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The only hope for this country is democratic socialism & equal redistribution of wealth

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posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

You are already defining a Dictatorial Government. I assume you include yourself in the "We're" who will do the dictating to everyone else what they may or may not earn, possess or do?

No. Not me. Us. Everyone is free to do whatever they want to do ... except it's a democratic socialism, not a capitalistic socialism.

You did mention your Father being asked to invest with Gates. Did he by the way? If he did he is very wealthy and you are from lots of money.

No. It was my friend, not my father. My father went bankrupt trying to subcontract out model home building. I'm not from lots of money.

I used the old fashioned Capitalism Method. I worked a little harder, took more risks, studied a little harder, chose my Peers more carefully and escaped poverty and started my own business. Only in a Capitalistic Society could I have done that.

Well, that's really admirable that you worked hard and were successful. It shows you're talented as well. Not everyone is as talented as you, although they might work just as hard as you. However, you could have done that in Sweden, Germany, France or in any of the socialistic countries.

Capitalism refers to the banking class of international bankers, venture capitalists and so on who have millions and billions and trillions of dollars. Capitalism refers to those who own the capital, not those who borrow it. Capitalism is the sole province of the money-issuing class, the owners of the central banks.

Unemployment is still under 6%.

Not true, through no fault of your own or mine. During the Reagan/Bush Administration, the way unemployment statistics were calculated was changed. It no longer refered to the amount of people who were unemployed, but thereafter (and current) referred and refers to the amount of people who are no longer qualified to get unemployment checks. That's the kind of capitalism I talking about eliminating ... not the kind that a hardworking individual like you may choose to perpetuate.

Perhaps you don't realize that when the privately owned central bank issues a loan -- you pay interest whereas in a publicly owned central bank, you don't pay interest.

The worst that can come from this is that millions of people will not be in debt to the private bankers of the Fed who put that interest into their own, private pockets. The interest doesn't not benefit the United States.

If you get a change, read: Read Eustace Mullins ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’, .

I have no gripe with you and respect your achievements. It's just unfair to impose capitalistic private ownership of our money, which is then rented back to us at 1,000 percent interest resulting in a national debt of 9 trillion dollars owed to private bankers -- most of whom financed both the communists and the nazis ... it's not fair to impose this debt on children, seniors, the sick or disabled ... is it? Especially when the same Fed owners own the banks that own the oil companies that ... I'm sure you fault, as well.
who are the private bankers that own the Fed that owns the banks that own the oil companies and utility companies and most of the farms in America? -- as well as the defense companies like Halliburton, Carlyle and Bechtel.

You really believe that a new version of the old failed USSR is preferable to this?

The failed USSR was a direct product of the Brown Brothers Harriman's Ruskombank, Fed and Bank of England investments and illegal transfers of U.S. technology and U.S. printing plates for money to commie Russia. (see last urls at bottom of page)

Also, have you seen this post? 'Vermont’s Bernie Sanders Becomes First Socialist Elected to U.S. Senate'

part 1
McCarthy, Sutton, Ruskombank, Brown Brothers Harriman,

part 2
hey capitalist, it's online and free, better charge money for the internet! huh?

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Zepherian
The reason why I won't do what counterterrorist does and try and change all of your minds is because I believe ...people have to learn things out for themselves.

Well, first of all, thanks for this enlightened post. Not everyone over here is as stupid as some of the replies on this thread indicate. They just believe in the brainwashing they've had and think they're doing the right thing. The majority of folks over here are scared to death and know the difference between nurturing a child and murdering it, or watching Bush and Cheney murder hundreds of thousands of civilian women and children and men in Iraq in true war-profiteering fashion.

maybe I'm not trying to much to change anyone's mind as I am to educate a couple people who are interested in the truth of what's going on over here in our fascist democracy run by neo-nazis, fascists, and totalitarians. In no way am I against individual patriots, just stupid, uneducated ones who are heartless about humanity as a whole and have become mind-controlled robots who worship the FED and NWO and call that patriotism.

You're being ripped off and brainwashed. Capitalism is not what you think it is. Sure, it has a growth phase which is great and makes for wealthy nations... but then you get the concentration phase where you get the rich consolidating and if you're not one of them you're a peon, a glorified slave.


You can have a free market with a socialist system and you can have a private property in a communist system.


And capping wealth wealth would not affect your private property, unless you're a billionaire


grow up. It's time to be mature, conscious, human beings and realise that what goes around comes around. It's time to realise it's time for peace and prosperity. For ALL.

A-men A-women.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 12:51 AM
All of which are silly socialist mind tricks to change the fabric of reality. because God forbid you should come to realize how wrong you are. You have to make it so your mind doesn't see the obvious flaws.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by drphilxr
reply to post by slackerwire

Um, i don't think that this thread will be relevant on N-day.

Nor when civil war erupts. That will redistribute wealth like nothing else - war, that is.

I think it will be done with briefcase nukes in sports statiums like the superbowl or in the China olympics, done by the same people who did 911/WTC and are doing the 22 wars around the world blacked out in the press -- Cheney, Bush, the FED private shareholders, the Bank of England and The Bundesbank, to name a few of the obvious folks as well as Rockefellor dynasty.

Why is it the major terrorists in the world were previously trained and financed by the CIA and MI-6? duh. And are currently drug traffickers for CIA and MI-6?

[edit on 26-6-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by luckyfourteen
reply to post by sos37

Your under the impression there IS work. Gone are the days of affording a home, two cars, fuel for your home and two cars, groceries, etc.
in Northern BC, people are in real trouble with the lumber / pulp industry closing more plants. My friends in the service industry are having problems because they cannot afford to fuel their vehicles without raising their fees. The wages offered to the labour sector are atrocious. Something has to give.

Thank you for your post. I hope for the best for all of us.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:09 AM
One problem with this idea is that some people have aquired their wealth by extremely hard work, while watching some others choose to do none at all. They might not be too happy sharing the rewards of a lifetime's hard work with these people, and if they were forced to, I think it's fair to assume that there would be violent resistance.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by counterterrorist
ONLY people who want to get educated, and want to work, will. This way the world will be motivated by workers who are self-motivated.

That is how the world operates now.

Originally posted by counterterrorist
REMEMBER, all private wealth originated thru murder and/or exploitation.

Patently untrue. Do you have a computer, a car, a television set, a house? All of that is considered a form of wealth. Did you murder someone or exploit them to get it?

On the contrary, here's a chart of the private owners of the FED and the interlocking directorate with City of London's Bank of England. These are the central bankers who have financed BOTH SIDES OF EACH CONFLICT during our lifetimes and our parents lifetimes. SINCE BY DEFINITION the private owners of the fed OWN THE CAPITAL THAT THEY INVEST IN CAPITALISM, not you, you are merely rented the capital ... that means capitalism has fostered war and genocide and financial and economic warfare resulting in hardship and sickness. Which was my point, even if poorly put in an abbreviated form. who are the private bankers that own the Fed that owns the banks that own the oil companies?

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by slackerwire
reply to post by counterterrorist

Stand a change of smartening up your education? Seems you could use some of that yourself.

Why not just go out and make yourself successful, that way you won't be envious of those who are better off than you are?

You're obviously the kind of person that measures success by money not in terms of love or compassion or helping others. You obviously believe in survival of the fittest and hopefully you'll end up on an island with just people like you, or in a war zone ... and get a chance to put your money where your mouth is.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by irongunner

Originally posted by Desert Dawg
Who decides who gets stuck doing the work?

I wanna be one of the guys who gets to sit around waiting for my check....

Me too,

All you have to do is look at Katrina New Orleans. How many years of attempted socialism?

That's not socialism, that's welfare I think you're talking about. Socialism is everyone, including you and me, sharing the wealth equally ... not just the private shareholders of the Fed who OWN the capital, making them the capitalists.

eustace mullins, ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’

who are the private bankers that own the Fed that owns the banks that own the oil companies?

For neo-Nazi holocaust deniers

What companies do you hate the most

also, I can’t understand this ‘patriot’ stuff at all, if you do, can you explain it
do you understand? U.S.A. is a corporation, not a country.

part 1
McCarthy, Sutton, Ruskombank, Brown Brothers Harriman,

part 2
hey capitalist, it's online and free, better charge money for the internet! huh?

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by alienj
reply to post by counterterrorist

This is a great idea,,,,,why because it has worked so well for France,,,China....they live the perfect lives and have no problems at all....Maybe we can see if Stalin is still around and can help us work out some kinks. lol

I think you'd enjoy this post, especially the part about the Christian West which was an agreement between the FED interests and Hitler to continue Nazism and it's goals in the U.S. after WWII.

For neo-Nazi holocaust deniers

Also, if you want to truly understand who owns you and me and mind controls you and me, this is a great book, perhaps one of the top ten of all time, including the Bible.
eustace mullins, ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’

who are the private bankers that own the Fed that owns the banks that own the oil companies?

What companies do you hate the most

also, I can’t understand this ‘patriot’ stuff at all, if you do, can you explain it
do you understand? U.S.A. is a corporation, not a country.

part 1
McCarthy, Sutton, Ruskombank, Brown Brothers Harriman,

part 2
hey capitalist, it's online and free, better charge money for the internet! huh?

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Gorman91
uh, no. The perfect system is one of the communist like that doesn't equally distribute wealth.

I have no problem with government control so long the hardest working get more.

You're theory destroys incentive and kills nations.

There's no reason for people who don't want to work, to work. And there's no reason why all the wealth in the world should not be divided equally between all the people in the world.

There are plenty of people who find meaning in work, those are the genius' and artists and loving people of this world ... they will always work because they continually define themselves by their work and their helping others.

Unfortunately I am one of those whose says, "I love humanity, it's people I can't stand."

eustace mullins, ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’

who are the private bankers that own the Fed that owns the banks that own the oil companies?

What companies do you hate the most

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

WhatTheory said:

Are you now changing your argument and moving the goal posts by saying it's NOT in the Constitution or are you purposefully being disingenuous in order to try and make a lame point? Come on, make up your mind. Is it or is it NOT in the Constitution? If it is, again, please show me where or admit that it is not there. It's a simple request.

Why do you keep acting like a dimwit? I'm sure you're capable of abstract thought. I'm sure you know that life is a mystery and death awaits us all, whatever that is. I'm sure you're a spiritual person, of sorts.

Again, I'm not going to do your work for you. You need to read eustace mullins, ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’

And you need to listen to what the framers of our constitution said in their attack against privately owned central banks and for SOCIALISTIC PUBLICLY OWNED BANKS THAT CHARGE NO INTEREST -- GET IT? AND DO NOT USE FRACTIONAL BANKING. Do you have concrete between your ears. I don't think so. I think you're intelligent and well-meaning, sort of. So, read the Mullins book and when you're educated, THEN I'll discuss this further with you. Until then, it's like throwing pearls to swine.

“Bankers are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out & by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our central bank system, there would be a revolution before morning. If the central bank continues to control our currency, receiving our public monies, & holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable & dangerous than the naval & military power of the enemy. It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the bounty of our government … More than 8 million dollars of the stock of this bank are held by foreigners … Is there no danger to our liberty & independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? If government would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favor alike on the high & the low, the rich & the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing.” ~ President Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837

“Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks & corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks & restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809

“Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation & is absolute master of all industry & commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation & depression originate.” ~ President James Garfield, 1891

“Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination & legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds & mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile & more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers. This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world. ... By dividing voters through the political party system, we get them to expend energies fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned & successfully accomplished. ~Aug. 25, 1924 USA Banker’s Magazine

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
Were living in a fantasy world. Money has no meaning. The elite people who own the privatized federal reserve banks, give the government's worthless non-backed paper. ... The federal reserve then prints more paper for the government as needed and this causes inflation. $200 billion was just injected last march. We all are debt owners because, that is how the system works. $9.6 trillion dollers in the hole


posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
How well has any type of wealth re-distribution ever worked here.

First of all, I totally respect you and all the hard work you've put in, and in the redistribution of wealth plan only the mega rich are affected, not you and your three houses and your earnings, NO WAY, YOU EARNED THAT THROUGH HARD WORK.

I'm talking about people and/or dynasties with more than 200 million dollars and up to start with. That's only a couple thousand families in America. That won't hurt you at all.

Because I've also suggested income caps, say of what do you think one million , two three five, ten?

HERE IT IS, WE FIRST DIVEST EVERYONE IN "THE SOCIAL REGISTER" -- that is the "BLUE BOOK" of high society that are obscenely rich. As a start. (see Wm. Domhoff's book, 'Who Rules America' -- basically the people in the Social Register' and the Fed private shareholders and their fractional banking.

I suggest everyone on the planet divide up the wealth equally of all the mega rich ... because there's not way in hell anyone could have earned that excessive money with theft, extortion or murder. Just research the 'blue blooded' families in American, almost all of them made their vast fortunes by running opium, slave-trading or weapons trafficking or are the 'currency'issuing' families of the FED and/or Bank of England and/or Bundesbank.

The other great fortunes were all made with addictive substances like sugar and tea and coffee and cigarettes. All those companies should be nationalized as part of a national health plan.

Now....if you re-distribute wealth, and you seem only to be speaking in monetary terms here, how do you divide land and shelter?

Very good point. How about this? ...if someone has worked really hard such as you and your own labor, how about a cap of 10 to 20 million dollars, it that excessive? Expressed as cash, stocks, land and shelter?

In the meantime, everyone on the planet will be supplied shelter, clothing, food, medical care, sewage treatment, water, and transportation and a million dollars in cash -- including you ... so this increases your holdings and net worth. THIS WILL COMPLETELY ELIMINATE THE NWO, who are basically capitalist pigs and especially the central banks, who use fractional banking.

People like you are the best America has to offer. In no way would any redistribution of wealth plan negatively impact you ... only the people who OWN the capital, the money-issuing class of private bankers that own the FED and their interlocking directorate would be initially targeted.
eustace mullins, ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’

who are the private bankers that own the Fed that owns the banks that own the oil companies?

What companies do you hate the most

[edit on 26-6-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 02:00 AM
Hmm I personally think socialism isn't the best idea. First of all for those of us who believe in the idea of the Illuminati and their NWO, socialism only gives them more control. Most countries in Europe aren't totally socialist and thats good because there's a thin line between a total socialist economy and communism one(which is truly based off of the equally distributed wealth idea).
Secondly I believe the majority of people hate taxes, you know what they are in socialistic countries like Norway? something like 80% what you make in a year. However you do have the benefit of free health care, more equally distributed wealth, long vacations which is extremely tempting if you ask me. Even though economies that are based around the socialistic ideas tend to be more stable they are also more stagnant. It's harder to start businesses and get patents for inventions which means new technology takes more time being developed. That is hard to believe since I think it takes way to long as it is in the US (where the heck is free energy/alternative fuels?). Yes I think our government could benefit from some of socialisms ideas but lets not get too crazy. Going to a socialistic economy is a huge change from our current capitalist economy especially after such a conservative president.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by onlyhurtsu

Talk all you want...but redistribution of wealth is inevitable. No your 50,000/yr isnt going to get taken. THeres plenty of money. THe trillionaries are creating the illusion. Then bring out their free energy tech. and we are all rich.

Thank God for everyday brilliant and compassionate people like you. I hope you find a little time to respond to some of the idiots on this thread and also encourage those of whom you approve. There are only one or two idiots plus a couple of die-hards who are really energy vampires but forgive them for they know not what the hell they're talking about and were victims of their conditioning ... most mean really well, but just don't understand they are VICTIMS OF CAPITALISM and THEY ARE NOT the capitalists, they are not the money-issuing class that owns the Fed. THEY are not international bankers. They seem a little slow to get it, hopefully they will get it.

Thanks again for your post and contributions to this thread.

[edit on 26-6-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by Zepherian
reply to post by Vasa Croe

That the mega wealthy are few and far between I won't dispute. Problem is they own EVERYTHING ... they are, as we speak, seeding the 3rd world with microcredits in an effort to sucker them into the same debt based financial enslavement systems we live under in the western world and this after being the agents that kept them in poverty in the first place.

If the people of the world let the elites keep their wealth, then the people of the world will inevitably be part of that wealth -- what do you think human resources means?
[edit on 25-6-2008 by Zepherian]

Very brilliant observation and comments, again. Thank you for you time and effort and help.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by counterterrorist
The only hope for this country is democratic socialism & equal redistribution of wealth.

We must immediate liquidate the Fed and redistribute wealth equally in the WHOLE WORLD.

That way, a person will stand or fall by their greed or love.

It's very simple.

Fortunes like Bill Gates' that were built by ripping off wage-earners -- he never would have gotten so rich unless he over-charged for computers. There's only a couple hundred dollars in each one. The parts for the orig mac were $38.

**** the whole world, we are the one's they owe it to. That's the craziest proposition since we first got involved with all of their problems.

I agree with the Fed statements, is everyone aware the people who control it are the owners of our private banks?

Really the treasurry dept. should be accountable, OH YEAH they're appointed to office, well no control for you left there, I guess it's left to the highest bidder!!

Our monetary system is really just a system of patches, designed to fail, Just like that brand new car as soon as the warranty expires. Our govt. is the car dealer in this instance getting paid to fix it and hoping you don't feel the insertion of them ******* you.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

You did exactly what I asked you NOT to do. Your simplistic answer means nothing. How will the 300 million people in the U.S. alone figure out how to distribute the money? Who will oversee this plan and figure out how much money each person gets. You are giving simplistic answers which are not answers. It's only utopia dreaming.

Therein again lies the duplicity of your position. You expect me to educate you for free, but you refuse to pay for people's education.

And, you are a bit demanding. I am not an institution, I am an individual. You expect me to hand you genius level work instantaneously, when I am asking you to help me figure out how to answer your questions.

I actually really do appreciate your comments such as above, because it helps me to think it out. HERE'S AN ANSWER YOU MIGHT FIND APPROPRIATE. The first thing that has to be done is to gain a presence in the corporate media. This will cost about $20,000 a year. Unfortunately, none of us poor people have that much money laying around, but ... that's beside the point.

You are a lot more practical than I am, so you have to be patient with me and I have to be patient with you. Not impossible.

I know it's a lot of work to go through this whole post, but there are several very good replies to your questions contained herein.

And, I look forward to a dialog with you in answering your questions because I think you have a lot to offer in helping explain how to get it done ... after you read Eustace Mullins.

Again, please read Eustace Mullins.

If you read that, then I promise I'll answer all your questions how you want me to, okay?:
eustace mullins, ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’

who are the private bankers that own the Fed that owns the banks that own the oil companies?

[edit on 26-6-2008 by counterterrorist]

[edit on 26-6-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by onlyhurtsu
China and russia were never socialist/communist.. they still have billionaires with most the money and the rest get divided up. Thats another illusion.

Oh boy ... more of your brilliance. What a treat after all the doofus replies i've been getting from lots of folks.

Once everyone sees the scams of the superrich and their sorcery of control, things will change drastically. WE will never allow people with that much money again. Yes many will probably die taking out these fools.

Scary, but inevitably true. However, just commented to WhatTheory ... who is encouraging me to be 'practical' not 'theoretical' -- that the first step is gaining a position in the corporate media ... which costs about $20,000 a year which none of US can afford.

Try not to be too hard on WhatTheory, he's finally stopped attacking and is starting to ask really good questions, which are necessary to provoke very good answers.

I think the masters have all explained that balance is the answer. Capitalism and communism are not balanced. There can be a balance in incentive and meeting everyones basic needs with all contributing in some way.

Very well put. Just remember that most of THEM are psychopaths and sociopaths and plain murderers. Even if there's only about 60,000 of them in the world, or 120,000 of them ... there's only one of me, and I'm not armed, just a bit disarming given luck and the right place at the right time and the turn of a few words.

Its so simple....Why act like "black/white" dualistic doofs.

If it looks like a dualistic doof, and walks like a dualistic doof, and quacks like a dualistic doof ... it's probably a dualistic doof.

[edit on 26-6-2008 by counterterrorist]

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