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Bush Will Not Declare Martial Law, The USA Economy Will Not Completly Collapse

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posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by tide88
Since this site has never had a prediction come true I figured I would do some predictions that will.

you started off badly. there's absolutely no way you've read every post ever made on this site, so you can't say that the site has never had a prediction come true.

1. George Bush Will Not Declare Martial Law

i hope you're right, because im in the military, which means i would probably be utilized to maintain peace or do something else i don't particularly want to do.

2. The USA banking system will not collapse

this one's kind of shaky, i gotta tell you. if freddie mac hadn't closed it's doors the other day i might be more inclined to agree with you, but the way that the banking system is going now, it seems like it's only a matter of time, just my opinion there though.

3. There will be no Amero, not for at least 10-20 years.

this doesn't really narrow it down as far as a prediction goes, does it? i'll go ahead and make a prediction of my own... im not going to be rich for at least another 50-80 years. see what i mean? doesn't really say anything, and ill only be wrong if i never get rich or get rich before the next 50 years or after the 80th. kinda hard to fail on that one

If any of these predicitions do not come true I promise never to post on this board again. It should be a rule, If you predict something and it doesnt come true you are banned.

if that was the case, then noone would post. this site is all about openness and debate, and if everytime someone made an off the wall prediction that didn't come true and was banned, it would quiet the flame inside every poster on this forum that inspires such debates and dialogues. many of the best discussions i have read on this site were about predictions, and why or why not they thought they would come true. so to that i say no sir.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 02:16 PM
First off Freddie Mac didnt close it's doors, Indy Mac did. And they specilized in subprime loans. Also one of the reasons it had to close is because people where afraid they would lose their money and withdrew over a billion dollars. Which was uncalled for unless they had over 100000 in the bank. (seing that is is FDIC insured) And when you said "by the way the banking system is going right now, I wouldnt be suprised" Well back during the savings and loan scandle over 1500 banks had to shut their doors, permenantly. Guess how many have closed so far during this crisis. SIX. I put the Amero prediction on there because it is a possiblity, although a very slight one at that, but most people act like it will happen in the next year. And just because the president of mexico said it doesnt make it fact. I am willing to bet it doesnt happen at all, although personally I could see it as a possibility way down the road. And no prediciton (doom and gloom) i have read on this board has ever come true. And I am willing to bet that you nor any one else can name one that has. And to my knowledge there are plenty of people who post on this board who do not make these rediculous predictions. As for a rule on it, I retract that. I am willing to put that rule just on me. If other people would also put that on them when they make some of these predicition it would kill a whole lot of rediculous crap off this website. And I am not talking about those who think that this may happen or that, but a lot of these doomsday predictions they make are stated as fact. Some even give exact dates. Those are the ones I am referring to.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by tide88]

[edit on 14-7-2008 by tide88]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by tide88

Well, I hope you're right about the economy as a whole. Hopefully the market will tip back in favor, if appropriate measures are taken to ensure that. I just feel that we're nearing the point-of-no-return. But, you seem to be more informed about buying and selling practices on the exchange, so I won't pretend to know the similarities of the 20's plummet and today's volatilities.

Originally posted by tide88
reply to post by tyranny22

Also you think freddie and fanny are going to stay that low. The government will never let them collapse.

But, that's what I'm afraid is going to result from much of this fiasco that has become the Bailout Debacle.

When Federal Bailouts become common-place when substantial corporations fail it results in the ownership being passed on to larger corporations through Federal Guidlines keeping the wealth in the hands of those that control the vast majority of it already. I fear it's the beginning of Corporatism or even a soft form of Fascism.

If you take a look at some of the Bills that have been passed recently, it make you wonder which direction this country is heading in. Congress has felt the need to pass this liberty stifling legislation.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:17 PM
top losers so far today.. Kind of weird they are all financial institutions.

[link to]
News Sym Name Vol(000's) Last Change %Change

WM Washington Mut Ord Shs 66,648 3.44 -1.51 -30.51%

VNBC Vineyrd Nt Bncp Ord Shs 83 1.88 -0.94 -33.33%

FED FirstFed Financial Corp 1,258 3.51 -1.40 -28.51%

NCC National City Ord Shs 39,355 3.21 -1.21 -27.42%

WM-K Washington Mutual ADR Representing 1/40000 Perp Pref Shs Ser 43 6.34 -2.91 -31.46%

NCC-C National City Capital Trust IV 92 9.75 -3.25 -25.00%

FHN First Horizon National Corp 10,482 5.00 -1.70 -25.37%

NCC-A National City Capital Trust II 198 8.26 -2.63 -24.15%

INGN Introgen Therapeutics Inc 252 1.17 -0.32 -21.48%

RF-Z Regions Financing Trust III 38 16.00 -4.30 -21.18%

Man, UNPRECEDENTED. TRue REAL Dooooooommmmm!!!!

Congrats doomsters, we have out day in the sun. WE have earned it!!

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:34 PM
Of course the economy wont totally collapse, I think that's next to impossible. As with most predictions its all about how you interpret it, and that with being the case you interpret whether it came true or not. The future is impossible to tell because its always in motion. We change it. I appreciate your optimistic views but I don't think there's much basis for your predictions other than to rebel against the pessimistic ones.

That brings me to the 2012 prophecy, what civilization predicted it? The Mayans. What is the reasoning? The simple fact that history has the tendency to repeat itself (which no one can deny).
I think that saying the economy wont get bad is pretty naive since you can start to see it going down the toilet. It's been 79 years since the beginning of the Great Depression you don't think it could happen again? How did it happen in the first place? People spending money they didn't have. What got us out of the Great Depression? Mainly WWII. So if we go into a recession because of oil prices (already happening) can we expect to see a big war? Yes I think so. And with wars comes POWs. Who did the US round up in WWII? The Japanese. Who are they rounding up now? "Terrorists". The government has become so big and powerful and when you're powerful the only thing you fear is losing that power so Martial Law could be a possibility.
As for the Amero, it's already happening if you go into Mexico you can pretty much use the Dollar anywhere you go (most of them prefer it too). Yes there are some ridiculous claims and anxiety over whats happening, but I think for the well developed predictions about the next four years and on have some real basis to them. I don't see them as pessimistic (the events yes are) but actually optimistic.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by asmall89

There is no prediction for the Mayan calendar, it's simply where that age ends, ntohing more. The 13th cycle starts at that point. Nothing is going to happen on Dec 12th, other than gas probably costing 8 dollars a gallon.

What's funny is how everyone KNOWS something is going to happen. Bible code stats we will be hit by an asteriod. Some folks believe a brown dwarf will pass by and cause destruction. One view says we will go through a shift and enter new enlightenment or something along those lines. I'm sure these will not all be happening.

The only person I'd be concerned with making accurate prophencies would be good ol' Nostradamus, but he predicted with a 2850 or there abouts apocolypse. So we're good for awhile.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by asmall89

And look what happened the economy came back. As it will again. Maybe I should of added completely collapse. Because that was what one thread said the other day. They actually gave an exact date. Sept 9. 2008.

If Bush declares martial law and starts rounding up american and putting them in camps then my prediciton is wrong. As for dec 21, 2012. The calander will just end, then it starts over. Just like our calander ends on dec 31. Their Long count calander ends on this date.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by tide88]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:22 PM
Well yes you're right about the calendar
. It does just restart there is no end to it, I probably should have worded what I said differently. The point I was trying to make was the Mayans were an observer of their own history and with each count they had something like a horoscope attached to it corresponding with what happened in their history. Which is where you get your doomsday stuff.
WWII wasn't the only war where we ended a recession, WWI did as well. All I'm saying is the war and economy predictions are probably the most accurate ones because of the repetition of history. I just don't think the oil prices and what not can be having a good effect on foreign relations and the economy. And yeah that means we will probably come out better than we went in just like in WWII and WWI. All that other martial law & concentration camps is just speculation.
I agree with you about the aliens and spiritual stuff related to 2012, they won't save or help us, we're the only ones that can really change anything here.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by asmall89]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by asmall89

I actually get my doomsday info on 2012 from all the websites and post on this site. I for one do not buy any of it. My predictions are basically opposite predictions of what people claim will happen from this site. My point of starting this thread was that the predictions people make here are rediculous and unfounded. I understand it is a conspiracy site but the way some of these so called predictions are stated, it is just silly. I mean exact dates when the economy collapses. Many thread here are interesting and when people try to open a discussion it is all good, however I dont believe people should be stating these predictions as fact without facing some kind of consequences. I dont expect for this site to take any action, however I am saying if my predictions do not come true I will stop posting. And I welcome all other who make predictions to do the same. Maybe we can bring some more credibility to this site. And limit the crackpot predictions

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by vehemes terra eternus
reply to post by rgrthat

Of course they won't throw 300 million in the camps, they won't need to. If something big does go down in the USA there won't be mass panic and pandemonium. The Media will keep the sheeple calm, while the million or so who are scattered sporadically and prepared to fight for the freedoms the forefathers bled and died for will be deemed enemy's of the state and rounded up by specifically trained and brainwashed soldiers, IMO.


Well said sir, i couldn't agree with anymore. Lots of people are underestimating the power of brainwashing . Commercials , movies, video games, all this lame ass celebrity coverage on the news straying from much more important things, is all a ploy to keep us living artificial lives, breaking out of this artificialness , is near impossible because it is all around us,everywhere. Exactly why most non gloom and doomers, are optimistic and believe in a false a reality. We do need a rude and , terrifying awakening. i always wondered how american soldiers could commit such atrocities on fellow americans , but brainwashing is a wonderful thing. thanks for the good post.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by tide88
reply to post by asmall89

I actually get my doomsday info on 2012 from all the websites and post on this site. I for one do not buy any of it. My predictions are basically opposite predictions of what people claim will happen from this site. My point of starting this thread was that the predictions people make here are rediculous and unfounded. I understand it is a conspiracy site but the way some of these so called predictions are stated, it is just silly. I mean exact dates when the economy collapses. Many thread here are interesting and when people try to open a discussion it is all good, however I dont believe people should be stating these predictions as fact without facing some kind of consequences. I dont expect for this site to take any action, however I am saying if my predictions do not come true I will stop posting. And I welcome all other who make predictions to do the same. Maybe we can bring some more credibility to this site. And limit the crackpot predictions

Credibility to this site.. are you that naive ? look at your predictions, crackpot predictions sounds about right. What threads were to referring to about specific dates exactly? The only date that i really know of that is the most famous is dec 21 2012, other than that the rest are just generalized time periods in which certain events might happen. The people who predict these things , point out some decent points which cannot be overlooked what points have you provided other than martial law will not be declared, the banking system will not collapse. The way things are going your predictions are out of favor, and you do not provide any real reasoning of why your predictions are right. Your like everyone else who in the face of all that has happened in america the past couple of years is still in denial about anything going wrong.Meanwhile watching your country getting f'd over by your own government, still claiming that everything is ok. The Future is not known by anyone so your claims of what will happen are just as unfounded and ridiculous as your view on the op is. you are either really stupid or should be propaganda minister of the US.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by aLinkToThePast]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by deltaboy

Martial law is when a despot( absolute ruler/dictator) or a government does away with the established rule of law ( in our case the U.S. Constitution ), and declares it's citizens as ENEMIES OF THE STATE. the word "Martial" comes from the word "Mars" which was the Roman God of War. So Martial Law is when WAR is declared upon the average CITIZEN. just like Germany during the time of Adolf Hitler. George W. Bush by the establishment of The Department of Homeland Security, has already superceded the authority of the U.S. constitution. Thus being able to violate the laws of the Constitution under the excuse of National Security.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Rigel

What about marshmallows ?

After Dec. 22, 2012, marshmallows will be the next dominant species to inhabit our planet.

[edit on 15-7-2008 by Ravinsomniac]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 02:51 AM
Still waiting for all hell to break loose, and for marshal law to be enacted.
Just as soon as that happens, you can bet a helluva lot more "accidental" fires, like the one at the Texas Governors Mansion

That, and the president will be hanging from a tree thanks to the unruly mobs that will swamp the Whitehouse watch...

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:07 AM
In all the Amero predictions, no one ever gives a reason why Canada would adopt it. The CDN$ is stable and gaining ground against other world currencies. There is no reason why Canada would abandon it's dollar.

Also, I think if the US$ collapses why not start using the CDN$? They're almost at par now so it would be a good time to switch. What are the chances of that? Better than adopting the Amero.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:56 AM
i really hope nothing happens and i do hope things get fixed but that's the farthest that goes. . .

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by TheComte
In all the Amero predictions, no one ever gives a reason why Canada would adopt it. The CDN$ is stable and gaining ground against other world currencies. There is no reason why Canada would abandon it's dollar.

Also, I think if the US$ collapses why not start using the CDN$? They're almost at par now so it would be a good time to switch. What are the chances of that? Better than adopting the Amero.

Actually our economies are so closely tied together if one was to fall you can bet the other isn't going to be in great shape either. One argument would be that they need to merge together into one to compete with the other "unions". Most Canadians at the moment would not want anything to do with being involved in any kind of union with the US but take away the populations food supply and give them poverty and then see what happens...

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by LwSiX
Actually our economies are so closely tied together if one was to fall you can bet the other isn't going to be in great shape either.

That's a common misconception. The US$ is falling now but it isn't taking the CDN$ with it. Housing in the US is in a melt-down; in Canada it is stable.

The only thing that ties our economies together is trade goods. If, for some reason USA cannot pay for Canadian goods, all that would happen is they would be sold elsewhere. Also, since the USA manufacturing base is all but gone, any goods we import from America we can get elsewhere, namely China.

I haven't seen any evidence yet that proves that Canada's economy will fail if the USA's does. Just more fear mongering, as far as I am concerned.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by deltaboy

I don't know if I've just awaken from a life long slumber or things have drastically changed, but America is no longer the same country I remember it as.

my mom works for the government, and moved to the middle east about 7 years ago. she makes it back to the states every year or so.

any how those where her exact words this past sunday(14june2008). she said she didnt know if she wanted to come back home to stay now. this new america scared her so much...

thats sad really, and not just because my mom dosent want to come home now...

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by aLinkToThePast

Off the top of my head there was a thread about a week ago that said on july 8 that that many would die in california, another one stated that on sept. 9 ,2008 the USA economy would totally collapse, there was one that gave a specific date for a mass UFO landing.... I could go on and on. Many predicitons on this site give exact dates. And IF my predicition do not come true as I said before I will stop posting. But I pretty much can guarentee they will. Which is more than 99% of the other predicitors on this site can say. ANd if they disagree why not back it up their predicitions? 90% of the economy collapsing predictions on this site say it will happen while bush is in office.. Well two of my predictions will come true within the next six months. And that will be more predictions that have come true that have been made on this site then ever before. Unless of course you can prove otherwise. Of course you registered on july 4 2008 so I dont expect you to know all of what I am talking about with other peoples past predictions on this site. And obviously the general point I was trying to make in my OP is way over you head

[edit on 15-7-2008 by tide88]

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