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The Evil Perspectives On ATS

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
To me, we are all created with equal potential, even though some choose not to fulfill this potential, its a personal choice.

Its a personal choice that hurts others.

We're all created with equal potential to decide to not drink and drive, and even though some choose not to fulfill this potential and do drink and drive, its a personal choice.

Does that sound right to you? It shouldn't. It being a personal choice does not make it right or justify it.

The worthless amongst us need to either be cured or banished to a manufactured society where they are all watched and controlled until they are capable of taking care of themselves. Or, dare I say it, left to die.

I'm sick of people's tax dollars going to pay for the hopeless individuals that take more out of society than they put back in. Thats what creates classes in our society. If everyone put more in to society than they took out, we truly would all be the same.

You people can put what ever label you want on my beliefs, but they are legitimate. A society that has more being taken from it than is being put in to it is doomed to failure.

To me, a human that cannot take care of their own life no longer is worthy of life, or at the very least a free life.

[edit on 7/27/08 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 06:52 PM
It won't work.

Let me explain. Utopias are pipe dreams. It doesn't matter if they are communist, fascist, or democratic. They contain a limting factor. That limiting factor is humanity.

Humanity for the most is selfish, ambitious, and subjectively ignorant.
Sure we could set up an Earth Union or United States of Earth, we would also be setting the stage for Global Civil Wars as well. There would insurrections, rebellions, secession, terrorism, etc. It will Balkanize.

In the end it would fall just like Rome and bring about a new dark age.

What people fail to realize is that we have already tried to have an "illuminated" government already. After the French Revolution an attempt was made to create a visionary enlightened society. It was an absolute nightmare and it failed.

Why would anyone set up a world government when things have been operating smoothly since the end of WW2. Sure there will be regional blocs and unions, but they are fragile. From my point of view the world is working just like it should for those who are profiting and guiding it. A kind of organized chaos.

Really why would anyone want to come out of the shadows and lead from the front, when things are so much easier behind the curtains? The people who study, understand and apply the the wisdom of the philosphers, the lessons from the histories of empires, and the species homo sapiens sapiens know this. Figureheads, fronts, and shells are the way the world works and dont expect that paradigm to change anytime in the near future.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by full997
I am not a proponant of the NWO or of a one world government but what would be so bad about having one government ruling the entire world as long as that government was democratically elected by the whole world.

Just imagine if there was only on government then who would that government pick its fights with? if there is no USA to fight Russia and no Iranian government to fight the Israel government then there would be less trouble in the world.

Imagine three global political parties, a world wide election every five years to elect a singular government to govern the entire world.

they wouldnt need to pick fights because they have all the control.. and are unchallenged.. kinda like a company having no rivals.. they can charge what they want.. and unless you want to do without.. you're going to pay the price... IMO

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Darkerside

Good and evil is a human truth not an energetic truth. But the cause and effects of energy will give huge problems to the so called dark ones. Because we already know that all things are energetically connected.

And know the original source doesnt care..except for us to create and choose as we wish. But the hundred layers between us and the source is the issue. What do we need to protect ourselves from since nothing matters? You are right its a decision...but it depends on awareness.

Aware beings know that harming others is harming the self. It just that many of the effects come back much later, creating the illusion of separation thru time differentials.

So the dark ones are free to seek all their pleasure down here....but theyll hit an upper barrier and not be able to make it into the higher planes which are much more pleasureable/fun.

I totally understand your darkness bro. I think we dont deserve it at times too. But what does "Deserve" mean anyways. I believe the manipulators of this world go beyond this world into higher planes of dark our stupidity is not just ours but its being drilled into us by genious dark energy.

How are the elite the fittest ...they were born into everything. THey didnt just get there thru skill. THey were taught all their secret knowledge. Im earning it without all of what they have. If we went to lower depths of hell with equal circumstances, id be far more fit than most elites.

The light beings of truth are above the dark although the dark ones power is more obvious and brutal.....their master plans are filled with ego and get clouded......hence mistakes and they will probably lose.

THe high high powers have a much more distant future plan about how the universe(s) evolve. And if its more beneficial for the light side to win this earth look out, i doubt u stand a chance. This stuff is way beyond me or any dark planners for that matter.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

true except your missing one thing. Humanity is going thru a leap in evolution. And that transtiion will make us so different and more aware psychologically that most of what u say is void. Of course that depends on the fact that we dont collapse.

People seem to think that humans 1000 yrs from now will think just like us...its ridiculous. IVe already seen the future. When we all exist in that awareness we wouldnt kill each other....thats as dumb as saying people will be punching themselves in the face.

I dont know when this will be clear to us......but it will occur when we are able to see energy. And i quite a few are breaking thru glimpses of this now.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Darkerside
Finally a more truthful look at the world

Truth is as subjective as reality. Similar to what you have said about "good" and "evil". You can't pull out someones post as being more true than anyone else's simply because it is similar to yours. Everyone's honest statements about how they see the world have been true for them.

Originally posted by Darkerside
let me tell you, you havent seen anything yet, you havent seen me.

All powerful evil must have no time to play in the lush outside world of sin. thread spookiness is much more frightening. You are right, the person that called you Satan flatters you. You're not the Devil, you're not a threat and you're online in a thread telling people to fear you without an adequate reason to.

Maybe if the Devil had a high-speed connection he would have telegraphed his punches to the masses to. Him and Jesus could debate in a thread rather than on a mountain and save time.

ATS members...why do you care if he likes the idea of the NWO and darkness?
What difference does this make what he likes? What's with the attempts to convince him otherwise?

This thread reminds me of the goth kids in high school, always talking about how 'sexy" death and blood is, waiting for your shocked response, then going right back to their well-polished suburban homes.

You like the NWO, slugger?

Apply for the position of NWO Officer Number 752.
They'll give you riot gear and a billy club to bonk the protesters.

That is about as far as you'll get in the ebony tower I suspect.

- Lee

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
I'm sick of people's tax dollars going to pay for the hopeless individuals that take more out of society than they put back in. Thats what creates classes in our society. If everyone put more in to society than they took out, we truly would all be the same.

What is your position on corporate welfare?

By far they drain much more from society in terms of your tax dollars through excessive subsidies and lobbying and since most of the larger companies even evade taxes they aren't fairly contributing back at all. They rob us WORSE over than the lazy citizen that is kicking back and collecting a check. Should you also advocate their destruction as well?

Don't just fall the obvious villain, my friend.
The one they point to you as the bad guy.
The welfare bums are just the tip of the iceberg. Not even the tip, really.

The real thieves has stolen from you and you were too busy with the slight of hand rhetoric to even notice.

- Lee

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Agreed, we are all different and this makes interactions with each other in large groups very difficult, but IMO we are still very immature in the grand scope if things and I believe we could grow to make these ideas work, but as I mentioned before, I doubt this will happen in this lifetime.

for me it is to the contrary, I see each and every individual difference as a benefit, because of the fact that I'm not good at math nor a physician nor a carpenter is the reason why we all can create a better society, we do it everyday. People have different skills, abilities, all of which is a good thing. It promotes cooperation. If I could do all of these things myself, what good would it do me to live with others? I would be self sufficient, or an isolationist.

Possibly, at the moment this dynamic does encourage growth, but it also encourages greed, which as we have seen, can slow the progress of a species to a halt.(I'm not even gonna get started on suppressed technologies etc.) I've heard Bill Gates builds his OS with bugs, so later he can release patches to fix them and charge for them. What if pentium 4 was discovered after a breakthrough on pentium 1? You think they would have released it as pentium 2? or build the stages in between and sell them first? I'm going for the latter and that only hinders the growth.
Selfishness is not a perfect trait in humans. If Bill Gates wants to shoot his own business and let competitors in by producing a poor product that is his right, a stupid decision and one that does not make sense, but his right to do so. Why a businessman would hurt his product's reputation is beyond me? If that were the case, and he was making a shoddy product then the market will eventually punish him, by loosing market share to the company that could produce the better operating system, ie Linux, Apple OS..etc I can think of no better punishment for said businessmen then the trashing of his reputation and the removal of his common stock from NYSE, not to mention the numerous lawsuits faced for fraud, from Intel or various other hardware manufacturers and or computer owners.

For me, better the market punish him..than some central planner who will no doubt would probably be in the businessman's pocket. You see, more central planning breeds more corporatism and more corruption. Like I said when you have selfishness and you combine that with central power you have the recipe for disaster.

I would never thank that man for Vista, the stress I had with that OS, looks great, handles terribly. lol

Perhaps your right, but who knows I'm sure he'll try better next time. There is a lot of complaints about VISTA, but you got to remember the guy has been or his company has been pumping out new OS's. Of course he does this to generate $$, but in the process brings you the better moustrap, you have to admit W98 was better than the original Win. He will definitely may have to improve his products if customers like you voice your opinions. Unfortunately in a central planning system no body is allowed to voice an opinion much less vote with their dollars like consumer can in the market system.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

I think people are mixing up survival of the fittest, with greed and a hunger for power. Plants and animals may kill each other for land and food, but this is not for power, but for survival, they dont kill because they want more food, they kill because they need it, there is a huge difference. We kill for power, for money, or ideals and you cannot justify this with a simple "it's nature" because it really isn't, it's barbaric. It is not the direction we should be taking, but we will only know for sure, until it's taken. Are we really discussing whether its good or bad to dominate the weak and elevate the bully's into power? I didn't see this coming... EMM
I think "selfishness" in its purest form exists in the annimal kingdom. I don't see the Lion respecting the rights of the gazelle to live, a Lion would definitely kill another Lion if it stumbled anywhere near its territory, nor do I see the Lion picking up after himself, nor respecting the environment. You see now we are talking about property rights, again animals lack this ability, this is what makes us the superior creature which inhabit this planet, because we are able to choose not to kill, not to pollute, not to act like animals, because we have property rights. Particularly property rights of the individual to not have his property polluted on or to be threaten by others. Take Stalin and the Millions he killed, and the numerous people who starved, or the massive amount of degradation and pollution to the environment he inflicted, simply because property right did not belong to anyone, but the STATE. So when someone kills and bombs my country, say Iraq; thus property rights are not being respected by the State. Here is a perfect example of the Strong vs the Weak, it is not something which coincides with respect for property rights nor individual rights. The same goes for Polluters who dump their garbage in our rivers, they are and should be held responsible.

Unfortunate this whole concept of property rights goes out the window when a central government steps in, and claims that your property as well as what your being is that of the State's, or that the fruits of your labor are not your own. When these rights are taken away we are no longer better than the Lion or any other animal for that matter.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Don't speak to me as if I am an idiot. Please, for the sake of your own knowledge, do a little research in to my positions on the corporations and what they do.

They get their fair share of blame from me. Blaming others as well does not mean I am not blaming the corporations. Quit trying to polarize the discussion.

I blame both. Is that clear enough for you?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
To me, we are all created with equal potential, even though some choose not to fulfill this potential, its a personal choice.

Its a personal choice that hurts others.

We're all created with equal potential to decide to not drink and drive, and even though some choose not to fulfill this potential and do drink and drive, its a personal choice.

Does that sound right to you? It shouldn't. It being a personal choice does not make it right or justify it.

Well...yea, that sounds like balance, Karma, yin/yang, this is what this thread is about from what I've seen, taking the rough with the smooth, light creating dark, you have to have it both ways.

The worthless amongst us need to either be cured or banished to a manufactured society where they are all watched and controlled until they are capable of taking care of themselves. Or, dare I say it, left to die.

How about fat people? higher risk of diabetes, a drain on your welfare again or old people driving, should a licence be revoked after a certain age due to the danger they 'could' pose, mentally instable? lock them up and throw away the key too? you say they are selfish, I say you are selfish, you worry about your well being and blame your situation on others.

i'd rather help someone in need than throw them away in a deep dark hole and although this may seem what happens now, it is not done out of the goodnes of people's heart, it is done to make money, and therein lies the real enemy, we are now competing with each other, to keep our job, our house, our car and support our family that we are encouraged to have. In the grand scheme of things, the infinity of the universe, you'd consider working your entire life to pay bills makes you a worthy candidate for our future? we do it through necesity, not to better ourselves, our only hope is to find a job we enjoy.


You people can put what ever label you want on my beliefs, but they are legitimate. A society that has more being taken from it than is being put in to it is doomed to failure.

To me, a human that cannot take care of their own life no longer is worthy of life, or at the very least a free life.

The problem is that the people who govern the society, the people in power who have the ability to make any difference are the one's that are taking from the society, yea sure couple of million a year go on homeless, couple more on health issues, drink induced, drug induced, weight induced, maybe a bit more dealing with crime, well, add all that up and times it by whatever you want and you still wouldn't be close to the numbers are dropped here and there, 2 trillion here, 1 trillion there and this is annually, how long has this been happening? 20 years? 30 years? longer?

thats alot of denero holmes...


posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Darkerside

oh stfu we deserve to be dominated tell that to my children and me and to all the free minded ppl of our species you bring your darkside ass on over to my place and tryin dominate me LOL

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
How about fat people?

Mentally weak

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
old people driving, should a licence be revoked after a certain age due to the danger they 'could' pose

They need to be tested every 3 months or so. A road test. Not some written test garbage.

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
mentally instable? lock them up and throw away the key too?

Depends on the definition we're using of mentally instable.

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
you say they are selfish, I say you are selfish, you worry about your well being and blame your situation on others.

I have nothing about my situation to blame on others. I worry about human advancement and accomplishments. The weak, ignorant, uneducated and hopeless are holding down those that are intelligent and can take care of themselves.

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
i'd rather help someone in need than throw them away in a deep dark hole

Well that is you. I'm not you. I'm me. I'd rather throw them away. If they can't help themselves, I don't think they're worth saving.

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
The problem is that the people who govern the society, the people in power who have the ability to make any difference are the one's that are taking from the society

I find it amusing how people on ATS will talk down to others and presume they do not know what they are talking about without even looking in to their beliefs and views beforehand.

Here's a hint "holmes": don't lecture me on what does and does not go on in the world before you know my views of the world.

If you had read a couple of my recent threads, you would pretty much see that I throw those who are governing our society in to the same boat as the weak, the ignorant, the hopeless and the uneducated. I don't hold them to any higher standard. I don't shy away from blaming them for everything.

If you had done that, you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself by essentially telling me my own beliefs.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by constantwonder

Brilliant argument. You just nailed it. I mean, who can possibly be for domination after the case you just made here? I personally have turned thanks to your post. I promise to never think politically incorrect thoughts again.

So I will "stfu" because your children and you and the free minded "ppl" of our species deserve better. I certainly would not want to go to your place to "tryin" dominate you after your eloquent criticism of the ideals of a new world order.

Thank you constantwonder. I think you've saved me.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

The problem is that the people who govern the society, the people in power who have the ability to make any difference are the one's that are taking from the society, yea sure couple of million a year go on homeless, couple more on health issues, drink induced, drug induced, weight induced, maybe a bit more dealing with crime, well, add all that up and times it by whatever you want and you still wouldn't be close to the numbers are dropped here and there, 2 trillion here, 1 trillion there and this is annually, how long has this been happening? 20 years? 30 years? longer?


I am going to HAVE to disagree w/ this. There will always be those who manipulate and try to cheat to get ahead. Is this right? NO! BUT they are here and until ppl start taking responsibility for their OWN lives, they will continue to get by w/ manipulating the idiots. It is up to ppl to educate themselves and quit living in blind ignorance.

THEY BLAME the gov't and yet they turn around and expect the gov't to hold their hand? how in the hell does this make sense?

[edit on 27-7-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

boy o boy did i upset you my friend..... forgive me please im wrong to care about others and the worlds well being if you think being dominated is the way to go then rock on man.... in the mean time ill continue to say piss off to all you dark siders geebuz go satisfy your need to be dominated in some brothel im sure some brute broad would be more than glad to dominate you

anyways lighten up is no one entitled to have some fun on here omg some ppl take things way to seriously

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Gateway
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

I think people are mixing up survival of the fittest, with greed and a hunger for power. Plants and animals may kill each other for land and food, but this is not for power, but for survival, they dont kill because they want more food, they kill because they need it, there is a huge difference. We kill for power, for money, or ideals and you cannot justify this with a simple "it's nature" because it really isn't, it's barbaric. It is not the direction we should be taking, but we will only know for sure, until it's taken. Are we really discussing whether its good or bad to dominate the weak and elevate the bully's into power? I didn't see this coming... EMM

I think "selfishness" in its purest form exists in the annimal kingdom. I don't see the Lion respecting the rights of the Giselle to live, a Lion would definitely kill another Lion if it stumbled anywhere near its territory, nor do I see the Lion picking up after himself, nor respecting the environment.

If a lion wasn't hungry, it won't kill a gazelle, if a gazelle strays near the lion, (which will hardly ever happen) the lion would kill for the sake of the pride, if the alpha male isn't hungry, the others will eat it. Lions, or any other animal or plant, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't kill on a whim. In the example of the lion, if another lion stray onto their territory, the Alpha male will challenge the intruder, when the intruder is bested, it will see it off, but will not hunt it down unless it is badly injured, if the intruder wins, then yes, it will be killed, but this, THIS, is survival of the fittest, it strengthens the group, not for personal gain. As for respecting the environment, they eat and poo, both biodegrade and actually nourish the land, that is the beauty of nature, may sound clichéd but, thats the circle of life [cue music!]

You see now we are talking about property rights, again animals lack this ability, this is what makes us the superior creature which inhabit this planet, because we are able to choose not to kill, not to pollute, not to act like animals, because we have property rights. Particularly property rights of the individual to not have his property polluted on or to be threaten by others. So when someone kills and bombs my country, say Iraq; thus property rights are not being respected by the State. Here is a perfect example of the Strong vs the Weak, it is not something which coincides with respect for property rights nor individual rights. The same goes for Polluters who dump their garbage in our rivers, they are and should be held responsible.

I'm not sure what you mean by property rights, but I'm gonna guess your refering to territory? and as I mentioned above, all animals have territory, it is based on the size of the 'collective', the bigger the pride, the bigger the territory, as it is needed, just because they don't have a little piece of paper declaring it's theirs, doesn't mean it isn't. You talk about polluting through bombs? since the industrial revolution, we pollute quite a bit, not as much as cows, but still alot lol, now we come to the animals rights, we choose to pollute our environment, but they do not choose to have their environment polluted, we're condemning them along with ourselves, now, tell me more about OUR rights.

Unfortunate this whole concept of property rights goes out the window when a central government steps in, and claims that your property is that of the State's, or that the fruits of your labor are not your own. When these rights are taken away we are no longer better than the Lion or any other animal for that matter.

Well IMO, we don't own anything we percieve we do, you own your house? well, if the economy goes through, expect all your 'repayment' plans to go out the window, expect banks to be forclosing all over the show, then again, money won't matter and therefore no one will have jobs, no one to come around and take your house for the bank, unless the government step in and do it, then it's protect what you consider yours.

As for no better than animals, they have not committed genocide on there fellow animals, they have not commited horrible acts of torture and experimentation on there fellow animals, they have not polluted the environment to such an extent as to place their fellow animals in danger. Is this because they didn't have the means to do so? maybe, how about the mentality?


[edit on 27-7-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Darkerside
When i said light i meant some of the attention, i guess it was worded wrong.

Whats in it for me? - POWER, what else

Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely !!!

The "I AM FOR the NWO" crowd might be in for a big surprise.

Perhaps they won't survive the 2012 events. Perhaps they will die in their underground bunkers. Seems to me that the Bible says that men who hide underground will be entombed there.

If you want POWER, go plug yourself in to 15000 volts at about 5 amps and juice it up. You'll be smokin !!!!

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by constantwonder

You can't say the word "dominate" without having a sexual fantasy, yet I'm the one with the problems.

OK buddy. What ever makes you feel better.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

i said i didnt have problems? i said you had problems? what post were you reading are you so insecure that a little fun at your expense makes your panties bunch up? i speak only for myself when i say the idea of the nwo and someone dominating me pisses me off what gives the few the right to dominate the many? and why does me stating the fact that it pisses me off offend you so much? i think its because your insecure and that you need to be controlling to feel good about yourself and as for my elquence ill save any elegant thoughts for serious forums like sci/tech

[edit on 27-7-2008 by constantwonder]

[edit on 27-7-2008 by constantwonder]

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