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Pentagon DNA Evidence....Is it Possible?

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posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Dam, the point is that there is a very good chance that people within the US have plotted to kill more than 3k of their own citizens as an excuse to wage war for power and profit and two also provide forward deployment bases in the ME.

Nothing new, they have been doing that throughout history.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by Damocles
ok i see now.

but they DID turn over control of a military site to a military authority.

that actually doesnt suprise me. any crime committed on an army installation is handled by CID regardless.

Well by law anytime a aircraft crash is considered a crime the FBI becomes the lead investigating agency with technical help from the NTSB.

I am just curous if someone could have stepped in and told the FBI to stand down?

and i think had the plane crashed across the hiway that would be the case.

but, on DOD soil its going to go to one of the armed forces investigative branches. if terrorists crashed a plane into the HQ building across the street from me right would go to army CID and the FBI would be told to run for coffee

and maybe thats what the problem took a while to establish jurisdiction...and im sure you know what a pissing match that was likely to be.

personally id have felt better had the FBI seen it all the way to the end

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Dam, the point is that there is a very good chance that people within the US have plotted to kill more than 3k of their own citizens as an excuse to wage war for power and profit and two also provide forward deployment bases in the ME.

there is that


would you concede that its at least POSSIBLE that the US govt had nothing to do with it and it really was terrorists and that maybe the holes in the official story are a simple matter of people being too arrogant to simply say "we have no idea...."

now dont get me not saying this IS the case by any means but i do entertain it as a strong possibility, and thats just me.

but, if it had been me, and id have followed through.

ossama would have been caught tried and convicted. then "executed" (retired to the carribean likely but still done for the cameras)
yes i know we need a "boogie man" but his 2nd in command is also a scary guy who'd need to avenge his brother making him even scarier.

there would have been large stockpiles of WMD's found in iraq...even if closer inspection of the crates showed them to read "dugway proving ground"

i mean seriously...doenst it seem this grand charade stopped like 10 ft short of the finish line?

We can collectively try to do something about this or we can just continue to let our elected/unelected leaders commit mass murder on a regular basis.

well until certain people who will remain nameless stop voting into office guys named Kennedy etc...theres little hope for us.

we need to start electing "john smith" from some small town of 450 people in the middle of north dakota if we want people who will at least start off in the job as honest

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 07:04 PM
Dam, I do look at the fact the Goverment as a whole were not directly involved but more a case of they could have done something to prevent the event happening. And as far as terrorists go yes they have always been around but on this occassion they had an helping hand, Mossad, and MI6 are prime suspects.

Sometimes you have to look at the situation in the most logical way and see if the thing is do able. As an example when we had the chemical bombs scare here in the UK from day 1 I thought it was bunkum and still do. The premis, that persons plotted to make chemical bombs, get past airport security and explode the bombs on the planes.

The reality, most of the alleged perps did not have passports so how they were going to get on a plane was anyone's guess. Airports are full of people all the time, all carrying bags and luggage. How difficult is it to go to an airport leave a bomb in a case say in the toilets, leave the airport and detonate it. the result is, you close every airport in the country, ground all aircraft, and kill and maim hundreds if not thousands depending on the size of the device.

So why run the risk of getting caught going through security, terrorists arent idiots, they plan well, they are well motivated and supported. Just as a side note I will tell you why this is all crap. Here in the UK you still cannot take any large liquid containers through to airside but you can buy all the stuff airside. Due to my medical health I have certain devices attached to my body, none of which has ever set off the alarms and I rarely get searched so it just shows you how easy it can be done.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Damocles
and maybe thats what the problem took a while to establish jurisdiction...and im sure you know what a pissing match that was likely to be.

Kind of like what happened with Flight 800.There are still some reports of some things were not good between the NTSB and the FBI and the reports that there actually might have been explosives either on the plane or it was hit by a missile.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Damocles
there would have been large stockpiles of WMD's found in iraq...even if closer inspection of the crates showed them to read "dugway proving ground"

i mean seriously...doenst it seem this grand charade stopped like 10 ft short of the finish line?

Well what if the large stockpile of WMDs had been moved? I think it would have been nice of the crates would have read oh maybe something like Hally Burton.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 07:25 PM
heh that would have been amusing

no i was referring more to the theories that 911 was staged for the single purpose of starting a war with iraq. we built a case for war based on a WMD threat. had i been in charge and my boys and girls found no WMD's you can bet id have had a C5 on its way out of utah with goodies that would be then convieniently located...on camera of course, by the brave souls that were out searching for them.

thats part of my problem with the 911 was a govt op to start a war theories. no follow through.

i mean imagine what would have happened had ossama been brought in in chains at the right moment. say..right before the midterm elections? "omg the republicans are winning the war on terror lets vote them back into office wow they rule" would have been the cries from just enough to keep the GOP in control of the senate and house.

a WMD stockpile in iraq in late 03 and the 04 elections wouldnt have been close.

but the grand scheme of all schemes fell JUST a little short in the planning stages...

something just doesnt sit right. well ok a lot of it doesnt sit right on either side but to be that incompetant is almost amusing save for the tragedy involved

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 07:47 PM
Dam, the problem is arrogance, those that plotted such events do not think they need a follow up, they think that joe public will be so stunned, cowered and in fear that they will question nothing. But just like a drug wearing off you start to ask questions and the more you ask the more you realise there is something wrong.

This is what people say, oh if the Gov did it they could have planted wmd's etc. but thats the problem the perps think joe public are like sheep, well some may act like sheep but they are not sheep and even sheep know when something is going wrong.

Blackbirds against Falcons but even Blackbirds can be deadly

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Damocles
no i was referring more to the theories that 911 was staged for the single purpose of starting a war with iraq.

Well we know they did have them becasue thay had used them before.

We did find some burried and hidden planes and other things.

We have been told by defectors that most of the WMDs and material was moved.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1


the point is. IF Bush was responsible for planning a massive conspiracy by killing thousands of Americans.... and covering it up...and getting away with it. Tell me then .. how difficult would it have been to plant a couple WMD's in the sand somewhere.

[edit on 2-4-2008 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
Well what if the large stockpile of WMDs had been moved? I think it would have been nice of the crates would have read oh maybe something like Hally Burton.

Umm...did you mean halliburton?

It's not "Hally Burton". Halliburton was the last name of Erle Halliburton, one of the founders of the company.

Might as well say "Hally Tosis"

[edit on 2-4-2008 by Disclosed]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Disclosed

I'd prefer Hally Berry.... after she gets her stitches out.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Damocles

It's my belief that Iraq and the ME were second on the list. Getting homeland security and the patriot act were first.

Plus, WMD or not, they still got their wish of being in Iraq. As they are still there 5 years after nearly no weapons have been found.

[edit on 4/3/2008 by Griff]

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
the point is. IF Bush was responsible for planning a massive conspiracy by killing thousands of Americans.... and covering it up...and getting away with it. Tell me then .. how difficult would it have been to plant a couple WMD's in the sand somewhere.

Obviously not too difficult since some have been found. As pointed out by Ultima.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
[the point is. IF Bush was responsible for planning a massive conspiracy by killing thousands of Americans.... and covering it up...and getting away with it. Tell me then .. how difficult would it have been to plant a couple WMD's in the sand somewhere.

But we did find some.

We also were told by defectors that most were moved or hidden.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

Do you have a link to this? I didn't know WMD's were found.


posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 01:19 AM
there were a few found that many argue were nothing more than a few leftovers from the iran iraq war and dont constitute a violation of the UN sanctioned disclosure of their WMD stockpiles and as such were not a justification for war.

be that as it may, we never found the "mother lode" so to speak but given the area involved it wouldnt suprise me if in a few years they uncover a buried warehouse loaded with either VX, Sarin or the precursors for said.

thing is any country with a viable petrochemical industry can retool their plants to turn this stuff out in a couple days and since Saddam DID still have these capabilities it really doesnt matter if he had the huge stockpiles that were claimed or if he'd really had his men "go dump them in the desert" (which i still dont think happened)

the bottom line is that by the time we got there, there was nothing on the order that was claimed in our intel. it was either moved, destroyed, hidden or never existed (im not betting on the latter) so if 911 was a setup to justify a war with iraq then a smart administration would have flown a couple of C5's full of stuff out of utah and planted them. W may not be real clever but he does have some clever guys around him so this type of oversight is just something i cant buy into.

but thats just me.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Do you have a link to this? I didn't know WMD's were found.


We found some buried MIG aircraft with illegal equipment and some chemical trailers.

But as stated defectors have told us that the majority of the WMDs and material were moved to Syria.

Buried and hidden MIGs:

Chemical trailer:

[edit on 4-4-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 04:49 AM
i forget what it was but they had some lame explaination for the chemical trailer also. when they first found it they thought it was a mobile bio weapons lab then claimed it was something medical.

wasnt enough to support the case for war.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Damocles
i forget what it was but they had some lame explaination for the chemical trailer also. when they first found it they thought it was a mobile bio weapons lab then claimed it was something medical.

But we know they did have WMDs because they used them on thier neighbors and own people.

Also with the evidence found and statements from the defectors their is a good chance the WNDs were moved and some material buried.

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