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Are you on that @%! website again?

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posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:13 PM
My boss hates ATS. I spend all day at work here on ATS, I enjoy it much more than doing my job. My Girlfriend hates ATS because I am always sending her links to shapeshifting repitiallian videos. My friends hate ATS because all I do is talk about the goverment being evil masterminds. However my boss hates it the most.


[edit on 3-6-2008 by trustnobody]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by kidflash2008

Hi kidflash and welcome to ATS. I know those looks, I get them too, I just ignore them unless they are followed by the words..."Are you fixing dinner yet?", or "Mom, I need a bandaid!", or "Sissy is talking to that boy you don't like!"....then I pay attention. HEHE

Well, thanks for posting and enjoy your time here, go outside and breath once in awhile. And when something big does happen, everyone will come to you for the answers!


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by kleverone

Hey kleverone. Thanks for posting. LMAO because I've told my husband the same thing...get an account. He really has little patience for anything consiracy related and really only slightly entertains the ufo phenom because he witnessed the Pheonix lights.

He's pretty tolerable for the most part, only occasionally gets fed up, those are the times that I recognize that he may be feeling ignored so I back away from ATS for awhile. Well, that and the kids are out of school for the summer so it's not as easy to get time on the computer that I share with the kids. He promised me a laptop...three weeks ago, do you have any idea why he might be dragging his feet on that?


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by trustnobody

Hey trust. You crack me up!!!

I wondered what you guys were doing all day. 20 minute wait time on the know exactly what I'm talking about!

LOL...just kidding ya!

Maybe you should send your girlfriend threads from the "food & cooking" or "health and wellness" forums. And maybe she would put some of those recipes to use and make you a fabulous meal. I'm always thinking........ LOL


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by hsur2112

20 minute wait is nothing here. Your local office must be fast to answer the phone. I just watch the phone ring all day and think about answering. I actually talked to customer one time, it was the worst work experience I ever had. I just stick to hanging around on ATS.

Did you mention cooking lol.. niether me or my GF cook. We had the stove removed to make extra space in the kitchen for a video game console.


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by hsur2112

I feel ya! This post really cracked me up becasue I can really relate to it. Very Good Post!

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by trustnobody

You're still cracking me up, trust! It's a good thing that your company isn't customer driven or anything.

The only video game I play is Guitar Hero. I'm pretty good for a ** yr. old. Ha, you thought I was gonna tell, didn't you. lol I just reserved GH Aerosmith due 6/29, along with the guitar and GH4 that's due out in November. It's parental therapy.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by trustnobody

I'm surprised you still have your job! I'm Kind of jealous now...wish i could spend all day at work on here!

reply to post by hsur2112

*Ponders* I wonder why your husband is taking his time to get you that laptop Hehe...Could it be that he wont see you for a year and the police search will find you in the corner of a room on your laptop rocking back and forth chanting "Ats...Ats.....ats...."

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:21 PM
I'll admit that at times I spend WAY too much time here. Mostly reading other threads and daring to venture out and occasionally start my own thread. I've been off work the last few days and I'll spend a couple of hours, then my connection crashes, reboot, go straight back to ATS. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Edited to add:
ok, I've just found myself doing something a little spooky. I keep perusing the website and I keep looking at my posts in threads hoping that somehow there'll be a reply so that I can pounce on it.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by Deson]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Deson

Hi Deson. Ooooh, there's nothing worse than being in the middle of typing a great post, maybe even applause worthy, and your computer crashes.

I'm actually surprised that you don't post many threads. I'm sure in time that you will feel more comfortable starting your own threads. The ones you have started have gotten great response. You seem very articulate and I always enjoy reading your posts. Sometimes I start a thread and thiink......"what the heck was I thinking". LOL


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 11:34 PM
I scared myself the other night. I found myself on ATS and eating 2mintue noodles! Am i becoming the Hermit ATS member i was so jokingly talking about a few pages back?
Should i start seeking professional Help?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by hsur2112
reply to post by Deson

I'm actually surprised that you don't post many threads. I'm sure in time that you will feel more comfortable starting your own threads. The ones you have started have gotten great response. You seem very articulate and I always enjoy reading your posts. Sometimes I start a thread and thiink......"what the heck was I thinking". LOL


Well, I guess one of the reasons that I don't post more threads are nerves. I find myself thinking "Do I want to consume bandwidth with this stuff?" And to be honest, I'm just a little intimidated about the ATS section. I like to think of myself as being a relatively intelligent person (with bad spelling at times) but here in BTS I feel more comfortable. Oh sure, on occasion I'll reply on the ATS side. But not very much. It should prove to be interesting once I reach the 200 post mark. Then I'll be able to engage in chat. One thing that I WON'T do is post things just to get the count up. That's a no-no in my eyes. Sometimes I'll look at a thread, think of a reply, and then see someone else has already said pretty much what I was going to say. That can be problematic at times. (chuckle).

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by LI(f)E.
*Ponders* I wonder why your husband is taking his time to get you that laptop Hehe...Could it be that he wont see you for a year and the police search will find you in the corner of a room on your laptop rocking back and forth chanting "Ats...Ats.....ats...."

And the threads, and the threads, and the threads.....(smashes hand through window)........

Originally posted by LI(f)E.
Should i start seeking professional Help?

Yes, yes you should. But do not go to see my aunt. She's a therapist who sees a therapist. Why is that?


posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by hsur2112
Yes, yes you should. But do not go to see my aunt. She's a therapist who sees a therapist. Why is that?

Thats a cover for her setting up a intervention with multiple therapists, because we all know that a single therapist cannot help a ATS addict.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Deson
Well, I guess one of the reasons that I don't post more threads are nerves. I find myself thinking "Do I want to consume bandwidth with this stuff?"

Well, you shouldn't worry, have you see some of the stuff that consumes bandwidth here? (I don't really know what bandwidth is, sounds technical.)

And to be honest, I'm just a little intimidated about the ATS section...but here in BTS I feel more comfortable.

I'm kind of the same way. I, however, do not consider myself to be intelligent, I know....shocking to all. And I shy away from most ATS subjects too. But mostly because I cannot and will not get caught up in in some of the long, drawn out 'aliens are eating our children and the world will end in 2012' threads. I have children and I have to raise them on this planet long past 2012, so I'm really picky about what I post on, especially if I don't really know anything about the subject. I have never claimed to know something I don't. Except with my kids, "Oh...I know exactly what you were up to last night young lady!". Get's her every time.

I also got tired of posting crappy youtube videos and then hearing "Why in the he** are people still posting crappy youtube videos?". (lowers head and walks away) But there are still quite of few things that pique my interest in ATS, I mostly read. Oh, and I got fined once for not being so nice (which is totally out of character for me, hehe), so I'm afraid that I might spout off and say/type something that I regret. I like my points. Lord knows I don't get any points or applauses at home. And I don't think that some ATS-er's appreciate my charming and witty sense of humor in the middle of a "we didn't really go to the moon' thread. lol

And I do looooveeee BTS. You're right, it is way more comfortable here and the mods are much more tolerable of the one liners, which is good because sometimes I can't really thing of anything to say that's more than a line. Ok, not really. I can think of plenty to say, I just chooooooose not to.


posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 08:38 AM
I am also kind of spooked by posting on ATS, I mostly read. I will post when I feel that I have something to offer which is rare. I leave the thinking to the intelligent people like you Rush. I assure you there is no working brain in this old head of mine. If I had a brain I wouldn’t have a job.


posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by trustnobody
I leave the thinking to the intelligent people like you Rush.

Finally someone here gets it.

I about fell out of my chair when I read that, trust!!!! Oh, I'm dying!!!

Actually, I'm surprised that anyone really reads my highly intelligent, always articulate and thought provoking posts. I think that they see my avatar, beautiful as she is, and just moves right on down the page.

If I had a brain I wouldn’t have a job.

I think you just want us to believe that you have a job.
Bavarian creams and ATS all day? Tell that "bossy boss" that we all said hello.


posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by hsur2112

Your welcome Rush, I can’t believe I am the first to notice that you are a genius. I am glad that I am not faking my job. I would hate to be home all day doing stuff, when I can be hear surfing ATS, I also would not be able to afford the Bavarians. Since I don’t cook that is all I eat. If I had children they would be the poster children for Dunken Donuts. Fat little kids with white powdered sugar all over there face’s.


posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by trustnobody
Your welcome Rush, I can’t believe I am the first to notice that you are a genius.

Well, it obviously takes one to know one. It's not easy having the infinite wisdom that we do. Uh, what were we talking about?


posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:44 PM
Intelligence I like to think that I have. Wisdom? No chance. Memory? I have all the memory span of a Ferret at times.

Edited to add:

Oh great. I just had to edit my post in order to know what I am replying to.

[edit on 5-6-2008 by Deson]

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