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UFOs are deceiving us from the real truth.

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posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:06 PM
I believe that the NWO is in control of the UFOs that fly on Earth. I have a theory that they are making UFOs fly on earth so that conspiracy theories who try to get some proof that UFOs exist would be discredited so that all conspiracy theorists would be stereotyped as UFO believers and would also be discredited. I think the study of UFO's is keeping us from knowing the true secrets of the US government. The US government just wants us to think that they've been dealing with UFOs for years. The NWO is pulling all thue strings. They're making us all afraid that UFOs exist. They're trying to make UFOs more of a bigger issue than the other conspiracies about the US government and the NWO like the shadow government, with what they're planning to do with China, and, how the war on terror is all one big consipracy. They are using UFOs to blind us from seeing other things. There are devout conspiracy theorists out there who get in the public limelight only to be discredited because they try to prove the existence of UFOs and they get laughed at. So, I beleive, that it does not matter whether UFOs exist or not, but, whether these other conspiracy theories are true. Forget about Roswell. Fear what the New World Order may do if they actually are in contact with real extraterrestrials.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:23 PM
This seems like an awful lot of work to try and discredit a conspiracy theorist. There are literally an infinite number of ways they could discredit people beyond having to create "artificial" ufos. Additionally, do you really believe we're the only sentient form of life in the universe? If so I'm shocked that you are serious because the mathematical odds are astronomically high that something else exists out there (thought it's possible it isn't the "alien" stereotype you may be thinking of).

Think of it this way: if the universe is infinitely large (or at least large enough that it might as well be infinitely large), calculate the odds that other life forms exist. In mathematics, if the universe contained 1000000 planets and we were the only one with life, the fraction would be 1/1000000 which is 0.000001% probability that a planet contains life. Now consider the pool of planets to draw from as an infinite value. When you are drawing from a pool of infinite size, the probability that the result you are seeking will occur is guaranteed. There is a 100% probability (mathematically speaking) that other life forms exist given that the universe is infinitely large.

[edit on 5/14/08 by Hollow-X]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Hollow-X

I don't believe that we are the only sentient life form in existence. I highly doubt that. There is bound to be other intelligent life somewhere else in the universe. One of my theories of extra-terrestrial life is that maybe the aliens visiting earth lived a long time ago in the past and now has died off and they are now contacting us to warn us of a future threat (the grays, the reptellians, etc could fall in this catagory). I do believe that the government has been twisting the truth. Many documents about UFOs and aliens exist within the US government. They are holding the truth from us. They stopped reporting on UFOs a long time ago. They are hiding something.

I do believe that these aliens or extra-terrestrial beings may very well be serving the US government or the NWO. The NWO could have contacted them and asked to come here so they could probe various animals for DNA testing. That's why I believe UFOs abduct these animals and people. I also believe that the NWO has asked the extra-terrestrials to help them improve military technology and help them get the one world government up to speed.

Extra-terrestrials probably do exist. They found life on Mars. I just do think that people should spend more time focusing on the other areas of the NWO that would be easier to find conspiracies with. People would have a better shot at proving a conspiracy with world politics than by trying to prove the existence of UFOs and that they have brainwashed politicians and that they control the US government. I just think of all of this focus on life outside Earth as a distraction to the real issues that are going on right here at Earth.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 12:17 AM
im not afraid of ufo's if one were to hover over my house right now id simply say cool

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by Hollow-X

I just think of all of this focus on life outside Earth as a distraction to the real issues that are going on right here at Earth.

Focus for whom? ..the 1% of the population that genuinely entertains these beliefs??

What about the myriad ufos that are seen? ...and the encounters with vastly different beings, both extra-terrestrial and inter-dimensional, are these fabrications of the NWO too? ..a somewhat costly overhead don't you think??

The surreptitious powers that be, the puppet masters if you will, have sucked us all in a long time ago;

spiritually, through false idolatry and petitioned after-life's, and socially through fiscally driven and consumer-orientated lifestyles ..there really is no requirement for further control.

..we've been lambs for the slaughter for millenia now.

[edit on 15-5-2008 by OEAOHOO]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 05:49 AM
Yet another conspracy theory to add to the list. The pile's getting rather full chaps! (and Chapesses)

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by OEAOHOO

IF all of these things mentioned in conspiracy theories are really happening... than the NWO is indeed controlling our world governments... that they are slaves to the aliens... and that all of the times that aliens come to Earth they are really just communicating with the global elite or the global populous in some way or another.

Why don't we pay attention to those other issues? But the average American doesn't seem to care about how the election was fixed, or that the Bush administration is criminal... they are more interested in what Britney is doing.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
I do believe that these aliens or extra-terrestrial beings may very well be serving the US government or the NWO. The NWO could have contacted them and asked to come here so they could probe various animals for DNA testing. That's why I believe UFOs abduct these animals and people. I also believe that the NWO has asked the extra-terrestrials to help them improve military technology and help them get the one world government up to speed.

IF all of these things mentioned in conspiracy theories are really happening... than the NWO is indeed controlling our world governments... that they are slaves to the aliens... and that all of the times that aliens come to Earth they are really just communicating with the global elite or the global populous in some way or another.

Hi Frank ..which one of these opposing statements(in bold) is true? ..or are you unsure and just implying a general conspiracy?

Why don't we pay attention to those other issues? But the average American doesn't seem to care about how the election was fixed, or that the Bush administration is criminal... they are more interested in what Britney is doing.

I think rather than your hypothesized collusion of the NWO and ET in mass might be our celebrity fixation that you mention here, and hence the inference to wider media, which are the real tools of deception ..children are bought out for life and at an alarmingly early age through viral marketing and sensationalist advertising, numbed into submission and dumbed-down by a host of insipid and moronic programming, and made ignorant and irresponsible for their own inner development ...and yes kept in the dark about, and consequently unaware of the truths you mention ..including the existence of ETs

...Personally the true Spiritualistic, higher dimensional beings, and progenitors and caretakers of mankind have no need for NWO's and social control needs arise messages are imparted through the astral plane and imprinted upon the subtle body and then the sub-conscious ..and this is done on a personal level and in most cases with the individual's consent and as a result of their own inquiry...

[edit on 17-5-2008 by OEAOHOO]

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