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Akashic 'Hall of records'.

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

You should check this out Dan!

Drop in solar activity has potential effect for climate on earth.

The sun has reached a milestone not seen for nearly 100 years: an entire month has passed without a single visible sunspot being noted.

The event is significant as many climatologists now believe solar magnetic activity – which determines the number of sunspots -- is an influencing factor for climate on earth.

According to data from Mount Wilson Observatory, UCLA, more than an entire month has passed without a spot. The last time such an event occurred was June of 1913. Sunspot data has been collected since 1749.

When the sun is active, it's not uncommon to see sunspot numbers of 100 or more in a single month. Every 11 years, activity slows, and numbers briefly drop to near-zero. Normally sunspots return very quickly, as a new cycle begins.

But this year -- which corresponds to the start of Solar Cycle 24 -- has been extraordinarily long and quiet, with the first seven months averaging a sunspot number of only 3. August followed with none at all. The astonishing rapid drop of the past year has defied predictions, and caught nearly all astronomers by surprise.

Wow, it's amazing that this has happened to the since ever since the beginning of this past month, when you had the experience with the Streamers. Could it be that these guys are out in full force?

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by Osiris1953
I have been willing to give you the benefit of the doubt

oh thats gracious of you.

but your responses to both Lee and Caitlin are way out of line.

I don't see you trying to say the same to them about calling me a liar and a deciever... hmmm...ok then.

I thought that you learned something from the streamers, vishnu, angellers, and your own akashic record but it seems that you did not.

I learnt and saw more than I could ever share. As for you trying to judge what i learnt because of a response to hostilty and name calling from fae folk, well, thats your choice.

When no one was challenging your beliefs most of what you spoke of was love and understanding. When confronted, even in the most civil of manners, you lash out. I don't really think that the streamers watching you, jesus, god, or vishnu particularly appreciate the snide, arrogant, and overtly rude manner in which you responded to caitlin or lee.

The fae folk got the same treatment - I think you missed the part where I made my view very clear about 'fairies' 'fae folk' and those that blindly follow them.

You watched your Akashic record. You yourself said that you felt guilt for much you have done in your lifetime. Well, feel guilty for what you have just done.

Defence against fae folk and people calling names making me feel bad? errr.... was you out last night? did you stand with us last night? no? then... guess ill pass up on your opinion, thanks.

I, on my own, have learned that part of the correct path in life is kindness, humility, and humbleness, and I didn't need any supreme being to give me a tour of the universe to realize that that is the correct way to treat others. You have had a unique experience that should have bettered you as an individual, instead you put down and verbally bash anyone that dares to disagree with you.

No, I made a stand against a fae follower. Big difference. Had you seen what the fae did to early human kind, you would lose your dinner through fear. Hence, thats why they got wiped out to the edge of extinction and hid.

You want people to believe what you believe. Lead by example.

I have, i made a stand. I always thought faires were evil creatures. Proved me right, but thanks any how.

If I had the experience you had, sure I'd still be human, and I still wouldn't be perfect, but I would be damn sure that I treat others with respect and teach them the correct path through kindness and understanding. Take a lesson from Jesus and turn the other cheek if it really irritates you that much.

ROFL - Have you seen the Angeller army? No? then i'll describe it to you.

Wall to wall, shields up to their chins, swords and armour on fire with the spirit, ready for war. Jesus is there with them. He was peace and light, but now he is peace, love and light in command of the Angelic forces, and they fight - day and night on your and all of our behalf throughout the entire gigaverse and beyond.

That doesn't even begin to describe the Streamers when they get tasked with clearing out a shukra or enkri hive. Think of it as love and light making sure love and light remain the dominant force in this solar system - that included the utter physical and spiritual destruction of their enemies.

Fae creatures will tell you about this - ask them next time. Oh and think on this. Why would shape shifting, space and dimension hopping 'magical' creatures need to hide from humans? are we so scary that they are afraid? no. They are afraid of what watches over us, and that is why they skulk in the shadows and make only fleeting contact.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by Pocky
Wow, it's amazing that this has happened to the since ever since the beginning of this past month,

The reality of Global Warming

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by zorgon

I might have been and still could be being told and shown a lie like you say zorgon and i accept that.

But atleast i have experienced it unlike Dan who woke up one day and decided to make it all up.

I can accept the fact that i might be nut's i can take constructive critisism but guess what Dan can not ! And that tell's me something.

That's the difference.

Take care.


[edit on 3-9-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

You make it sound as if I came rushing in in defense of fae folk. No, that's not it at all. I did not make mention of them. Caitlin did yes, you did as well, but in my last post I most certainly did not. The point is that regardless of whether or not someone called you liar I would have hoped based on what you have said you have learned from the streamers that resorting to such sarcastic and overtly dismissive language really isn't necessary. With a story such as this you are going to have naysayers, it is how you handle them that is going to determine how you are perceived. Do you really think that Jesus would have gotten much of his message across if he resorted to dismissiveness and poo flinging every time he was confronted. I think not. Your attitude is only going to make it so people don't want to listen to you.

You claim to have had an enlightening experience, so start acting like an enlightened individual.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by LuciferSatan
I think Glowing Aliens are Fake...

Sounds like tha Facist Neo-Christian United States is up to something..

The Technology which you discribed, sounds like technology that they
have had for a very long time.. So I dont think its aliens..
Go Tell Pat Brown, that the Govenment is faking Aliens, just to bring people
back too Christianty..

Why Are So Many Christians Evil Anyway???
If the aliens had anything to do with Christianity,, then theres your answer..
Its an alien invasion.. Buy a gun.. Kill Jesus...

Call me marked for treason.. But I dont think its tha aliens...
Boo HOO!!! God damn born again Church Faqs!!!

and my reply....

reply to post by LuciferSatan

Well thats fine. You can think and have any opinion you like, and voice it. Thats the beauty of the boards.

However, with that name and your comments, your never going to get me taking you seriously.
[edit on 2-9-2008 by Dan Tanna]

I can take critics. However, this from you two was beyond the pale.

Originally posted by h3akalee
Dan i just want to make my feeling's clear without being rude or anything like that.

I think you are a lier and i dont beleive you.

And you expect me to suck that up? no way. Thats beyond the pale - of course I am going to get angry about things like that.

Thank you for voicing my feelings too...I tried as gently as I could to challenge what was being said here yesterday, but it didn't work, I guess. I think there is deception going on here, although maybe not from Dan. Maybe he is the one being deceived by whoever he is talking to. Dan, they may sound like love and light and all that's holy, but demons are liars too and know fine well how to make you think what *they* want you to think, and will show you anything to make it *real*. There are too many things here that make me uncomfortable about what is being said, but I still don't want this to turn in to a Dan-roast. I've chipped in because I think what Lee has pointed out is really important.

Then again, maybe the deception is coming from you, Dan, and you've made all this up...I've known many "spiritual" people to do this.

Now the above comes from some one who says one thing and expects another. I can accept questions, even probing questions, but between the two of you there has been nothing but nastiness. You don't even try to keep it civilised, you go straight for the attack dogs.

So between the two of you, well, lets just say that you ask me to be civil and do not extend that accord to your own words. You ask me to question my experience and do not question your own.... your taking the words of fairies and fae as the truth.

Sorry folks, i just don't think its fair what you did, and will be angry at you for a long time yet.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Dan Tanna]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

The lucifersatan crap was ridiculous, and I completely agree with you on that account. There was nothing even remotely constructive about that post. I don't blame you for getting irritated with that one.

I also agree that lee was a bit harsh, but even then why would it bother you so much that you wouldn't continue to take the moral high road?

I'm really not trying to instigate a fight.

I still respect you as an individual and asked my questions out of honest interest.

Just think about what you say since you are trying to get across a message of love and understanding... and how the universe actually works. Having a negative attitude towards naysayers is only going to turn more people off to what you have to say.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:09 PM
Now your message to them in your last post was much more fair Dan. Thank you for that. I continue to have respect for you sir, and I would like to hear more about your experience if you are still willing to share.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Osiris1953]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Osiris1953
Do you really think that Jesus would have gotten much of his message across if he resorted to dismissiveness and poo flinging every time he was confronted. I think not.

If any one will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. I tell you the truth, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that town. (Matthew 10:14-15)

Dismissiveness? yeah he resorted to that. A bit fiery at times? yeah lets go ask the money lenders their opinion.... upturned tables any one?

I never said I was an enlightend being, I just said I saw more than you, and shred it here. I'm not asking for followers, I'm just asking for a fair crack.


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Yeah Jesus did freak out at the money lenders and thieves hanging out in the temple. His outward anger in that instance was not the usual though.

As far as you being given a fair crack. I have done that, and will continue to do it. I have nothing against you, and I'm willing to listen as long as you are willing to type. However, people are going to disagree with you, people are going to call you a liar, people are people and everyone is different. All I am saying is if I had the experience you had, I wouldn't be as quick to anger when someone is rude to me.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:28 PM
Osiris, you keep telling Dan that he is behaving improperly, and not how Jesus would respond.

For one, you should not judge so lightly.
Two, do you truly know what Jesus would have said to those who call him a liar? I think not.

Three, Dan has the full right to oppose those who oppose him.

Four, Dan is human... unlike Jesus... Dan is faulted.... You need to allow him to have his faults.

Five, Dan has previously said that he has a bit of a temper. Am I so naive to think that a single experience could change Dan's very nature... not me... maybe you sir....

Six, this is posted in The Gray Area, where people are not supposed to be called liars. This is against what the Forum was designed for. This forum is for controversial topics and experiences, which means that Dan's post was in the correct forum.

Seven, if you saw in previous threads of Dan's, you could see how a few nay-sayers could destroy a thread totally. I think it's Dan's right to defend his honor in being called a liar, and defend his story. If it was you, how would you respond? It's easy to sit on the outside OSIRIS, and say.. well you should do this, and you should do that... but hindsight is 20/20 and we are but flawed creatures while here on this earth. Dan is just a flawed creature that had a very enlightening experience.

Personally, I think that all of Dan's posts are quite interesting. We do not need to only dissect this thread, but the compilation of his encounters which is in no less than four separate threads.

1) Violent Encounter Thread. I read all 27 pages of this thread, when Dan was actually replying to the thread. The criticism that he got, made him leave the thread... totally understandably.

I personally did not see any mistakes in Dan's recollection of the violent encounter. Even though a few people attempted to pick apart his story, none of them made compelling arguments imho.

2) Flying Cloud Craft..... another interesting experience. This one had interesting photos of an odd looking cloud. Could it have been a normal cloud?? SURE ......
But, there is the possibility that the cloud moved in an unnatural way, which made Dan take notice and snap a picture.

I have not seen Dan post pictures of other clouds, so this seems like an isolated event, which leads credence to the story.

3) The sky turned dark. This also was backed up by some interesting photos. While the photos didn't prove anything .... the story adds another layer to the story which is fascinating.

4) Hall of Records. ..... Here is another experience that Dan has explained in great detail. Nobody has refuted any part of his recollection of his experience. His description seems to match others description perfectly, with very little holes in the story.

So, we need to focus on all four of these threads... Forgive me if there's more!
But, with very little holes in all four threads... either Dan has a very active and precise imagination .... or there is the possibility that he is telling the truth.

I doubt that someone could make up as much collaborated evidence that Dan has, and not made fatal mistakes to date. He seems to reply quickly to questions, with precision.

Yes, this all could be a scam....

Or this all could be real....

You need to ask yourself..... is there more to life than dieing? What do you believe?

Thank You again Dan for keeping up with the thread.

I am curious about the Flying Cloud Craft. Do you feel this was a "streamer" that was cloaking itself in a cloud? Or do you have a different explanation?

Also, please refrain from Judging Dan and calling him a liar.
Remember, the Gray Area was made for controversial stories, and a place for people to relay their stories without fear of being chastized and being called a liar.

--- Were some responses in violation of the purpose of this forum?
If so, should those users be notified that this is not the place to call people liars, Or is this going to turn into the thread just like Dan's Violent Attack thread.

I only ask, because the last thing I want to happen, is to have a genuine OP be ran off by skeptics who have no facts to back up their assumptions either.


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Osiris1953

Yeah Jesus did freak out at the money lenders and thieves hanging out in the temple. His outward anger in that instance was not the usual though.

As far as you being given a fair crack. I have done that, and will continue to do it. I have nothing against you, and I'm willing to listen as long as you are willing to type. However, people are going to disagree with you, people are going to call you a liar, people are people and everyone is different. All I am saying is if I had the experience you had, I wouldn't be as quick to anger when someone is rude to me.

Yes you have, and yes I will continue to answer any and all questions.

Thank you, and I will apologise if my tardiness with others spread into my replies to you.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

I tried to explain that one at the start - I will do again here. The streamers use clouds, yes real clouds to move about unseen by people below when they have physical work to do here on Earth.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:34 PM

I admit I was scared at this point, but some thing just made me follow it. I was not in a craft, not in a ship of any sort, I was pure light energy as were these beings. They use these 'cloud ships' as a method of gently watching the world pass below it, watching, keeping records, tracking time and space itself, watching those they 'overwatch'.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

I disagreed with Dan's attitude, but it's all good, I said my piece. I will continue to listen to him. On his violent encounter thread I posted that I believed him, and I got made fun of for it. Doesn't bother me. In the end, I'm not sure what I believe concerning this thread, but I will continue to ask questions of Dan in a respectful manner. I think he could have handled things differently when confronted with different points of view... and in the end that's all I want him to see. I won't be dissecting his thread or anything like that. As long as he is willing to put up with me, I'll be here. If rampant jackassery happens in here against dan, I'll stick up for him. If he behaves like a jackass, I'll tell him he is behaving like a jackass. Don't think I'm picking sides here.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna

As far as you being given a fair crack. I have done that, and will continue to do it.

Yes you have, and yes I will continue to answer any and all questions.

Thank you, and I will apologise if my tardiness with others spread into my replies to you.

Ill say it again.

I will answer each and every question -u2u or thread. any one who asks for anything gets a reply, its just that I am far, far from perfect. I got fire in me
and some times I let it rip. However, i have got alot better.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Thank you for that Dan. I'm a bit quick to anger myself, but I also cool off quickly. Being both Scottish and German doesn't help my temper any. I need to be going for a bit, I'll check back in a bit later.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:09 PM

As an end note to my participation in this, I would like to clear a few things up if I may, before I leave you in peace to enjoy your thread. I could easly pull apart many things that you have written here and in other threads, but I won't...there is no point, as it won't further the discussion in any positive way, and I really don't want to make your life difficult here, despite what you think.

I know you have completely misunderstood my motives, despite a few attempts to explain them to you. I will happily admit that I do have issues with what you are saying, having been around these kind of stories for many many years, and encountering the good with the downright fabricated. I did start off being very easy with what I said to you, and all I wanted to point out was that I believe there is a chance that *YOU* are being deceived here, no matter how good it feels to you. I've seen it happen before, it's happened to me, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't part of what was happening to you, that's all. I wanted discussion, not dismissal.

However, you did really respond with a complete lack of grace and more than a little of that famous temper of yours. In addition, and this is the issue that really upsets me, you clearly think it's ok to absolutely trash another's spiritual beliefs in public, despite knowing almost nothing about them or their history. Very disrespectful. I don't know where you get your information from, but at no time have you asked me about my beliefs or experiences, so for you to say that you *know* my guides are evil and deceitful is a bit short on foundation. I will repeat this need to learn to discriminate, challenge, dismiss and protect what you encounter spiritually. Your amazing awakening does not make you an expert, however easily the given information falls from your mouth. How, exactly, do you think you are given this information? (This is rhetorical, by the way...I don't expect an answer).

Many meditators, lightworkers, shaman, healers, witches, holy men and gurus will tell you that the darkest forces in any universe will masquerade as something incredibly bright and absorbing, making you think that you have truly seen the light. It's so easy to let yourself be fooled, because it feels so damn good, and an arguement like "I don't need protection because, I'm working with the One True Energy/Archangel Michael/The Angellers/The Lady Hecate Herself who only speaks to Me/ Lord Zoob from the Planet Fnark (delete as appropriate here) is naive in the most dangerous way. It doesn't just put you at risk, but the people who choose to listen to you and take on board what you're telling them, however good your intentions.

Until you know absolutely what you are dealing with and who you are talking to, you cannot trust the information you have been given, and I DO believe that you have been given information. It really is an outside chance that you are so deluded that you have invented all of this, although it's possible. But....there is so much of it, so quickly, and you have too many instant, unarguable answers to queries posted here, that I get a little suspicous. My experiences tells me to be like this, and for good reason, but I don't think that you are close to the place where you can listen and discuss with humility.

I know you will throw a hissy fit over this, and cast all kinds of accusations in my direction, which seem very pointed, I must admit, and I wonder if the dislike of me is spiritual or personal. Not that I care either way. Maybe you just don't like to be argued with. Which is a shame, if you choose to respond to me! Lol!

Have a wonderful, happy, thoughtful thread...


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by ThreeDeuce
4) Hall of Records. ..... Here is another experience that Dan has explained in great detail. Nobody has refuted any part of his recollection of his experience. His description seems to match others description perfectly, with very little holes in the story.

But only one other time have I heard it described in such detail

When I find where I put that story I will post it...

Yes, this all could be a scam....
Or this all could be real....

If a scam... where is the purpose?
If a scam... where are the victims?

I will state that Dan asked for advise on whether or not he should post this experience or not, from several people before posting...

The fact that this thread ran for 16 PAGES before any 'bad vibes' appeared is monumental... I am willing to bet it sets a record

His story and many others were shared in friendly environment.

And as stated this IS the Gray area... for years people complained that there was no forum where topics like this would be safe... now that we have it, it would be nice if people remember that this IS the place to share such experiences.

You need to ask yourself..... is there more to life than dieing? What do you believe?

Thank You again Dan for keeping up with the thread.

I am curious about the Flying Cloud Craft. Do you feel this was a "streamer" that was cloaking itself in a cloud? Or do you have a different explanation?

Also, please refrain from Judging Dan and calling him a liar.
Remember, the Gray Area was made for controversial stories, and a place for people to relay their stories without fear of being chastized and being called a liar.

--- Were some responses in violation of the purpose of this forum?
If so, should those users be notified that this is not the place to call people liars, Or is this going to turn into the thread just like Dan's Violent Attack thread.

I only ask, because the last thing I want to happen, is to have a genuine OP be ran off by skeptics who have no facts to back up their assumptions either.


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:50 PM
this is the best I can explain it.

They 'use' cloud 'craft'. because to go about the skies 'as is' would be an 'experience and a half' for those that laid eyes on them.

They don't have to do this, but as i was with them they wanted me to 'see', and also, they enjoy just riding around doing there work. I can attest to the absolute peacefullness inside it - there is no controls, just the streamer using energies to push and pull it about the sky, so its not a craft per se, just a cloak or disguise. Their energies also hold it together so it doesn't evaporate around them!

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