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Strangers asking strange questions...

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posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 03:48 AM
Well, my story has to begin somewhere. I have been a lurker here for a couple of years now, but recently felt an urge that maybe I should share some of these past events with people who might be able to give me some perspective on things. I will be honest. After reading some of the threads here, I feel that some people like to post fiction as fact. I assure you, I am not one of them. I have had a long history of strange events in my life, and now my children appear to be experiencing their own. I am really interested in honest feedback, and will try my best to answer any questions in response.

Now, what happened. This would have taken place about... 1991. I was playing MtG (Magic the Gathering - a card game - name not related what so ever to following events) at a local pizza place that had a card night every Wednesday. While I was playing a hand, I was approached by a man close to my age (25ish) who said he needed to talk to me. I did not recognize him, and honestly, he creaped me out a tad, but it was a public place, and I had friends nearby if I need them, so I asked him to wait until after the hand and I will talk to him. He took a seat in the corner, and stared at me the entire time (making me a tad uncomfortable to be honest).

After I finished the hand, I walked over to him, and sat down. I then asked him what he wanted. His response: "Are you a wizard? I never met anyone with an aura as bright as yours without formal training." My response: "Ok... you are definitely a loon." I grabbed my stuff and headed home.

When I got home, my girlfriend arrived home shortly after I did from shopping at the mall. She stated that she met a woman at the store who was really nice and she invited her and her husband over for dinner the following night. I told her about what happened, and she agreed with me that there are strange people in the world.

Well, the following night came up, and at 7, there was the expected knock at the door. I went to answer it, as my girlfriend was still busy in the kitchen.

It was him (with his wife)...

I then got the speech about fate and sychronicity, blah blah blah.

During dinner, he reinterated what he had said the previous night, and then asked me if I wanted to be trained. My girlfriend responded "Of course he does". The details of "training" is really another subject, and I will discuss that at another time, but there is more to this topic.

Occassionally, at least during my 20s, both before and after the above event, I would visit someplace I have never been before, and have people I have never met before, come up to me and say similar things (except for the wizard part). The common theme: a bright aura.

At that time I never even heard about what an aura was. I had to go to the bookstore and find a book on the subject so I understood at least what they were talking about. My conclusion: California has a lot of flakes. (that is where I was living at the time).

The problem (if you can call it that) is, I am now in a different state... I am getting close to 40... and it is still happening, not just to me, but to my kids.

So... any insight into this?

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 04:15 AM
In the 90’s was when there was a big push for DND again and mystical stuff. The craze in youth fashion was the necklace with the purple crystal attached that supposedly gave you special powers by focusing your energy into the crystal, blah, blah, blah.

As you even mentioned, the game “Magic the Gathering” was a big thing and so was some of those first good graphical DND online computer games, like Ultima Online and whatnot.

But I specifically remember going with a military buddy to a street fair in Orlando in 93’ that had a booth there with a guy in it saying, “I can take a picture of your aura for you with this special camera.” I wasn’t into it, but my friend was and had his picture taken with the “aura camera”. Some cheap, or fake, version of Kirlian photography or something like that.

Check out this wikipedia link

Anyway, to some people it was a big deal. It was a sort of science that was mystical. “I can see your soul” and what not were comments that I heard from buddies that were into that sort of thing. But yeah, all of the guys, and girls who were into that swore up and down that they could “see your aura.” Of course none of them could and even one of them admitted that. He tried to explain it to me like this though (his name was Red by the way, decent fella If I remember) “can’t you just tell by looking at someone if they are an evil person or not if you just really look at them.” That’s not word for word what he said but that’s the jist of it.

Basically what those people who said to me “you have an interesting aura” meant to say was, “you look like a swell guy”. It got to me at first whenever they said things like that and of course instead of saying, “does that bother you” they would say something like “ohhh your aura is red!” As if some tragic fate was about to befall me.

To me these Auro folks are just finding a different way of expressing the things that we all notice. Sometime you see someone who is just lit up with happiness, and other times you find someone who is pissed off. Well if you have some craving to be different than other people then you could say that the happy person “has a good aura.” As well instead of saying the pissed off person has their panties in a wad, you could say something like, “Tsk Tsk, such a poor aura on that one”

To me, it’s just another way that certain people want to be different than others. And yes, for me it started around the 90’s and I don’t hear that kind of thing from people anymore.

[edit on 21-11-2007 by Hot_Wings]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 07:21 AM
I have similar things happen, but no one ever accuses me of being a wizard and offers me training
. Just people seem to approach me and talk to me as if they know me, I think they're mistaking me for someone else. People I've never seen before at college will just pull up a chair and complain about some certain teacher by name that I've never heard of, never even going into enough specifics that I can tell what the heck they're talking about. People at the bus stop will just strike up the most random conversations about social insurance/welfare, etc. There are a few that do it on a regular basis. I could understand maybe they're just friendly or want to talk to someone, but the weird thing is that all of these people skip the formalities/introductions... I don't even know their name and they don't know mine, but they start rambling on about all the intricate and private details of their lives, making reference to people by name I don't know.

I guess people are just crazy and/or lonely. Anyway I would be interested to hear what your "training" entailed. Did you accept his offer?

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 07:50 AM
Yes, I accepted his offer, mostly because my girlfriend wanted to participate in it as well.

It started off with basic energy and meditation exercises. I would have to dig it up, but I actually made a copy of his grimoire (and by dig up, I mean find it somewhere in a packed full garage of 10 years of junk, and by copy, I mean Xerox - I wasn't about to hand write all of it). It ended with... wards, summoning, binding, and more. The earlier stuff brought back some memories of my childhood - there is another story - that made the lessons quite easy.

The events that followed were strange to say the least. I still haven't decided if it was a form of mass hysteria or it really happened, but some of it can't be simply explained. Does mass hysteria account for someone waking up in the middle of the night (unassociated to the other strange people in my life) because something wierd was going on with me?

Hot Wings - an interesting explanation. I remember the crystal fad a lot of my friends were into. Personally, I always had a problem of the chains melting, and the crystal burning my chest, so that fad died with me really quick.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 08:04 AM
I wonder if this is any connection with the way completely barking mad people will bypass other passengers and come and sit next to me when I'm on the train?

[edit on 21-11-2007 by Mark Horraaz]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 08:24 AM
Me too, I always seem to attract the attention of loonies, they'll almost always sit next to me on a bus, talk to me in the street, the few times i've hitchiked it always seems to be the loonies....

and myself a few years ago, was sat in a pub talking to a girl, who was staring into my eyes, i thought 'hey she likes me' (as you would), but she wasn't interested in anything like that... but she came out of her way to give me a big smile and said 'you've got a great aura'.... hugged me and walked away... wow.

Now, I don't really fall for stuff like that, but I was in India last year and spent a few days in an ashram/university and my teacher (after we meditated together), told me she knew I was highly spiritual and had a bright aura...


posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 10:06 AM
i love those loonies, or friends as i now call most of them.

at first i dismissed them, but they all were saying the same things, the whole blacky-purple vortex aura i have, most of them were curious about it, and to be honest they still know the same amount as me. i do enjoy the random company on the otherwise boring moments of my life.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 11:05 AM
You should be aware of an old saying:
"when the student is ready, the teacher will appear."
Without going into a lot of detail, I find this to be true. In my own experiences, I have had many people just walk up to me out of the blue wanting to be taught. So it goes both ways. "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." and "When the teacher is ready the student will appear." This is the way of things, Synchronicity or fate, what have you.
IMO there are those who are born into such, and others who are asleep, and will remain so.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 11:47 AM
Well what did you learn? If none of it meant anything to you as it clearly didn't in the dismissive way you describe it then what's the point of inquiring? What did he teach you and for how long? What is happening to your kids?

IMO you don't really seem to care so why do you care to post?

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 12:41 PM
I'm sure if he didn't really care, he wouldn't have posted...

He has posted, so obviously there's some form of concern... I don't think he's being too dismissive, just cautious maybe...

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 12:41 PM

Poste double

[edit on 21-11-2007 by mr-lizard]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 01:45 PM
Way back in '98 there was a book...a series James Redfield called "The Celestine Prophecy". It was kind of a low-rent Indiana Jones-type vehicle for a path to spiritual enlightenment. Your thread, TLoman, reminds me of that concept because one of the methods one used was to respond to those scenarios where you lock eyes with a stranger. The deal being that when that happened, you were either supposed to provide or collect a message or some wisdom from the other.

It also dealt with seeing auras and was heavily into the synchronicity of apparently unrelated events. All in all, it was an imaginative exercise and who knows...maybe the key to the cosmic cookie jar as well. But, take one of our Canadian politicians once said:"When you turn on a light, you attract bugs".

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 09:40 PM
To answer some of the questions, cautious would probably be the best way to describe it. The main problem I have with fully accepting what happened is my own pigheadedness. How can I believe what really happened, or verify if it was a form of mass hysteria? I am an analytical person. I pull data from systems. I work with data. How can I be sure of past events when there is no photographic evidence, etc. documenting it as fact?

To describe the events surrounding my children... First, my daughter seems to have a touch of clairivoyance. She can tell when grandma is driving up our street on a surprise visit while watching cartoons in the living room. "Grandma is coming!" and walks to the door. When she gets there, there is a knock and here is grandma on a surprise visit.

My son is an entirely different level. When he was a baby, we were out driving doing errands. When leaving the mall, he started throwing a temper tantrum in the car. The car breaks locked, all the lights on the dash started blinking on and off, and the car started bucking all over the place. Insert bottle, and it instantly stopped. My wife and I were both... WTF... This actually happened a few times. The car was checked out, and they couldn't find anything wrong. It stopped when he started talking.

Later, when he was just learning to walk (coasting is the term), and was holding on to walls and the refrigerator in the kitchen... he spotted the cookie jar on top. I turned around to wash my hands in the sink, and when I turned back, he was on top of the refrigerator giggling with a cookie in his hand. Somehow he managed to climb/levitate/teleport 6 feet in under a minute when he could barely walk.

Most recently, he visited his great grandfather in ICU. His health was failing, was barely responsive, and the doctors expected him to pass in a few days. My son walked up to him, took his hand into his, and immediately his vital signs stabilized. The doctors were shocked. They checked him out, and he became immediately coherent again. He was actually released 3 days later after the doctors ran more tests on him to make sure he was ok.

My own childhood was equally unusual. When I was 3 or so, I used to be visited by my grandmother in my room. She would come in and check on me. She taught me how to charge up... get my energy flowing so to speak... and when I did I was able to see her clearly. This continued on until I was 6 or 7 when she finally said goodbye. (This was specifically what made my early lessons easier). My grandmother passed when I was 3 months old, yet I could identify easily in any picture as "ga-ma".

My first experience that I actually talked about to my mother was originally shrugged off as a bad dream by her. I was in my room, and I heard a scratching at the window. I looked out, and I saw Genie, a friend of the family dog that I was rather found of, and I got the intense feeling she was saying goodbye to me. When morning came, I immediately told my mother that Genie died last night, She told me it was just a bad dream, and there was nothing to worry about. Right then, the phone rang, and it was our friends... Genie got attacked by a German Shepard the previous night and was killed. My mom turned white as a ghost.

Sometimes I am fully awake, and sometimes it happens in a dream (one with an intensity level that is definitely more then a standard dream). I document each and every time this happens, and so far, I am batting 1000. After the last incident, when I told my mother about her best friend from childhood (including a message that I was asked to deliver), she said once again that I just had a bad dream, until the phone call arrived 10 minutes later. She has asked me never to discuss it with her again.

Well, taking a break from answering questions for a bit. Still fighting a bad cold and I need to make some tea or something.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 10:01 PM
I was bummed after I lost my 'mood' ring in the 70's. And don't even ask me about the girl sitting next to me on the greyhound to my brothers to purchase a car in 01', I tried to dig my nose in my book, she just wouldn't quit. Unforgettable.

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 02:35 AM
well, that is interesting. it would seem you are strong in the spirit, judging from your stories it would seem so much so that you dont have the ability to hide it. you let that spiritual energy pour out so much that it catches the attention of "seedlings" (people with low spirit energy who are useless to there cult or whom ever they follow, so they attempt to gather people with high spirit energy for whatever cause they follow). and if your not careful you could end up swallowed by evil, but then again you could become one of the brightest lights the world has ever seen. the future is always covered with mist, it hides itself until your ready to see it, keep an open mind and try to see through the deception of wicked users
. keep yourself safe man, you and your children should try to control how much spirit energy pours out of you, but make sure you can release it without hesitation, you may end up needing it. peace be with you.

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by TLomon

Later, when he was just learning to walk (coasting is the term), and was holding on to walls and the refrigerator in the kitchen... he spotted the cookie jar on top. I turned around to wash my hands in the sink, and when I turned back, he was on top of the refrigerator giggling with a cookie in his hand. Somehow he managed to climb/levitate/teleport 6 feet in under a minute when he could barely walk.


He was physically sitting on top of a standard 6 foot fridge eating a cookie? Did he exhibit any adventurous climbing tendencies before this event? That's something you would see on Bewitched, no offense. My kids are boring. They crawl up steps.

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Mark Horraaz
I wonder if this is any connection with the way completely barking mad people will bypass other passengers and come and sit next to me when I'm on the train?

[edit on 21-11-2007 by Mark Horraaz]

I have it too: I have always called it : GOON APPEAL !!

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by TLomonNow, what happened. This would have taken place about... 1991. I was playing MtG (Magic the Gathering - a card game - name not related what so ever to following events) at a local pizza place that had a card night every Wednesday.

Magic: The Gathering wasn't released until towards the end of 1993. I know this doesn't have much to do with the story but I just felt like pointing it out.

[edit on 11/24/2007 by BrandonK]

[edit on 11/24/2007 by BrandonK]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 03:57 AM
I would like to meet you and see your aura.

Yes, they exist. I have always seen them in people. People say I'm crazy, but... I say they're blind.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 04:12 PM
Sorry about the delay in my posts. Holidays and all that.

Originally posted by x-phile
He was physically sitting on top of a standard 6 foot fridge eating a cookie? Did he exhibit any adventurous climbing tendencies before this event?

Yes. No. He could not stand by himself without holding onto something.

Originally posted by BrandonK
Magic: The Gathering wasn't released until towards the end of 1993.

Then I guess this happened more recently then I thought. I wasn't sure on the exact date (as I implied in my original post), so you helped date it. It was pre-Arabian Nights, so 1993, beginning of 1994. Thanks for helping me pin point it.

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