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Leave American Politics to Americans

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posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Flagged.Btw he is right.Besides current affairs in Iraq,outsiders dont know jack squat about whats going on.I could careless about the prime minister,queen,or whatever else for whomevers country.I dont go rain on someone parade when they start a thread about france,uk,canada etc.It just starts bickering debates.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Tuebor
I've lived in both the US and Canada and believe me when I say Canadian Immigration does not discriminate against rednecks.

I've met as many beer-drinking, mullet-wearing Canadian rednecks as I have their American cousins. Any Canadian that bashes American culture and values should take a long look in the mirror.

It is impossible to get through a day in Canada without hearing the topic of the US election discussed at the bus stop, the office, the gym, etc......

So if Canadians can pass judgement on American politics it's only fair Americans can do the same for Candaian politics.

Oh, one more thing, McDonalds, Wendy's and Burger King are all do quite well north of the border.

There are Rednecks in every country - what does that have to do with the price of fish exactly?

Canadians have more rights than most to discuss US politics, as being direct neighbours, we are affected more than any other nation (other than perhaps Mexico) by US policy. Besides, who bankrolled the bozos that somehow won the last Canadian election anyhow? Hmmm...odd all that US money huh?

Burger King? Yeah, and I hear Canadian timber, water, and electricity is mighty popular down there for some reason too.

Things that make ya go 'hmmm'


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:52 PM
You fool!

Of course the world needs to pay attention to who America elects!

Our next president isnt just going to effect the US, but the WHOLE DAMM WORLD!!!

If you can't get that thru your head... well... oh well...

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 04:20 AM
Instead of telling people to stay out of our business I feel more people should get involved. We are all equal and can learn and experience so much more if we can get rid of all borders and divisions. There is so much knowledge to be shared!!

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 04:26 AM
I lived in america for a bit. One thing we tend to forget in Europe is how damn big the place is. There are states the size of entire countries. I met people who hadn't travelled outside their own state let alone their country ( hell I met people who hadn't left the town they were born in ) The idea that someone living in Texas has a better understanding of the US than I do because they live there is insane. They understand texas ( maybe ) The difference between it and say California is as diverse as the difference between England and france.

So we read, we discuss and and form opinions, that's all you can do if you have an interest in politics and it's completely ignorant to suggest people shouldn't.

( as a side note, I loved the US when I lived there, had a great time, made some great friends. Having said that, no way I'd go back. )

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by eric52081
Everybody that does not live in the United States of American should stay out of discussions about the Presidential Race. They are making assumptions and thoughts and theories about a Country they have never had the pleasure of living in. If you are so worried about our presidential race i suggest you move over here and deal with what real Americans have to deal with on an everyday basis. I don't talk about politics in your country so return the favor to the American People and butt out of our discussions.

So, wait:
Because you don't talk about "non-American" politics, "non-Americans" shouldn't talk about "American" politics?

Hey, I also had a brainwave:
How about you'ze guys stay out of any discussion pertaining to New Zealand?
Politics, conspiracy theories I don't care - just stay out.

Of course, I bet if I had the stones to go through with that, half of the "you foreigners need to stop talking about American politics" posters would be whining that "their views weren't able to be expressed".

But let's be frank:
American politics, and by derivative American foreign policy, has a global impact - I'd like to believe my backwater-of-a-nation would continue on it's own merry way if Barack Obama, John McCain or a zombified Abraham Lincoln seized the Presidency, but that ain't so.

Let's get this straight though:
Since I am not an American, nor have I ever been American, I do not assume that I have a "greater grasp of the American political system" than Americans.

I'd like to believe that somewhere above a miniscule proportion of the posters here could place New Zealand on the map, let alone know a thing or two about it outside "clean, green New Zealand", but - as long as posters commenting on our political system aren't complete hacks that believe us New Zealanders are "just a bunch a' sheepshaggers", and a reasonable comprehension of our political system - I don't have any qualms with them commenting.

Quite a posse, ain't it?

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by eric52081
reply to post by mr-lizard

Why would England need our help to defend themselves against the Irish Republican Army. England had that covered easily. The United States defends the defenseless. England has quite a substantial army and can a threat from the IRA.

What a load of BS, US protect the defenless... what drugs are you on mate? US defends their Oil/dollar and thats it, nothing more nothing less. And your "we are defending us and all other against the terrorist" is like wooot? who do you defend? and how do you defy an enemey who are hidden?

As long as US gov. are causing this instability in our world we have a right as all other countries where free speech is embraced, to say our thoughts and our feeling towards a government who make´s our world insecure to live in.

I challenge you to follow the money trail on all of your government´s "defending against terrorists" and see who benefits on you engagement in Iraq, Afghanistan, israel and all other continents where war are raging and your government is "protecting" you.

Best regards


On a side note i must say i like the US people, but their gov. is a whole other thing.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:08 AM
I am sure it would be hard to disagree that presidential election in Us is affecting a lot more than US because (I must be wrong) of its involvement in international affairs is more significant than any other country on planet earth

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:47 AM

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:49 AM
Eric, did you read my thread and then create this one? how original man.

note that you started this thread hours later. I probably pissed you off.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

I'm terribly sorry that I've not had the 'pleasure' of living in America, but I'm very happy to say i've visited many, many wonderful places on this planet and the idea of being shot at by a fat, racist, fast-food swallowing hunter with a gun bigger than his ego doesn't really appeal to me...

Maybe not but it its quite obvious that being a whining self righteous tea sucking bigot does! Stay on your side of the pond! I don't want your kind here…boy!

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
I agree with the OP.

I have no problem with foreigners taking an interest in our politics, but the level of discourse by most foreigners who contribute to this board is offensive to the max.

We Americans watch with interest the politics of other nations, but for the most part I've never heard an American presume to act like foreign and domestic policy experts for other nations the way many non-Americas do.

In fact, those foreigners who distort American values and portray our nation as something other than what we are, I consider to be the enemy.

I feel the same way toward Americans who hate America, as well, so don't accuse me of xenophobia.

[edit on 2008/6/9 by GradyPhilpott]

Well said my friend.

Semper Fi

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:56 AM
So long as the US Government is forcing its will over other nations of the world, I feel it is within the rights, and the DUTY of other nations to discuss the comings of that government, and the current government itself.

What an utterly ignorant OP, telling the world to mind their own business when it comes to the US government.

If you dont like the world expressing their opinions about your country, and the extreme disgust people view the USA in, then do something about it in your own country. Telling us to keep quite isnt going to make anything better accept your sandy headrest!

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I second that. I wonder if the person who posted the topic is aware that Bush is currently undergoing impeachment proceedings because he felt the need to go and murder children in Iraq?

Oh and by the way, don't cite the 911 thing: that was a fix to create the mood among you lot for any kind of action the Republicans and their mates in the industrial-military complex wanted to do.

And you fell for it.


posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
So long as the US Government is forcing its will over other nations of the world, I feel it is within the rights, and the DUTY of other nations to discuss the comings of that government, and the current government itself.

What an utterly ignorant OP, telling the world to mind their own business when it comes to the US government.

If you dont like the world expressing their opinions about your country, and the extreme disgust people view the USA in, then do something about it in your own country. Telling us to keep quite isnt going to make anything better accept your sandy headrest!

I agree
It is the fact that American politics has such an impact on those outside the USA that we find ourselves discussing it (whether we like it or not).

Personally I'd rather not be interested, but when US foreign and economic policies are having an impact on me then unfortunately I have to sit up and take note.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:28 AM
well it seems to be that the attitude of alot of people on this website is that it is an american website. I for one dont think so, im tired of being referred to as a foreigner when I never left my own country. I hate to break it to the people that use this term all too loosely that NO ONE is a foreigner on the web.

I do not hate americans, snip

I even said I wouldn't post here before because I shared the sentiments of the fella who made the first reply on this thread.


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[edit on 10/6/08 by JAK]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:30 AM
This is the most silly post I have ever seen around here.

You have your opinion and I respect it but as you might not be aware, America does influence greatly the world it is reasonable to say that what is going on in your country is in the interest of the rest of the world.

Its fine if you discuss this in a special "American" forum about politics, but hey you are at the wrong place here. This web site is global not "local".

Oh btw, sorry to disappoint you but I am French and I do closely follow and discuss in forums whats going in the US...

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
the idea of being shot at by a fat, racist, fast-food swallowing hunter with a gun bigger than his ego doesn't really appeal to me...

Wow. do you really believe that stereotype? You obviously haven't met alot of us American gun owners. I would love to meet you one day.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:36 AM
I am a US citizen living overseas so do I count? I'll come back when the religious "right" is finally crushed and we can move forward with reality.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
I agree with the OP.

I have no problem with foreigners taking an interest in our politics, but the level of discourse by most foreigners who contribute to this board is offensive to the max.

We Americans watch with interest the politics of other nations, but for the most part I've never heard an American presume to act like foreign and domestic policy experts for other nations the way many non-Americas do.

In fact, those foreigners who distort American values and portray our nation as something other than what we are, I consider to be the enemy.

I feel the same way toward Americans who hate America, as well, so don't accuse me of xenophobia.

[edit on 2008/6/9 by GradyPhilpott]

I asm very proud to be your enemy, if all you can do is be a sad, old nationalist, ignorant brainwashed Uhmuhricuhn.

In your own words, actually, you can hate and be the enemy of most Americans...most Americans totally distort reality and paint a false picture of America as "the best damn nation in the world", or the "land of the free," or "the Freeest nation of the world".
We all know that America is neither free nor the best...Yes, America is free for a small elite, and if you are not one of the minorities, but otherwise it is just a stolen country that has been made fit for white people to live in, by destroying a pure and good people, by slavelabour of black and brown and yellow people, by destroying half of the wildlife for 'safety', by poisoning and polluting nature...
The USA currently has a national debt of like twelve trillion dollars; the people and politics are in turmoil, government is clamping down on citizens and control is reaching its all-time peak.
Most countries in the world are wondering how and when the debts will ever be paid.
America is bullying the world into a world war to divert its responsibility to pay us all back...And we are not allowed to discuss what the country that the world owns is crazily doing, politically?
It seems you do not have the capacity to think anymore; America is owned financially by anyone but the americans.
You are owned by those "foreigners'-" countries that discuss american politics. They have all the right in the world to discuss the politics in the object of their investments.

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