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Attack America Now

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Conspiriology

Originally posted by magicmushroom
CON, as you have a dog for an Avatar I will ask you this, if your dog becomes rabid do you let it bite you or do you put it down. I did not say it would be easy but if you could go back in time and take Hitler out would you do it. I dont mean during the war but when he came to power and those in the know knew what was going to happen.

Secondly if a person breaks into your house and threatens your family you have a choice, you can fight back or you could yield, what would you do again its not easy but you have to make a choice.

Regretably my Dog would have to be put down but that's not even a fair comparison and neither is Nazi Germany a comparison to the U.S. You can make a couple obscure similarities but frankly you are talking crazy if you ask me.

I don't know if you are American or not but I have been pretty vocal against the Bush admin and can understand a lot of the opinions I hear but I don't take to well to people bashing on America when they aren't Americans.

The last thing you want to do is piss off the American People guy.

You don't EVEN want to go there.

Big mistake


- Con

You need to seriously get over yourself and America. I am American and can see why others would be pissed. Why should Americans be exempt from the same treatment we hand out to other nations when we dont like what they are doing? Because we are stronger? Wow what a bully you are. And the bully always gets put on his ass in life as soon as he accidentally picks on someone he thinks is weak but is not so weak.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Conspiriology

It isn't asinine and you are for thinking we didn't want to win that war. We could have without all the politics and LBJ's interest in making money off of it micro managing it like he did. I'm sorry you feel the way you do but if you want to say you serverd your time and got out as a coward

Don't let my opposing view stop ya

I agree then, you left

hide tail and all

- Con

[edit on 19-7-2008 by Conspiriology]

Your paragraph makes no sense.. you should proofread before hitting that post button.

All you did was contradict your earlier statement of "We haven't lost any wars" Nobody that goes to war wants to lose.. THATS an asinine statement on your part.

No, I don't believe you were there.. unless as a REMF.. for you would not call ANY of your brothers in arms of our era cowards. You are ignored, for you are a troll... either that or you inhaled too much AO.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by TwiTcHomatic]

[edit on 19-7-2008 by TwiTcHomatic]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by resistancia
Does this thread have to turn into a pissing competition?

I can smell the testosterone from here

spread the lurve

Naah I think Veit nam vets got enough disrespect just by the unwelcome home we got was insulting enough but when other "alleged" VeitNam vets want to call us cowards, I think I have taken all the insulting I'm gonna take from this thread.

Peace out

- Con

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:21 PM
Vietnam veterans got a raw deal in Oz too.

Shamed and shunned for many years after sacrificing their lives in a stupid war and that they were sent to under threat of treason. Noone thinks either of you are cowards, so there really is not need to get all freaked out about it.

Does anyone really win a war ? I do not think so

take care all

[edit on 19-7-2008 by resistancia]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:27 PM
There is a much bigger problem here. Much like the fact that people cannot read between the lines of the verses of songs, or the verses in the Bible, or the underlying meanings of symbols. People just take life for what it seems. Even highly spiritual peo[ple who believe in reincarnation and things of that nature. A lot of people believe there is a bigger picture, but they are not completely sure what it is, so they cling to things that seem permanent at the moment.

Magicmushroom, I believe people should wake up and look around, look at the things built around us, look at the pieces of society that we think are important which don't seem to affect the rest of the Earth until we impose our silliness upon it, look at nature and monkeys and dogs and furry things, and maybe deep inside of ourselves... because really INSIDE lies the answer... not 9/11, or conspiracy theorist's ideas of connect the dots, or saviors from space, or any of these things people seem to obsess about. Not saying there aren't clues there. There are clues EVERYwhere.

I live in America, but I refuse to call myself an American. I am not the property of the nation or the soul sucking corporate interests it is controlled by. You think death is the worst punishment? At least in other countries, they KNOW what they fear. They know the enemy.

Here, we're all so brainwashed that we think the enemy is each other. We think our opinions are our own. We think we're so free and original and everything... but we're the most hopelessly enslaved of all. We're mental slaves, and it drives us all CRAZY. I look around, and I don't see a single sane person around me.

All I see are the American Walking Dead. What are you living for? To work 2/3rds of your waking life just to be able to have a small fraction of a fraction of time for solace? living just to die and be over with it, is what many many people in this country would say. They don't all have the internet like we do, ya know. Lots of people not having their voices heard.

Oh, and before the comfortably lived people start chiming in, saying they don't know what I'm talking about, maybe it's because you're too comfortable to CARE about looking around. Yes, apathy. Oh you care enough to appease your limited ego, sure, but that's where your thoughts end truthfully... most of you. It's just how it is. You can deny it up and down, but a zombie doesn't know what's bit him until it's too late, and by then, he doesn't question anything because he's gone.

Read between the lines, people. Think abstractly. Outside of the box.
This is the hive mind thing I believe the OP and the guy who brought up Nazi Germany was talking about. Everyone here acts as if he was personally assaulting YOU... but no, he was merely venting his frustration at the machine which we are all plugged into and thinking like we ARE the machine. No no ladies and gentlemen. We are the batteries. Batteries are disposable.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by dunwichwitch]

[edit on 19-7-2008 by dunwichwitch]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:34 PM
Your arguments are fallacious.

BTW, the Vikings were hardly great warriors...they were only thieves and bullies and their real booty was human cargo. They were slavers and beneath contempt.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:39 PM

thank you captain obvious for the "missing the point" award of the day.

"depends on how you look at the statistics"...
right there, if it is not an easy YES or NO. well then what is your point? same as mine.

and yes you would be right about the civil war, we did win. america won. amerca lost. point - america has lost a war

i was simply replying to the statement that america has never lost a war with the two most obvious examples that was wrong.
thanks for backing me up the first time and missing the point the second.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:39 PM
Oh my goodness! Its our daily "AMERICA SUCKS" thread! This is where someone posts obviously trolling for points and responses, and everyone gets to pile on and talk about how much the United States sucks and responsible for all the worlds evil!

The America Sucks post gang was a little bit late on this one, they usually pop up a few hours earlier every day. You guys are falling sleeping at the switch!

ATS is becoming so formulaic its beginning to be amusing.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:44 PM
America will survive 2008, 2009, etc. Sorry but it's just not going to happen. Also, the people of this nation will not allow a North American union, sorry to be the one to tell you that but it's just not going to happen either. As for the "confiscate your weapons and put you in camps" garbage, Have you ever been to the south my friend? Everyone down there is armed and there simply isn't any way a group could go door to door in this country and disarm everyone without getting shot up.

As for the OP, i don't think you present a valid point at all. You say the government should be stopped for what they might do. Have you ever wondered what on the other side of the coin? What if we prevented alot of bad things from happening to some decent people because of what we have done? Think about that one for me.

Last little item is the comments on winning wars. Some countries say winning a war is destroying the enemy and taking their assets. If we played by those rules Baghdad would be a pretty quiet place right now with a population of about 0. We could have carpet bombed every major city and forced the majority of the population to flee the country. But, we all know the United States doesn't do that. We don't target vital infrastructure or civilians and when we are done with their armies we spend our own money to make their country better than it was.

The Bottom line is we aren't going anywhere.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:46 PM

i certainly would not have said the tails between the legs thing. i want to make something clear. i believe and say a lot of crap that gets me in trouble but i never want anything I said attributed to mockery of the troops of any war in any way. even the morons on youtube doing terrible things in the name of our country have an excuse- they are young, naive, and learn about the world through rush limbaugh, gov't orders. the troops are brave people that do what they are told and usually are lead to believe is for the greater good. my problem is, was, and always will be with the people at home, in really nice chairs pulling the strings.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by re22666

i was simply replying to the statement that america has never lost a war with the two most obvious examples that was wrong.
thanks for backing me up the first time and missing the point the second.

Ha ha silly satanists I don't know why I botherd wasting bandwith on your silly American hating post. Welcome to my ignore list son after reading your satan thread, That was enough.

asinine is all that was

totally ignorant

- Con

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:48 PM
if america goes down so does all of western civilization you can be on the side of America or you can kneel before the muslim hordes.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Conspiriology

Originally posted by re22666

i was simply replying to the statement that america has never lost a war with the two most obvious examples that was wrong.
thanks for backing me up the first time and missing the point the second.

Ha ha silly satanists I don't know why I botherd wasting bandwith on your silly American hating post. Welcome to my ignore list son after reading your satan thread, That was enough.

asinine is all that was

totally ignorant

- Con

it is amazing how each and every time you make someome sound stupid, they ignore you or bomb you or report you but do not say something witty that makes you look worse. and as far as my thread on satanism, i asked a question, the question was about conspiracies and ignorance and luciferian conspiracy theories. if you feel no need to explain to me why the stupid thing you said was not stupid based on the name of another thread, well then hey, that must be the bravado and greater intellect we are so proud of here. and could someone please tell me where i said that i hated america? i missed that. i dont feel that way, so i cannot imagine i would say it. if i did, please repost.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

well you should be more clear, but again we are too proud to just let foreigners walk in peacefully and say "hey we come to help, surrender please".
with or without a military we would fight back, till we've regained our nation and pride.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:55 PM
Oh yes, lets all attack america and let them unleash B-2's and thousands of Minuteman and MX ICBM's YAY, that would be better. Just to let mushroom know, All of the major countries ex. china, russia etc. all depend on our economy too.., so if ours falls everyone elses will get it jsut as bad buddy.Im guessing your just 15 and havent even finished highshool yet, uneducated and think you know everything....ahhh i remember those days

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:56 PM
just a question
is it unpatriotic or "america hating" to point out flaws or question things that seem to go against our best interest?

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by re22666

The OP didn't question anything, as far as I could tell. Hell, the thread title says it all. Smart people should question things. Question everything. Find the answers.

Someone else referred to America as a bully. This one really chaps my ass. Let me respond with a question. If it is irresponsible to use power carelessly, or to "bully" others, is it any less irresponsible not to use power, if you wield it, to try to make the world a safer place?

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Conspiriology

Originally posted by re22666

i was simply replying to the statement that america has never lost a war with the two most obvious examples that was wrong.
thanks for backing me up the first time and missing the point the second.

Ha ha silly satanists I don't know why I botherd wasting bandwith on your silly American hating post. Welcome to my ignore list son after reading your satan thread, That was enough.

asinine is all that was

totally ignorant

- Con

my understanding was that this was a board for the exchange of ideas on topics of a rather controversial nature. this obviously leads to arguments, there is no way around that being the very nature of both open forum and these very topics. so to have an ignore option seems antithetical to the purpose.
there are moderators and people can be banned for behiving in a manner unbecoming.
but to just ignore another user for being disagreeable seems cowardly, closed minded, and well just not in the spirit of ATS.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:04 PM
Who exactly is this "We" everybody keeps referring to? Like "We" won all these wars and "We" helped all these people and "We" are all of these very epic and noble things. I don't remember doing that, or seeing much nobility being displayed by much of anyone. I think that was the government which does not care about "we" anymore (if ever) parading troops, taken from us and turned into murderers, into strategic killing events for political and economic gain.

Nobility does not kill for corporate interest. Nobility kills only as a last resort in self defense. If you remember correctly, we had our own Nazi Party in the USA. If you remember correctly, many Americans were quite racist against Jews before and during the War. If you remember correctly, we detained millions of innocent citizens because they were from Japan, even though Pearl Harbor was agreed upon by top officials of both the Japanese and United States government. We needed a way to make money, so we entered the War Machine once again. Who did this benefit, really? Us? Well, we're here now in corporate Hell, can't get one moment of solitude without being bombarded by corporate marketing.... sounds like the corporations kinda benefited, huh? That is corporate interest. We imported thousands of top Nazi mind scientists into the USA, and guess who benefited the most from their research? Corporations!

Oh my gosh, could this all be coincidence? Or could it be a cold and calculated war for your mind, which the lot of you trumpet about like you absolutely AGREE with the killing of people for political and economic gain?
I doubt hardly any of you enjoy death and destruction. Well, support "America" and you are not supporting the troops who are dying for nothing or your fellow citizens who most of you couldn't even care about anyway, lest they had something to offer. You are supporting the Machine. The matrix. The LIE.

magicmushroom has every right to bash America because it needs a good giant bash to the head with a big sledgehammer. Just know that, HONESTLY, he/she is NOT bashing people. He's bashing the forces that control you and make you servile goons of the Authoritative word.


Get it soon, or you might as well take those guns you love and turn them on yourselves. Save you the misery of waking up in a horrible nightmare (please don't do that, but you get what I'm saying...or not....whatever).

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by applebiter
reply to post by re22666

The OP didn't question anything, as far as I could tell. Hell, the thread title says it all. Smart people should question things. Question everything. Find the answers.

Someone else referred to America as a bully. This one really chaps my ass. Let me respond with a question. If it is irresponsible to use power carelessly, or to "bully" others, is it any less irresponsible not to use power, if you wield it, to try to make the world a safer place?

im sorry but i do not get what you are referring to or what your reply is in reference to at all with anything that i have said.

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