know. But the truth is clear, and they are messing with people all over the world.

Eventually, it will be you. And because of your ignorance, it will be justified. I certainly would not be around to help you, not that I could.

Look at this video here:

Do you really think that this stuff can't be used on you? Do you really think hynosis like this, is possible with current technology?? I've seen them do this to security guards at malls, people on the street, you name it.

No, these are not just stage hypnotists. These folks are with the same group that are chasing folks around trying to make them think that they're Iranian government agents and garbage like that by harassing them 24/7, for years and years until they make up anything to get it to stop.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by QuestForFreedom
Also, I am still getting allot of replies saying how do I know it is the CIA,

-Like I said before I do not know if it is the CIA, it is definately a spy agency, I am just assuming it is the CIA

The CIA doesn't have the technology for the stuff this group does. I thought it was the CIA at first, too, because back close to when they started on me, they were asking around the neighbor hood about me, and I heard them outside my window saying they were from the CIA. When I eventually ran for it and stayed at a hotel, they went door to door at the hotel shouting "CIA".

But no, it couldn't be the CIA, as it is illegal for them to do anything domestically. They also harrass me in Canada. Also, no one is able to say anything after they "talk" to them. They just say nothing or say "I don't know what you're talking about". That kind of hypnosis/mind control isn't current CIA technology.

Originally posted by QuestForFreedom
Also, I am still getting allot of replies to gather evidence,

-please read my previous reply to this question

Well, if you carry video camera around, then they know you're recording so they just tone it down a little.

I've tried audio recording, but it came out pretty wierd. My audio capture device wasn't all that great.

I plan to start carrying a cell phone video capture device and leave it on when I'm in public, but haven't found anything suitable yet. My last attempt didn't work out because the cell phone I have now only captures up to like a minute of video. I didn't realize that before I bought it.

Originally posted by QuestForFreedom
Also, I was asked why would they go to all this trouble

-please read the POST SCRIPT part of my OP, in which I give my opinion on why they would go through all this trouble

It's not known why anything out there would go through that much trouble.

The stuff these folks do is total overkill. We're talking 24/7, non-stop, as I've said like a zillion times already. We're talking mind control all over the place. Everyone does what they want, from your neighbors to the police. These folks don't sleep. Your neighbors won't sleep either when these folks decide to surround the place with everyone in the neighborhood and keep you holed up in there until you come out.

p.s. deleting stuff is pointless with these folks. You just end up deleting important stuff. Close to when these folks first started on me in 2005, I heard them yell "It's John Titor", so I deleted all my John Titor stuff. Now, as I search for some of the stuff I had, like IRC conversation logs and stuff with some decent stuff on there, it's no longer on the internet. It just disappeared like "POOF!"

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by tmk81

Unlikely and fanciful my friend.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:40 AM

I just read that whole post....I have to say, these torture tactics are ridiculous....shaking their heads in a threatening manner?.....well, shake back and give them the finger....

shining bright lights into your house?.....what is this, close encoutners of the thrid kind!

The only serious incident was the Canada border crossing....can you elboarate on that?....what was the technical issue with you crossing over?

I have to say, your Iranian background coupled with the C-SPAN telephone call, set off the typical U.S. intelligence anxiety attack...the neurotic, brainshwash freaks that they are....

get a good laywer man....can't you do that?!?....what about your family and freinds....turn the table of the schmucks....approach them.....gather more evidence....

honestly, if this is all true, then I feel for you...seems like some very bizarre, pedantic psychological warfare....seems it does have some validity though -

actually, just read a couple of good links regarding "Cause Staking" and "Gang Stalking"

this stuff is the real deal....dont know what ATS can do for you though....

btw, this whole looking-for-hope-in-a-president mindset, is screwed case you haven't noticed, Obama has surrounded himself with the type of exact scum that is the polar opposite to his bullSh*t election promises and ideals....the dude's a total fake.

good luck

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:56 AM
Here is a link to one of my threads where I link to someone with a similar story as the OP, and try to corroborate what he is saying:

This is an example of why alot of the stuff similar to this is no longer on ATS:

This is another one where I try to corroborate what the OP was saying. I also link to his story which is similar to that of the OP:

Of course, there are no videos yet. But be patient... there are some pretty decent stealthy cell phone cameras that will be coming out this year...

I'm sure we'll be seeing lots of videos.

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