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U.S. Factory Drops Labor Day For Muslim Holiday

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posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:09 PM
Again, the facts seem to indicate this story has been twisted out of recognition by people whose agenda should be pretty clear by this point in the thread.

Nobody lost their Labor Day, the Muslims in the union simply got to have their holiday instead. BFD.

But it makes great fodder for a group of people trying to convince us that the tiny minority of Muslims in the US are "taking over & subverting our society..."

We've heard this kind of rhetoric before, but it was Germany, and the tiny minority that they were trying to convince us were "taking over & subverting our society" were the Jews.

I think we all know how that worked out.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
As was clearly pointed out already, this union initiated contract only effects the unionized workers at the plant, at that SPECIFIC plant. The people of that plant have no special attachment to the date, and therefore requested an alternate date which has some meaning to them. Those non-union workers at that plant still get labor day.

What about the 500 UNION employees at that SPECIFIC plant that do have a special attachment to that date, and therefore don't want to lose thier national holiday ?

People keep saying that the non union employees didn't lose labor day, i understand that i'm talking about the UNION employees that did lose labor day.

The union initiated the contract because the MUSLIMS were making a stink about not having thier own holiday.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

No they weren't trying to make both groups happy. If they were trying to do that then they would've let the ones that wanted labor day keep their labor day and the ones that wanted a different holiday have theirs.

If it wasn't plausible to let some take one day and some the other day because of operations, then they should have just added an extra day.

They were in no way shape or form trying to please the union workers that wanted to keep their AMERICAN NATIONAL HOLIDAY.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:46 PM
My household stopped buying Tyson products as of 1800 Hrs Eastern time this date. I will urge everyone that I know to do the same, as well as pass it along.

I challenge all others who have reservations with the issue to consider the same.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by chise61
Maybe the third time will be the charm for you. Let me help you out here. It says that NON-UNION employess will still have their normal labor day holiday, the decision will only apply to employees that are UNION members.

Try to stay with me here now. What that means is that NON-UNION employees will still get their normal labor day holiday,but UNION employees will NOT get their normal labor day holiday.

So yes union employees have had something taken away from them. Do you understand it now ?

No body said that they were obligated to give them the holiday. What i said is that it isn't right to take the holiday away from them.

I stand partially corrected.

Here is another article that shed more light on this particular issue. (I can't believe I'm using FauxNews as a source)

"Given the nature of our work, many, many, many times we have to work holidays anyway, and Labor Day is usually one of those holidays that our workers have to work," Lawson said. "And, of course, they are paid holiday pay when they have to work any holiday that is recognized at our facility."


Tyson officials said the contract was agreed to by 80 percent of the union's 1,000 members at the plant.



But I'll met you half way.

Can we agree on speculation that there is a possibility that Tyson is trying to break the union (or to limit their power) and they are using a religious platform to serve their purpose?

Now there's a conspiracy for you.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

I'll tell you what pisses me off.

Dude, we know - it's Muslims, right? What do I win?

People who see any complaint or non-condescending commentary on a minority group and automatically dismiss it as hatred or racism.

It's dismissed as hatred and racism because that's what it is! You CANNOT paint the worldwide adherents of any religion with the same brush, they're individuals - get it?

If you said "this Muslim guy who lives down the block from me is a real dick, he made a threat against my dog because he said she was unclean or something" - that's not racist, and I would agree that the guy is a dick.

What you're doing here is saying "Muslims are trying to take over America." That's racist (in addition to paranoid and silly)! Do you see the difference in the two examples?

If you're going to judge people at all, you'd damn well better judge them on their individual merits.

What makes me mad is, once again, pandering to a specific minority group is forcing changes to the way we operate here in this country.

There's nothing special about America, other than our ideals - and those I would defend with my life, as I hope you would.

But it's not our ideals that are under attack when a few hundred Somalian refugees want to celebrate their own holiday instead of ours. Our ideals include such gems as freedom of religion and self-determination - and these ideals are clearly on the side of the immigrants in this case

If they try to take something from YOU that's wrong, agreed, but that's not what happened here. Your argument is one great big slippery slope fallacy.

Labor day isn't a damned "white" holiday... it's an AMERICAN holiday. If you live in America, observe our national holidays or don't... but don't look for special treatment one way or the other.

Look, I agree that they SHOULD be celebrating Labor Day, seeing as they're a union and all, but it's not my call. If I don't want to celebrate the Fourth of July I don't have to, and it works the same for them - there's no requirement in our constitution that immigrants must observe our national holidays. That would be a fascist dictatorship, not a republic.

In every country in the world which has Muslim immigrants or converts, they immediately start trying to chip away at that country's identity to make it a closer match to themselves.

This argument is specious, I think.

They're not chipping away at our country - they're adding to it. That's what immigration has always done in this country.

Muslims in the UK eat fish & chips and play football like everyone else. They want courts to handle their religious/family issues - that's fair - it's not as though they want a special legal code that makes them exempt from normal criminal proceedings (i.e.: it's legal to cut off heads) They want places to worship - that's fair. Neither of the above have any detrimental effect on non-Muslims.

As far as more mosques than is a joke. Nobody cares, and most worship in front of the television with a tray on their lap, or they worship down at the pub. The Muslims apparently take their religion a lot more seriously - but what does it matter? As long as they're not doing violence or trying to take away the rights of their fellow citizens, it matters not at all how they want to conduct themselves. Let them build a thousand mosques - how does it hurt anyone?


So am I, and just look how different our values and opinions are. That's what makes this country great.

It offends me to watch every shred of this nation's Christian herritage


Which part of our Christian heritage are you talking about, the burning of little girls, the kidnapping of native children, or maybe the robbery and falsehoods? When the federal government was spending 5 times more money to build missions than to prevent smallpox in the natives, was that a bright spot in this country's Christian heritage?

I think the last time I heard someone rant about "this nation's Christian heritage", without even a hint of sarcasm in their voice, it was some fellow dressed up in his mama's bedsheets, fussing and foaming about the evil JOOOOOOS!

Christian heritage indeed - there's nothing Christ would approve of here my friend.

Our secular heritage, on the other hand, is world-class, if we could only follow through and transmute the rhetoric into action. Our ideals are positive and inspirational - notions of justice, freedom, and equality. Much more in tune with the teachings of the messiah y'all so fervently claim to follow.

If irony was ground beef, I'd be making meatloaf right now...

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by yanchek


But I'll met you half way.

Can we agree on speculation that there is a possibility that Tyson is trying to break the union (or to limit their power) and they are using a religious platform to serve their purpose?

Now there's a conspiracy for you.

I'll accept your half way
It's better to work with sombody rather than against them.

I can also agree with you about the possibility that tyson is trying to break or limit the union,good thought process

Corporate america has been trying very hard to get rid of the unions in this country as of late. And some unions fear they will win and in turn are giving more and more concessions to corporate rather the employees.

It will be a BIG mistake if the workers of this country allow their unions to be taken away from them.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:05 PM
originally posted by Fathom

there is a civil war coming and it will be between muslims and christians.
are you ready for it? have you stockpiled food, weapons and ammo?

which side will you be on?
will you aid and abbet the enemy?
you are either with us or against us

Man you are way off. There aint no civil war coming. The only thing that MAY possibly happen is enough of you nutts actually get off your arse to cause some mischief because people think different from you. It will be a one sided battle as *shock* most people in America do not agree with your views!!

Most of us will not even have the opportunity to meet you in the field because the NSA , FBI, and ATF will do what they always do, stop lunatic fringe organizations which you may be a part of from carrying out their evil deeds.

I must say though, I would like to meet you in person, just to see how bitter you really are. Taking a trip to florida anytime soon? I am pretty sure you about as young as me (22) if you are gullable enough to believe what you have posted.

I am guessing this was foretold to you by an older person that may perhaps be known to you as "Grand Master" or something of the like. You would do well to socialize with different people.


posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Fathom

thgere is a civil war coming and it will be between muslims and christians.
are you ready for it? have you stockpiled food, weapons and ammo?

which side will you be on?
will you aid and abbet the enemy?
you are either with us or against us.

choose wisely

I say:
"My, what a despicable, empty, sensationalist, divisive threat you have there!"

then you say:
"The better to see my hyperbole with, my dear."

Besides, if there ever was a war between Christians and Muslims in my country, I would be in the most sensible place - on the sidelines, watching y'all have at each other with pitchforks and torches and Uzis and the like.

When it's all said and done, and there's nothing left to do but let the bodies cool, I suspect I'll have my pick of designer footwear.

If there's one thing I've found to be true in my study of history, it's that religious fanatics have a very short shelf life. All we have to do is wait for y'all to expire, and there's a brief window of sanity so the rest of us can catch a breather before the next round of senseless violence.


posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
Again, the facts seem to indicate this story has been twisted out of recognition by people whose agenda should be pretty clear by this point in the thread.

Nobody lost their Labor Day, the Muslims in the union simply got to have their holiday instead. BFD.

Yes the Muslims got to have their holiday instead and the union employees that wanted to keep thier labor day lost it. The only employees that were allowed to keep labor day were the NON-UNION employees.

However there are UNION employees that wanted to keep their labor day and were not allowed to. So YES some employees did lose their labor day

And yes it is a BFD to those American union workers that lost their AMERICAN NATIONAL HOLIDAY!

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

It's all about the melting pot being broken. Foreigners coming here to live but not assimilating any more.

We've always had multi-ethnicity (the melting pot), but instead we now have multi-culturalism (diversity) - which is not what made this country strong, and will only serve to divide us even more in the future.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 8/4/2008 by centurion1211]

The problem Centurion, is that THIS ISN'T the result of Muti-Culturalism.

Its the same broken thinking that you are espousing; assuming that it can all fit into one bucket.

For example, the multi-cultural version of this, at least in countries like Senegal, would be to give everyone, every holiday off. I asked a Senagalese man one time, "How is it that Christians and Muslims get along so well in your country?" His Response was "We not only get our Holidays for worship and fasting, but we also get the Christian holidays off as well, so why would anyone have a problem with that?"

Now another version , which I would imagine to be a much more American version of Multi-Culturalism in this respect would be to give Labor day off to all of the westerners, as it is a western holiday only. And give the Muslim Holiday to those who observe it. You'll always have someone on watch, depending on the number of Muslims you have in your factory.

Either way, Multi-Culturalism can work, we just gotta remove extremism, and support a humanistic view as the greatest ethos to unite cultures.

We also have to have a new view on what being American is. America Changes with each new wave of immigrant to these shores. And in each generation the immigrant is hated, feared, demonized and scorn.

But eventually the immigrant becomes as American as Taco Bell.

Long May It Wave!

[edit on 5-8-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:37 PM
Yeah, my wife told me about this crap. Looks like I'm boycotting Tyson foods now. Its about the only thing we folks can do.

The Muslims won't go away. But, we can stick to our roots here in the USA and fight best we can..and sometimes thats with our hard earned money.

And keep our guns clean and ready.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:19 PM

And keep our guns clean and ready.

Oh, I do too, but it's not the Muslims supposedly coming in and taking over that I'm worried about

It's the nuts who are already here.

[edit on 8/5/08 by xmotex]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by DJMessiah

And I'm sure Western countries have never tried to invade, convert their governments, or "liberate" their people. Face it, every single problem you mentioned is because of Western powers trying to control the country.

total bs, not only is it embarrassingly self hating, but it also infantalises muslims, treats them like kids, as if they are not responsible for their own actions.

Ironic too, because the majority of Muslims killed in conflict in the last 30 years have been killed at the hands of fellow Muslims.......

BS. So you're telling me that there are no dogs in SA?

what he is telling you is that Saudi Arabia is an oppressive state with laws that would embarrass medieval Europe- fancy trying to be a homosexual there do ya, fancy being a practiscing Christian/Jew/Hindu there do ya, fancy getting a beer there do ya, fancy a quick precis of their shariah law do ya.

US certainly isn't perfect, but in comparison to that islamic hell hole, it certainly is.

The main thing I hate about oil, is not climate change, it is the fact that so much of it is buried under the lands of backward Islamic states.

Saudi Arabis is basically the state al qaeda would love to run *minus friendship with the US< and yes, I am aware of the irony of the US treating Saudi as friends)


So because these Muslim workers at a chicken plant get to have a religious day off, as mandated by federal law, for any employer to follow, they're going to get the key to the city, the town, and state, and then the entire US will be controled by them? Wow! I didn't know processing chicken meat was so prestigious!

he is saying this is what happens when you hand them the "keys" to anything, in this case a friggin chicken processing plant- wait til they become a majority in any institution, state, country etc

I think you forgot to add, "They may be hiding under your bed, in your closet, you neighbor may be a Muslim," etc. Seriously, what else do they teach you on TV?

What pathetic nonsense, this is the sort of "blah blah" "paranoid" "insane" debate surpression Stalin employed to imprison the likes of Solzhenitsyn.

I suggest you read some Orwell, you would probably have been employed in the Ministry of Truth

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

It's dismissed as hatred and racism because that's what it is! You CANNOT paint the worldwide adherents of any religion with the same brush, they're individuals - get it?

If you said "this Muslim guy who lives down the block from me is a real dick, he made a threat against my dog because he said she was unclean or something" - that's not racist, and I would agree that the guy is a dick.

What you're doing here is saying "Muslims are trying to take over America." That's racist (in addition to paranoid and silly)! Do you see the difference in the two examples?

If you're going to judge people at all, you'd damn well better judge them on their individual merits.

Yes and no, it isnt racism, because religion is a choice, skin colour is not, religion should be ripe for critcism and if someone wants to make a group judgement on people then so be it

For instance, individual KKK members may be sound and decent, but would you make disparaging comments on a group basis about them.

I do not like to dehumanise and segment *without contradicting* but if someone chooses a religion, then they should be prepared for judgements on that decision

But it's not our ideals that are under attack when a few hundred Somalian refugees want to celebrate their own holiday instead of ours. Our ideals include such gems as freedom of religion and self-determination - and these ideals are clearly on the side of the immigrants in this case

that is a bit of double speak, what you are referring to is basically multi culturalism, which, ironically, segments people into neat little blocks which you deride above

Look, I agree that they SHOULD be celebrating Labor Day, seeing as they're a union and all, but it's not my call. If I don't want to celebrate the Fourth of July I don't have to, and it works the same for them - there's no requirement in our constitution that immigrants must observe our national holidays. That would be a fascist dictatorship, not a republic.

Observing national holidays would not be a fascist dictatorship, I suggest that is a disservice to those that have actually lived under such regimes

This argument is specious, I think.

I disagree

They're not chipping away at our country - they're adding to it. That's what immigration has always done in this country.

Large scale Islamic immigration will not "add" to your country, in my view, it will demean much of what it stands for. Never forget, immigrants are not coming to "add" to a country, immigrants are coming as inviduals with MOST coming to economically improve their OWN lives, they are not travelling to "ADD" to a country

Muslims in the UK eat fish & chips and play football like everyone else.

What a great argument, the Nazis may have eaten fish and chips and played football, tell me what this adds to any sensible debate

They want courts to handle their religious/family issues - that's fair - it's not as though they want a special legal code that makes them exempt from normal criminal proceedings (i.e.: it's legal to cut off heads) They want places to worship - that's fair. Neither of the above have any detrimental effect on non-Muslims.

I for one would oppose the building of Mosques in my area, it would be totally out of keeping of the area, and, if I could object I would

As far as more mosques than is a joke. Nobody cares, and most worship in front of the television with a tray on their lap, or they worship down at the pub.

ahhh the usual argument, demean the host religion (even though many "muslims" take drugs, drink etc)

I would agree that the COE is a joke, and has lost its backbone, symptomatic of many of our citizens *looks accusingly*

The Muslims apparently take their religion a lot more seriously - but what does it matter?

Another guaranteed excuse, so perhaps we should all take religion more seriously and all jump in a tardis 400 years to accomodate some peasant from Pakistan who takes his religion "seriously"

As long as they're not doing violence or trying to take away the rights of their fellow citizens, it matters not at all how they want to conduct themselves.

Slippery slope old bean, wait til they are 20%, 30% etc and see how much of your head burying gets you then- I for one do not want my daughter growing up in a land with a sizeable Muslim minority

Let them build a thousand mosques - how does it hurt anyone?

It is alien to this land, regardless of what politically correct twitches tell you you should say publicly.

If they build a thousand mosques, it means their population has exploded enormously, and yes, that will hurt this land, this land which has already been hurt by the social policies of the 1968 generation

Which part of our Christian heritage are you talking about, the burning of little girls, the kidnapping of native children, or maybe the robbery and falsehoods? When the federal government was spending 5 times more money to build missions than to prevent smallpox in the natives, was that a bright spot in this country's Christian heritage?

If you think this Christian heritage is so lame as you nauseatingly dismiss it, answer me why immigration is happening one way, from Islamic lands to Christian ones- Ill answer that for you, because Islam stunts a country

I think the last time I heard someone rant about "this nation's Christian heritage", without even a hint of sarcasm in their voice, it was some fellow dressed up in his mama's bedsheets, fussing and foaming about the evil JOOOOOOS!

Then you hang out in the wrong places, but still at least you defend those "serious" Muslims who wish to behead people over cartoons........

Christian heritage indeed - there's nothing Christ would approve of here my friend.

Our secular heritage, on the other hand, is world-class, if we could only follow through and transmute the rhetoric into action. Our ideals are positive and inspirational - notions of justice, freedom, and equality. Much more in tune with the teachings of the messiah y'all so fervently claim to follow.

If irony was ground beef, I'd be making meatloaf right now...

You think too highly of yourself, the secular heritage is born out of the Christian tradition of questioning and enlightenment, this does not AND HAS NOT happened with Islam, hence the stunted nature of Islamic lands

But still, the Muslims, in your eyes, are much more "serious" in your eyes, but it doesnt matter- the irony is on you

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by xxpigxx

Originally posted by PhloydPhan

Sounds to me like the majority ruled in this case. Isn't that what we consider good old-fashioned American democracy?

No. This is American democracy:

Posted by Finn

...give your musim workers the day off with pay, let the rest keep labor day, and make the muslim workers work on labor day. They don't want to assimilate, they don't get Chistmas off either, or Thanksgiving. That could actually make tyson more money, and deliver chicken to people that much quicker.

Melting pot

NO, YOU are wrong! It is NOT a democracy, it is a REPUBLIC and for damn good reason. Democracy always ends up where the masses are asses and they get what ever they want and what they want is usually why they are called asses.

We have grown accustomed to hearing that we are a democracy; such was never the intent. The form of government entrusted to us by our Founders was a republic, not a democracy. Our Founders had an opportunity to establish a democracy in America and chose not to.

In fact, the Founders made clear that we were not, and were never to become, a democracy:

Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.2 James Madison

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.

John Adams said: A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way.4 The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness excessive license which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty.5 Fisher Ames, Author of the House Language for the First Amendment

We have seen the tumult of democracy terminate . . . as it haseverywhere terminated, in despotism. . . . Democracy! savage and wild. Thou who wouldst bring down the virtuous and wise to thy level of folly and guilt.6 Gouverneur Morris, Signer and Penman of the Constitution

The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived.7 John Quincy Adams

A simple democracy . . . is one of the greatest of evils.8 Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declaration

In democracy . . . there are commonly tumults and disorders. . . . Therefore a pure democracy is generally a very bad government. It is often the most tyrannical government on earth.9 Noah Webster

Pure democracy cannot subsist long nor be carried far into the departments of state, it is very subject to caprice and the madness of popular rage.

John Witherspoon, Signer of the Declaration

It may generally be remarked that the more a government resembles a pure democracy the more they abound with disorder and confusion. Zephaniah Swift, Author of America's First Legal Text
Many Americans today seem to be unable to define the difference between the two, but there is a difference, a big difference. That difference rests in the source of authority.

A pure democracy operates by direct majority vote of the people. When an issue is to be decided, the entire population votes on it; the majority wins and rules. A republic differs in that the general population elects representatives who then pass laws to govern the nation.

A democracy is the rule by majority feeling (what the Founders described as a "mobocracy" ; a republic is rule by law. If the source of law for a democracy is the popular feeling of the people, then what is the source of law for the American republic?

According to Founder Noah Webster:

Our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament, or the Christian religion.

The transcendent values of Biblical natural law were the foundation of the American republic. Consider the stability this provides: in our republic, murder will always be a crime, for it is always a crime according to the Word of God. however, in a democracy, if majority of the people decide that murder is no longer a crime, murder will no longer be a crime.

America's immutable principles of right and wrong were not based on the rapidly fluctuating feelings and emotions of the people but rather on what Montesquieu identified as the "principles that do not change."

Benjamin Rush similarly observed:

Where there is no law, there is no liberty; and nothing deserves the name of law but that which is certain and universal in its operation upon all the members of the community.

In the American republic, the "principles which did not change" and which were "certain and universal in their operation upon all the members of the community" were the principles of Biblical natural law. In fact, so firmly were these principles ensconced in the American republic that early law books taught that government was free to set its own policy only if God had not ruled in an area. For example, Blackstone's Commentaries

To instance in the case of murder: this is expressly forbidden by the Divine. . . . If any human law should allow or enjoin us to commit it we are bound to transgress that human law. . . . But, with regard to matters that are . . . not commanded or forbidden by those superior laws such, for instance, as exporting of wool into foreign countries; here the . . . legislature has scope and opportunity to interpose.

The Founders echoed that theme:

All laws, however, may be arranged in two different classes. 1) Divine. 2) Human. . . . But it should always be remembered that this law, natural or revealed, made for men or for nations, flows from the same Divine source: it is the law of God. . . . Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is Divine.

James Wilson, Signer of the Constitution; U. S. Supreme Court Justice
The law . . . dictated by God Himself is, of course, superior in obligation to any other.

It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times. No human laws are of any validity if contrary to this.18 Alexander Hamilton, Signer of the Constitution

The . . . law established by the Creator . . . extends over the whole globe, is everywhere and at all times binding upon mankind. . . . This is the law of God by which he makes his way known to man and is paramount to all human control.

Rufus King, Signer of the Constitution The Founders understood that Biblical values formed the basis of the republic and that the republic would be destroyed if the people's knowledge of those values should ever be lost.

A republic is the highest form of government devised by man, but it also requires the greatest amount of human care and maintenance. If neglected, it can deteriorate into a variety of lesser forms, including a democracy (a government conducted by popular feeling); anarchy (a system in which each person determines his own rules and standards); oligarchy (a government run by a small council or a group of elite individuals): or dictatorship (a government run by a single individual).

As John Adams explained:

Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable [abominable] cruelty of one or a very few.20

Understanding the foundation of the American republic is a vital key toward protecting it.

Melting pot

yeah, well, when you come to the United States, then YOU do The Melting.

NOT US. I am getting a little tired of this crap where every time someone brings there ass over here, WE have to accomodate THEM.

No not anymore.

You come here and you speak english, you observe long established Holidays, you don't start making new ones, and NO I don't give a rats ass if you call it bigotry.

The last thing I am going to put up with is America becoming like the middle east and if you don't think they want to change EVERYTHING about our Country ,, then talk to spain or the Dutch who make their immigration laws make it next to impossible to allow Muslims to live there and again,,

For good reason

- Con

[edit on 6-8-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by chise61
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

No they weren't trying to make both groups happy. If they were trying to do that then they would've let the ones that wanted labor day keep their labor day and the ones that wanted a different holiday have theirs.

If it wasn't plausible to let some take one day and some the other day because of operations, then they should have just added an extra day.

They were in no way shape or form trying to please the union workers that wanted to keep their AMERICAN NATIONAL HOLIDAY.

Do you not read? You quoted my post, I would assume you read it.

Listen, this is a non issue. I emailed Tyson foods, i posted the response. There is nothing to see here, as the employees can all CHOOSE which holiday they want. What is so wrong with that?

They get 8 holidays a year. Tyson foods does not care when those holidays are taken, so they acquiesced to half of their company's demographic by letting them CHOOSE which holiday they wanted.

I think many here just like to argue so they can see themselves type. there is no other explanation.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 08:47 AM
I agree, this has been blown SO far out of proportion.

Welcome to the world of organized Unions and Collective Bargaining agreements. The majority of the union (about 800 out of 1000) wanted to switch their 'work holiday'. Tyson Foods accepted. Deal signed and agreed to on both sides.

So, the 300 or so people that disagreed with it lose their 'Labor Day off' (note that they haven't actually lost Labor Day, they can still celebrate it, but they have to go to work!). Well guess what? they were outvoted by their fellow union workers. Don't like it? Don't unionize.

Tyson is being villified for accepting the demands of its workers? How the hell does that work out? Incredible.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 08:58 AM
These threads are always entertaining.

They go from the "immigrants need to assimilate/melting pot" arguement to all out Islamophobic paranoia within 2 pages.

Christ you would people calm down...
Why is this topic even worthy of discussion?

So the Muslims don't celebrate Labour Day; their employer in all their wisdom offered them the choice to give up the labour day holiday and replace that with a holiday on Ramadan when they fast.

They still have the same amount of holidays as a non-Muslim, so there's no favouritism.

A good PR move if you ask me, they're just looking after their employees.

Why everyone feels the need to turn this into a huge Religion/Immigration/Apocalyptic debate is beyond me.

Can't you just see it for what it is? An employer catering to the needs of their employees for once, not the other way around.

Obviously the Tyson foods director has read Mintzberg's 10 Roles of Management.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
These threads are always entertaining.

They go from the "immigrants need to assimilate/melting pot" arguement to all out Islamophobic paranoia within 2 pages.

Christ you would people calm down...
Why is this topic even worthy of discussion?

So the Muslims don't celebrate Labour Day; their employer in all their wisdom offered them the choice to give up the labour day holiday and replace that with a holiday on Ramadan when they fast.

They still have the same amount of holidays as a non-Muslim, so there's no favouritism.

A good PR move if you ask me, they're just looking after their employees.

Why everyone feels the need to turn this into a huge Religion/Immigration/Apocalyptic debate is beyond me.

Can't you just see it for what it is? An employer catering to the needs of their employees for once, not the other way around.

Obviously the Tyson foods director has read Mintzberg's 10 Roles of Management.

who is denying it for "what it is"- the company agreeing to the demands of an Islamic (dominated) workforce.

A microcosm in so many ways

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