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Here Come the Black Haters?

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posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by tyranny22
The reason it's not "OK" to be racist ... at least in this country ... is because this country was founded on the principals of tolerance. It's why we left Europe. It's why this country was called "The Melting Pot". We wanted a country that would tolerate freedom of religion and speech. Tolerance of other people's religion, ideas and culture are what makes this the greatest country in the world.

Hmmm. Tolerance. Like in tolerating African slaves? Like in tolerating the Native Americans by stealing their land and shooting them if necessary? Where did you get “tolerance” as a founding principle of our country from?
You are correct , in a sense, by stating that tolerance of religion and speech was considered important to the Founders. But to submit that they did not tolerate racism is not a well informed statement.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by whoreallyknows

Anyways, I agree with the original poster and I hope the ATS owners and mods act swiftly in doing away with those posters who are BLANTLY here to starte trouble!

This really brings to light the whole problem with the OP.

It's incredibly hypocritical to raise an issue about people coming to ATS to start trouble by posting racially inflammatory threads, and then title your own post "Here Come the Black Haters".

What's ten times worse is the OP claims to just "know" when innocent comments are racially motivated, thus earning the poster the label of "Black Hater."

I'm taking a wild guess that if anybody against Obama would have made a thread entitled "Here Come the Black Lovers" and then ragged on Obama supporters, that post would have been deleted instantly.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:38 PM
I could careless if the new president was chinese,russian,or whatnot.I just think he dont have the experience behind him to make good choices.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:44 PM
Some Americans, myself amongst them, don't like Barrack Obama. Is it because he's of a darker complection then I myself am? Not in the slightest. I don't like the fact he tries to portray himself as somesort of new style politician, when in point of fact he is no such thing. He's a Chicago politician, up from the street. He's as owned as any politician in America...

I also don't like the fact that he votes "present" rather than "yes" or "no" when politically sensitive votes come up in the Senate. Take a bloody flippin' stand on something, damnit. Trying to be everything to everyone only ends up being a nothing to anyone.

I'm going to get real tired, real quick, of people making the implication, whether stated or no; that because I don't care for, nor trust, the man, that makes me, and others like me, some sort of white sheeted racist.

You know, as well as I, that that is precisely what is going to be said all too often...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by beforetime

Firstly I agree with you for the most part about affirmative action, it is a racist law if you ask me. However don't forget it also includes women, so it would therefore also be a sexist law as well. However I am sure that there are some companies that wouldn't hire any of the people that fall into these categories if they weren't forced to and that isn't right either. How should we solve this problem..... who knows???? I guess people will just have to get passed there superficial beliefs about these people at least enough to give them a chance.

Secondly it is not affirmative action that causes American's to lose jobs to Mexican workers who are here illegally it is simply because they are willing to work for less.

And the last one I will touch on is the whole slavery thing. If you and or anybody think that the divide in the black/white race's is because of slavery you and they are missing a large chunk of history. After slavery black people were secluded and oppressed for quite a long time by the white majority in many places. They were only allowed to do certain things and go certain places and if they rebelled against the the "white only" signs they could be beaten severely or even killed. However we have come a good ways since then but I am sure there are some older folks still alive who remember those days. This wound is still pretty fresh. Both white people and black people tend to forget about this segment of history even though I think at least in the black community it is a subconscious thought at least and everybody just lumps it into "slavery" which is a bit off if you ask me.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:48 PM

Not often you see a MOD throw out some flame-bait...

Here in the US, people are going to vote against Obama, not because he father is from Kenya, but because he is an Anti-America, marxist clown...

He is the empty suit...

A man made and molded by the major Media...

The issiue isnt his skin color, but his issues...

Iam also slightly offended that you think the majority of the US popualtion is Racist, allthough there are racist people in this country, it is not the Mainstream...

Also, Obama PANDERS to the racist people, his MOST MAJOR demographics are the radical-Black-racist... they type of people in Obamas&Wrights Church... those people are the most racist people in American these days... them and La Raza...

There is more racism towards whitey in the US, then any other ethnicity...

lets take what you said..

Now, without meaning to insult the entire US portion of the membership, I'll just say that the perception of many people outside the US (including myself) is that the United States is an extremely racist and violent (gun loving) place in some areas.

and ill change it...

Now, without meaning to insult the entire UK portion of the membership, I'll just say that the perception of many people outside the UK (including myself) is that the United Kingdom is an extremely peverted and foul (bad teeth) place in some areas.

Thats all...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610
If one wants to AVOID ugly discussions of race then realize it is often best not to bring up crime, violence, guns, or prison statistics when mentioning racial bias as that will surely drag out a lot of inconvenient truths.

Yes, you are right.

It's inconvenient that many blacks in America don't receive the same level of justice because they can't afford it. It's inconvenient that drug crimes involving blacks are more frequently prosecuted than drug crimes involving whites. It's inconvenient that they don't have the same educational opportunities due to white flight from inner cities that decimates the tax based funding. It's inconvenient that they are less likely to get a job interview strictly based on an afro-centric name, thusly affecting their income potential.

I'm not saying the issues you raised aren't somewhat valid, just that there ar many precipitating factors that play into the statistics.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by eric52081

Well maybe you should then. But, for you to sit and talk about what goes on in American when you live in Canada is insane. You have no idea what it is like to live in america. And by the way do you have to even deal with African Americans since Canada is predominantly white. I would be surprised if there was even one that went to your highschool or college. When you have to deal with there constant complaining and violence then you can make a just opinion. 44 percent of prisoners in the US prison system are black males. While the white male only takes up 23 percent. That figure right there should tell you something. African Americans constantly give people a reason to dislike them. At some point in every race in the world their ancestors were slaves. Do you see us complaining about it. Get Real.

You really have some SERIOUS personal issues. Where you bullied as a kid?

You might want to look at the MISCARRIAGE of justice as it applies to statistics indicating harsher punishment and imprisonment for American BLACKS vs. American WHITES..that is a FACT, and YES that figure tells me that this country has a long way to go. You are so sickeningly caught up on RACE that you can't see the forest for the trees.

You are WRONG...NO other group on this planet has EVER been enslaved simply because of their color. THAT distinction belongs to ignorant racists Europeans and Americans who launched the enslavement of Africans.

You really need help, as you are the worst kind of racist. The kind that blames every thing on everyone else because they don't want to take responsiblity for themselves.

You have the audacity to tell people from "other" countries not to worry about US politics? How bout you pack your rags and exit the you no longer have to worry about our Blacks and Whites getting along.

God you are sickening.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:56 PM
Well, the original poster is doing the republicans a favour with this post. He might very well be a republican, with a reverse psychology strategy? Have you considered that?

Anyway, I hope people will vote on the policy issues and not base their vote on the amount of pigment in the candidates skin.

I think Obama would be good for the economy and the US reputation world wide.

Just look at the big picture!

He was one of extremely few american politicians that voted no to the war. A war that was based purely on lies!

Iraq had No weapons of mass destruction and No ties to Al Qaida.

Old news, but sometimes people forget these very important facts.

Thousands of american soldiers and 700´000 iraqi civilians have died for this illegal invasion of a souvereign country. 1/4 of the population have fled.

If US re-elect a republican after this extreme disaster then, yeah... something is -very- screwed up.

[edit on 9-6-2008 by Shades1035]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:00 PM
I m still surprised that a mod can just throw flame bait out... and its all cool...

Yes, Affirmative action is very racist...

Like the majority of todays rasim in america, its racist against whity, so thats just fine...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by seagull
Some Americans, myself amongst them, don't like Barrack Obama. Is it because he's of a darker complection then I myself am? Not in the slightest.

I have no doubt that this is absolutely true. Do you think it's true for 100% of the people who aren't voting for him?

(hi, by the way!)

I also don't like the fact that he votes "present" rather than "yes" or "no" when politically sensitive votes come up in the Senate.

Just FYI, he voted present 130 times out of 4000 votes. He has taken a bloody flippin stand 97% of the time. Only 3% of the time did he vote present.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

Well TKainZero I am sure you aren't going to like this much. But as i said in my post above the slavery issue is really not the issue here. The issue is those years of oppression afterwards and were still alive in this country not to long ago. My point is that you reap what you sew, and I think frustration and even hatred towards your oppressors is a common thing even for a while after. I can imagine getting over something like that is not easy. I think we can both agree that hope for the end of this would be beneficial to us all.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:13 PM
i got threw out of a black panther party a few years back...

said i was to white..go figure..

i just wanted to know what they was yelling about.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by beforetime
i got threw out of a black panther party a few years back...

said i was to white..go figure..

i just wanted to know what they was yelling about.

What are you try to get at here?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by eric52081


You act as though African American are more violent element in the USA. No we are just the most FEARED! Not because every Black person is a "Thug" because we are not. There are elements in all cultures contributing to the violence in the USA. Seems to me that there have been quite a few wacky young white kids killing a lot of innocent people recently. If you were as smart as you think you are you would have a better grasp of reality.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

(Hi, right back atcha)

It's true that a low percentage of his votes were "present". It's still far too many for a man who says he's a different breed of politician.

Personally, I think Mr. Obama is, as someone pointed out earlier, an empty suit...not that Mr. McCain is any better. Don't misunderstand me, I don't like McCain any better than I do Mr. Obama, though for different reasons that I'm sure I'll have a chance to articulate over the next few months, lol.

My only real issue will be with people who insist on seeing a racial issue where there may not be one.

I'm not so naive as to believe everyone is going to vote the issue of the man. Some are going to vote the skin color it comes in, both for and against. I simply feel it's not the huge issue people are making it out to be. He won the nomination, and by all accounts, fairly and squarely. Despite what appeared to be attempts by some in the Democratic hierarchy to make it otherwise...

All I'm hoping is some form of viable 3rd alternative makes his or her presence felt by November...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:22 PM
Not every person of African decenst in America is a decendent of a slave.

and not only Africans were used as slaves...

There are MANY racist orginizations here in the US...

Most of them are run by minorities...

and MOST of them hate against the Whites.

On college campuses across our country, there are groups, totaly racist groups, like the Black studnet Allience, La Raza, Islamc student Orgnization, Asian Groups...

All of them are racist towards the whites...

If your a russian, that makes you an Asian, but try to join these 'Asian groups' and what happen, well, you get a response, that you are not 'Asian' enough... that russians just dont belong in a group with a bunch of Chiniese and Koreans... Russains are too white!

Blacks have had opertunites in this country, there are TONS of black buisness owners...

Also, if blacks are wanting repercussions for the years of racism, when will i get my due... can i get my money back for college? I couldnt get any discounts, or schollarships, because i was a white person, on only Mexicans and Blacks, and Asians get schoolar ships in California...

Am i going to get something back down the road becasue of Affermative action? Or will i get the money from schoolarships, that i lost, because i wasnt an unwed Pregant Mexican?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by kosmicjack
It's inconvenient that they don't have the same educational opportunities due to white flight from inner cities that decimates the tax based funding.

Gosh, those evil white folk, always keeping the man down! I can’t imagine why white flight occurs, or even middle class black flight, except maybe the middle class black folk are just as racist against inner city blacks as the white folk? That can’t be, blacks can’t be racist.

Yes another inconvenient statistic, more than half the people in prison for murder are black. That might have something to do with the fact that while they only make up 13% of the population, they commit more than HALF of all murders in the U.S.!

The op mentioned violence and guns in the U.S. In fact if this one “minority group” were taken OUT of the U.S. murder statistics our numbers would be about the same as Canada’s and many European countries even with our “gun crazy culture". The guns are not the problem.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by ATWIL
reply to post by eric52081

You act as though African American are more violent element in the USA. No we are just the most FEARED! Not because every Black person is a "Thug" because we are not. \

This man is right.

The Black man no longer is the most dangerous demographic in the US...

Its now the Illigal Allien from Mexico...

But, the 'main' pillars of the 'thug' lifestyle are Africans.. people like .50 cents... and for every M&M there are 100 .50 cents...

Yes another inconvenient statistic, more than half the people in prison for murder are black. That might have something to do with the fact that while they only make up 13% of the population, they commit more than HALF of all murders in the U.S.!

Dont forget that over 30% of our prison population are ILLIGAL MEXICANS...

So, 30% of our prison pop is made up of whats supposed to be 0% of the population...

[edit on 6/9/2008 by TKainZero]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:28 PM
yeah i hate obama

and hillary
and mccain
they are all corperate whores who couldnt give a poop about this country.
thats what people should be focusing on. i could really care less about who has more skin pigmantation or who has a penis or not. i feel that many on ATS probably feel the same way. i dont think you have to worry.

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