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Something has changed, timeline?

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posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:21 PM
I also had a strange feeling this AM. I awoke out of a dead sleep at 5am, which is weird to me because I always sleep till about 8am. I had this strange feeling of something or someone watching me. It was hard for me to fall back asleep after that because I felt nervous and uncomfortable. Very odd. Although I have woken up at around 6am a few days in a row the previous week, but I never felt uncomfortable. And when i did go back to sleep and wake up at 8, I felt very uneasy and upset which is also strange because I normally feel tired when I get up, not uneasy.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:34 PM
I replied anonymously stating that i woke up at 5am and that I felt like something was staring at me in my room. After posting that reply and thinking about how weird I felt, I recalled the vivd dream that I had last night. I dreamt that I was outside around the block from my parents house and there was this weird disc hovering and shooting through the sky in circle type patterns. I then recall that I was looking at my friends house and that there was somehting just floating in the air about eye level. It looked like one of those things that you put over a babyus crib. I got closer to it and it was a blue orb on the top which looked like a glass earth and from it were about 4 or 6 strings that held these different colored lizard like toys that would spin around under the earth. I also recall that the space or air that this was floating in was liquid looking, like almost as if you could see the wind or something. I remember reaching out to touch the mobil or whatever they are called and thats when I awoke 3 hours earlier than normal and felt really uncomfortable like i was being watched. I then had a rough time getting back to sleep and when i finally did and awoke a 8am I felt like something was terribly out of place and I felt very depressed. Although I couldnt exaclty pinpoint why I felt this way and why I felt distraught by the time I got ready for work and left the house I felt ok. I still feel a bit creeped out about this AM .

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:42 PM
First I wanted so badly to say something stupid like I have been experiencing strong feelings of not ever being here before and I can't get them to go away and then I remembered yesterday. I was stuck in a place I don't like (church) and I looked at the lady in front of me and the thought just popped into my head it's ok she is one of us. Can't explain that one. I do know I hated being there and that usually doesn't happen to me in churches. I would rather not go but it is something I don't mind doing to make a person happy. Kind of a give and take sort of thing.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:45 PM
To be honest, I've felt that ever since the first of January things just weren't right. I have the biggest feeling that this timeline isn't supposed to exist, at least not in this way. I know it sounds 100% coockoo but I can't help the way I feel. Everything feels so...different.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:55 PM
I woke up this morning after having a strange dream about people running from something in the middle of a city. And then there was a mushroom cloud. I knew I was dreaming and I was trying like crazy to wake up from it, and finally did. Nothing like seeing a mushroom cloud and knowing whats about to happen.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

This sorta thing happens to me all the time. I KNOW that someone is dead, only to find out that they werent at all.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by harvest00

I thought for years that Wilford Brimley had died in the late 90s. And of course he turned up still alive..

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:09 PM
I've had very strange feelings myself over the past couple of days, very similar to the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach right before you know something bad is going to happen...and you can't change it.

Also, I had a dream two nights ago that my mom left our beach house (which my family was staying at for July 4th weekend) to attend some church by herself that was 30 minutes away. In the dream, there was a horrible car wreck and my mom was sent to the hospital (not sure if she was dead or not, because I woke up as soon as the ambulance came).

The next day, Sunday, I awoke to find out from my dad that my mom had indeed been called up by a former college buddy to attend her church. I called my mom and told her to please pay attention to the road because I had a terrible feeling, and as I was on the phone with her she said that she slowed down just a bit, which was enough for her car to be a little behind a stoplight in which a car ran a red light and would have t-boned her right in the side.

I never usually have dreams of gloom or death and this was the first time I truly felt like something was wrong when I woke up. I still have that feeling that something inevitably bad is going to occur, I just hope I'm being paranoid.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by grey580

Perhaps you recently made a decision that impacted your time line in a significant way. I bet the more you become rooted in this new multiverse, the less you have memories of your most recent multiverse (Timeline). In a dream state you might be able to remember that recent past. Negative feeling or emotion might mean that the significant ant decision that skewed your timeline is regretted by your soul self.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:12 PM

I have wondered about CERN. But it is almost something I don't mention, not wanting to give it even a whisper of possibility from my direction. Hope that makes sense.

I think I know exactly what you mean.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by grey580
I had the strangest feeling today. I woke up this morning. And the first thing that came to my mind was that something was different. Like there was a change in the timeline and when I awoke I felt the change.

I don't know if it was just a dream or remnant of a dream of something. But upon waking I just felt like something was different. Something changed. It's not like it's a hard concrete feeling. Just a nagging suspision that won't go away.

Anyone else feel this way?

Welcome to the world of the Awake!

You are correct. I have been experiencing what I call world-line collapses since about 1998. There are not a whole bunch of us but the numbers are growing.

I remember around 1998 the idea came into my mind that the "loop" had been broken. Before the loop was broken I was able to "know" what was going to happen next in my life. Now that the "loop" we were in is broken there are differences in my future. Some are subtle and others are not so subtle. It is kind of scary to not know exactly how things will play out.

Be prepared for more strangeness..... more than you can possibly imagine.


posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by grey580

yeah. I have a nightmare and then i wake up and try not to fall back asleep of sheer fear. I get up, walk around, splash some water, calm myself down then i try to go back to sleep. And when i do fall back asleep, i simply continue the dream until i wake up. who knows...

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:19 PM
Yes. I have felt slightly odd for a little while. Had a dream last night, which seemed to occur in what could be called a different timeline. Kind of wierded me out when i woke this morning...

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:21 PM
...something HAS changed, and it is your (we) ability now to PERCEIVE it. It's been going on for quite a while, they even made a movie about it in the late 90's called "Dark City". It's because of the way consciousness simplify it we are "focused" on the 3D aspect of our being while in actuality we are by design multi-dimensional. Since we live in "MAYA" (illusion) and we've all been programmed to see the illusion as real, there are sinister powers who are aware of this AND evidently have the powers to manipulate consciousness at the 3D level, or at least our perceptions to some degree. Because we are all in a vibratory shift right now our consciousness is elevating and for those who ARE tuned, your ability to see thru the curtain as it were is being amplified. Since your two most opportune times to "look" into your other perceptions in the other dimensions your consciousness resides are a)just before going TO sleep (your consciousness leaves the halogram) and immediately when you awaken (your initial return) your most acute perceptions of what's really going on will occur at those times. One thing is for certain...we are DEFINITELY not in Kansas anymore (Dorothy from the wizard of Oz which has a LOT of relevance at this time) Our "consciousness" is anchored to the 3D timeline we were born into since that safeguards our nervous system however the sinister has a vested interest in keeping all "here" consciousness wise anyway and will change things that they can to effect our perceptions and keep us under control by keeping our consciousness "focused" on whatever slideshow they place in the 3D projector while your SUPER consciousness, the part of your TOTAL being that is aware of ALL, will "signal " you through the hunch and the dejavu. These elements have waaay more control over this realm than we give them credit for but no where near as much power over us as we allow. IF we "wake up" from the MAYA they will experience THEIR worst nitemare and possibly even cease to exist. Consider yourself fortunate that your antenna is tuned...

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:25 PM
I have felt 'off' for the past week and a half and then my dad had a heart attack yesterday. I just chalked it up to that.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:47 PM
I have a feeling as of late that the game is rigged, yet most are unaware of this. This is a prison planet, i have told my loved ones that this is my last incarnation as a human.I feel humanity is being played like a cheap whor.e and, are pimp is beating us and using us, yet we don't fight back. We as a collective don't have the courage to brake down this matrix, this prison around us, most of us seek answers form out side sources this will lead to no where. As much as we want freedom we, fear life without are pimp. One day we will look into the mirror and see it for what it is an illusion. all life is, is god/the universe experiencing it self in infinite ways, the ego is a negative feedback loop.
Anyways i don't want to rant, this is my last time being human i just wanna listen to the Queen song Cool cat and fly around the universe, when im move past this reality

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilDerby

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
... One day I woke up to a world in which Nelson Mandela was very much alive and walking out of the prison.

I remember vividly his execution in South Africa -- so was it simply a bad dream. I don't think so, because I have met two other people who have very similar recollections of events and were likewise startled to see Mandela alive and well and walking into freedom.

This is the second time I've heard someone saying this ... very strange, for I have no such recollection.

I read the works of the Founding Fathers of the united States quite often. I have noted changes in the text. I have their collected writings and Jefferson was adamantly opposed to a PURE democracy. He noted that it would lead to what he called the "tyrannny of the many". Now when I have re-read his letters.... there is a softer tone.

Also, I have noted that Billy Graham has died about 4 times since 2001. Currently he is alive. I remember sitting at the doctors office (an allergist - I have allergies and was getting treatments for them) and reading a Newsweek article that Graham had died of heart failure and how the board of directors of the church he founded were attemtping to block his son Franklin from being in control of the church. Then a few months later he is alive and having some revival at the Rosebowl in Pasadena for the express purpose of introducing his son Franklin to the ministry & congregation. Very strange. Also I know that Gary Coleman died of kidney failure in Cedar Sainai while waiting for a kidney transplant in 1998. But then in 2000 I saw him in a commerical for that cash company.

And there are many more instances that I just don't have the time to go into; many of them are personal and therefore would only be known to me.

There is a theory I read about in quantum mechanics that hypothesizes about this very occurance. I can no longer find the document though I saved it to my network attached storage device on my network at home. Essentially, the document was an extension of the Everett-Wheeler model. It asked the question, 1. Could world-lines collapse into one another, and 2. what would be the overt results of a collapse. There was a concept called "conservation of information" that they wrote about. I would paraphrase it as "the predominance effect". They hypothesized that if a world-line collapses into another world-line the existing information would be overwritten with new data IN SOME INSTANCES BUT NOT ALL. They did not know how human consciousness would deal with a world-line collapse. One thing they did indicate would happen for certain is that the "information" from one world-line would physically be overwritten by the other world-line dependent upon which world-line had the "most" predominant data characteristics. So, for example if more people new from history in "world-line A" that Mandela never died and was released from jail then that piece of data would overwrite the data from the "world-line B" where he died. All it takes, apparantly, is one more person alive (i.e. - in this case Mandela himself being alive instead of dead in this world-line) to change the entire world-line.

It would seem that the people who have no recollecting of certain events either did not exist in one of the world-lines or they are not "awake" enough to notice the subtle differences after a collapse takes place. It's nice to see that other people are aware of this besides me. Something is definately afoot.....

I wish I could find the thesis these guys were working on. They were graduate students and I can't find it.


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posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by LeeHawt

Sorry only Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have the no recycle option.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by euclid

I once had a day where the newspapers changed during the day on me only I had a recollection of what was there everybody elses memory was erased this was about 2003.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:07 PM
I thought billy graham was dead too, I remember hearing about it or reading about it, I'm sure..

Very odd.

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