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Holocaust Revisionists Lawyer Sentenced to 3 1/2 Years!

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posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 07:31 PM
In my opinion this is more than just an 'opinion' or about 'free speech.' This is about the malicious attempt to rewrite facts and history because there is an agenda of hatred and ignorance. While people can debate all day whether the holocaust was the worst human event in history – and it was not - but that propaganda misses the point. The holocaust was the core of WWII, which was the worst event of the human race. All caused by evil racists that believed their race was the only race and their way of thinking was the only way to think. Anyone trying to erase that history is allowing this horror the opportunity to repeat itself. Deny ignorance. Deny evil.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by zerotimeThe holocaust was the core of WWII, which was the worst event of the human race.

I don't think so.

Originally posted by zerotime
Anyone trying to erase that history is allowing this horror the opportunity to repeat itself. Deny ignorance. Deny evil.

By censoring someone who is questioning what he is told. Didn't Galileo know about that?

[edit on 19-1-2008 by Johnmike]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by zerotime

Anyone trying to erase that history is allowing this horror the opportunity to repeat itself.

What does that even mean?

Are you saying that human beings don't understand that genocide is morally wrong, unless they remember the Holocaust?


posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
By censoring someone who is questioning what he is told. Didn't Galileo know about that?

I understand why you may look at it that way, but is he really questioning what he has been told or is heselecting his sources, ignoring all evidence that contradicts his hypothesis.

Gallieo shattered theoretical perspectives, not quite the same as calling living, breathing witnesses liars just because they challenge your research. Academic debate has adequately shown that Zundel's motives are driven by bigotry and xenophobia. He is not a victim of anything other than his own ignorance and obvious bias. He is an attention seeker, and bingo he's got it.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by benign.psychosis

Originally posted by zerotime

Anyone trying to erase that history is allowing this horror the opportunity to repeat itself.

What does that even mean?

Are you saying that human beings don't understand that genocide is morally wrong, unless they remember the Holocaust?


Yes benign.psychosis. It needs to be brought up again and again so that humanity does not forget that these horrible things happen. It is not a case of human beings not understanding that genocide is wrong. It is a case of people sitting back and doing nothing. Or believing that certain types of people deserve to die.

I know I'm speaking to a wall here though. Anyone just has to look at your posts to realize you will never change you thought on this subject.

Posts by benign.psychosis

The Holocaust was carried out by the Allies, not the Nazis! (Hypothesis)

The Conspiracy against the Non-Jews

Jewish Mind Control: Magicians or Victims?

Being warned in a post called The Holocaust is Overrated.

Hmm. I seem to be seeing a little bit of a theme here.

That's okay. I knew my post was not going to accepted by all posters. I am ready well aware of the evil already ingrained into many posters on this website. Comparing a holocaust denier to Galileo - where does one even start on that comment?

[edit on 19-1-2008 by zerotime]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:30 PM
Some information on Ernst Zündel

I believe "Did 6 million really die?" is a critical part of his imprisonment. It's an interesting read if you can put down the "labels" such as revisionist/historian, as it makes some interesting points, even if just as food for thought.

I also think that locking people up for speaking is about as fascist as you can get. How ironic.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by zerotime

Yes benign.psychosis. It needs to be brought up again and again so that humanity does not forget that these horrible things happen. It is not a case of human beings not understanding that genocide is wrong. It is a case of people sitting back and doing nothing. Or believing that certain types of people deserve to die.

I know I'm speaking to a wall here though. Anyone just has to look at your posts to realize you will never change you thought on this subject.

Posts by benign.psychosis

The Holocaust was carried out by the Allies, not the Nazis! (Hypothesis)

The Conspiracy against the Non-Jews

Jewish Mind Control: Magicians or Victims?

Being warned in a post called The Holocaust is Overrated.

Hmm. I seem to be seeing a little bit of a theme here.

That's okay. I knew my post was not going to accepted by all posters. I am ready well aware of the evil already ingrained into many posters on this website. Comparing a holocaust denier to Galileo - where does one even start on that comment?
[edit on 19-1-2008 by zerotime]

Yes benign.psychosis. It needs to be brought up again and again so that humanity does not forget that these horrible things happen.

So we will jail these people who question if what is told as "official history" is the truth or not?

You seriously do not see anything wrong with that?

Fine... you tell me: What will happen if we "forget about it"? Are we going to try to kill all the Jewwwz again?

Is another Hitler going to rise up from the ashes to exterminate the Jewwwwzzzzz?

Everything else you say is nonsense. You are cherry picking my threads to fit your perception of me, which is entirely false. I've written about Ron Paul, Chipping, Topless women, batteries, the global elite, Chavez, hurricane Katrina, and much more. How does that fit into your picture of me?

It doesn't, so you can ignorantly ignore it.

You are being silly - just as silly as the other "theorists" who cherry pick information so that it fits their preconceived belief system. It is how conspiracies are propagated - through skewed logic.

Biased inductive logic does not get you anywhere.

It never proves anything.

Think about it.

Oh, and the only reason I was "warned" in that other thread was because a poster kept telling me I had an "agenda" after I told them numerous times that I did not have an agenda. I called them a "loon" and some mod thought that was an offensive term.

But.. you know, we are all a bunch of liars and racists over here on ATS who even mention the Holocaust.
We have "secret agendas" that we are just waiting for people to "uncover" because it is a "conspiracy" of ATS members, and we are "secret racists" who only hint at our "hatred of the Jew"

Reality check.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:27 PM
Let's jail people who question the official 9/11 story then.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by benign.psychosis

Fine... you tell me: What will happen if we "forget about it"? Are we going to try to kill all the Jewwwz again?

Is another Hitler going to rise up from the ashes to exterminate the Jewwwwzzzzz?

Everything else you say is nonsense. You are cherry picking my threads to fit your perception of me, which is entirely false. I've written about Ron Paul, Chipping, Topless women, batteries, the global elite, Chavez, hurricane Katrina, and much more. How does that fit into your picture of me?

I like to evaluate speech. Sometimes our true meaning get revealed in the way we speak. In both your sentences you seem unable to even write the word Jew without changing the word structure. Why is that? This is often done to be derogatory. ie. Sheeple, CTer, Jooos,

The Jews have been blamed for hundreds if not thousands of horrible events throughout history from ancient events like death of Jesus and the black plague to current events such as 911 and everything financial. They have been hunted down, rounded up and thrown out of just about every country in the world at some time all because someone thought they were the root of evil. Why do you not believe a holocaust cannot happen again?

You have wrote on other topics, but imo you seem a bit preoccupied with discussions relating to Jews (see what I did there. I actually wrote the word Jew without changing it) and always from a negative aspect. But I guess we will have to see what your future posts include.

The question for me becomes do people have the free right to slander a person or an entire race of people. There is absolutely nothing that proves the holocaust was fake. Everything being said from holocaust deniers is slanderous and insulting to those who fought to stop that evil.

[edit on 20-1-2008 by zerotime]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by zerotime

In my opinion this is more than just an 'opinion' or about 'free speech.' This is about the malicious attempt to rewrite facts and history because there is an agenda of hatred and ignorance. While people can debate all day whether the holocaust was the worst human event in history – and it was not - but that propaganda misses the point. The holocaust was the core of WWII, which was the worst event of the human race. All caused by evil racists that believed their race was the only race and their way of thinking was the only way to think. Anyone trying to erase that history is allowing this horror the opportunity to repeat itself. Deny ignorance. Deny evil.

While I totally disagree with holocaust deniers, its completely ridiculous to jail them.

We should jail people who pose a risk to society and not for being stupid. I mean, in the end, this is all they are guilty of.

As much as it's appalling, it's well withing their right to speak it and express it. To jail them is ironic and uncalled for.

Originally posted by JohnMike
Let's jail people who question the official 9/11 story then.

Now there's a thought.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by LuDaCrIs
While I totally disagree with holocaust deniers, its completely ridiculous to jail them.

Well, I may agree with you. I never said jailing them was the right answer. under the circumstances I just don't know what is the best answer though. There sickness is spreading. It just cannot be ignored anymore.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by zerotime

No, they should be jailed. Anything else is essentially inciting hatred.

It's not like questioning NASA's Apollo landings. The holocaust actually happened.


posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 12:53 AM
I was reading holocaust denial in Wiki and had a question

why are countries in europe still trying to pass holocaust denial laws today?

Netherlands and Italy rejected proposals in 2006

Slovakia made it a crime in 2001, repealed in 2005

Spain decriminalised it in 2007

Why are there so many people with so much to lose that deny the holocaust or at least charged or jailed for it?

There is lots of people that believe 9/11 was a conspiracy, but there have not been too many people willing to risk their future pursueing it. A lot of people have lost a lot of time and success making claims many here say are baseless.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Fuggle
No, they should be jailed. Anything else is essentially inciting hatred.

Questioning history is obviously inciting hatred. And how dare I say I hate people by questioning things! I should just sit down, shut up, and accept what I'm told!

Originally posted by Fuggle
It's not like questioning NASA's Apollo landings. The holocaust actually happened.

How do you know? Were you there? I'm very sorry.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 01:36 AM
The Germans are pretty determined to prevent any resurgence of Nazism, and I can't blame them. It didn't work out for them too well last time.

Frankly if this were anywhere else, I'd be pretty upset about the free speech implications.

But if I were German, I'd be asking why these neo-Nazi idiots weren't simply taken out and unceremoniously shot.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 03:51 AM
It amazes me no end that people who frequent sites like this, telling everyone to question everything we are told and not believe what we are presented as fact, will take the Holocaust as gospel. No aspect of it can ever be questioned and anyone who does question the presented events is automatically branded a Neo Nazi. Something is seriously screwed up here.
Why is it ok to question historical events as they are traditionally presented / taught but not this one? The truth, if it is the truth, should be able to support it's assertions through evidence and reasoned debate. So, why resort to jailing those who question it, and now those who would defend the defendants? Sure looks like someone doesn't want the events looked at in detail or scrutinised in any way

Perhaps some of the events we have been told are factual may start to look a little shaky under scrutiny?

As for the increase in hostility towards Jews in Germany today, maybe it has a lot to do with the constant guilt being offloaded onto a generation who had nothing to do with the events but are expected to keep paying reparations.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 05:31 AM
I tell you what,,,this kind of news, just make me belive more and more that the holocaust have in fact some kind of hoax in it, or a terrible secret that some one avoid at all costs to be revealed!!
When people trying to seek the truth and possible lies behind this historical episode, start to take death warnings and are arrest or forbbiden to work , and are forced to make public declarations saying they was wrong, something very very odd is happening!!

[edit on 20/1/08 by Umbra Sideralis]

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike
Questioning history is obviously inciting hatred. And how dare I say I hate people by questioning things! I should just sit down, shut up, and accept what I'm told!


There is questioning, and there is denying.

Questions can be answered, by speaking to the survivors and reading the historical records available that present the evidence. I would wager that if most people do that they will draw the same conclusion about the Holocaust.

Denial is something else. Denying comes after questioning. Its a refusal to accept the historical record, usually because of ignorance, out and out stubborness or racially motivated predjudices.

But as I've said above, the Nazi's systematic extermination of people who did not comply with their racial purity theories who also happened NOT to be Jewish shows the lie that this is all about Jews. It isn't, and I'm farily convinced that the 300,000 dead people I mentioned in my example would gladly testify to that fact if they could.

IF it had just been those 300,000 dead, it would still have been a holocaust of sickening proportions carried out in a so-called "civilised" society.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 07:21 AM
When One Questions Holocaust
Response : you get prisoned or labelled ‘anti-semite’.

When One Questions why Muslims get angry when their Prophet gets ridiculed.
Response : They should allow ‘Freedom Of Speech’.


Freedom Of Speech?
OR More like Freedom For Zionists.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by kangjia57
When One Questions Holocaust
Response : you get prisoned or labelled ‘anti-semite’.

When One Questions why Muslims get angry when their Prophet gets ridiculed.
Response : They should allow ‘Freedom Of Speech’.


Well, in keeping with my other answers in this thread, one deals with questioning whether 300,000 Romany, Jehova's witness, homosexual,and disabled people (and countless thousand Soviet and Eastern European prisoners of war) were rounded up and systematically murdered by racially motivated facists and the other deals with whether you can call something names.

Theres a very very large difference there.

I'd say you just presented a particularly bad strawman argument.

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