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First Tobacco ... Now Soft Drinks ...

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posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Republican08

you already know the answer to your questions. you were lied to.

reply to post by nightrun

Trust me my friend it will take alot more than what you have said here to offend me. and no I didn't notice you live down under so don't take offence to what i said it wasn't directed towards just you but to everyone that is thinking like you.

The government is giving you extra reasons to live better, they aren't taking away your right to those luxuries, you'll just have to spend more for that junkfood.

Now see i could understand your line of thinking here but the bottom line is no the government really doesn't care about us living better and yes they are trying to take away our rights by adding all these excessive taxes. The way the government here in the U.S. sees it and I imagine every government sees it this way is to villify something and then slowly apply taxes on it until eventually 1 of 2 things happen.

1. the people that enjoy what ever activity quit doing it
2. the people that enjoy that activity says enough is enough and takes matters into their own hands because they feel they are being unjustly taxed.

The U.S. government needs to remember why America was formed. our founding fathers left England because of taxes and being persicuted for their beliefs! Its about time the U.S. Government remembers that. Its also about time the U.S. Government finds a way to fund itself like the founding fathers wished. They gave Congress the right to lay and collect taxes until a time that they could fund themselves.

I don't eat that much junk food and i don't eat at fastfood places very often and i hardly ever drink soda pop. but i do drink tea with sugar in it. so i'll be paying yet another tax because i enjoy to drink sweet tea if The government has their way.

I just read your post and yeah, tax is abit rediculous these days but I think that being in a recession should have opened up a new world for you. People just have to learn to cut back.

Now i know you don't know me from joe down the street. but honestly I'm tired of paying more than my fair share of taxes. I'm a single father of 2 kids. I raise them by myself. I don't ask for help from anyone. I pay my taxes even though i feel they are unfair. i pay my bills, i put food on the table for my kids to eat, and i ut clothes on their backs. I ran my own company and worked a second job to make ends meet. I don't live in a $100,000 house I don't drive a brand new SUV. I don't even have cable or Satelite. the most luxury Item i have is DSL and my computer thats it. I live within my means and if i really don't need it then i don't buy it. So i shouldn't have to cut back recession or not.

I didn't force people to go out and get loans that they couldn't afford and i didn't make them get credit cards and max them out. And I'm not a CEO of a bank. I have done nothing to cause the economic mess that is going on now. why should i have to pay ungodly taxes to pay for other peoples bad choices and low morals?

Do you really need to smoke?

This tells me that you are not a smoker. And as such you don't know what the addiction to nicotine is like. Nicotine when mixed with all the other chemicals that are added to it is more addictive than coc aine. And it is NOT THE GOVERNMENTS PLACE TO TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD OR SHOULDN"T DO TO MY BODY! Yes I choose to smoke. for 2 reasons i'm addictted to it and it calms my nerves. trust me i'm mean enough even when i have my smokes you don't want me to go through withdrawls! anyone that has been around me if i have gone over a day or 2 without a smoke will tell you that.

reply to post by Vyrtigo

I think you guys fail to realize the deficit America is trying to recover from thanks to BUSH, not obama. Stop complaining about every little tax that is implemented.

Go do your research and drop the partisan BS. Obama has ran up a higher deficit in less than 6 months than the last 3 presidents combined. Also Obama and every congressman that was in office durring the bush years share the blame of Bush's spending! so go figure tha one out.

And what gives you the right to tell anyone to not complain about every little new tax? I have paid more than my fair share of taxes!

You guys sure did stay nice and hush hush when the gas prices shot up to 5 bucks a gallon. But wait... OH NO! Theyre taxing soda and making america healthier!!!!!!!!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!

i guess you don't know how to read. we all were complaining when gas was $5 a gallon or higher. so why don't you do us a favor and you run to the hills and take your liberal friends with you!

reply to post by YeshuaWarrior

yeah keep cheering for those sin taxes. one day the government will get around to something you do like and deem it a sin and tax it just like they are taxing everything else.

[edit on 4/10/2009 by Mercenary2007]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity
I for one am quite positive it is not soft drinks that cause obesity. A body burns that up in no time. The problem is processed food.Those who drink soft drinks tend to also eat a bunch of this crappy food. The skinniest people I know all drink a ton of regular soda and eat little processed food.

That said, it is diet sodas that could actually be a bigger problem. Our bodies know how to process sugar and corn syrup but fake sugars are another issue.

If you read the article, it stated that it would not make fat people slim, but that it would help. I for one, know many people who drink many sodas and they are obese. There is a correlation of the people who drink sugary drinks are more likely the ones that do not watch what they eat either.

I worked at fast food for 6 months over a year ago and guess what the obese ones 9 out of 10 times bought?


Wait, so you only want the fat?

Manager: YOU'RE FIRED!

*Sigh* What society has come to nowadays.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Vyrtigo

I think you guys fail to realize the deficit America is trying to recover from thanks to BUSH, not obama. Stop complaining about every little tax that is implemented.

"Go do your research and drop the partisan BS. Obama has ran up a higher deficit in less than 6 months than the last 3 presidents combined. Also Obama and every congressman that was in office durring the bush years share the blame of Bush's spending! so go figure tha one out."

And what gives you the right to tell anyone to not complain about every little new tax? I have paid more than my fair share of taxes!

You guys sure did stay nice and hush hush when the gas prices shot up to 5 bucks a gallon. But wait... OH NO! Theyre taxing soda and making america healthier!!!!!!!!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!

"i guess you don't know how to read. we all were complaining when gas was $5 a gallon or higher. so why don't you do us a favor and you run to the hills and take your liberal friends with you!"

Yeah whatever, tough guy...

Youre an idiot. My advice, save face and leave this kind of nonsense to Gush limbaugh...

America went from a trillion dollar surplus, the best economy we have seen ever, to a trillion dollar defecit. Obama is just spending money trying to save the already ruined economy. Its not his fault. I dont know how many times i have to repeat that, but for you slow learners out there, i will go ahead and repeat myself over and over and over.

"Also Obama and every congressman that was in office durring the bush years share the blame of Bush's spending! so go figure tha one out."

Yeah okay, obama was a senator o that makes him fully responsible for the mistakes made during the bush regime.That makes complete sense according to your logic.

Complete utter bull, post something worth reading or i wont even read your next post

If you dont want to pay taxes, move out. Run for the hills, and take your mindless drone conservatives with you.

Btw, im not a liberal.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Vyrtigo]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by loam
As long as everyone is in the mood to tax stuff, can we move to impose new taxes on companies that package their consumer goods in that impossible to penetrate plastic?

I HATE that stuff.

Tax the living crap out of that!



posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:12 AM
It won't matter people will still suck it down by the extra large cup or bottle.
Self restraint is what's needed.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

It could quite possibly have 'something' to do with this?

Absolutely Forbidden Knowledge sealed in the Tomb of Time only to re-surface in a time of Need?

Where does this apply today?

Are you Sovereign?

Some say 'otherwise'.

We have a Choice.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:05 AM
ya know, I've been wondering about something here......

it's the healthcare industry, their researchers and such, that are the ones declaring everything bad, crying that it gets taxed out of existance.....

but. then, aren't they also at the receiving end of the chain also.....

I mean most of this money always is taken under that pretense...

wonder, could there be an alterior motive in this???

I found pure cane sugar soda that I happen to like, I also think it's safer and probably causes less health problems than corn syrup, and most definately less problems than their danged diet sodas!!!

if they tax the hades out of the cane and the corn syrup, but leave the diet alone, I hope someone sues the crap out of them for trying to coerce them into killing themselves!

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by FadeToBlack

and I for one find it a little odd that the most obese people I see are gathered at the local steakhouse!!!

let's tax the hades out of the beef....all those growth harmones they are feeding the cows are turning us into whales!!!

or, we could just start not feeding the cows the harmones......ya know, live with the fact that a cow is a cow and not a super cow!!

taxing the hades out of this or that isn't gonna do much of anything to make us "healthier".....removing all the crap that they've been throwing into everything to make it look prettier to the consumers and increase profits would probably do much more!!!

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:26 AM
This could get interesting because, if they aren't proposing a tax on diet soda, they will have to deem fake sugar as healthy and safe, and I wonder if they really want to do that. There are alot of people, including myself who got sick off aspartame.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:45 AM
Who cares about discussing whether it is right or wrong to tax luxuries?.

The issue here is the setting of precedents!.

Precedents simply indicate that you are willing to accept this and that without telling the lawmakers to fk off....

The lawmakers say,they accepted this,so lets try this,they're stupid,they won't mind....

Just look at Britain,you have to have a license to watch fkg TV.
Well what's the difference between a license,and buying a subscription to cable,really?.

No difference,you will be pushed and charged for everything until you all tell your so called "leaders" to go to hell.

Just like the first american revolution....

But I don't think any of you can get organized enough to get anything done as far as taking back your rights,you are too busy griping and arguing about things,wasting your energy in the wrong place discussing this type of crap.

Go do something about it,stop smoking,stop drinking soft drinks,stop driving,stop buying crap you don't need.

Force the collapse of your crooked ass economy,and grab hold of the reins while they hang free.

Or just keep being ignorant slaves.

It's up to you,you have complete control,everything that happens is through your continued ignorance,the stoking of your ego...

Stop buying what they are selling,and they go out of business.

But of course,what would we do without all of those little luxuries?.

Be free maybe??,if you can figure out what that means still.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
On the heels of the American public being hit with a massive tobacco tax increase, we now have this:

In a commentary released today (ahead of print) by the New England Journal of Medicine, Yale’s Kelly Brownell and New York City’s health commissioner, Thomas Frieden, argue that taxing sugary drinks could go a long way toward putting a brake on obesity. It won’t make fat people slim. But it could slow or prevent plump consumers from ballooning into obese individuals, they argue.

Brownell and Frieden are not proposing a little tax. They’re advocating something that would really catch consumers’ eyes on each grocery or restaurant receipt: perhaps a penny per ounce purchased. Each 32-ounce bottle of sugar-sweetened Coke, Mountain Dew, lemonade, sweetened tea or fruit punch, for instance, would rack up a 32-cent tax. A carton of 12-ounce cans would cost an extra $1.44. ScienceNews

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

And ...

New York City’s health commissioner has written an article advocating “hefty” taxes on sodas and sports drinks containing sugar. Such a tax, the article said, could be the biggest boon to public health since tobacco taxes.

The commissioner, Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, and Kelly D. Brownell of Yale University, his co-author, argue in the New England Journal of Medicine that a tax of a penny per ounce could reduce consumption by more than 10 percent and raise $1.2 billion a year in New York State alone. NYT

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

For all those amongst us that thought that outrageous tobacco taxes ware a good idea principally because you didn't smoke, allow me to introduce you to the chickens knocking at your door, I believe it is roosting season.

What does this mean?

It means that we are being programmed to accept to pay more for things that the government deems "not good" for us.

And before you say, well it's only one cent per can, what difference does it make? Let me remind you that tobacco taxes were also at first very low.

Once this process begins there surely is no end to it.

Think off all the other products that could be taxed in such a fashion under this shaky premise, really, think about it.

Also think about the fact that they're not talking about taxing aspartame which likely causes a lot more harm than sugar.

We are looking forward to the government legislating all our choices for us.

Smokers and drinkers knew it first, now the rest will know.

[edit on 9 Apr 2009 by schrodingers dog]

I'm disappointed with the NEJM. They know that sugary drinks are not causing obesity. Excess calorie consumption is causing obesity.
It's very simple. If you consume more calories then you burn off, you store them. They know this so what's their motivation to say otherwise????

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:10 AM
Nobody has the right to tell another how to live, no government or person in general. More taxes on cigarettes is atrocious because after the price keeps going up, the gov. is also putting more restrictions where a person is allowed to smoke even in the great outdoors, however; much of those taxes are going to public school systems. Buy them but you can't smoke them. While thousands of Americans are being laid off, the gov. is taxing more items for people with no money in the first place. Yeah, it is a good idea to live healthy and eat healthy but everyone is not geared to make that decision for themselves, and it is nobodys business unless you pay our bills. Another thing that bothers me is that Obama is asking for more money to send to the Mideast for some reason (after the 700 thousand he sent to Iraq to rebuild Babylon) and the tax money won't even be applied to Americas problems. At least, I have been noticing ads about help to feed hungry Americans. There is a lot of government spending that could be cut (pork projects?) instead of instead of taxing over and over again.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by texas thinker
What next ??? You get caught farting in public and cap and trade kicks in?
Where is your carbon credits? Flatulence and no carbon credit? That'll be a $5 fine sir. ($10 if it's in an elevator:lol

Seriously I believe that as a whole we will all just lay down and take it like a man, right up the ol' chute, just like always because for the most part the Johnny Q Publice is just too damn LAZY to do anything about it. Sorry, end rant now.

I'm with you on this topic buddy. I think I have found a way to avoid a carbon tax on my flatulence and perhaps these items can be worn by cows as well.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:22 AM
Welcome to socialism. All you have to do is look at how much socialist countries are taxed to see where this tax everything is going. I guess our inability to voice our opinion as one large pissed-off group has finally come full circle. Everyday I wake up with a new hope for mankind and five minutes later it's blown out of the water.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

soylent green here we come.

I can see the day hopefully not in my lifetime when they do actually feed us to ourselves and over tax us for the pleasure.

Its a very negative attitude to have and well over the top by today's standards but I would bet everything I own that it has crossed there minds.

Save the planet eat the dead, a nutritious alternative to non polluting food entities.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:45 AM
Taxation without representation.... Will we let them get away with it?

This is getting outrageous... What next cholesterol/ saturated fat tax? Anything they can get away with I suppose, under the guise of "well.... it's bad for you, it would save lives!" as the politcians laugh from behind the curtains "Those fools! I can't believe the people are that stupid HAHAHA" #ing no good, blood sucking swine... filth... trash...

This is thievery, nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by spinkyboo

Makes me happy I am wired in such a way that I cannot be addicted to anything. But taxing sodas? Personally- They wanna tax, let 'em tax those wonderful financial insitutions who are living it up ON OUR DIME. I laughed loud and long when the govt said they were going to tax AIG's bonuses up to 90%.

As a single person- I have found that I can be taxed to hell and back just for the fact I'm single! I am currently job searching... And I found that a job someone's going to alert me about when it opens up- if I took it... I would be taxed literally into a hole. Out of $50k+ a year, I'd be lucky to be making 25k! Why? I'm single. No family, no kids, no wife- so I need to be bent over and done by Bubba Gov.


posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:54 AM
None of this makes any sense. Why are they going to tax soda. Can't I enjoy anything without it getting taxed to hell. First Jack Daniels, Then Marlboros, now soda. I work for the military. So I don't make nearly enough for all these taxes.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:56 AM
Absolutely ridiculous!!!

I would like every single person who was for the cigarette tax to go back to that thread and apologize to everyone admitting they were wrong! Now they are coming for our soda!

I am a Pepsi addict and I have said many times before I jones for a pepsi like smokers do for a cigarette. This has got to stop!!!

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 08:08 AM
I have a dream.

I have a dream where all Soda , and Big Mac's and Fries and Gas and Tobacco and Alcohol and .. I could go on and on and on, is NOT TAXED!!!!

Then I wake up and read this.

This is indeed a dangerous trend but one has to wonder if it's in line with Obama's plan to have a national heath system where a group of non-doctors decide what's best for your health care. That could be the case, and if so, look for the taxes to be raised on things like oh Motrin or Tylenol, because someone in Washington decided that we really don't need it.

I'm a smoker and got po'd at the hike in the tobacco tax, especially because the great state of new york decided on top of the 61 cents they added a little more (a lot more actually) and now, after our Governor had to cave on this issue, Congress and Obama want to make it Federal to tax what they deem as unhealthy?

I will be wherever on April 15th adding my voice to the national Tea Parties, because in the end this is indeed Taxation without Due Representation.

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