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Holocaust Revisionists Lawyer Sentenced to 3 1/2 Years!

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posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:13 PM

Holocaust Revisionists Lawyer Sentenced to 3 1/2 Years!

Judges in the western city of Mannheim sentenced lawyer Sylvia Stolz to three and a half years in prison on charges that include inciting racial hatred, and barred her from practicing law for five years, a court spokeswoman said.

Stolz made the remarks in 2006 while representing "historian" Ernst Zündel, who was handed a five-year prison term in Germany last February for repeatedly disputing the Holocaust as a historical fact.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:13 PM
The subject matter may be controversial and some of the characters involved may seem a little 'touched'. But I cannot see how this woman has incited racial hatred. Her crime is to have an opinion that is outside of popularly held beliefs on the topic.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:21 PM
Good! She got what she deserved.

People should not be allowed to question The Holocaust. It's a disgrace to the six million Jews who were murdered.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:23 PM
while i disagree with what she has said and what the "historian " has said i see no incitment of racial hatred and i would defend her right to say what ever she pleases as long as it causes no one else physical harm. the simple fact the speaking about a issue no matter how conterversial it may be is a prison worthy offence is sickining to me.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:29 PM
I have a question, why does Germany have anti-holocaust laws such as these? I can see if your tooting your anti-holocaust views in Israel they might get just a little sensitive, but why Germany?

The German Government involved (Nazis) is no longer around.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Fuggle
Good! She got what she deserved.

People should not be allowed to question The Holocaust. It's a disgrace to the six million Jews who were murdered.
Yeah, good! Free speech and an open mind don't mean anything when people were murdered? How dare he question history?

The experts agree.

Censorship works!

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Fuggle
Good! She got what she deserved.

People should not be allowed to question The Holocaust. It's a disgrace to the six million Jews who were murdered.

This is one of the most ridiculous things I have read on ATS.

Millions of Germans who were afraid to speak their mind could have stopped the Holocoust but a fascist regime kept them in line with fear. Your comments are not so different. Ridicule is a fear-mongering tactic.

Grow up. Just because an opinion is unpopular does not give anyone the right to shout it down or deny free speech.

This ruling reminds me of the recent flap over the golf magazine firing the editor because he put a noose on the cover of the issue addressing the female commentator's remarks about Tiger Woods. So what - just a picture of a noose is supposed to be offensive? People are crazy.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

The fear of the rise of another popular Nationalist movement in Germany has created the over-reactionary climate that has normal German people living in fear of questioning any part of the Holocaust.

The Nazi Regime may be gone and the German Government of today has no ties to it whatsoever, but the German people will go on giving financial assistance to the Israeli State and to Holocaust survivors.

West Germany paid Israel a sum of 3 billion marks over the next fourteen years; 450 million marks were paid to the World Jewish Congress. The payments were made to the State of Israel as the heir to those victims who had no surviving family. The money was invested in the country's infrastructure and played an important role in establishing the economy of the new state. The reparations would become a decisive part of Israel’s income, comprising as high as 87.5% of the state income in 1956[3].

In 2007, Israeli MK Rafi Eitan made suggestions that were interpreted as a claim to reopen the Agreement, although he insisted that he merely intended to “establish a German-Israeli work team that would examine how Germany could help the financially struggling survivors”[7] German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck originally argued Germany would not consider expanding the agreement[8], but later German government Spokesman Thomas Steg, said Germany is willing to discuss the possibility of making extra pension payments to Holocaust survivors if the Israeli government makes an official request[9].

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 12:20 PM
It is racial hatred. You automatically hate Jewish people, and have an agenda if you mention anything about that Holocaust that is beyond the status quo.

On ATS you just get harassed, but in the real world you get thrown in prison.

I thought we learned this from ATS?

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 12:43 PM

The 44-year-old also signed a motion during Zündel's trial with "Heil Hitler" and shouted that the lay judges deserved the death penalty for "offering succour to the enemy" -- leading the court to dismiss her.

I'd say shes just dumb for doing this.

Stupid is as stupid does

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Fuggle
Good! She got what she deserved.

People should not be allowed to question The Holocaust. It's a disgrace to the six million Jews who were murdered.

That is one of the most scary comments I have ever read. People imo, should be allowed to question anything, however, they should be ready to face equal criticism from others who wish to express their opinion. It's all about the free speech thing that helps us be who we are (or what we were, as it may be.)

People should not be allowed to dictate the free voice of anyone to such a degree. This is not equivocal to yelling "fire" in a theater. That is against the law because it can cause mass panic and lead to death. Hurting the feelings of 6 million dead is not the same. That may sound cold, but it's true. When did we start limiting speech to prevent hurt feelings?

BTW, I want to say for the record that I am not in any way, shape or form pro-revisionist. I don't think people should be told what to say, though. It's a shame that I even have to put this, but I figured I would end it before it begins.

[edit on 1/19/08 by niteboy82]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 12:52 PM

A German court on Monday jailed the lawyer of a convicted Holocaust denier for calling the Nazis' World War II slaughter of European Jews "the biggest lie in world history."

One of the most disgusting statements I've ever heard
revisionist never back up their claims with any evidence and blame the allies instead.

No one thinks about the individuals who died in the camps and the survivors today who are still haunted by dreadful memories.

It is racial hatred. You automatically hate Jewish people, and have an agenda if you mention anything about that Holocaust that is beyond the status qua

On ATS you just get harassed, but in the real world you get thrown in prison.

I thought we learned this from ATS?


When you make stupid threads saying it was the allies that killed the Jews and start defending the Nazi's then ATS members have a right to point out and discredit your sick revisionist views.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Beelzebubba

so basicaly they just make a marter out of these people?
the more we hear about these people the more their words will get out,
its just free publicity for them.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 01:44 PM
And if America isn't careful, you all might end up with the same laws Germany has.

(Not talking about questioning the Holocaust, but freedom of speech in general.)

"I may not agree with what you're saying, but I'll die defending your right to say it!"

I like that motto.


posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by infinite
[When you make stupid threads saying it was the allies that killed the Jews and start defending the Nazi's then ATS members have a right to point out and discredit your sick revisionist views.

sick revisionist views...
you are too funny!

Of course views are always sick when they question the evidence presented and the status quo. Yet, here another one goes with his views that "The Jews" are the center piece of the discussion.

It is rather ironic that those who question the holocaust speak in scope of everyone killed, yet those who defend the "official story" seem to attach themselves to only "the Jew" side of it.


posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by benign.psychosis

Do they?

I can name a dozen other groups who were killed in the holocaust along side the Jewish population.

But again, I'm not the one with the agenda against Jews

*clicks ignore*

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Beelzebubba

Why is this even news?

Who cares about a racist, bigoted lawyer, and her client (who she is also sleeping with - conflict of interest anyone?)?

This should remain a story buried in the colomns with all the other court news. These people are not important, what they have to say is not important or even true. Zundel is a crack pot with crack pot ideas stemming from a century before. If anyone has seen Nick Broomfield's (perfect) documentary film, The Leader, the Driver and his Wife (I think that's the title, its about Eugene Terre-Blanche)- well Zundel is no different to the Wife who calls her cat "Blackie" - to be different, as everyone else that she knows with a black cat calls it "Kaffir". Stuck in another century. Zundel like so many others needs to be ignored until he goes away, nothing more, nothing less. This is not and should not be news.

Besides its not important, anyone with an ounce of education knows that Zundel touts a fallacy, based on prejudice and xenophobia.

On the other hand, where is the news about the class action by Jonathan Levy and Michael Easton against the Vatican for Profiteering from war crimes and against the CIA under the FOIA for records relating to gold and other valuables seized on route to the Vatican from Croatia. This has been ongoing since 1995 I believe. The only news, are the Press Releases that these two lawyers publish themselves and are carried by a couple of sympathetic websites. Otherwise nothing. And that is just one of the case that they are pursuing.

Now call me a conspiracy nut, but that always gets my radar going. After all are we not always discussing how the media is controlled and that editorial selectivity is used to contain our knowledge.

Why does one story get column inches and another not?

Umm...I wonder.

Isn't it about time everyone stopped falling for the Jewish Scapegoat trick - I mean purleease - they've* been using that gag for centuries.

(*And before I get accused of RCC bashing, by they I mean any overlord - religious, secular or corporate - they have all used the "devious Jew" tirck - and what's sad is it works every time. We all like to have someone to blame. Various Popes have done it, Kings and Queen's, political despots and corporate kingpins - and we keep falling for it)

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by benign.psychosis
Yet, here another one goes with his views that "The Jews" are the center piece of the discussion.

Lets not discuss the Jews here then, shall we?

Lets discuss the 220,000 Romanies that were deported to Auschwitz and Treblinka where they were either shot by SS Einsatzgruppen or gassed shall we Benign?

Maybe we could discuss the 75,000+ mentally disabled people who were gassed?

What about the Jehova's witnesses that were killed?

What about the homosexuals that were persecuted and killed?

You would agree that those acts are a crime against humanity wouldn't you?

After all we're talking about the systematic extermination of over 300,000 people because they didn't conform to Nazi race theories. Denying that happened would be really sick and inhumane...wouldn't it?

Surely the extermination of those 300,000 is more than enough to justify the Nazi's as sick murdering bastards that people really shouldn't forget about?

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 06:19 PM

The 44-year-old also signed a motion during Zündel's trial with "Heil Hitler" and shouted that the lay judges deserved the death penalty for "offering succour to the enemy" -- leading the court to dismiss her.

But Stolz refused to leave Zündel, with whom she has also been romantically linked for several years, and had to be forcibly carried out of the courtroom.

Born in Germany, Zündel lived in Canada for decades but fell foul of authorities there for his publishing empire built on anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi works. He was extradited to Germany in 2005.

Not much left to the imagination here as to the motives of this person. Only a Neo-Nazi would be angered by it.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by infinite
reply to post by benign.psychosis

Do they?

I can name a dozen other groups who were killed in the holocaust along side the Jewish population.

But again, I'm not the one with the agenda against Jews

*clicks ignore*

Sure, that is why you sad "When you make stupid threads saying it was the allies that killed the Jews"

without mentioning any of the other groups. It's obvious what you think, or you would have said "People," or listed everyone. You type of people are so oblivious to equality... that you generalize the holocaust to one race, for what?

Ease? convienence?

And then you say, when we try to place equal emphesis on everyone killed.. you say, "You are trying to trivialize it. You are trying to trivialize the Jewish deaths, and you are racist for it!"

It's absurd.

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