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Organs to be taken without consent

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posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by stumason
If someone rejects the idea of donation based on religion, then I personally regard them as backward, subhuman animals. Being able to help many others live after your death is bound to earn you more brownie points from whatever pathetic God you believe in than being buried with all your squishy bits for them to rot.

The only thing i find backward's Stu is this paragraph you just made.

It's a personal choice thats what it comes down too.

Something we all can make are choices once we cant make those choices we are no longer given responsibility for our own actions.

And then it goes on from there.

Im not into religion but maybe i would feel less comfort knowing that someone is waiting for me to die.

And in order for those waiting for me to die to live themselves my body will be ripped to shreads and my organ's taken without my consent.

(According to this article)

We have all suffered loss and maybe some donor organ's would have helped or stem cells or marrow.

But it's personal choice maybe i have chosen to donate maybe not but the matter of the fact is it's my choice.


I could go on and on and on but i have made my point.


[edit on 14-1-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by h3akalee
But it's personal choice maybe i have chosen to donate maybe not but the matter of the fact is it's my choice.



My body, my choice!!

This is basically saying that your body is no longer yours, it's ours, and after you die we can do with it what we please.


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:45 AM
do you think they will have the patience for you to die?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:08 AM
You guys are missing a point here, especially with the "people waiting for me to die" stuff. If everyone was a donor, then there would be no waiting list for organs, hence, no one would be waiting for you to die. Nor will they be quicker to kill off people for their organs. Doctors in the UK aren't the money grabbing pill-pushers you have in the States.

Yearly, the total amount of people needing a transplant compared to the total amount of transplantable organs is tiny, yet because most people do not volunteer, 5000 people in the UK die each year because of a lack of transplants.

Those that get hung up about someone else having your organs after death are pathetic.

YOUR DEAD, what do you care?

[edit on 14/1/08 by stumason]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by stumason

YOUR DEAD, what do you care?

It's my body, that's why I care. As I said before, this is a statement by the government saying that my body is no longer mine. That's where the problem lies. If you want to increase the number of organ donors, play commercials, create an ad campaign, convince the donor before they die.

Once again.

My Body, My choice.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Rasobasi420

Tried that, doesn't work. Do your homework first before making grandiose statements.

Problem is, people just don't bother because everyone is accutely unaware how fragile their life is. They all say "I'll do it tomorrow", yet they get hit by a bus on the way home in the evening.

When polled, 3/4 of people are willing to be donors, yet only a fraction ever get off their arse to do anything about it, hence the shortage of donors.

EDIT: How is it "your" body after death? Explain that one...

[edit on 14/1/08 by stumason]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by stumason

EDIT: How is it "your" body after death? Explain that one...

How is it not my body? Keep in mind that you don't know, nor do I have to tell you what my religious beliefs. Nor does the government need to know.

It's my body if I say it is.

Are you saying that when I die it's the government's body?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Rasobasi420

Whether you have beliefs or not, it changes not one bit the fact that, after death, you no longer inhabit the body.

Whether you believe in Jeebus and the Tooth Fairy, or not, the fact remains that it is just a pile of meat decomposing.

Bear in mind, after death, every other possession of yours is passed on to someone else, so after death, it is reasonable to assume that the body too will no longer belong to you. And that doesn't even include the possibility of an inheritance tax....

Bottom line is, if your religious, you've gone somewhere else. If your not, then your finished. Either way, what does it matter if someone has your organs?

To deny donation just "because" is so unbelievably selfish. I hope you don't find yourself in need of a donor one day, but if you do, I hope you refuse it to avoid being a hypocrite.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:45 AM
I agree with the above poster . I haven't read all the comments and im sure theres a good argument brewing ..but

I don't see any need for a person not to donate there organs . Hell i think burial is wasteful and pollutant. All people should be harvested then burned or buried right into the dirt so they may decompose and give back to the planet.

That is the natural cycle . death/scavenge/decompose/new life(plants)

But i realize the world(people) is(are) greedy. And don't care much for the true order of the world.

[edit on 14-1-2008 by Mindless]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Mindless

i agree with you...of course this will never happen but i still agree.

i don't see the problem with all either are on the list or you opt out.

thats how everything else works these days.

of course there is the whole cloning/stem cell thing that would bypass all this. an organ could be harvested...
possible solution.

i guess my feelings are rooted in the fact that i am not religious and i don't place a whole lot of value on my life.....if at my death i could donate a few organs and save a few people, that would be fantastic.
i could finally do something positive with my #ty life.

btw, i am an organ donor....they ask you when you get your DL renewed....don't even have to pay for it

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:02 AM
You know i just had a great thought .. (unless its what you implied with your post above)
Give donors deals on the license renewal and other perks that would encourage people that are (planning on becoming) donors to go and do it . Hell i would support a nice tax break for registered donors. I mean they are giving the gift of life..

Anyway what most people don't realize is that this is most beneficial to the donors family's . As they have the lowest chance of rejecting the organs.

So to say you wouldn't donate an eye or lung is saying you wouldn't help one of your own family members. Sad really.. :/

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Mindless

what i meant was when you go get your DL remewed they ask you if you want to be an organ donor. if you say yes, they put this little symbol on the DL. if you say no then it is not there.
thats what i meant. they log it into the computer at the BMV.
it does not cost money one way or the other but there are no percs.

i just don't understand why someone would not want to be a a live in your death. is that not the ultimate good deed?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:07 AM

How is it "your" body after death? Explain that one...

that's the problem, technically, once you are truly dead.....the organs are no longer useful??? to me, part of being dead it that the heart is no longer beating!!
So, what are you saying, that these "undead" people should be unnaturally kept alive till someone shows up to accept their long should they be left to wait around? maybe I would rather just die, and get the heck out of here as quickly as possible.... how the heck do you know, maybe the soul it trapped in the body till the last which case, how long do you proposed to keep it trapped while you remove organs? an hour, or two, a day, a week...heck, who knows maybe it could be for years...while every usuable part is stripped. a person's life essence, knowing it should be free, trapped within a useless body for god knows how long....who knows, could possibly be a very long painful experience, don't you think?
we don't know enough about life and death, and just what is involved to even begin to understand what we are taking from these people, or what we are asking them to go thru.
Then to say, well, if everyone would do it willingly, we wouldn't have to force the issue......
....I don't think so.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by stumason

Look's and sound's from where i am standing that you are whipping a dead pony.

We made OUR point's about OUR body being OUR own property and that is generally accepted.

And you made your point about (what do we care what should happen to our body's after we die).

I wonder which one the general public would choose maybe we should run a poll on the matter.

Then you can see where you stand with your opinion and WE with OUR'S.

Remember also i have not stated if i am a donor or not.


[edit on 14-1-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

They "strip" a body of useful organs very fast in order to avoid damage to the organs, so if the soul was held in the heart, liver, or kidneys, it'd be released pretty fast.

Ive been a donor since i got my license, i say take whatever of me is useful, but you might want to stay away from the liver

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:39 AM
Stumason get a grip, its my body and I'll do what I like with it, if people wish to use religeous or any other reason not to donate their organs that should be respected and rather ignorant of you to call such people names.

If the Goverment wants more people to donate their organs then tell them so, educate them and ask for their help. What we have here is organ theft in the making and money will be made, you may see such views as cynical but I'm a realist and that is exactly what would happen.

Arguing the moral ground of those in need of organs may have valid points but so do those who dont want to donate their organs. You want to exercise choice but remove said choice from others.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by magicmushroom

In a socialized healthcare system how can someone make cash off of organ donations, forced or otherwise?

I mean, are donor advocate groups paying doctors bonuses for the amount of people they convince to donate?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by biggie smalls

Gordan brown Can feck off if he thinks most people will go along with this idea, if people want to donate organs good on them, they can sign up
i dont see why people should be automaticaly put on something they dont want to do and have to go through with getting their names taken off.

if this does go through i will be the first on the phone to tell them where to stick it,.

ps i dont care how a minority here feel that people that dont allow their bodies to be harvisted to be selfish and so on, its none of their business what others do with their bodies.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:49 AM
If I may add, the Goverment knows massive proffits are made from organ donations so how long will it be before organs are sold of to the highest bidder and irrespective of what you agree to once the butchers have got hold of you they will do what they like because who will stop them.

How long will it be before otherwise healthy people are allowed to die such as those injured in RTA's just so their organs can be harvested and it will happen because thats just what us corrupt lifeforms do, were like blood sucking leeches hungry for proffit and power.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:57 AM
Incredible speculation but not the issue here . Nothing in the post entailed selling organs (which happens now and i dont see your topic of outcry on it)

Its just as easy to "opt-out" as it is to "opt-in" So why one but not the other? If you don't care enough to opt-out then why care at all?

Just opt-out ....

[to other poster about study]
Also there was a study quoted above . If you care to read up .

[edit on 14-1-2008 by Mindless]

[edit on 14-1-2008 by Mindless]

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