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The Evil Perspectives On ATS

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Darkerside

hmmmm..well as much as i wish i were free to expound on that. i have angered enough people on here for a little while. lets just say i have my tendancies, my preferences, my inclinations, that may lead somewhat in the opposite of light but, im not an advocate of the NWO and i love kittens.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Darkerside
Wow so far not one person has come up to what i asked. Everyone seems to be against evil and just labels people like me as mad men. Hitler in my opinion was a great man, not mad. I have no idea were people are getting that he was mad from, all he did was build an empire and tried to establish it (all part of the plan, even his defeat), i dont even think the holocaust happened (but that debate isnt for here) but even if it did i wouldn't care.

The point is that agents of chaos do exist in the real life "perfect" world, and all you who bash me for being on the dark side, all i see is fear in the words you write, maybe because you can't contemplate a sane person being in the evil reality.

(now let me guess someone is going to say im not sane, just more fear)


I am 100% sure you are sane and human in that you are just seeking attention and that is a perfectly sane and human thing to do. And let me assure you, no one is scared of you.

You are not on the "dark side" as you so proudly proclaim. You just like being a non-conformist. Instead of justifying your claims you insist on proving that your perspectives are different from everyone else on ATS. Which would be fine if you could back them up.

I'm quite sure you're a loner and were probably neglected at one point or another in your life. You'll grow out of it one day, don't worry.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Darkerside

The point is that agents of chaos do exist in the real life "perfect" world, and all you who bash me for being on the dark side, all i see is fear in the words you write, maybe because you can't contemplate a sane person being in the evil reality.

Actually, I have lived a great deal of my life around evil. Most of whom are considered evil are familiar to us all. They can be our next door neighbor, our pastor, or our fellow worker. We tend to think of the sociopath - the far end of the evil spectrum as the only evil out there, whereas the former are the most prevalent, and perhaps the more insidious.

Being very experienced in this area I will say that someone in the light is far more powerful than someone who is evil (as they are in such bondage). Usually incredible bondage to self! Their perfectionism and levels of shame can be off the charts. Denial is their driving force. They are not free!!!

The irony with the evil is; they don't have a clue that there are individuals that can see right through them! Once a person gains the insight as to who or what is evil, it becomes much easier to "see."

A person can be perfectly sane and yet be evil. But eventually this person becomes very sociopathic. The only real difference between evil and good is; conscience! One has it, the other doesn't. Somewhere along the line the evil, or potentially evil, never gained a conscience, or lost it...or I might add...sold it!

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:41 PM
i do have to say that from a truly, honestly satanic point of view. it just does not work. strong minded, willful people will not fall in line. and if they did, would you want them? think about what a great man hitler was. for whatever reasons that you admire him. think about them for a good long moment. now think about 99 percent of the nazis that followed him. blindly, ignorantly, followed a man to turn against their very own nature.
i ask you, as an evil master, would you want to be a leader of sheep?
and do not take this the wrong way, i do not mean to insult your ideas.
but if i were to be an evil master, the fittest of the species, i would be disgusted by the sheep for they are nothing more than chattle and should all be done away with. but then, i would get lonely and bored so i would want some company. i would want others like me around. right? that is the ideal, to have an empire where the reigning class is the elite that outsmarted, outfought, and outsurvived the feefs?
ok well either on is leader and all are sheep or there are a group of equals
equally stong, equally willfull, equally strong minded, etc.
will they let one person be in charge of them?
so they will be a council of the elite right?
all with equally strong opinions
all individual and NOT sheep
all with their own strong minds
well they are not going to get along.
they will disagree, they will want different things, they will all think that they know better, friends witll become enemies and in each one's eye, eventually all others become sheep.
and the cycle continues, such is the way of the strong aberrant mind.

so if the goal is to be a alone as well as the smartest, strongest one on the beach, then you can just go be a hermit, no need to kill off anything.
in the wild, the fittest survive - to a point. there are still very strong pack hunters. species only survive by propogation and you need someone to make a baby with so all the way around, species do tend to consider each other as pretty safe. so, unfortunately, as much as i appreciate your idea...there is no full proof way for it to ever succeed and for you to attain your true goal. they are in paradox with each other. and really, dont take this as bashing. take this as merely my opinion and not a snap reply but an old old old thought. if you disagree, that is fine. i am sure that will be interesting too.

rege satanis

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:52 PM
We have reached a state of attrition. Even evolution supports the concept of survival of the fittest. The earth's inhabitants have reached the time of "accountability." Cause and effect.

We can fight it with all of our might, but let's face it, some people need to go. I lost that "lovin' feelin" a long time ago. I am no longer a codependent person and think that everyone is love and that everyone has good in them. Face it folks, they don't! When someone says this I know that their life experience is limited, or they are wearing blinders, or have been completely duped.

So where does God fit in? Could I be correct that he doesn't need to do anything? (Yes, I believe in God but am against religion for the reasons I stated above). What I believe has taken place is; God has stepped back, and will allow us to destroy ourselves, to an extent, before intervention.

The NWO may fit part of the plan. But it will not be the ultimate end of matters but perhaps just the beginning. It will go real awry for them.

Power is subjective and is quite an aphrodisiac. But...there is always someone smarter, better looking and younger (perhaps tanner) that can take your place!

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 06:35 AM
Its not star wars theres no darkside or white knights people just look after their own interests. People aren't entitled to anything only what they can take or sustain themselves.

To be honest I think you are one of these heavy metal morbid outcasts and although I hate stereotypes, (like every time I go to the US people ask me about leperecauns and think all Irish people go around chasing rainbows) I think maybe you are too into this whole good evil mentallity and need to grow up a little.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by Darkerside
I find humans so pathetic in our current state, that i feel they deserve to be dominated.

Humans deserve to be dominated, but they deserve to be dominated by an intellectual and spiritual elite who cares for the survival and advancement of the species rather than an economical elite that only cares about its own power. This is why I object to the NWO but I also reject all this "equality" or "democracy" BS. What only few people realise, is that the tyranny of the masses and the tyranny of the economic elite are both dangerous and destructive.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by OutoftheBoxthinker

Originally posted by Darkerside
I find humans so pathetic in our current state, that i feel they deserve to be dominated.

Humans deserve to be dominated, but they deserve to be dominated by an intellectual and spiritual elite who cares for the survival and advancement of the species rather than an economical elite that only cares about its own power. This is why I object to the NWO but I also reject all this "equality" or "democracy" BS. What only few people realise, is that the tyranny of the masses and the tyranny of the economic elite are both dangerous and destructive.

like i was saying. a purely altruistic leader would be the ideal but is impossible. an evil leader works but for whom? only for that leader. so if you want to be alone in your evil empire ruling sheep, well then go do it. be the fittest and out-survive the competition and get there. i am just afraid you will find it sorely dissappointing to sit there all alone, or with like minded individuals, you can never turn your back on. and then what? punish or exterminate all the sheep? then who is going to replace your heart valve, build your cars, make the medication you will need. noone can truly live the selfish, elite exsistance they desire all alone on an island. it sucks, humanity is cancer upon the earth. unfortunately, it is always going to be either most of us, or none of us at all get to survive. there wont be a happy in between where you sit atop an evil thrown looking down, because when you are at the top and have nowhere else to go, and when you look down and are disgusted by what you see, how successful is that? id rather save my evil for the specific individuals who deserve. maybe by weeding out a few undesireable nefarious characters from time to time, we can at least begin to hate humanity so much, cull the population, and stay away from the NWO paradox.

just a thought. anyone who is smarter, better, and more evil than the rest, would certainly not be here looking for like minded individuals to agree.
why ?
because i will agree whole heartedly until i gain all from you that i can, then i will want more and the second you look away, i would take you out of the picture, and out of my way.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by re22666

since everyone else is basically either bashing me or saying stuff about the NWO which has already been said quite a few times on this thread ("they will lose") i will not respond to them.

So re22666 you speak of a time when i get the power to rule sheep that i will be bored after. Tell me what makes you think i will stop at just this world?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by re22666

double post my bad

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Darkerside]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:09 PM
NWO, not sure how much I believe in this conspiracy. Hasn't the change of human civilizations and governments always changed? just because we are living in a world filled with incredible technology doesn't mean a NWO is being planned when it might just occur naturally due to the social structure of the world. Say the people of countries revolt and take over the country from there governments and by doing so they create a NWO but not the one that is always discussed on this site and many others.

just my thoughts.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Darkerside
reply to post by re22666

since everyone else is basically either bashing me or saying stuff about the NWO which has already been said quite a few times on this thread ("they will lose") i will not respond to them.

So re22666 you speak of a time when i get the power to rule sheep that i will be bored after. Tell me what makes you think i will stop at just this world?

the only reason i would think that is because this is the only world that i know of so far. i would love to hear what plans you have beyond this world then. please. and i am not bashing you. just playing devil's advocate maybe

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:16 PM

Let me assure you, you cannot have any empire without sheep. You need people to control. The strong minded and like-minded will not follow you...they will follow the power. And, when that happens, there is no equals. The NWO will not do away with sheeple, they will use them. If they remove all the people who are "under" them...they are only left with the people around them. Why do you think the system is designed to keep the poor poor and make the rich richer? Power is never shared. Don't get it twisted...when it is will not be shared for long. People who chase power have nothing else to stand on. If the opportunity for power arises, they will take it, even if it means doing-away with the like-minded.

Do you really think the NWO would make it so that everyone is equal, or up to par with themselves? Even after the sheeple have been dominated, more people will be cast out as sheeple. It's the reason money exists. For power, status and control.
Kill or be killed, live and let live. That statement should never be split up. It's the way the powerful stay in power...they follow both codes.

As for me, I am an evil man, and I'm also a very good/positive man. I am too fed up of this world and wish it all perish. The good...along with the evil. You see, you cannot have one without the other. And, every time there is good...evil will be more abundant, because of selfishness and stupidity. Will good always prevail over evil? Not so. That is to say that good, by default, is stronger than evil. Which, when you take a good look around this world, is untrue. To put it simply, an evil genius will always prevail over a foolish do-gooder and vice versa. I have reached that point in my life where I want neither. They are both a plague, as you cannot have one without the other. Maybe I am of pure evil, or maybe I am mad...but all existence should cease to exist. I do not like evil, and on this planet, because we are so stupid, evil will always be more abundant than good. And if you're asking how I know this. I'll put it like this, true character is not derived by what someone says or even does, but mostly, by the reason they do what they do. Motive defines character more so than the act it self. Most of this world have selfish motives, even when the act appears good.

Maybe on some other planet, where creatures truly understand the words; treat others as you would like to be treated, will I be happy. If such a place exists, I wish to live there. But, in the mean time, I wish evil and good alike cease to exist. I can do without both.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

I kept cringing everytime I saw this thread bc I was sure it was some teenager who is preaching the ushering in of the NWO. Some wanna be evil punk who thinks that he is free bc "Satan" told him so, when in reality, he is no more free than the "christians." Two sides of the same lie, Satanism and Christianity. Kind of funny actually

I had to laugh seeing this.. I pictured some emo kid with a tear tattoo on their face lol

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Darkerside

Why are you giving yourself away? What are your motives? Shock and awe?

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:53 PM
Desert isnt their some killer, whom youre never going to find, you should be looking for.

and matrix maybe if you read the beginning post you would see my intentions.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Darkerside
reply to post by re22666

double post my bad

Evil genius! stand back, lol.

Sorry, I was commenting on your apparent lack of conscience, in which you had to apologise for a double post, will you be apologising whilst enslaving people?

"Sorry old boy, but I can't conquer other worlds without this one in check, so please, follow your nearest guard to the trucks and have a lovely day"


posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 03:05 PM
[edit on 8/5/2008 by re22666]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Darkerside

Scroll up, you didn't say my bad. No need to apologise, I know you didn't mean to make me cry, I cry easily


[edit on 5-8-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by re22666
it is so sweet how any thread that even hints at darkness of somekind is attacked by "do gooders" they can berate and insult you. almost makes me agree that people do need to be enslaved and punished. but im just tooo positive for all that.

eh, we "do gooders" are just doing our part by giving the "darksiders" something to brood and be dark about. do 10 hail satans, light a black candle and perhaps we will disappear off the face of the earth

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