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U.S. Factory Drops Labor Day For Muslim Holiday

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posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by Conspiriology

Ya know,, some of you need a swift kick in the ass,, WAKE UP!! You are NOT dealing with RELIGIOUS people. Islam is a fascist Juggernaut and they their entire agenda from the time they can begin to understand language, is to USURP YOUR HOME, YOUR JOBS, YOUR TOWN, YOUR CITY, STATE, COUNTRY.

Where do these nutjobs crawl out from?

Have you been taking your antidepressants as instructed? Just curious...
It's sad to see some people get so swept up in this mass hysteria campaign they can no longer think rationally..

I mean haven't we gone through this cycle enough times?

It's like the second Red Scare or something...

Back in the 1950's, people thought Communists were going to rise up in the US out of student groups and spark a violent, bloody revolution.

Can't you not see this is all constantly predicated on bullsh*t?
It's a smear campaign, war time propaganda; who's sole purpose is to demonize the "enemy", Muslims in this case.

Truth is the first casualty of war after all, and judging by the amount of paranoid souls on this thread it passed away a loooong time ago.

I think if half the people on this thread actually took the time to meet a Muslim person and talk to them, their heads would seriously explode when they realise the number of misconceptions they had about them.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Conspiriology

It seems it's our duty to honour and accomodate this faith at the expense of relenquishing our own identity and values.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by theblunttruth]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira

Where do these nutjobs crawl out from?

Have you been taking your antidepressants as instructed? Just curious...
It's sad to see some people get so swept up in this mass hysteria campaign they can no longer think rationally..

I mean haven't we gone through this cycle enough times?

It's like the second Red Scare or something...

Back in the 1950's, people thought Communists were going to rise up in the US out of student groups and spark a violent, bloody revolution.

erm, as it turns out, there were a substantial number of "reds under the beds" at the time, and the "mccarthyite witch hunts" weren't witch hunts after all........

Can't you not see this is all constantly predicated on bullsh*t?
It's a smear campaign, war time propaganda; who's sole purpose is to demonize the "enemy", Muslims in this case.

Truth is the first casualty of war after all, and judging by the amount of paranoid souls on this thread it passed away a loooong time ago.

I think if half the people on this thread actually took the time to meet a Muslim person and talk to them, their heads would seriously explode when they realise the number of misconceptions they had about them.

I could meet a Nazi and feel at ease, but that isnt what we are talking about, we are talkin about the AGE OLD (not something since the 1950s) problem of Islamic compatibility with western norms, civilsation etc (whatever you wanna call it)

Islam is basically where Christianity was at 500 years ago, and there is no indication it will progress beyond it.........

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:30 AM
What is unfortunate and ugly is all the ill informed hatred of Muslims I see on this and other threads regarding them...

... there is plenty of religious intolerance and ignorance to go around and there are rabid radicals on all sides.

What people forget is that we (including Muslims) are all human, we are all children of the same earth, the same universe and the same God.

To quote the Rig Veda's from 3+ thousand years ago...

Truth is one, sages call it by various names.

I would rather ere on the side of tolerance as opposed to erring on the side of intolerance anyday...

... Some of the posts on here are nothing but hate filled bigotry and no amount of posturing behide the flag or God will change the fact that such behaviour is no better than that of those you decry.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by grover]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by grover

Well tolerance is beautiful if embraced. Our functioning democracies allow and accomodate the practice of different faiths. But also democracy allows for all sides of an argument. So why is that when any sort of anti-islamic sentiment is uttered heads are called for?

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by theblunttruth

I have called for no heads nor would I.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by blueorder

erm, as it turns out, there were a substantial number of "reds under the beds" at the time, and the "mccarthyite witch hunts" weren't witch hunts after all........


That's why all those punishments handed out to famous movie stars, authors and actors were all later overturned, and McCarthy's House of Un-American Activities Committee was later abolished, and the reasons for political dismissals were later declared illegal?

It was a political witchhunt of the highest order to subvert dissidents and people McCarthy didn't agree with through blackmail and unfair and unproven accusations.

Truman said it best: "The HUAC is the most un-American thing in the country today."

McCarthyism was a joke, a product of an environment full of misconceptions about Socialism and the outside world and blanketed by war-time propaganda.

I would also like to remind everyone here of Edward R. Murrow said in the 1950's, one of the key figures who helped dispel all that mass hysteria about Communism and end the McCarthy era:

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.
We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law.
We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men."

It still applies today...

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira

Where do these nutjobs crawl out from?

Most come from the Middle East.

Oh,,, you were talking about ME! HA HA LOL

I see, I'm the nutjob? mmm Do you say that because I am without fact or do you know a damn thing about muslims? All of you multicultural wetblankets with your sugary sweet acceptance give me sugar diabetes you're so sweet and loving. (Barf) Spare me the mundane platitudes about tolerance Barbie because frankly, all everyone ever ends up doing with Muslims is TOLERATE THEM

I gave you enough resources to substantiate my statements and Holland having a world reknown reputation for acceptance and tolerance would tell you "You want em? YOU TAKE EM!"

Have you ever even BEEN to the Middle East Sherry?

Have you been taking your antidepressants as instructed? Just curious...
It's sad to see some people get so swept up in this mass hysteria campaign they can no longer think rationally..

Thanks for the Kind Words,, Ill remember them when you are clinically depressed from Sharia Law and allowing people to remove everything about American Freedom you thought was good enough for everyone.

I mean haven't we gone through this cycle enough times?

Good Question, NO.

It's like the second Red Scare or something...

No, It isn't. It is just like I said it is.

Back in the 1950's, people thought Communists were going to rise up in the US out of student groups and spark a violent, bloody revolution.

What does that have to do with this? Apples to Oranges guy, not even close to the same thing.

Can't you not see this is all constantly predicated on bullsh*t?
It's a smear campaign, war time propaganda; who's sole purpose is to demonize the "enemy", Muslims in this case.

Oh I see,, that is why yu are being such a sarcastic sob,, because you think I am full of Bullcrap?

Ok you need more proof? Not a problem, there is plenty of that but first I need to educate you a little bit that just because someone disagrees with your tree hugging go green peace love what a wondereful world this would be if everyone were more tolerant like me crap.

Unlike you,, I have RIGHT to be intolerant. I don't tolerate much either, In fact some of the crap I see said on these boards I have called a "punch in the face waiting to happen" and most likely would if you talk the same way in person as you can get away with me online.

You might get away with it,, but, I kinda doubt it. So if we can dispense with the Bi-polar nutjob talk and get back to the real problem with Muslims and that is simply, most cultural adaptation is a big problem for Middle Eastern Muslim immigrants. There has been and continues to be a debate within Islam about whether someone can be a good Muslim while living in the land of unbelievers.

whether a good Muslim can give his political allegiance to a secular government, such as ours, is possible but for many many more it is not going to be easy if at all. Most, coming to identify fully with America will be difficult.

In 2000, nearly one in five Middle Eastern immigrants in Holland lived in poverty, compared with about one in ten natives, and 23 percent used at least one major welfare program, compared with only 15 percent of natives. Here in America, Immigration from the Middle East is no longer an entirely elite phenomenon. When we accept another culture that culture exports it's very real and very backward ideas about woman, gays, Christians, Jews and Muslims have enough problems not finding reasons to blow themselves to smithereeens along with other Muslims,, what the hell kind of chance do you think YOU GOT??

NONE! BIG FAT ZERO! Have you ever seen anyone blow themselves up?

I know many Dutch and french used to say "Hell No" but not anymore.

the culture that Islam produces not only makes it difficult for democracy to work and puts a very heavy burden on future economic development. Even Muslim leaders like Dr Mahathir Mohammed and Pervez Musharaff have acknowledged this saying, "Muslims are amongst the most backwards people in the world"

You can admit Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians without endangering western democracy and prosperity. But you face a serious risk with Muslims. The greater the percentage of Muslims in a country, the more that country will resemble Pakistan or the Middle East since they refuse to assimilate or acquire new values. That isn't bullcrap smart guy,, that is a FACT.

Need more?


Take France, already, one quarter of French children are Muslim. By the end of this century, European majority will be Muslim and speaking Arabic. Unless Muslims acquire new values and abandon old ones, democracy will not be viable.

Look at the UK, Mushroom, someone whom I am already familar with in another thread , talks about the multicultural UK,, well he better enjoy it while he still can as a recent survey taken in Britain shows that 40% of Muslims there want Shariah Law. Believe me,, You don't want that to happen here and IT WILL happen if you insist people like me are nutjobs and suicide bombing muslims looking to suck off the American udder are given "Tolerance" and "understanding"

Open Your Eyes

"For years, Danes lauded multiculturalism and insisted they had no problem with the Muslim customs - until one day they found that they did. Some major issues:

* Living on the dole: Third-world immigrants - most of them Muslims from countries such as Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Lebanon and Iraq - constitute 5 percent of the population but consume upwards of 40 percent of the welfare spending.

* Engaging in crime: Muslims are only 4 percent of Denmark's 5.4 million people but make up a majority of the country's convicted rapists, an especially combustible issue given that practically all the female victims are non-Muslim. Similar, if lesser, disproportions are found in other crimes.

* Self-imposed isolation: Over time, as Muslim immigrants increase in numbers, they wish less to mix with the indigenous population. A recent survey finds that only 5 percent of young Muslim immigrants would readily marry a Dane.

* Importing unacceptable customs: Forced marriages - promising a newborn daughter in Denmark to a male cousin in the home country, then compelling her to marry him, sometimes on pain of death - are one problem.

Another is threats to kill Muslims who convert out of Islam. One Kurdish convert to Christianity, who went public to explain why she had changed religion, felt the need to hide her face and conceal her identity, fearing for her life.

* Fomenting anti-Semitism: Muslim violence threatens Denmark's approximately 6,000 Jews, who increasingly depend on police protection. Jewish parents were told by one school principal that she could not guarantee their children's safety and were advised to attend another institution. Anti-Israel marches have turned into anti-Jewish riots. One organization, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, openly calls on Muslims to "kill all Jews . . . wherever you find them."

* Seeking Islamic law: Muslim leaders openly declare their goal of introducing Islamic law once Denmark's Muslim population grows large enough - a not-that-remote prospect. If present trends persist, one sociologist estimates, every third inhabitant of Denmark in 40 years will be Muslim.

Perhaps you know "one of the "good ones"" and while you may think it "cool" to use the clever innuendo ad-hom suggesting I am off my meds or call me a "NutJob", doesn't change the fact that I know what I am talking about and you,,

are just talk and

Nothing more.

- Con

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Conspiriology

I would like to get into this with you. Because all you do is spout. You are all pomp and no circumstance.

You say 40% of all British Muslims want Sharia Law. Well the total population of Muslims in GB is 1.6 million. That means that only 640,000 of the entire population want this. So is that any kind of threat to the British way of life? Not a chance. Your fear mongering will not work when REAL facts are put up against it.

Yeah Europe is real tolerant about these people.

In Belgium, the country which has one of the “most vicious and inhuman of all colonial histories”, the far right Party (The Vlaams Blok or Belang) dominate local politics, with an agenda to repatriate all people of colour to their countries of origin. One of its prominent leaders, Filip Dewinter, told the BBC recently; “When I see Muslim culture I think that our culture is superior. Our values, our way of life are superior and we have to say so. I don't think the way of life of Muslims is compatible with our way of life”. Muslim is our enemy, is the new European anti-Semitism motto.

Islamic schools and Mosques were bombed and set on fire. Muslim women were attacked throughout Holland. The rightwing Dutch government is embarking on anti-Muslim legislation to crack down on immigration and close-down “suspected” Mosques, and give police power to arrest people of Muslim faith. Although Muslims make up about one million (6%) of the Dutch population, former EU Commissioner Frits Bolkestein, said recently; “The most common first name registered at birth these days in Amsterdam is Mohammed. This, they say, is the Europe-to-be”.

When 6% of the nation's population is to be feared by the other 94%, I have a reeeeal hard time believing that.

Instead of preaching your hate about things you have no experience with and can't understand, take some time to learn about this stuff. Maybe try reading from places that don't use fear mongering to control your emotions.

You can threaten all you want about "punches to the face". People aren't always going to agree with you, get over yourself.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Rook1545

I would like to get into this with you. Because all you do is spout. You are all pomp and no circumstance.

You say 40% of all British Muslims want Sharia Law. Well the total population of Muslims in GB is 1.6 million. That means that only 640,000 of the entire population want this. So is that any kind of threat to the British way of life? Not a chance. Your fear mongering will not work when REAL facts are put up against it.

Yeah Europe is real tolerant about these people.

What are you dyslexic! Read your POST!

When 6% of the nation's population is to be feared by the other 94%, I have a reeeeal hard time believing that.

Oh I think you have a hard time with more than just believing the facts jojo but that is beside the point.

You remind me of all the other Muslim lovers. Go Join em then see if i care, Just keep your Quran and your towel wrapped head out of my Tax

This is what most sympathizers say

September 6, 2002
Elisabeth Arnold and Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen, Members of the Danish Parliament.

As Danish politicians, we are offended by the way integration problems in Denmark were portrayed by Daniel Pipes and Lars Hedegaard and we wish to set the record straight (Muslim Extremism: Denmark's had Enough, Daniel Pipes and Lars Hedegaard, Aug. 27).

The authors claim that 40% of Danish welfare expenses are consumed by Muslim immigrants. Denmark has a much broader spectrum of welfare costs than countries in North America. We include not only unemployment benefits and social security but also substantial allocations to housing, transport, homecare, early retirement, protected workplaces, daycare and other smaller schemes. Muslim immigrants do not receive 40% of those allocations even though they represent a substantial part of the clients. The main reason being: It is hard to compete on a job market not interested in employing immigrants.

The further assumption that more than half of all rapists in Denmark are Muslims is without any basis in fact, as criminal registers do not record religion.

Mr. Pipes and Mr. Hedegaard mention that only 5% of young Muslims in Denmark wish to marry a Dane. A sign of self-inflicted isolation, indeed. We welcome the brave 5% who accept intermarriage—they are true pioneers for peaceful co-existence and human contact across cultures. However, the new Danish government has made it extremely difficult for Danish citizens to bring a foreign spouse to Denmark. The ruling opinion obviously is that intermarriage should be avoided.

Mr. Pipes and Mr. Hedegaard also claim that Muslim violence threatens the 6,000 Jewish citizens in Denmark. Rumours—also hitting the front pages of major newspapers—tell that identified Jewish Danes figure on a death list. Danish authorities consider death threats very serious, but police investigators have so far found no evidence of real threats.

During the coming decade, Denmark will need 100,000 new pairs of hands in the workforce. The Danes produce fewer children and live longer. Integration must work better and immigrants admitted to Denmark should be welcomed. On this point, we take inspiration from Canadian society, which is open to other cultures and religions

This is the truth and what I am saying

September 10, 2002
Daniel Pipes and Lars Hedegaard, Philadelphia, PA.

Elisabeth Arnold and Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen, two members of the Danish parliament, are "offended" by our article Muslim Extremism: Denmark's had Enough, (Aug. 27).

Most Canadian readers may not realize that both writers are politicians belonging to the Socialist-Radical Liberal government that was defeated last November --- indeed, Ms. Nielsen was its minister of culture. They have an axe to grind.

Both protest our conclusion that Muslims "make up a majority of the country's convicted rapists," saying that because Danish statistics do not correlate religion with crime, this assertion "is without any basis in fact." Statistics Denmark does, however, produce numbers on immigrants from Third World countries and their descendants, which it reports makes up 5% of the population; and it is known that Muslims make up four-fifths of this element. The latest police figures show that 76.5% of convicted rapists in Copenhagen belong to that 5% of the population, and from that we drew our understated conclusion.

Our critics then sow confusion about the word "welfare." We wrote in English for an English-speaking readership, and used "welfare" in the conventional English sense of meaning public assistance in the form of cash or food stamps—not in the Danish sense of including "housing, transport, homecare, early retirement, protected workplaces, daycare and other smaller schemes" as mentioned by the two politicians.

As for the numbers involved, former Socialist spokeswoman for immigration and integration Ritt Bjerregaard has leaked figures from an unpublished study showing that in 1999, the 5% of the Danish population made up of Third World immigrants received 35% of all welfare payments (Danish: kontanthjaelp). This percentage is higher today and therefore we wrote that that 5% consumes "upwards of 40% of the welfare spending."

Both MPs may not believe Danish Jews are threatened but the Jewish population itself believes it is under siege. This obliviousness of Ms. Arnold and Ms. Nielsen is part of a larger problem, whereby they have long been among the most vocal cheerleaders of massive immigration and completely blind to the problems this creates. Unfortunately for them, Danish voters do see the problems and threw their coalition out of office last November.

Finally, we are at a loss to explain the notion our critics forward that the current government believes "intermarriage should be avoided" between Danes and foreigners, an outrageous accusation which no one of any political stature has advocated. To the contrary, the policy of the government is integration, not segregation.

Learn to know how to get the facts rather then just google your stats

Instead of preaching your hate about things you have no experience with and can't understand, take some time to learn about this stuff. Maybe try reading from places that don't use fear mongering to control your emotions.

Six years in the military and to tours in the middle east and an ever growing interest in Religion in general, I'd say you couldn't match my knowledge of Muslims if I had a frontal lobotomy and the only sign of activity coming from the brain stem, I'd still overwhelm you girlfriend

You can threaten all you want about "punches to the face". People aren't always going to agree with you, .

Ironic isn't it,, I mean it's mouthy knowitalls like you I had to mention the punch in the face to the last guy.. Threaten all I want? Like I said, Dyslexic? Read My POST! What I call some of the posts on these boards doesn't threaten. In the context of some in your face mouthy type calling me a nutjob,, now THAT threatens me, but only in person, hence the punch in the face comment. Nice try on the mis-representation, you're a classy guy I can tell. lol

get over yourself

Get over myself? Why don't YOU get over ME

and then we will BOTH,

be happy

- Con

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:10 PM
Dude, I have spent 20 years of my life around Muslims. I am pretty I will win this pissing contest. You spent tours of duty over in the ME. Good for you. II am not at all surprised to hear that you did not meet the kindest people there. It is not like you were over spreading peace. DID YOU EXPECT THEM TO COME AND GIVE YOU HUGS??? You obviously already had that lobotomy, so no worries there.

You completely miss the point every single time. If 94% of a nation's population are scared of the other 6%, the problem is not with the 6% it is with the other 94%. It is as simple as that. Argue all you want, it is a fact. That few people can obviously control the rest of the country, there are bigger problems than what religion these people are.

You can huff and puff all you want, you will only give your self an aneurysm. I feel sorry for you. You have no real humanity left in you.

Maybe we should get back to the topic. How is a company giving a union, what the majority of its members want, a crime? It isn't.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Rook1545

You completely miss the point every single time. If 94% of a nation's population are scared of the other 6%, the problem is not with the 6% it is with the other 94%. It is as simple as that. Argue all you want, it is a fact. That few people can obviously control the rest of the country, there are bigger problems than what religion these people are.

I am Not misssing any point tough guy,, it is quite simple,,


and why?? because you have begun by insulting me with your belligerent introduction post,, I HAVE NO REASON TO!

You ever consider charm school smart guy?

Unlike you,, I think it is real hard to believe the 94% are all wrong and the 6% is right so HELP ME WITH THE MATH JULIE!!

Your "stuff" is BULLCRAP and you got Johnson to back it up.

Since all you are is jealous and wanted to "Go at it with the Conmeister"

You can join my ignore list. enjoy your last words son or is it "Dude"

If it's anything like your last posts,

I won't miss anything

- Con

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Conspiriology
I am Not misssing any point tough guy,, it is quite simple,,


OK then don't believe me. It is the internet. We can all be anything we want to be. That includes you.

and why?? because you have begun by insulting me with your belligerent introduction post,, I HAVE NO REASON TO!

You ever consider charm school smart guy?

I am the one that needs charm school? Hmm...I might consider it. Will I see you in the first class? You could use a dose yourself. I don't recall insulting you, although I very well could have. Since you started out standoffish, you kind of have to expect some "tough love" in return.

Unlike you,, I think it is real hard to believe the 94% are all wrong and the 6% is right so HELP ME WITH THE MATH JULIE!!

Yeah...and I am the one that needs charm school. I never once said 6% were right and 94% were wrong. What I was if 94% are scared of 6% there is a problem. It is nothing to do with right or wrong. If you are going to call me out on what I say, at least make it right. Copy and paste if you have to.

Your "stuff" is BULLCRAP and you got Johnson to back it up.

What part would you like me to back up? I can back it all up, "Conmiester"

Since all you are is jealous and wanted to "Go at it with the Conmeister"

What would I be jealous of? Your immaturity? Your obvious lack of tact and personality? No, you bring nothing to the table, as I have stated before and prove. You quote articles that are mere rants against a culture and show little fact. I will give you credit for the one article that was long winded that did have one actual fact in it.

You can join my ignore list. enjoy your last words son or is it "Dude"

I am guessing it is a long list, since you get real mad when anyone disputes your "facts" or disagrees with your "opinion".

If it's anything like your last posts,

I won't miss anything

- Con

Since when does a military guy cut and run? If you can't take the heat... Oh well it is you that will be missing out here not me. You might have learned a thing or two. I am sorry if my posts offended your delicate sensitivities.

Not too sure why I responded since you won't see it anyway. but on the off chance you want to continue the love-in through PMs instead of our crap clogging the board that is fine too. Then you can say what you really feel.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Rook1545]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:53 PM
CON, I think this may give a more fair assessment of the situation from the Telegraph.

Four out of 10 British Muslims want sharia law introduced into parts of the country, a survey reveals today.

The ICM opinion poll also indicates that a fifth have sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the suicide bombers who attacked London last July 7, killing 52 people, although 99 per cent thought the bombers were wrong to carry out the atrocity.

Overall, the findings depict a Muslim community becoming more radical and feeling more alienated from mainstream society, even though 91 per cent still say they feel loyal to Britain.

The results of the poll, conducted for the Sunday Telegraph, came as thousands of Muslims staged a fresh protest in London yesterday against the publication of cartoons of Mohammed. In Libya, at least 10 people died in protests linked to the caricatures.

And in Pakistan, a cleric was reported to have put a $1 million (£575,000) bounty on the head of the Danish cartoonist who drew the original pictures.

Last night, Sadiq Khan, the Labour MP involved with the official task force set up after the July attacks, said the findings were "alarming". He added: "Vast numbers of Muslims feel disengaged and alienated from mainstream British society." Sir Iqbal Sacranie, the secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "This poll confirms the widespread opposition among British Muslims to the so-called war on terror."

Vast numbers, a poll of 500? read on

The most startling finding is the high level of support for applying sharia law in "predominantly Muslim" areas of Britain.

Islamic law is used in large parts of the Middle East, including Iran and Saudi Arabia, and is enforced by religious police. Special courts can hand down harsh punishments which can include stoning and amputation.

Forty per cent of the British Muslims surveyed said they backed introducing sharia in parts of Britain, while 41 per cent opposed it. Twenty per cent felt sympathy with the July 7 bombers' motives, and 75 per cent did not. One per cent felt the attacks were "right".

Nearly two thirds thought the video images shown last week of British troops beating Iraqi youths were symptomatic of a wider problem in Iraq. Half did not think the soldiers would be "appropriately punished".

Half of the 500 people surveyed said relations between white Britons and Muslims were getting worse. Only just over half thought the conviction of the cleric Abu Hamza for incitement to murder and race hatred was fair.

Mr Khan, the MP for Tooting, said: "We must redouble our efforts to bring Muslims on board with the mainstream community. For all the efforts made since last July, things do not have appear to have got better."

He agreed with Sir Iqbal that the poll showed Muslims still had a "big gripe" about foreign policy, particularly over the war on terror and Iraq.

David Davis, the shadow home secretary, said: "It shows we have a long way to go to win the battle of ideas within some parts of the Muslim community and why it is absolutely vital that we reinforce the voice of moderate Islam wherever possible."

A spokesman for Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary, said: "It is critically important to ensure that Muslims, and all faiths, feel part of modern British society. Today's survey indicates we still have a long way to go… [but] we are committed to working with all faiths to ensure we achieve that end."

As the poll was only 500 people it would be difficult to say that the bulk of the Muslim popualtion have the same views. As with all statistics you can get them to prove anything you want. And like all surveys it depends on who you ask and how the questions are put to them.

I'm sure if a similar poll was carried out with the American people after 9/11 you would have had similar views expressed about Muslims.

I can understand what you are saying but have not the Jewish people suffered the same through their history especially in Hitlers Germany where they were likened to a plague of rats.

Looking at the bigger picture its obvious that the perps are playing out a new holy war and we all know how those play out dont we. From my perspective its the Jews and Christians on one side arrayed against the Muslims. Are we the people just being played like a fiddle for the benefit of power and greed. Its happened so many times before its about time we got wise to it.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:01 PM
don't forget Muslim family's have between 5 - 10 children western family's have 1-4 ..we are being out bred in our own country's...

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

Thank you for that article. It was a good read.

I think you made some very valid points. Ones that I was trying to get across, albeit poorly. I realize that this is all part of a bigger issue. The questions I keep coming back to are what.

What has caused the world shift in perception of Muslims?
What is the final goal of the complete alienation of these people?
What purpose does it serve to completely vilify these people?

I am not going to paint them out to be saints. They aren't. But when you look at what is going on, it is more forefront and center now than it ever was. Why is that?

People are losing their minds about the British Sharia law thing. But I pointed out, it is 645,000 people. That is a tiny tiny amount. They really have no say in the scheme of things, so why is this even news? And why is it being presented as it is the majority of Britons?

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Rook1545

I am the one that needs charm school? Hmm...I might consider it. Will I see you in the first class? You could use a dose yourself. I don't recall insulting you, although I very well could have. Since you started out standoffish, you kind of have to expect some "tough love" in return.

Oh I think ya did, in the very first paragraph of your first post you were "gunnin" to get into it with Con and anyone can see that. What I don't get is why he answered your post at all. He never addressed you as stand offish?

Yeah...and I am the one that needs charm school. I never once said 6% were right and 94% were wrong. What I was if 94% are scared of 6% there is a problem. It is nothing to do with right or wrong. If you are going to call me out on what I say, at least make it right. Copy and paste if you have to.

did it ever occur to you that he wasn't quoting you at all and just paraphrased your own statistics looking at them from a different angle?

I thought it was pretty clever myself and he makes a good point

What part would you like me to back up? I can back it all up, "Conmiester"

Then why haven't you?

Since all you are is jealous and wanted to "Go at it with the Conmeister"

Ha ha yeah that was funny

You quote articles that are mere rants against a culture and show little fact.

No he was right, and I got to say, the UK has no separation of "Mosque and state". The UK has already accepted Sharia law and having two different sets of laws has been tried in in the ottoman society.

Every thing Con told you would happen WILL happen but Ill not insist on it,, Ill just watch it happen the way it usually does,. little by little with you or without your consent or agreement.

I am guessing it is a long list, since you get real mad when anyone disputes your "facts" or disagrees with your "opinion".

wouldn't know but I imagine it is if there are a lot of people like you here.

I wouldn't waste my time with you after reading your posts, that is the only thing I regret not getting back the time I wasted reading your rants and rage

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by Rook1545

People are losing their minds about the British Sharia law thing. But I pointed out, it is 645,000 people. That is a tiny tiny amount. They really have no say in the scheme of things, so why is this even news? And why is it being presented as it is the majority of Britons?

Sure makes you wonder doesn't it? I mean how in the hell did a mere 645,000 get so much influence to have their own sharia law allowed when the vast majority don't? This raises an even more important question doesn't it?

Like what is going to happen when there are 3 million of them?

The rapidly growing number of Muslims will not settle for what is presently given as voluntary laws that don't supersede British common law. You mentioned you have twenty years experience with Muslims,,

Well,, sounds to me you took your first years experience and just repeated it for the next 19 years or you would know better than this.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by XIDIXIDIX]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:04 AM
Xid, are you cons Mother? and what are you views on the nearly 7 million Muslims living in the US ?

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Xid, are you cons Mother? and what are you views on the nearly 7 million Muslims living in the US ?

I'm not too worried about them in the US as most Americans are much more into protecting themselves from being a theocracy. Not saying it couldn't happen but it is highly unlikely. As for Con,, he cracks me up and is one of the reasons I was inspired to finally signed up and become a member here and quit lurking. He doesn't know that but I guess he will now. I don't always agree with him but I love his style, it is entertaining as hell whether you agree or not, he has a unique way of expressing himself.

For instance, the way he took that 94% couldn't be all wrong and the 6% be right. I guess Con was right when you consider that such a small percent of Muslims can have so much influence over the 50 some million in the UK. That tells me that the 94% have plenty of reason to be scared of what the 6% are up to.

Oh and no, I am not his Mom but since I see he had put that guy on ignore, I thought I would respond to the parts of his post I believe he is wrong about.
Is that ok with you? I ask because I can't understand why you would ask unless you have some kind of problem with someone agreeing with Con, I know you two didn't exactly hit it off in your "Attack America Now" thread. I thought that was a pretty interesting thread myself it just got to an impasse but went a respectable length.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by XIDIXIDIX]

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