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Why * I Disagree With John Lear * And YOU Should Too

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posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 12:26 AM
I guess you know everything.

That's good. Enlighten us.
*end sarcasm*

John is here to spur thought. Regardless of what your or anyone's opinion is, there is a fact to be understood: Everyone makes their own choice and the consequences follow.

Worry about yourself. Stop trying to make people believe you. All you can do is put your message out, which is: "I do not believe anything John Lear says." You've said it plenty of times.

Move on. It's a part of growing up.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by sostyles

So believe him because he might be being censored. Right. And you cannot see the holes in that statement?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Cuhail
What astounds me is all of you guys who just can't stand John Lear spend most of your time finding his posts and bashing him, not presenting alternate theories to his views.

I'll speak for myself. I have presented a theory that there is no significant atmosphere on the Moon. John's shenanigans about breathable atmosphere on the moon contradict most of available evidence, and imho are just that, bull.

I read John's posts and think "No way in hell is that a sound theory" and then I MOVE ON. I don't feel the need to post derogatory replies and pointless accusations.

Well I do. When I'm told about a presupposed "fact" that can't be possibly right if most laws of physics are applicable, and John could have checked it with a calculator -- and he didn't -- I consider that an affront and an insult to the forum's collective intelligence. You may be willing to let it go, but I feel I have the right to point out the absurdity of his claims -- if anything maybe for the benefit of those who are not quick enough yet to catch the anti-science drift in his posts.

[edit on 3-11-2007 by Aelita]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
John is here to spur thought.

Seriously. I guess that's true if you are in sixth grade and have trouble understanding the basics of physics. He then might be able to spur your thought by posting improbable fantasies, prompting you to crack open your textbook and a $1 calculator, and helping you arrive to the conclusion about how ridiculous his propositions are.

All you can do is put your message out, which is: "I do not believe anything John Lear says."

Well, I can also say that John doesn't put much stock in his audience's intelligence at any given time. Can I say that?

Move on. It's a part of growing up.

Please tell this to John. He doesn't exactly look juvenile in his pictures, but sure as hell he hasn't done the growing up part.

[edit on 3-11-2007 by Aelita]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 12:59 AM

But do you realize how many people take 100% of what he says as gospel?

That, imo, is not right.

How many is that? I haven't seen anyone say that they believe 100% of what he says. I don't understand why you would single him out. Do you realize how many people state their opinions as facts here? I've never heard him say that he has proof that there is a soul catcher on the moon and as far as I know he hasn't tried to convince anyone that there is. He just states his opinion. How many people here have said that there is no such thing as aliens or life on other planets in our solar system? these people haven't done any research of their own to confirm this. They are saying this based on nothing. Surely the should be banned too? And how many people state that "god" exists? There is absolutely no proof that there is a god and these people state this as a fact. If you're gonna ban John Lear you might as well ban most of ATS since a lot of people at one time or another state their opinion as fact with ZERO proof. I personally do not believe that there is a "soul catcher" but i'm not going to make a thread about the guy because I believe otherwise. If you don't believe him, fine. I'm sure he doesn't care. I don't see him making a bunch of threads trying to convince us that there is.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 01:27 AM
I tried to read some of Lear's stuff but it never had any evidence or documents so it didn't take long before I just didn't bother reading it. Since then I'll venture into the Lear forum every now and then, and it's usually always the same type of things.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Rhain
He doesn't hide behind an alias or nickname, like everyone else.

Oh bullhonky. He certainly hides behind his alias, and if you can't see how then shame on you and praise to ignorance.

We all hide behind aliases and nick names. Why don't you go into a dark room, close your eyes, and imagine a world of people with no names. What are you?

Anyway, we all know about Lear. He's half the reason I stopped posting here for 6 months, but I suppose my love for some of the more genuinely interested populas of ATS brought me back to share much needed wisdom with this much lied to world.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

The reason why John Lear can get away with these outrageous claims?

Originally posted by Fett Pinkus

Actually when reading that sentence 2 names immediatly came to mind

They not only cause entertainment but also threads that are very long attracting all sorts of people to ATS, this in turn boosts revenue:

More people = the chance of more Ads being viewed/clicked

They are allowed to post the most outrageous claims and get away with it where others are not.

holographic projectors and alien visiters come to mind....

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:34 AM
ATS is a discussion board and what John Lear does is promote discussion. I admit that I haven't read all of his threads but I've read quite a few and I can't recall single instance when he has stated something as a fact. Only that he believes something to be so (quite often contrary to popular belief or even laws of physics) and that's it, he leaves the rest to the reader.

Someone brought up SERPO in this thread. In my opinion there's a huge difference between that and what John does. First of all the SERPO stuff was presented as fact. Secondly the evidence to support that was manufactured, some of it in a very clumsy way (the drawing in particular... have a toilet, will travel?) with internal inconsistencies.
With John Lear it's quite different. To my knowledge he's always stated that he's talking about his opinion and what his take is on the matter, and the evidence he has brought out, like the moon pictures, are top quality and not tampered with (at least not by him, but NASA, if you're a believer
). No one else might be able to see what he does, but no one is being mislead by doctored evidence either.

And lastly, this ditty fits this thread in a magnificent way. It's your call who is the one claiming support, and who isn't.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:56 AM
In terms of signal-to-noise ratio in the UFO field, he's part of the noise (unless evidence is forthcoming, natch).

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 04:28 AM
Honestly? I think it'd be more justified if the OP's of these types of idiotic threads were to be warned or banned. The only one making an outragous claim, and presenting it as 'fact', is the OP -- by claiming that "Lear supporters" believe everything he says 100%. Wheres the proof?

Ban John for expressing his beliefs and oppinions, and not giving the kids enough evidence? Grow up, or get a life. If his evidence isn't enough to convince you, move the hell on. We're entitled to go listen to whatever we like, and make our own decisions about whatever the hell we want!

It's people like you -- the ones that can't stand the fact that their own oppinion isn't the 'norm', that are the biggest threat to this world. You share the mentality that the likes of Hitler had. He could not just sit back and let the world go by without forcing his views on the world -- just as you cannot sit back and watch ATS members get attention. You poor things!


[edit on 3/11/07 by Navieko]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by Navieko

Maybe it was a mistake to kill Hitler.

Your entire post was a contradiction, unless intended to be that way?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Navieko

Hmmmm thy statement doth smack of contradiction methinks.

And it sounds like you need a nice flagging or banning.

AND let me get this straight. The poster and those that agree with him/her/it are of the same kind as genocidal madmen ala Hitler? Whoa pretty ummmm erroroniously awesome statement there m8.

[edit on 3-11-2007 by WraothAscendant]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:09 AM
If it quacks like a duck it probably is a quack, or however the saying goes.
Sorry I couldn't resist.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

How so? I compared Hitler's flawed mentality (that led to his atrocious actions) to the mentality that some have here on ATS -- in that they cannot leave things be. Please explain?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Navieko
reply to post by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

How so? I compared Hitler's flawed mentality (that led to his atrocious actions) to the mentality that some have here on ATS -- in that they cannot leave things be. Please explain?

Boy do you have your motivations ALL out of wack. Hitler wanted power pure and simple, the jews were just a excuse and a rich minority. And he did it damn well as history has shown. Just a good thing he wasn't a good tactition either.

But either way you analogy is FALSE.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by WraothAscendant
reply to post by Navieko

AND let me get this straight. The poster and those that agree with him/her/it are of the same kind as genocidal madmen ala Hitler? Whoa pretty ummmm erroroniously awesome statement there m8.

No, silly. :p
Again, it's a particular flaw in the mentality Hitler, and I should say, millions of people in this world have -- that some here on ATS share. Don't try and spin my words.
It's simple. Just because I included the name "Hitler", doesn't automatically mean I'm comparing you to him and his history as a whole!

[edit on 3/11/07 by Navieko]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by WraothAscendant
Boy do you have your motivations ALL out of wack. Hitler wanted power pure and simple, the jews were just a excuse and a rich minority. And he did it damn well as history has shown. Just a good thing he wasn't a good tactition either.

But either way you analogy is FALSE.

I don't see how Hitler wanting power has anything to do with his personal opinion about Jews, and the fact that he couldn't keep his opinions to himself -- which led to his atrocities.
In any case, whether you agree with me or not about that particular subject -- it has nothing to do with the point I was intending to make. Which I'm sure you know very well.

Stay on topic.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by Navieko

I know perfectly the false point you were attempting to make and think its rather silly to say that what happend in WW2 was because Hitler couldn't keep his opinions to himself is MASSIVELY well hate to use the word ignorant.

That and you are not keeping your opinion to yourself. If you followed your own path o logic we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:30 AM
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Theres a big difference between going out of my way and creating bashing threads, just because my beliefs are not shared by the populous -- and defending my right to view what I want, by voicing my opinion. The difference is night & day, if you can't see it -- thats your problem.

I'm done with this childish back and forth argument -- stay on topic.

[edit on 3/11/07 by Navieko]

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