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The Public Lynching of Orenthal James Simpson

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posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:06 PM
First off...keep the complaining how this is not a valid "conspirocy" to yourself. I put up with enough extreme theories, so you can simply deal with the one i'm about to lay on you.

O J Simpson is the target of a conspirocy, fronted by certain Whites, and White Media as a seek "revenge" for Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldmans Killings.

Ok lets review. OJ simpson was found innocent of 2 murders. The jury that convicted him was racially diverse, and came from economically and socially deverse background. So 12 people..who did NOT know OJ personally..reviewed MONTHS of evidence (that the entire US saw on live tv as well) and found that there was no logical way he could have committed the murders.

So OJ is set free...yet for the next 12 years he's mocked and called a "murderer" by people who don't even know him. Every sociology textbook...and objective news outlet will tell you, the OJ verdict..and how people reacted to it..was largely race motivated.

If you are white, you think he did it. If you are black, you think he's innocent.

Obviously there are other races that fall on both sides of the fence, and that statement doesn't apply to every black and every white. However, OJ's verdict reminded us that the prejudice of the 50's is still alive and well in some peoples minds. So fast forward to 2007....We hear that OJ is in jail again, and now he's being charged with multiple felony least 2 which carry a sentence of LIFE in prison.

Here's what we know. 1 = OJ, accompanied by friends, went to a sports memorabilia shop to claim items with his likeness on them. 2. There was a dispute. 3. Oj simpsons identical signature were found on all the items in question.

Now here's where the conspiracy starts. OJ already was charged with armed robber and assault..why throw kidnapping into the mix? Answer: BECAUSE THAT WOULDN'T GET OJ THE LIFE SENTANCE HE "DESERVED" FOR KILLING NICOLE AND RON.

Here's the problem. There are many things that simply don't make sense. 1. Why add the kidnapping charge? He didn't technically take them anywhere against their will. Considering that the arresting officers had already charged him with multiple felony's..why add something that would be a life sentence if convicted?

2. Why is the media only playing edited pieces of the tape? Already..White Media is trying to make him seem guilty (again). All they have are edited pieces of him saying a few things that might be cause for alarm. Topple that will the footage of the white store owners screaming "That ****** beat me..he tied me up and him and his ****** friends robbed us for everything we had!" Heh..obviously i embellish..but you get the picture. The store owners are crying like they got hit 50 times with a hammer. They are obviously embellishing the story to try and make it seem like OJ was on some kind of rampage.

3. It doesn't add up (so far). Why would OJ take stuff that didn't belong to him? Why only steal things with his name on them? Why not get a couple of the more valuable pieces that the shop had?

Think about this. If someone signs something..can't it technically be considered their property? If OJ did in fact sign all that stuff..then what's wrong with him getting it back? Especially if he felt that the people selling it did not acquire it the right way?

Here's the Truth: White folks have wanted to get OJ ever since he got off for murder. Race relations are still strained, so that if a black man gets off of suspicion of murdering not one, but 2 white people..a large majority of whites in power, will want to see him go down for something.

It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong. They will persecute him till the day he dies, when in actuality he should be regarded as a hero..because he was found not guilty in a USA court of law. Look think what you want, but the truth is that OJ is getting knocked because certain Whites wanted to see him go down for something.

Try and flip it around to seem like it was all OJ's fault all you like...but the only reason that makes sense for adding charges, not playing the full tape..and making it seem like he's the "monster we all thought he was" that OJ is being set up, and the Media/Masses..manipulated into believing that he's some kind of crazed criminal lunatic.

Recognize this shame for what it is..a lynch mob. This is a modern day ****** hunt. They couldn't get him for the murders. So basically what they did is wait until he did something that could be considered a "crime", and then they hopped on top of him.

I ask..where's the lynching of Britney? Lohan? Hilton? They get in SERIOUS trouble...seems like every other week..yet their cases are brushed to the side. They are considered "troubled" and everyone is bending over backwards to help them.

Where's the help for OJ? How come he isn't "troubled?" or "down on his luck" or any other sort of sugar coated excuse that white people get to use? How come he's just the angry ****** that is out to kill and rob us all? Are you trying to tell me that it's ok to persecute OJ in the media (when he was found innocent)..and relentlessly call him a murderer..but we have to leave some white starlet alone after a couple months?

Oh no see it doesn't work like that. Weather you believe me, or agree with what i'm saying..the point is that i need to say this. I need to say it because if i were leave it up to our (white) media...they would have you thinking OJ is waiting on your back porch, waiting to rob and rape you.

Please don't buy into this garbage, telling us to hang that ****** from the highest tree we can find. Recognize this for what it is: Whites trying to instill (more) fear of the Black man, into the well as persecuting the "one that got away".


posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:36 PM

This is absolutely, positively ludicrous. Injustice I say. The Juice is being railroaded all over again!!

O.J. is such a misunderstood soul. I cant believe the whole system is out to get him. He should really write a book about all of the things that have happenned. Oh wait...he did.

It was called IF I DID IT !!!

to this thread

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:41 PM
He is lucky he hasn't been put down already for murdering his wife and that kid,had he been white he would of been on death row already,hopefully he will get life,he has no buisness being allowed in society

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:45 PM
I like to think I'm a freedom fighter writer for all races, religions, and castes...

But, dude.... He did it. He really, really did it. I'm sorry. He did...

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:50 PM
FFS Spawn you haven't got issues have ya, most whiteys who bang on at this level are racist.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:58 PM
Yeah, I'm going to remain neutral on OJ's guilt/innocence, I have to say I have never seriously researched the murder trial. However, I will say it definitely seems that some anti-OJ and maybe even anti-black are out for blood in the case of the recent charges. LIFE??? Are you freakin' kidding me? OK-let's review. OJ is involved in an incident where he is not carrying a gun, doesn't steal anything that isn't recovered later, doesn't hurt anyone. Am I the only person to whom a possible life sentence seems EXCESSIVE??? And, I'm sorry, convicting him because you thought he murdered his ex-wife and her boyfriend is not American justice. Like OP said, the law has already spoken as to OJ's lack of guilt (at least in the criminal context), you don't get to try people twice for the same crime in America.

[edit on 22-9-2007 by uberarcanist]

[edit on 22-9-2007 by uberarcanist]

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:59 PM
I do not think he did it. I am a white male. Too much didn't add up. I always thought it was more likely his kid did it and OJ covered up for him. Either that or he screwed someone over really big and that was their way to get back at him. I never trusted that cop either. Seemed like the perfect guy to plant evidence and all.

As for the merchandise, these were his supposed friends selling stuff that he had them store for him. If I gave you something valuable to hold for me,and then found out you were selling it, I would burst in on you as well, armed if I had a gun.

I personally think much of America wants every black man dead or in prison. Obviouslly I don't.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 05:00 PM
Really... As much as I don't think Mumia Abu Jamal is innocent.. I think exactly the oppositve of O.J. He paid for his freedom...

I used weird stuff like factual evidence, reasoning, and a little intuition. Did you hear him on that tape? I don't know if they had guns but OJ was definitely robbing dudes.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by DeadFlagBlues

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that this was a robbery. Is it really the kind of robbery that merits a life sentence in prison?

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 05:16 PM
Point of clarification...

Originally posted by Spawwwn
Ok lets review. OJ simpson was found innocent of 2 murders. The jury that convicted him was racially diverse, and came from economically and socially deverse background. So 12 people..who did NOT know OJ personally..reviewed MONTHS of evidence (that the entire US saw on live tv as well) and found that there was no logical way he could have committed the murders.

He wasn't found "innocent," he was found "not guilty" in the criminal case, and "culpable and responsible" in the civil case of the deaths of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. The criminal case was largely bungled by an inept prosecuting staff, and clearly demonstrates the disparity of justice. The only silver lining to the case was that a few Americans actually learned about jury nullification... Though I would prefer that nugget of U.S. history would come from the endeavour of public educators and not the gruesome slaughter of two human beings at the hands of a sociopath.

There is an outstanding judgment of 33.5 million dollars U.S. as a result of the successful civil litigation that he has managed to evade by showing empty pockets. O.J. Simpson is a lying manipulative piece of what I usually fling, deserving of nothing more than scorn and a lengthy prison sentence for his Las Vegas indiscretions.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by uberarcanist

Not by any means. Definitely not a life sentence.. Where I'm from maybe 3 months in jail for simple robbery. Is that really what they're pushing for on the case? I caught the audio tape on Nancy Grace which was a vast improvement over her squawking.. But I hadn't heard anything about his current charges or how they're even going to try him in court.

I'm glad to hear that racial fervor has subsided when talking about criminal justice issues..

Grow up. Allaya.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 06:13 PM
Oldtimer - He would have most likely received the death penalty or life in prison if he was convicted. When it comes to murder you are white or black doesn't make that much of a difference. It's only if you are Male or Female that plays much into the minds of the prosecutors.

aspectwarrior - I'm not "banging". Most Whites, and Blacks..will agree that the OJ verdict is something that divides those 2 sets of people. It's not racist to talk about real issues, in a real manner. I admit that Whites run the majority of stuff, around a large portion of the world. So for me to say that it's possible that certain whites, in certain media outlets..are targeting OJ in a racist manner, is simply being aware of my surroundings.

uberarcanist - Yes the idea of the punishment being "excessive" is what i'm getting at. Like you said..they already had him for some very serious charges. Considering the fact nobody was seriously hurt, and no items containing things not related to OJ were stolen..the idea of a life sentence seems totally uncalled for in this situation.

disgusted - Thanks for that comment. You prove that not every White person thinks OJ is guilty..which is actually something that i made clear in my OP (seems that some people missed those sections).

Mirthful - How is there a difference between "innocent" and "not guilty"? I fail to see the difference between the 2,and i'm actually going to contend that there is no difference. One of the definitions of innocent is "not guilty of a specific crime or offense". Saying that he's "not guilty, but not 'innocent'" is kind of impossible, in the context that the words are being used.

Also keep in mind, civil suits are less binding than Government initiated court cases. When you are charged by the cops, it's you VS the State of [X]. However civil suits are simply one person, vs another. You can't actually be jailed (in some states) for not paying money in a civil suit. That's what OJ did. He moved to a place where he didn't have to pay. Can you blame him? Would you really pay money to people who you didn't feel deserved it...especially after a jury found you "innocent"?


I agree that his actions may have not been the right move at the right time..but come on LIFE in prison for "stealing" things with your name and likeness on them?

Having to negotiate weather you will or will not recieve bail..for a rather "common" charge like armed robbery/assault? Especially when no property or persons were damaged?

These are not the actions of a court seeking justice... they are trying to trap him to the fullest extent, simply because they are mad that he's not already in jail. Furthermore i belive the Media is playing this for all it's worth. Not just the usual celebrity exploitation, but something more. It seems like they are releasing only scattered bits of information to malnipulate the public into thinking he's some kind of monster.

The general feeling so far is "Well he tied those people up, and he robbed them at gunpoint, so he needs to be punished. And he killed the couple anyway, so he's going to get what he to deserve." Basically the majority of people i've heard from, and seen..basically are happy he's behind bars and salivating at the idea he might be locked up FOR LIFE.

OJ was never convicted of killing anyone. People as a whole, regardless of race..need to get past that fact and accept it. All this "lets get him as hard as we can" type of rehtoric needs to stop. If britney can wreck 3 cars a week, and lindsay can drive drunk with some crack and be forgiven..then OJ deserves more than the benefit of the doubt in his latest legal drama.

This court persecuting him for things that NOBODY could (legally) prove in the past, by slapping these ridiculously tough charges on nothing but a vain attempt to seek a revenge form of justice.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Spawwwn

I'll take your word on that seen as I'm not in the US.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 06:31 PM
I am about as liberal as they come and if the OJ case, the original one was about race, in all honesty I think he would have been found guilty.

No what got OJ off was not his innocence (
) it was his celebrity and the media attention around it which made a joke of the whole proceeding, and his wealth.

Most of the black people I know are throughly disgusted with OJ. If fact i think that you are the first person I have come across in ages that asserts his innocence.

[edit on 22-9-2007 by grover]

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn

If you are white, you think he did it. If you are black, you think he's innocent.

There is your answer as to why he was found not guilty. There was plenty of evidence to convict him but with the jury it didn't matter. Years later many of the jury confessed that they were only going to vote only one way no matter what.

Here's what we know. 1 = OJ, accompanied by friends, went to a sports memorabilia shop to claim items with his likeness on them. 2. There was a dispute. 3. Oj simpsons identical signature were found on all the items in question.

Well somewhat right...After his conviction in a civil court to the tune of 30 million he makes his earnings that can be touched by the verdict through third party dealers on a cash only bases, and these guys I guess decided they could rip him off since he really couldn’t report it without the Goldmans getting the money and merchandise.

He then goes to their place with buds to get his stuff back by force (guns) and one of the lowlifes with his group decided he could make more money backstabbing him than helping him, and so the video happened.

Prosecutors will always throw in everything they can, and in the end they will shorten the list for what would stick. Then it becomes “let’s make a deal” with the defense and the list get even smaller.

He is a murdering piece of crap but that is besides the point for the only conspiracy here in his latest actions is the guy who set him up for profit. This was never a white against black issue, but it has always been a black issue of one of their own celebrities.

[edit on 22-9-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Am I the only person to whom a possible life sentence seems EXCESSIVE???

He is not going to get nothing more than a slap on the wrist. The media drives all this for ratings.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 07:07 PM
Spawn, you've repeated "life" about ten times. Where are you getting that? Kidnapping doesn't carry a life sentence. (BTW, despite what you imply, holding people against their will, which he clearly did, DOES constitute kidnapping.) Of course, Simpson is 60 years old, so even if he gets a light sentence, it could be "life" for him.

Also, having his signature on something doesn't indicate he owns it. That's just ridiculous. After winning the civil case, the day before the Goldmans were to go to his house to pick up items to satisfy the judgment, Simpson was tipped off and had friends and relatives take them away. Since those were probably the items he was trying to recover in Las Vegas, both he and the people selling them were likely criminally complicit.

Instead of venting all this outrage, why don't you stop to consider this--Simpson got off on a double murder charge. What kind of person does it take, with his reputation and with all he has gone through, to flout that good fortune and engage in the criminal activities that HE DID? I'll tell you--it takes an enraged criminal, just like the enraged, out-of-control criminal that murdered Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, and just like the criminals Simpson surrounds himself with.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 07:09 PM
I can only blame...

Originally posted by Spawwwn
Mirthful - How is there a difference between "innocent" and "not guilty"? I fail to see the difference between the 2,and i'm actually going to contend that there is no difference. One of the definitions of innocent is "not guilty of a specific crime or offense". Saying that he's "not guilty, but not 'innocent'" is kind of impossible, in the context that the words are being used.

Also keep in mind, civil suits are less binding than Government initiated court cases. When you are charged by the cops, it's you VS the State of [X]. However civil suits are simply one person, vs another. You can't actually be jailed (in some states) for not paying money in a civil suit. That's what OJ did. He moved to a place where he didn't have to pay. Can you blame him? Would you really pay money to people who you didn't feel deserved it...especially after a jury found you "innocent"?


This court persecuting him for things that NOBODY could (legally) prove in the past, by slapping these ridiculously tough charges on nothing but a vain attempt to seek a revenge form of justice.

The state of public education for this.

There is definitely a difference between "innocent" and "not guilty," and the declaration of "innocent" is almost never used in any court proceeding (save for certain reversals in the appeals process that involve overwhelming evidence). In a criminal trial by a jury of your peers, there are only two binding outcomes, guilty (and you still have the appeals process), or not guilty. Hung juries are not binding as you can be retried.

A dissertation on innocent and not guilty:

O.J. was found not guilty, but his "not guilty" was in large part by virtue of jury nullification, a jurisprudence anomaly that predates our republic, but directly shaped and molded our system, and the coming revolution. Other contributing factors was the disparity in ability between the defense team and prosecution team.

A few links regarding jury nullification and John Peter Zenger:

O.J. was found, not guilty, and as such, cannot be retried for the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, it however doesn't change the fact that he committed the crimes. I'm able to look at what has transpired legally and while not comfortable with the outcome, I must put faith in the larger issue of the continuing integrity of the judicial process in the United States.

As far as O.J.'s civil trial, he was found liable, and an judgment against him was awarded to the plaintiffs. he has appealed and lost, and the judgment is binding. O.J has in all probability committed crimes, federal felonies in fact in taking measures to conceal income and assets from the judgment against him. The Las Vegas debacle dove tails nicely into this ongoing pursuit of O.J.'s assets and hopefully will expose his transgressions in obfuscating the true nature of his financial assets and that he and those who conspired with him meet with the appropriate penalty. As for Las Vegas, he has little to legal ground stand on... You can't take the law into your own hands, and his accomplices are going to roll on him faster than Shamu going after that dead fish at Sea World... He's toast, and his lawyers know it. I'd wager it's 50-50 whether he flees the country (I know he doesn't "have" a passport, but it won't matter), and the pretense that he'll flee under is that he was "framed" and can't get a "fair trial."

As for the last paragraph, courts are not capable of "persecuting" anyone, they are merely the venue and arbiters of jurisprudence. The District Attorney's Office is responsible for charging a defendant, and the subsequent trial prosecution. He will stand trial for the various crimes he committed in Las Vegas, and if the preponderance of evidence can bring a jury to provide a verdict of "guilty" then he will be spending a long time, perhaps the rest of his life in jail. If that happens, in no way shape or form will it equate or serve as any justice for the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, that justice will be meted out to O.J. by some higher power at a future date.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 07:12 PM
This newest OJ brouhaha wreaks of a set-up to me. OJ can even be heard on the video tape accusing someone that they set him up. IMO, this is just another psy-ops intended to distract the masses from the facts that the economy is imploding, the war in Iraq is a debacle, and that we’re most likely about to nuke Iran.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
As far as O.J.'s civil trial, he was found liable, and an judgment against him was awarded to the plaintiffs. he has appealed and lost, and the judgment is binding. O.J has in all probability committed crimes, federal felonies in fact in taking measures to conceal income and assets from the judgment against him. The Las Vegas debacle dove tails nicely into this ongoing pursuit of O.J.'s

Nice post...

Actually what will get him a very long prison sentence is his tax avoidance with his off shore accounts that will be investigated. He can’t claim the 200k a year from these sales on his taxes otherwise the Goldmans would get it, and so the tax man will get him in the end. I do admire the Goldmans for taking the higher road. I can’t say I could do the same if it was my kid.

[edit on 22-9-2007 by Xtrozero]

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