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Are You Crying? Inaguration 2009

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posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by antar

Hey, you aren't the Antar from California Psychics are you? Just curious.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I fight on these boards to bring to light the darkness of seperatism, unforgiving factions that create a living hell for humanity, plantlife and animals alike.

He is the first Black Man to reach to these heights in the office of Presidency, it is a HUGE deal. Maybe we will begin to see more than fat washed out lilly white overly rich men in the new face of our futures.

I would have been just as touched if Hillary had been the first woman!

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by secretagent woooman

No, but Antar is a pretty common name among my friends... It is sanskrit for 'Inner' My whole name is Ma Antar Rishu, Divine Mother of the Inner Flame... There you have it.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by trueforger

OK I thought my tears were over but your post has my nose red and eyes burning , heart wide open. Thank you.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by antar
He is the first Black Man to reach to these heights in the office of Presidency, it is a HUGE deal.

Ya know just for the heck of it, let's remove the one offending word from that statement, and then let's see if the statement still stands on its own, shall we?

He is the first Man to reach to these heights in the office of Presidency, it is a HUGE deal.

Now to me, the statement doesn't make much sense without the offending word of a color definition to qualify it. And see right there is the problem. In fact, that is a very big problem for you to even digest, because it pretty much wipes out the underpinnings of your attempt to glorify the situation because of the mere element of his color.

I never said working through this was easy. But it is the truth. Best I can deliver it towards the goal of freeing our society from thoughts that revolve around colors rather than deeds.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by antar

I would have been just as touched if Hillary had been the first woman!

Are you kidding me? Hillary is the biggest snake you will ever meet in presidency. I am surely glad she did not become a president of United States.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:28 PM
How long have you been a socialist ma'am? Black Theology reins...

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by antar
Maybe we will begin to see more than fat washed out lilly white overly rich men in the new face of our futures.

Antar you've got to be kidding me right? They have spent 2 billion dollars before and throughout this man's campaign. Please do your homework and research Obama. He wouldn't be where he is today if not for outside help. They watered him for years now to become your next president.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by stanislav]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by slicobacon

Again putting racist words in my mouth. Nope, not working, La, La, La, La,.

So what your saying in escence is that you feel hopeless and vunerable to the future and own a lack of trust in humanity as a whole?

Nope - never said any of that. But face it. If Obama were a rich white man instead of a rich half-white man you wouldn't be shedding all your tears. I didn't put any racist words in your mouth - YOU pointed out his color.

And no, its not that I don't trust humanity as a whole, but look at this for what it is. There were only 2 choices, a white man and a half white man. The half white man got more votes, partly because the white man ran for the party that the last bad white man represented. Everyone knew ANY democrat would win after Bush - but ask yourself this - would he have had a chance running against Reagan? How about Bill Clinton? Not a chance and you know it. Not with all the hope in the world. Your crying because you know Obama at any other time would have been a long shot, but circumstances fell in his favor for this election.
Personally I am supporting Obama and wish him the best, we all know how full his plate is. He is my President, I will be behind him until I have a reason not to be.
But as said by a wise man - I sees it as I sees it.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:38 PM
I dont know whats more depressing, watching this disgusting sham of a party on my dime or the fact that people are grateful for Obama.

Im amazed that people actually think Obama the CFR bank patsy is going to bring change to America.

So far he has nominated only CFR member to his cabinet.

I also really find it offensive as a black man that this scam artist is using MLK as a launching pad for his change propoganda.

I have news for the shills and Obama, MLK would have NEVER voted for Obama. His skin color is being utilized as a tool against the poor and constitutionalist. MLK stood against war and poverty, something Obama is clearly pro on.

Obama repeatedly is setting his message to americans, get used to having less, expect to sacrifice more, serve the country, and his insanely bull# Climate Change propoganda. Obama want to turn us into a 3rd world nation utterly reliant upon the socialist goverment he is completing for his banking masters.

Shame on anyone supporting this CFR tool

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:44 PM
At the end of the day what you say is truth, but we are only in the dawn, the hours before morning.

I am not afraid to speak of as you say the offending word, it is not offending to me. So if others take offense to me saying that this is a HUGE day for the Black community, for the underprivileged white, red, brown and yellow communities, I can say it without malice of intent or separatism.

If I could talk to anyone today or share a genuine hug it would be with people like Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King. These are the people I know that would also share in my deep understanding of this historic moment.

Some are not allowed to say it, msm does not even hint at it, but I can say, this is a HUGE day in history because the first Black Man has taken by popular vote the office of President of the United States.

It is the little things that happen which mold us as a humanity. If Rosa Parks had not stood up that historic day on the bus, would we be here now discussing this subject as to its significance or not? I doubt it very seriously. If Martin Luther King had not created the speech "I had a dream" would we be here today discussing the significance of this Historic day? I doubt it.

I am not disillusioned as to the significance of where we stand as a world community today, I am not star struck by the popularity of the Obama team as directed by the shadows of propaganda, I am certain that humanity has very little time left to do what it must to continue and not perish. I am aware of the undercurrents of agendas designed to starve and destroy the American way and its freedoms. I have been places which most would never return and carry that burden of knowing something more than what meets the eye.

And I know History in the making. I reccognize events when they connect and can cry when I feel an over flow, an abundance of heart energy from within, and for that I am greatful.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:56 PM
aww alrighty i'm tearing up again ...

michelle and barack look so beautiful dancing.

edited to add: and yeah i don't care if it's all orchestrated ... lol.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by ll__raine__ll]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by antar

save your tears, you will need them once you begin to understand what Obama has in store for matter what colour you are!

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

You know that is how the history books will see Obama in It's pages, The first BLACK American president, black man, black that is what he is.

It doesn't matter that he may be mix or half or no all black.

The word is not actually offensive by itself you know.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
I dont know whats more depressing, watching this disgusting sham of a party on my dime or the fact that people are grateful for Obama.

Your dime is about right, and it is the death threats that caused us to have to spend so much on National Security in the first place, racists... So go beat down their doors and tell them you want your dimes back. Dimes, thats about it. As for the party? Come on its an American Tradition!

I also really find it offensive as a black man that this scam artist is using MLK as a launching pad for his change propoganda.

Do you have proof , I must have missed that one, however I have used MLK's name often in this thread. It makes perfect sense and in a way this is his day too if only in heart and memory.

I have news for the shills and Obama, MLK would have NEVER voted for Obama. His skin color is being utilized as a tool against the poor and constitutionalist. MLK stood against war and poverty, something Obama is clearly pro on.

Can you define constitutionalist?

Obama repeatedly is setting his message to americans, get used to having less, expect to sacrifice more, serve the country, and his insanely bull# Climate Change propoganda. Obama want to turn us into a 3rd world nation utterly reliant upon the socialist goverment he is completing for his banking masters.

As opposed to the last administration that took us from a booming economy, to the biggest deficit in recorded history? Are you serious?

It was the last administration which left us this legacy of a third world nation police state. All the while tricking the uneducated and dull minded into insane wars and no support for the troops once they return home.

I am supporting the History making event in this thread, yet wearily I am resigned to searching for diamonds in the dark.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:04 PM
The way I see, and I do admit I see things a bit skewed, is that America is pretty much in a lose/lose situation.

I believe there are people or groups pulling the strings behind America. That leaves me with 2 conclusions about Obama.

1) He is really an unexpected candidate for the people that has won an election. If that is the case, the powers that be won't let him lead (or live) for very long. JFK was very similar going into his Presidency.

2) He is just another puppet and will be as bad, if not worse, than Bush.

Either way, it isn't something to celebrate.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:08 PM
It only took six posts for all the boohooers to show up. I am proud that they are so on the gaurd today. Making sure they ruin everyone's fun because of their resistence to change or their bigotry or whatever has their panties in a wad.

And for no real good reason.

I bet they don't get invited to many parties.

As for all the people saying that Obama only got in on the black vote, black people only make up about 20% , which is on the heavy side, of the population. He got in on the largest vote ever, about 65 million people.

If the full african American population voted that would bring it to nine million people.

Hardly enough to get him in.

Try another excuse.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by nixie_nox]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:10 PM
I must say this thread makes me want to cry!

I really can't understand why this thread is considered Above Top Secret? Yesterday a thread on the Bubonic Plague killing off Al Queda members was relegated to Below top secret despite the fact many people were discussing whether this was something karmic of potentially Chemical warfare.

Instead it's considered Above Top Secret to discuss whether Obama sneezing or looking at Michelle makes you weep hysterically.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Mynaeris

See that is what many do not understand, I felt emotional today because at leas today in our nation Democracy felt real, we were making history and wanted or not it was Americas day to celebrate, regardless if he was dem or rep it was still Americas day of celebration.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by xstealth
I don't see whats worth crying over. Segregation is gone just open your eyes. Look on the TV, a bunch of white women competing over black rappers on VH1, a bunch of white rappers trying to be black.

And of course black people hold fame and positions already: Colin Powell, Chris Rock, Pretty much all basketball players, Denzel Washington...

Obama is half white, and actually I think his skin color had a lot to do with him being president. It actually inspired 10's of millions of blacks to vote for the first time. When if you think about it is actually very sad.

I've read so many times today quotes like "this is the first time im glad to be an American". That is so utterly sad, that a mans race actually has that much to do with something so important.

I could care less if he is purple, we need a President that stops this political corruption and actually makes change in the peoples interest, not in their own.

Maybe the day I'll cry out of happiness is when the important issues are corrected, and we don't have to worry about loosing 401ks and investments. We don't have to worry about fighting in useless wars, and we can find work again making our old wages. When the conflict between the political parties are done, and they work together. Maybe when the world looks up to our country again.

[edit on 20/1/09 by xstealth]

There were also a lot of people, millions of people in fact, who voted against Obama because he was black. So I would argue that Obama being black really didn't have as much to with it as you would think. Furthermore, surely there are a lot of different under-dog stories white people have managed to spin off to get votes besides skin color and those under-dog stories didn't get all that much focus on being the reason they were elected.

You can't really say that you have strong evidence that Obama's being half-black got him elected where he otherwise would not have been elected. My point is that the skin-color based votes canceled each other out to a large extent.

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