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Planet X : 2008 not 2012

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posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 10:30 PM
2008 is the year, not 2012!

1. daily tugging on the magnetized Atlantic Rift
2. an Earth wobble caused by pushing and pulling on the N and S poles
3. a lean to the left as the N Pole of Planet X hoses toward Earth
4. 3 days of darkness and 6 days of sunrise West when this becomes extreme
5. a grip on the Atlantic Rift causing rotation stoppage
6. the pole shift itself.

We just entered step 3!

Get ready for a ride

Also here is my video about step 2 and the Christmas quakes

Also watch for the increase in chemtrails

[edit on 29-12-2007 by CanadianVandal]

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 11:11 PM
Interesting, informed me a lot, thanks.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:39 PM
Come on first a # 2012. Now 2008. This fake cause you changed it like right before 2008.
That is sad.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:53 PM
I'm confused where did you get the number 3,657? I'm sure I missed something because it wold be kind of random to just make up that number.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:31 PM
link has everything you could want to know about planet x

Happy new year!

The last time Dick Clark will drop the ball!

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 07:46 PM
I know your theories are very hard to believe by others, but I don't know about planet X too much even though I have read a little into it and seen quite a few videos on Nibiru.

But the problem is that there are many viewpoints concerning Nibiru and it's very hard to believe any theory about this supposed Planet X.

And the photos from ones that are supposed to be of planet X - they look to be a reflection or a sun dog. Just wiki sun dog and you will know what I am talking about.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 10:03 AM
Never let science get in the way of a good misconception.

If a brown dwarf or giant terrestrial planet were approaching the planet, we would see it. While brown dwarfs do not radiate as much light as the sun, they still have radiate light in the visible spectrum, albeit very faint. However, if a brown dwarf was approaching Earth, close enough to have a visible, quantifiable effect on the planet, we could see it. There would be no missing it. It would be the brightest object in the night sky (other than the moon, of course). Even if were not radiating visible light, it would still reflect light from the sun, like all other planets, and be very bright in the night sky.

Bad Astronomy
Brown Dwarfs

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 12:53 PM
The Zeta's predicted that "Planet X" would return in 2003.

If a brown dwarf was headed towards Earth in 2008, we'd be able to see a massive (relatively speaking) object in the sky at night. Please go outside and find this massive brown dwarf for me tonight. Take a picture. Show it to me. Then maybe I'll believe.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal has everything you could want to know about planet x

Happy new year!

The last time Dick Clark will drop the ball!

i remember when that site Zeta Talk predicted planet x was coming back in 2000 and it didnt happen then it was 2003 and it didnt happen.

how many times are they gonna guess at it ?

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
3. a lean to the left as the N Pole of Planet X hoses toward Earth
4. 3 days of darkness and 6 days of sunrise West when this becomes extreme
5. a grip on the Atlantic Rift causing rotation stoppage
6. the pole shift itself.

We just entered step 3!

Wait...a lean to the left? What in Nancy Leider's name are you talking about? Earth is a globe, there is no true right or left on it. Right or left depends on your perspective of the planet, as seen from space.

Let's discuss four and five together. The only way for the sun to rise in the West would be for the planet to start rotating in a different direction. For that to happen, #5 would have to happen before #4. Why even worry then about #4 or #6? The fact you are even worrying about them proves you have absolutely no understanding of physics, what-so-ever.

Object A is moving at a certain speed, carrying Object B. If Object A suddenly stops, Object B will continue forward. This is easily demonstrated in every day life if you are in a car that makes a sudden stop.

If the rotation of the planet were to suddenly stop, every living creature and planet would die in an instant. The planet would throw off it's atmosphere. The stored up energy in the rotation of the planet would be released, boiling the surface. Even if it is a gradual process, our atmosphere is dependent on the planet's rotation; no rotation, no atmosphere.

In other words, you don't have to worry about #6, the Pole Shift, because you will be dead and won't have any chance to survive the Earth's rotation stopping or reverse.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

You make a pretty darn good point!

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 04:58 PM
2003- White Lie

As has been explained previously, all ZetaTalk information keyed to the May 15 date was part of the White Lie. This included the 7.3 weeks of naked eye visibility leading up to that date, so that when naked eye viewing of a red light fading in and out at our coordinates became visible in very late March, this brought weight to the May 15 date. All was designed to fool the establishment. We avoided, scrupulously, any efforts during the Spring of 2003 to pin us down to distance, allowing humans to speculate on the distance from Earth instead. We also refused to address the exact speed of Planet X, preferring to talk in general terms, stating it was a rapid approach to the outer edges of the solar system, and much slower when approaching the Sun due to the Repulsion Force effect. Nancy has pointed out several clues that May 15 was not and could not have been the date, in that we have stated in ZetaTalk that Planet X would dive 32° below the Ecliptic prior to passage and at May 15, 2003 our coordinates had only dropped to 7° below the Ecliptic. We also stated firmly in Nov, 2001, that no date would be given as it would allow the establishment to mistreat the populace.
ZetaTalk: Why May 15?

Since the inception of ZetaTalk, the passage with rotation stoppage and pole shift has been described as occurring "shortly after May 15, 2003". The Zetas declined to be more specific, citing in Nov, 2001 that the elite and those in power would use such knowledge to their advantage, and to the disadvantage of the common man. They also cited a preference for a later, rather than earlier, date, as waiting in a safe location for the date to arrive is preferable to finding time too short to make the move.

We have withheld the exact hour of passage from our ZetaTalk for several reasons:


The establishment and those groups who would take advantage of good hearted folk would use this knowledge to better entrap and enslave and ensure their own survival at the expense of the good hearted.


The timing of this can change slightly due to matters in the solar system, such that a mis-calculation could see us, in horror, watching good hearted folks trying to save those dependent upon them too late, by days or hours, a matter we would prefer to avoid for a later announcement, more precise.


Earth changes, and the exact position of the Earth in relationship to the passing planet, will change slightly as the time approaches, so warnings for this or that part of the world may change at the last minute, or last week in any case. Best to leave this for then, so no misunderstandings can occur.

ZetaTalk: Hour of the Shift

Shortly before May 15, 2003:

* Operation TOPOFF was initiated to involve Seattle, Chicago, and Washington DC and over 100 agencies, including Canadian participation.
* Other terroism exercises followed, including Winter Sun in NYC and environs.
* Operation Planet X was run on May 15 in Iraq.

On the Lou Gentile live radio show May 16, 2003, the Zetas gave a specific date of May 27, 2003, and reasons for being specific at this time. Details such as the day a late sunset could be expected, rotation stoppage expected, and the exact number of days, in decimals, until the hour of the shift:

As explained on Gentile last evening, but repeated here as many will not be able to hear this streaming audio, we have given the dates out because the US and Indonesian governments can no longer succeed with their plans. We had held the date close, to put these governments in the same position the common man they planned to murder are in, so that rotation stoppage would happen suddenly and prevent a smooth blockading of the city dwellers. As Nancy has been able to be interviewed in the US, the message of these plans replayed around the world, cooperation by the military or locale police in such blockades are unlikely to happen. Given such orders, they would object, refuse, allow escape, as they know the true agenda. Thus, the number of people injured by withholding the date outnumbered the number that would be murdered, the balance scale tipped.
ZetaTalk: Dates, Why Now?
Note: relayed during the May 16 Lou Genitle show, and addressed during the May 17 IRC as well.

The week following May 16, 2003:

* Indonesia declared Martial Law
* Terrorism exercises were scheduled for the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
* Homeland Security went to level Orange, with no other excuse than recent attacks in other countries, though these attacks were not unusual. Level Red, wherein citizens can be ordered to remain in their homes, was the next step.
* Global quakes (shuttering where the whole globe participates) were occurring almost daily, per the live seismograph sites, an extreme increase from when they had first been noted in March, 2003.

Did the actions of the US Government indicate that US citizens were not going to be blocks from leaving coastal cities, so as to reduce the numbers of citizens demanding food and shelter from the White House, an act of murder by the US Government against their citizens? No! The opposite occurred, and the Zetas explain why the White Lie, and why specific dates should not be anticipated.

Following these two examples of dates given (May 15 and May 20), and the establishment taking steps in each instance contrary to the welfare of the common man, likewise continuing to disinform and uninform the public, the Zetas are advising that Earth changes be used as a guide for when to take steps, and explain why the date, and the date alone, was a deliberately confused issue.

Going into the predicted 2003 date, there were many opportunists attempting to get on the band wagon.

A review of 2003 shows that whereas the Passage did not happen in 2003, Planet X certainly arrived in 2003!


Obviously the Zeta's plan worked

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

you cant get the prediction right...... so you blame it on a conspiracy within a conspiracy.......imho this is really funny.....'

there is no proof that planet x even exists.....

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
Obviously the Zeta's plan worked

What plan? To convince gullible fools that she had to planned all along when her predictions didn't come to pass?

CanadianVandal, will you believe anything from anyone claiming to channel aliens?


We are the Guardians of OA, channeled through the smart and devestatingly handsome SaviorComplex. We are here to tell you there is no Planet X. There are no Reptilian aliens. Please stop embarassing yourself. Learn to use your critical thinking abilities. Stop believing everything every kook on your internet tells you. Nancy Leider is a liar.

This has been SaviorTalk.

[edit on 4-1-2008 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by easynow

Obviously you didn't read it or you would of understood it worked.

lol its going to be funny when the time comes and you realize you where dead wrong, no pun intended. Actually sad rather than funny


Originally posted by SaviorComplex

What plan? To convince gullible fools that she had to planned all along when her predictions didn't come to pass?

I guess you consider our military gullible? It just happened to name its operation "planet x"........

White Lie

As can be seen from the actions of the US and Indonesian governments scant days ahead of and continuing after our announced date of May 15, 2003, they fully intend to harm hundred of millions of their citizens through martial law, declared such in Indonesia and called terrorism level Red by Homeland Security. What is martial law, if not ordering citizens to remain in their homes? What effect does this have on citizens about within cities where buildings will tumble and crush them, or along coast or in lowlands sure to be inundated by tidal waves? Death, injury with no rescue, and massive dieoff. Is this the intent of those in command in those governments, sworn to protect their citizens and collecting taxes to this end? There can be no doubt, and one has only to read the actions of these governments to ascertain this.

Why did we allow Nancy, who has labored though the mine field and put herself at risk with ZetaTalk, to be so humiliated as to announce to a broad audience live radio show very specific dates, which were promptly missed? At a time when Planet X is so close as to be competing with the Sun at noon, visible by the unaided eye, and well tracked to this point by many sunrise and sunset sightings and photos, in the manner and in the time frame we predicted, and at a time when earthquakes have increased to the point, as we predicted, to being noticeable, affecting population centers so they cannot be denied by underreporting in the quake databases, the bad dates stand as an exception. And what is the effect of this gambit, an acknowledged white lie on our part, on those in the US and Indonesian governments who would murder their citizens by the hundreds of millions?

* They cannot closely coordinate blocking a city for a specific date and time, thus having to either order a perpetual state of readiness or be prepared to muster a quick blockade, neither workable.
* They must either share the true agenda with numerous local agencies, in order to have cooperation for a quick muster, or anticipate failure when calling a sudden and unplanned blockage.
* Local agencies would be sympathetic to the local populace and rebellion would likely ensue.
* A perpetual state of readiness requires agencies to be focused only on exercises, and not distracted from their regular work, and any natural disaster ensuing would shatter this state.
* Natural disasters such as imploding buildings in the stretch zone, or strong quakes or volcanoes in compression zones, would divert resources from the ready status waiting to blockade cities.
* The governments increasingly have to explain the perpetual state of readiness, constant exercises, in the face of a lack of actual terrorism, thus losing credibility among those required to carry out a blockade.
* Incidences of natural disasters, and increasing visibility of Planet X, change the focus from tearooms to natural disaster and thus an order to remain in their homes would seem inappropriate to citizens, who would rebel.

And what is the effect on the common man, being denied even at this late date any honest information on what is about to devastate their lives?

* For those waiting for an undeniable sight that the earth changes we have predicted, rotation stoppage followed by red dusting will be that undeniable sign, and any announced date ignored until such signs are evident.
* For those wanting to leave for a safe location ahead of rotation stoppage, but having ties to their ordinary life and obligations, rapid earth changes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as a perceptible slowing of rotation, will be their clue, regardless of published dates which are not palpable.
* For those who have made very early changes in their lives, moving to safe locations and settling in there, an exact date is not crucial.
* For the vast majority of mankind who has not even heard of a possible pole shift, announcing dates is irrelevant.
* For the large portion of humanity who cannot move to safe locations or make changes in their lives, as their lives are a struggle for subsistence on a daily basis, announced dates are irrelevant.
* For those who are traveling, for work or pleasure, they have chosen to be out and about at this time, or to place themselves in such a position by their employment choice, and thus are not taking the message seriously, nor would they despite any announced dates.

Thus, an announced date, where it would be convenient, does not change the outcome of preparation for the common man, where it would greatly be used by those who would murder their citizens, or take advantage of others, and thus we decline to give any dates. Watching the earth changes, and the behavior of those in the corridors of power, will be the best clues.

[edit on 4-1-2008 by CanadianVandal]

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

as painful as it was i did read your fantasy story.......

obviously you under estimate my understanding of what you wrote.

you can believe whatever you want ...its your choice
The Skeptical Mind : ZetaTalk, The Grand Conspiracy 1995 - 2003
Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorder: Merck Manual Home Edition
YouTube - Zeta Report - Alien Visistors part1
YouTube - Zeta Report - Alien Visistors part 2

nancy said she met pumkinhead people.. a 6 ft. cockaroach....8 ft. dinosaur....and bean bag man,,........

what is your opinion on channelled aliens being associated with demons and the devil ?.............
YouTube - Ashtar the Prince of Hell

[edit on 5-1-2008 by easynow]

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 01:18 PM
Haha, Zetalk is the biggest load of crap on the net. PX was supposed to hit in 2003. Then Nancy said she told everyone to do that make George Bush go to war in Iraq to show him his military was not as powerful as he thinks. She also compared herself to mother teresa. Not to mention she admitted on radio she killed her litter of puppies in 2003 to prove PX was going to hit so they wouldn't have to suffer after the devastation. Among many many other things. I will refrain from commenting any further on the people who buy into her lie after lie. Oh ya and make sure you buy her survival guide for $19.95!

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 03:13 PM
I'll accept being dead wrong, if when the date passes yet again you accept being alive and wrong, and instead of accepting the next date thrown at you, you at least ask them " Are you sure this time, is this your FINAL, final answer?" Because I'm getting tired of rereading these things with a new date tag.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar
Oh ya and make sure you buy her survival guide for $19.95!

Which is hilarious...considering if even one of the things happens that she claims, such as the Earth's rotating stopping, we will all die. There is no surviving that.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
I guess you consider our military gullible? It just happened to name its operation "planet x"...

What operation? None of what Nancy has predicted has come to pass, and after-the-fact, she says it was just a lie to throw off the evil government. One must wonder, if she lied about that, what else is she lying about?

Besides, you have yet to respond to the fact that if Planet X comes, and the Earth's rotation stops, we'll die. There is no chance to survive it. I'll quote myself, and hope you can respond with something other than a direct parroting of ZetaTalk.

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
Object A is moving at a certain speed, carrying Object B. If Object A suddenly stops, Object B will continue forward. This is easily demonstrated in every day life if you are in a car that makes a sudden stop.

If the rotation of the planet were to suddenly stop, every living creature and planet would die in an instant. The planet would throw off it's atmosphere. The stored up energy in the rotation of the planet would be released, boiling the surface. Even if it is a gradual process, our atmosphere is dependent on the planet's rotation; no rotation, no atmosphere.

In other words, you don't have to worry about #6, the Pole Shift, because you will be dead and won't have any chance to survive the Earth's rotation stopping or reverse.

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