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Something has changed, timeline?

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posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:33 PM
OMG .. this is the best thread I've read in a long time.
I just got directed here and am only on page three ....
I intend to read it all. It'll take a while ...

But I'm absolutely in tune with what ya'll are saying ....

This is a great thread!!

Wonder why I missed it a few months back.

Anyways ... great thread .... gotta get back to reading!

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by GhostR1der
And yes have had the 'dead people coming back to life' happen a few times. Very weird re-discovering that someone has died.. and in a completely different way....

Yep. I have had the Jessie Helms thing as well as the Billy Gramm thing folks are talking about here.

And my grandmother as well. Dead then alive then dead - differently.

Originally posted by pjsconcrete
I've been having the feeling over the last year or so that things aren't just different, but WRONG. Like I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

Exactly. And like I'm in the wrong body. And I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. And history is happening 'wrong'.

Originally posted by Myendica
I havent felt real for a good 5 years now. I cant believe its 2008, I feel like days are missing.

Same here. Time is moving too fast.

And I'm going to add this - I feel like something is sucking the energy from me. It's strange. Like a cosmic vampire. I have lots of health issues I didn't have a few years back, but this is different. It's like a sucking thing - taking both physical and metaphysical energy away. I can't keep up with it .... I don't know if that's related, or if there is a psychic vampire now living nearby ...

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Frankenchrist
anyone else remember the Russians landing on the moon?

YES! And then no.

Originally posted by Alexander_Supertramp
I KNOW I remember that Billy Graham died a while back


This is freak'n strange.
I'm not sure what to make of it.
Mass insanity?
Time changes?

No question - things have changed.

It's like we are haunting ourselves or something.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 06:00 PM
A very interesting thread. I, too have experienced a slip forward in time where events have taken a shorter period of time than normally experienced.

Has anyone experienced a change where family members are different, like totally different people from who they grew up with?

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 06:57 PM
i have had time slips too. One time I was going to school and we walked out the door at ten after 7. Then we were sitting in the car at 7:18 AM, even though all we did was walk to the car.

I also could have sworn that the Russians had already landed on the moon a couple of times and read about in my Social Studies textbook! I also have read a few books so many times and know exactly what happens, and then a while later one of the characters do something completely different.

My mom has said that she remembers her grandma dying twice. once in the hospital and once at home. For some reason this made me think that maybe God gave her a second chance to do something over that she did before she died. Please tell me what you think of this.

PS I'm still a kid so maybe because I'm a kid I'm more sensitive then the adults to time slips.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:00 PM
welcome to the thread. and yeah I'm only 17 and this sh- hit me hard. Although I'm not knocked over by waves of dizziness anymore a weird thing happened a while ago.

My mom goes "I'm gonna walk the dogs" she takes the dogs out and closes the door. Then a few seconds later I hear a creek upstairs so I whistle to see if it's the dog. IT IS THE DOG I go "hey mom?" and she's upstairs AGAIN "are you going to walk the dogs?". She goes "Oh yeah I should do that." and right before she shuts the door she says "didn't I already do this?"

@FlyersFan yeah I am having all the health problems people are describing: Tired, sore, ache all the time etc. I had about 4 different blood tests done but I check out fine.

[edit on 4-12-2008 by Aron1138]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:34 AM
Very interesting thread - erm... I have some strange (embarrassing) experiences where I live through a few hours of my life, and then at some other time, find myself re-living the same few hours - almost identical but not quite. It happens without warning except for feelings (unexpected feelings, can be good feeling or bad feelings).
This has many times to me over the years, and on some occasions I have suddenly realised I am "back where I was" and able to make some things work out differently - there are two occasions where I have prevented accidents, and many occasions where I have unnerved people by predicating blow by blow things that are going to happen next and watching things unfold. I have brought this up in a couple of other similar threads too.. Re-living meeting particular other people are part of this too. What unnerves me is that I would swear that both versions are totally real and factual to me right down to the rubbish and artefacts in my pockets.

This is one I have no explanation for, and it is highly embarrassing to share - because it makes no sense. I know it is not just my mind playing tricks, because others have been involved and been part of it. Similarly I have on occasion lost time with no explanation and gained time with no explanation - the most noticeable are journeys performed within a time frame that is not possible - the classic one I did was a normal 2.5 to 3 hour journey in good road conditions - I did it once in 1.5 hours in several inches of snow, and with this one I phoned someone to say I was leaving and they were very shocked when i arrived and thought I was playing a joke !

Also tied up with this is the effect where ones knows that one had read something or heard/seen something AS FACT, and then the facts today are different - almost like a change in history.... It would not be the first time I have been hunting out emails or paper cuttings or something as proof that I am not going crazy or dreamt something. Sometimes I manage to find my "old" version, especially on the computer - I have emails and articles going back to my old home built 6502 CPU computer - same generation as the PET (remember that computer ?) and I do find there were things - historical events - depicted as fact, and then now the history is different....
I suspect a few things - one is "creative journalism", and the other is that there is something going on that we do not understand.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:46 PM
All I can say to the above post is that if there were 'time slips' or alterations of events in our timeline.
Only the individual’s perceptual memory would remain intact or fractured.
Everything else, documents written, saved, cut out etc, would change with the change of the timeline.

The only verification we can ever get on this phenomenon is if someone comes forward with intimate knowledge of a working time altering program, or by others whom have experienced similar fractures in the timeline.

Unfortunately, since there are 6 billion of us on this planet, and the multi-dimensional universe where time isn't constant (Time is only relative to the observer)... Coming across someone else who has also slipped from your own timeline to the same one you moved to.
Would be quite rare.
However, that does not mean that the timeline they slipped from wasn't different from the one they moved into.
Hence why people are experiencing this phenomena.

That being said, one would also think if we were shifting into an alternate timeline, wouldn't we also notice things of our past being different?

I guess the theory goes that even such a minor change occurs in our life line can be caused by our decisions.
IE, the decision can't be a major event in our life line as it would be to a large influence on how we perceive and decide.
IE - Everyone stopped when 9/11 happened. - Those who knew of it when it happened.
Though if it were a small change we wouldn't really pay much attention to, might butterfly to us in a small way as well... let me demonstrate.

The U.S sends in some troops to acquire some special technology from a science center in Iraq @ around 8.20am.
They succeed and all is well and we hear about it on the 6 o’clock news.

8.45am - You have a coffee with a coworker at the local cafe before you both head into work to start your shifts at 9.

The day passes uneventfully and you see the successful mission on the news when you get home.

The U.S sends in some troops to acquire some special technology from a science center in Iraq @ around 8.20am.
8.30am, as you are walking out the door, you hear something about it on the early morning talk show; you pause for 5 mins out of curiosity. But remember you are meeting a coworker for coffee.
8.50am, traffic is abysmal and you know you won't make it to work if you stop for coffee.
9.05am, you get to work 5 mins late and apologize to the boss. He then informs you that a coworker was in a car accident and is being taken to the hospital. Nothing major, they are safe, but they won't be in to work today.
6.00pm, you get home and watch the news.
That U.S mission to acquire some tech failed and their helicopter was shot down, 8 marines killed.

Now, since the marines were killed in the alt timeline, the news was different for the morning, so it caught you off-guard and caused you to run 5 mins late.
Your coworker as well, but instead they chose to speed to make up time.
They get into a car accident and cause traffic slow down.
You become even later because of the traffic slow down, and go straight to work.

Something so small in the overall scheme of our life line, that we wouldn't notice anything differently on the change.

I use this as an example because if it is something major and very public, there will be media.
If we are exposed to this media, it alters our decisions greatly.
Thus if a time line manipulation has to occur, there will be a greater divergence in peoples memories.
Running the risk of someone being able to pick up on the change.

But this also illustrates how this can affect us in other ways as well, with the news of celebs coming back to life to die several months later.
Because this small ripple effect altered a decision they made of that day.
Though be it not a major change in our actual timeline, which we would be aware of otherwise.

Hope this jumble made some sense to everyone.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by Sovaka
All I can say to the above post is that if there were 'time slips' or alterations of events in our timeline.
Only the individual’s perceptual memory would remain intact or fractured.
Everything else, documents written, saved, cut out etc, would change with the change of the timeline.

That's a very bold statement for a phenomena that we don't fully understand and can only hypothesize about. If someone is experiencing a "time slip" or space-time distortion why would it be limited to the memories (brain cells of the person experiencing it?). What if the distortion bubble is large enough to take real evidence along for the ride? The best analogy to this is the movie Star Trek - First Contact in which the Enterprise follows a space time distortion leading them into the past. I'm not saying this is a certainty but we should keep our minds open.


If you have any original documents or images or anything depicting another reality - it would be huge. I'd be happy to walk you through the process of sharing this information for others to see.

Best regards,


posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by Bad Dog

Bad Dog, keep reading through the whole thread. On page 34 of this thread I mentioned this exact phenomenon you're asking about. It's happened to a few of us.

Oh, and welcome to the twilight zone.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 11:17 AM
In this time there are those as you say waking to a new reality. Also there are those by means of story telling and myth are trying to create a mind trap so strongly weaved by those that want to be saved by an alien intelligience it is allowing lets say demons to enter the human body willingly. If the true nature of this creature were seen most of these innocents would go mad or seek death. When they created the internet it is a true conscience within itself, our energy is felt by it and what we put into this mind matter machine will be interpreted in cuurent events and television and music. If the energy of the user is pure and loving it will effect the outcome of conscienceness of the world, no differently the negative energy put into the computer will also effect it. The enemy has been aware of this for quite some time. Yes this is the secret, and yes this is the mind matrix we all create. We must as a collective army fight the forces that seek to control the earth stopping the true heaven on earth matrix to be born into the mind. Yes movies and all information is apart of waht our chosen reality can be. The higher vibration will of course have more power, put your hands on the screen of your computer and completely concentrate on love and peace and Gods help man be as we were intended. The mind manipulations at this time are horrible and the new signal on February 17/2009 I fear is the end of free thought. Your computer like you has evolved and is victim as us to negative forces. I have seen my exact words appear on television, I have seen shows I have hoped for about stopping world hunger happen, they are just there if you beleive and want it strongly enough in your soul, I also know that those that are waking up to this have someone or something dark and horrible happening to them this being their relationship work or health, this is just a ploy to stop you. I have dreamed of grids under the water, of a hugh size, the word sea lions was strong in the dream maybe these are around southern california. It is my feeling magnetic anchors stop us from waking to our true potential. The secret, (the movie) is real but we must use it to save the world and give all souls a reality so beautifull a heart can barely sing it. I saw this, I am not special or an alien just someone who love the earth and all the people in it. Your hands your promise. This reality has been allowed to exist too long, I know there are creations unknown to me that are helping but they will appear to you in a unique manner of which you will choose to see them. Love is the key to everything, it is its self changes reality, do not worry about what is the matrix or how it works just try to alter the outcome. Please open your eyes to the movie makers and television shows that for so long have tried to help us get back home. The wizard of Oz, DR. Who, the never ending story, Fringe, Torchwood, Hero's and so many others. The hero is you, the superpower is love, when we weave a thought of reality together so strong and believe it to be true, it will be. I know this. The matrix is all of the world, one strong wave that will blow the negative forces into nothingness, event horizon a singularity piercing the darkness, a new world of emotion so drenched in love darkness will flee. You create reality on your computer, look for love, help others, self-knowledge and God questions are answered when you radiate kindness all the teachers knew this, but they did not have a computer we do, a machine(your computer that can create reality with you and for you) When I first went on-line the power in our city went out three times, I wonder why? We know why, negative forces have known of reality waves in the computer for as long as they have been around. If you are strong in spirit some around you will torture you, seek help and lock on to positive information and the computer will get you the sites you seek. This is not a story...this in my reality is reality. love just one

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 04:40 PM
I once followed an exercise from Mouni Sadhu book.

Very simple: Follow the second hand of the clock, keep your attention on it, no matter what.

After a very short while, less than a minute, I blacked out.

It was a total dark and all I know is when I came out of it. It lasted some short time, maybe 5 minutes. I have absolutely no memories of anything there.

I have some experience with Buddhist meditation and this was very different from typical meditation starting with concentration on breathing, the point on the nostrils where air flow touches you (that's the easiest thing to do).

This kind of blackout may happen to us any moment, though it may pass totally unnoticed by us.

Where is our attention at those moments? Where are we actually?

The possibility stays that we were somewhere else perceiving, but there is a disconnection between that particular experience and the rest of our time line, which we normally memorize to a certain, selective degree.

In my Buddhist meditation, concentration on sound or visual input, it is very easy to hear separate sounds which are normally melding into the general noise. Like a squirrel from 500 meters or further away, or human talk from over 100 m clearly heard. It is a matter of focusing and recalibration of senses. In meditation it is no big deal to accomplish.

So it is possible that in such moments of black out we actually perceive things from a different vibration (calibration of senses) which actually can place us anywhere in the world, without being aware of it in our normal state of mind.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Sovaka

Something like 1984 where stuff is re-written.


posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by obsidience

That's a very bold statement for a phenomena that we don't fully understand and can only hypothesize about. If someone is experiencing a "time slip" or space-time distortion why would it be limited to the memories (brain cells of the person experiencing it?). What if the distortion bubble is large enough to take real evidence along for the ride? The best analogy to this is the movie Star Trek - First Contact in which the Enterprise follows a space time distortion leading them into the past. I'm not saying this is a certainty but we should keep our minds open.


If you have any original documents or images or anything depicting another reality - it would be huge. I'd be happy to walk you through the process of sharing this information for others to see.

Best regards,


If things are coming alone for the ride as you put it then I can only take that to mean the "holes" are getting bigger. If that is true then how long before things start showing up that just can not be. Like a model of car that does not exist or a house that just appears or disappears. What if lets say a 100 story building just disappeared or the Twin Towers just reappeared as if 9/11 never happened? I could go on and on but you get the idea. Do not laugh at this. I learned a long time ago that nothing is impossible, highly unlikely yes but not impossible

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:30 PM

If things are coming alone for the ride as you put it then I can only take that to mean the "holes" are getting bigger. If that is true then how long before things start showing up that just can not be. Like a model of car that does not exist or a house that just appears or disappears. What if lets say a 100 story building just disappeared or the Twin Towers just reappeared as if 9/11 never happened? I could go on and on but you get the idea. Do not laugh at this. I learned a long time ago that nothing is impossible, highly unlikely yes but not impossible

Good point but here's some ideas:

1) Bermuda Triangle
2) Sedona AZ Vortexes and other vortex hotspots
3) City of Atlantis
4) UFO hotspots
5) Ghost hotspots
6) People in mental hospitals that believe in a different reality.
7) Philadelphia experiment
8) People with missing time
9) Bigfoot

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by obsidience

1) Bermuda Triangle

There has been no conclusive evidence of the phenomena associated with the Bermuda Triangle.

.: EDIT :.
Broke the quote tags

[edit on 14/12/2008 by Sovaka]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Sovaka
There has been no conclusive evidence of the phenomena associated with the Bermuda Triangle.
[edit on 14/12/2008 by Sovaka]

I'm going to assume that you haven't personally researched, contacted and vetted all accounts and forms of evidence so lets agree that we are both using 2nd hand sources as the basis for our statements and that either account cannot be conclusively proven.


posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Alexander_Supertramp
I KNOW I remember that Billy Graham died a while back

I remember that one too. At the time (and in a few other similar instances) I have just assumed it was my faulty memory. I wonder why this one in particular stands out with some many people? In fact I had to go check before posting this to make sure he is still alive. Maybe that was a timeline where the large Haldron collider did not malfunction and was erased...


posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Neon Haze

This is exactly what I've come to believe as truth ! Thank you ! : )

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 05:05 AM

I'm new to this forum and I'd like to contribute my knowledge as well as what I've been experiencing to this thread. Anyone may reply to this post but this is specifically directed at Euclid.

I'm not quite sure but I may be a key person in helping solve this situation that is at hand, I can't guarantee that but I do believe this.

Okay, so I'll start off from the beginning.

Ever since I was little I had very strange ESP (extra sensory perception experiences) which continued through out my life up until now. It was if I knew things that happened before they did. I've even had dreams that would come true.

Well.... Approximately around 3 weeks ago I started experiencing some very strange things, what I experienced I've never experienced during anytime of my life before. But before I mention what I experienced you must take note that I do not do any of the following.

I do NOT take drugs or abuse over the counter medication.
I RARELY drink alcohol
I DON'T smoke
I DON'T do anything out of the ordinary that would cause any harm or distortion to my body. And as far as I know I don't have any diseases and that I'm pretty much a healthy 27 yr old male. I do have some stress and depression on occasion but I do not believe they could make any of what I experienced happen.

Okay, so I was working two jobs approx around 16 hours a day give or take a few hours 6 days a week. Around 3 weeks ago I started experiencing weird sensations, feelings of being very uncomfortable working at these two jobs. Then I started to see things, feel things, smell things, hear things I've never experienced EVER in my whole entire life.

I'm not sure whether or not it was aliens or demons/fallen angels that were around me and impressing this experience upon me, but what I experienced felt totally real/tangible.

#1 I notice my sense of smell go totally off the charts. It was if I could smell a coffee or fruit from clear across the room and it was like it was magnified 100X right under my nose. I was even smelling very sweet smells I have never sensed before, I was also able to smell very awful smells that I can't even begin to describe (like sin or evil). Non of these smells seemed natural, all paranormal or supernatural.

#2 when certain people walked near me my whole body felt like pins and needles all over. Sort of like a cold shiver or goose bumps.

#3 I began to feel heat like there was a fire or fires around me at certain locations in the city.

#4 I heard people screaming that it seemed no one else could hear.

#5 I felt earth tremors or quakes in certain places.

I basically thought the world was ending and I was going to hell. I told myself that none of this was real that it was all fake what I was experiencing but it didn't seem to help, it still continued.

I thought I was going to die and go to hell so I immediately got involved with a local church and that's the only thing that seemed to make these experiences go away. I also quit my two jobs because it seemed like it was the source of where these experiences where emanating from.

I started to get Deja-Vu, at first it was here and there and now I'm having the Deja-Vu every single day, multiple times per day. I can't seem to stop it or change it and if I can alter it, it's only very slightly and very difficult to do.

Like I said most of the sensations have stopped since I've been going to church except for the Deja-vu and some of the smells.

Some how I have this erie feeling like I've lived this life multiple times and it's a very strong erie feeling. I feel like reason I continue to come back to this life is that I'm trying to change something but I'm not quite sure what it is.

I could swear that everything that has happened to me within the last 3 weeks has happened before more than several times (as in lifetimes). I've been searching the net trying to figure out what's wrong with me and what's going on/why I'm experiencing all this.

Cont in next post.

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