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Anyone Not Believe There's a NWO/Illuminati Conspiracy?

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posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:47 PM
This post and the subsequent replies are quotes that should prove to any skeptic that the NWO/Illuminati are real.

"It was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more fully satisfied of this fact than I am."
-George Washington, 1782

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."
-Benjamin Disraeli, 1844

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
-Woodrow Wilson, 1913

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
-Woodrow Wilson, 1916

"From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."
-Winston Churchill, 1920

"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses. This little coterie run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen, seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”
-N.Y. Mayor, John Hylan, 1922

"Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people… outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded and is sure that it is the winning side. All the strange developments in the foreign policy agreements may be traced to this group who are going to make us over to suit their pleasure. This political action group has its own local political support organizations, its own pressure groups, its own vested interests, its foothold within our government, and its own propaganda apparatus."
-Senator William Jenner, 1954

"The invisible Money Power is working to control and enslave mankind. It financed Communism, Fascism, Marxism, Zionism, Socialism. All of these are directed to making the United States a member of a World Government."
-American Mercury Magazine, 1957

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:49 PM
"The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for "the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government."
-Harpers, July l958

"The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and creators of the system ,they will rule the future."
-U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, l964

"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups."
-Professor Carroll Quigley, 1966

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."
-Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

"George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging. The vehicle to bring this about, is the United Nations, the majority of whose 166 member states are socialist, atheist, and anti-American."
-U.S. Ambassador David Funderburk, 1991

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
-David Rockefeller, 1991

"It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance."
-George Bush, 1992

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:51 PM
"[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it's perceptions."
-Henry Kissinger, 1994

"Some even believe we (Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
-David Rockefeller, in 2002 autobiography

Does anyone doubt there is an Illuminati/NWO conspiracy out there?

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 12:58 AM
Excellent post! Yes, there is a conspiracy and they are using Freemasons to influence people and manipulate wealth. They target people in power, invite them to secret or semi-secret meetings, to Bohemian Groove where they all bow down to Moloch. Check out Occult Activities at the Elite Bohemian Grove and Bohemian Grove Exposed! They take this very seriously, some are on waiting list for decades. Still i think this is just to get influence over powerful and greedy people, not to achieve anything spiritual. Spiritual... lol.

This is how it looks:

It's near the water, to produce "As Above So Below" (well known term in occult circles) mirror effect, also seen at obelisk in DC and Capitol Hill.

Typical response to anyone who wants to find some truth is either watering it down, like it's just a few men having fun, "forget about it, silly", and discrediting whoever asks questions, especially if that person is a public figure and worries about reputation.

I really don't give a crap what they believe, i just feel sorry for all the innocent people who die ans suffer because of a few "elites". Elites??

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 02:32 AM

Known Members of Bohemian Grove

both George Bushes
Ronald Reagan
Henry Kissinger
Richard Nixon
Casper Weinberger
Dick Cheney
Malcom Forbes
Colin Powell
Helmut Schmidt
Stephen Bechtel (Bechtel Corp.)
James Baker
Jerry Cole
David Rockefeller
Newt Gingrich
Tom Johnson (President of CNN and former publisher of LA Times.
William Randolph Hearst Jr.
Jack Howard
Charles Scripps (Of the Scripps-Howard Newspaper publishers)
Walter Cronkite (On the CBS board of management)

And a host of prominent CEOs and business leaders, most of them conservative, many of them from California, 99 percent of them white men.

Nice list, eh? Also most of them are high ranking Freemasons and members of Skull and Bones (society linked to Nazis).

"From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."
-Winston Churchill, 1920

I wonder what happened. He saw the truth in 1920, but later he worked with them. Maybe this explains his brilliant political career but also problem with alcohol.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 02:45 AM
"The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for "the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government."
-Harpers, July l958

I think we should have loyalties to each other as human beings, i think the one thing the NWO hopes is that we don't stand up as one race of humans and fight there plan this way any resistance that does oppose them will be more easily divided and conquered , so i don't agree 100 percent with that statement but the rest is 100 percent right on.

The one thing we can't do is let them take away our freedom or our independence as people of different racial and ethnic history either, if everyone were the same there would of never been cool video games cool movies, different types of foods ect ect.., these ideas all came from free thinking individuals and there creativity, just one more reason there shouldn't be a one world government, doing this would strip creativity and originality from the various countrys.

I think most people want peace and a better life for themselfs there family ect ect....but just like Hitlers way wasn't the right way, neither is this.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 05:45 AM
You Wrote: I think we should have loyalties to each other as human beings, i think the one thing the NWO hopes is that we don't stand up as one race of humans and fight there plan this way any resistance that does oppose them will be more easily divided and conquered , so i don't agree 100 percent with that statement but the rest is 100 percent right on.

I agree that our natural brotherhood and sisterhood as people of light and truth we will raise consciousness of condemnation of conspirators and dark socities with secrets, meeting behind closed doors. On this week's edition of Out There TV the guest talks about meeting with the top bankers and oil men of the world and them saying that the only thing they were scared of was the public waking up ( It's important to educate yourselves, but especially important to educate others. A snowball of rising consciousness regarding the New World Order is rapidly rolling now and it's reaching the tipping point... the 100th monkey is peeling his potatoes. Keep spreading the information!

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:59 AM
well, they've been trying for years to no avail so I'd say there's nothing to worry about.

if they couldn't pull it off in the 1700's, when the world was more easily controlled, how do you expect them to do it now?

the original architects of the plan never knew about the internet, phones, airplanes, television, radio, electricity, etc. they couldn't have planned this far ahead

who plans a 500 year global domination plan and expects their bloodline to enact it? hell, who expects their family to be around 500 years later?

the illuminati is a dead issue. if they ever did exist in the concept that you are implying, they were the most inept, moronic group of people and after all this time, the odds of them succeeding are about as good as me hitting the lottery today (I don't buy tickets)

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by sb2012

Nice list, eh? Also most of them are high ranking Freemasons and members of Skull and Bones (society linked to Nazis).

You see, this is precisely what I was talking about with you earlier. Not a single one of the guys on that list is a Mason. Not one.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
if they couldn't pull it off in the 1700's, when the world was more easily controlled, how do you expect them to do it now?

the original architects of the plan never knew about the internet, phones, airplanes, television, radio, electricity, etc. they couldn't have planned this far ahead

who plans a 500 year global domination plan and expects their bloodline to enact it? hell, who expects their family to be around 500 years later?

the illuminati is a dead issue. if they ever did exist in the concept that you are implying, they were the most inept, moronic group of people and after all this time, the odds of them succeeding are about as good as me hitting the lottery today (I don't buy tickets)

I have to disagree that the world would have been easier to control in the 1700's. A world dictatorship would have been impossible then, but through careful planning, it's almost upon us now.

I agree the original architects couldn't have factored in telephones, internet, planes, cars etc. but that's certainly not to say that their living ancestors are ignorant to the present times. The living ancestors are the ones carrying the legacy and slowly changing the plan to keep up with the times.

The illuminati are not a dead issue. Just because you don't think 500 years into the future doesn't mean illuminati bloodline ancestors didn't. The New World Order is currently a more accurate term than the "Illuminati" but both of these are real, directed organizations, not theories, actual conspiracies.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by sb2012

Nice list, eh? Also most of them are high ranking Freemasons and members of Skull and Bones (society linked to Nazis).

You see, this is precisely what I was talking about with you earlier. Not a single one of the guys on that list is a Mason. Not one.

Ronald Reagan received honorary 33rd degree (Scottish Rite) on February 11, 1988. For others i am sure they are all connected since they are already at BC. If someone maybe is not mason that doesn't mean he is doing BBQ alone and not talking to anyone else there.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 10:59 AM
Since the NWO and Illuminati is so well know I doubt any of it`s current members will live long enough to be in a position capable of total world supremacy. It`s just a boys club for the elite to drink,eat really really expensive products and scratch each others backs.

How the hell could you have several world leaders trying to run the world equally, each one would be trying to get to the top job.They`d simple self destruct. It`s an impossible and frankly pointless goal.

You guys now how much hassle it is to run a country never mind the planet

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by freight tomsen
Just because you don't think 500 years into the future doesn't mean illuminati bloodline ancestors didn't. The New World Order is currently a more accurate term than the "Illuminati" but both of these are real, directed organizations, not theories, actual conspiracies.

how can you plan a world take over 500 years into the future when you don't know what the technology will be, what the population will be, what countries will be discovered, where people will be etc?

it's impossible. you can lay out a 500 year plan based only on what you know today. You can have some contingencies but you can't plan ahead for things like people owning their own planes if planes didn't exist. you can't plan that far ahead and on such a grand scale without more knowledge.

Let's say they did have some kind of moronic 500 year road map. Who the hell would bother being involved if they and their kids, grandkids and even their great great grandkids won't get to see the fruits of 500 or more years of labor. you can start a plan now but what if Crakeur the IV doesn't have kids? then the whole plan is shot.

it's comical to think that people were planning for a global take over 500 years into the future and they could succeed.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by nescafe8572
Since the NWO and Illuminati is so well know I doubt any of it`s current members will live long enough to be in a position capable of total world supremacy. It`s just a boys club for the elite to drink,eat really really expensive products and scratch each others backs.

How the hell could you have several world leaders trying to run the world equally, each one would be trying to get to the top job.They`d simple self destruct. It`s an impossible and frankly pointless goal.

You guys now how much hassle it is to run a country never mind the planet

Well, Alberto Pike received a vision as did some other, what to setup and how to do it, at least partially. This is what they need to do, other stuff like grabbing as much as you can, is a bonus. Similar to deals in Iraq after you demolish it. Nice plan.

Yea, it's just BBQ loving Boy Scouts... Well, they may actually become that, if they say it long enough.

[edit on 21-6-2007 by sb2012]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:28 AM
I have to agree with Crakeur on this subject.

My personal feels on the NWO is that it is really misnamed. For me, the NWO, is really the OWO (Old World Order.) I do believe there are powerful moneyed interests working through foreign policy to return the worlds resources into the hands "that know how to use them best" I believe these interest groups with to see a global serfdum return. But do i believe there will be a one world religion or government? No, i dont. That would cut into the interests of those pushing austerity programs threwout the world. Do i believe that these groups want to see the earths population decline by 1/5th or more? No, again, it would cut into the interests of those groups.

I think there is a lot of disinfo out there around these groups, largely created by paraniod minds, and in part perpetuated by these groups in order to throw people off the trail.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
who plans a 500 year global domination plan and expects their bloodline to enact it?

Well, China is presently in the midst of a 100-year plan to transition their government into a socialist democracy. Leaders of various American Indian tribes, such as the Potawatomi, follow a "five generation rule," where any planning decision has to take into account the impact on the next five generations of children.

Not everybody thinks of time in terms of US election cycles.

Originally posted by Masonic Light

You see, this is precisely what I was talking about with you earlier. Not a single one of the guys on that list is a Mason. Not one.

I suspect if there are evil Masons out there it is because they are evil people, not because they are Masons. If anything, I suspect elements of Masonry have been co-opted, not unlike the present state of American Christianity.

freight tomsen, are you familiar with Edward Mandel House? He was sort of Woodrow Wilson's Karl Rove, and wrote a great little Mein Kampf called "Philip Dru: Administrator."

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by America Jones
Well, China is presently in the midst of a 100-year plan to transition their government into a socialist democracy. Leaders of various American Indian tribes, such as the Potawatomi, follow a "five generation rule," where any planning decision has to take into account the impact on the next five generations of children.

china transitioning their own gov't is one thing, leaders from one area planning a 500 or more year program to control a world that is vastly different than when they originally started planning is a bit different no? The illuminati dates back to well before the formation of the United States. How could they have planned for a global take over when they didn't even know that the US would become a global superpower? how could they have put the folks supposedly in charge here in place if the location didn't exist as a nation at the time?

planning for you family's future is not even close to planning for global domination. I am doing things now, with the hopes that when I die, things will be set up so that my kids, their kids etc, have something there for them. a business, a trust, something. that isn't quite the same as setting something up and hoping that junior does the work you started, and junior II does the work his father started etc, for 5 or more generations, leading to global domination. also, you have to take into account the need for several families, around the globe no less, to be involved as well. what if my great grandson and your great grandson hate eachother? what if mine says to hell with yours, I'm done with this nonsense? do you just go and recruit another family? not that easy.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:50 AM
It's just 230 years not 500...

It's a great vision and burning desire to eliminate old order, monarchy, church and theocracy in general. This is something i doubt all inside NWO are aware of, and they may be full of Shock and Awe(tm) when things speedup.

I have a lot of respect towards Adam Weishaupt, he concluded is best to create an order to do just that, he called it Order of Perfectibilists and it officially started to operate on May 1, 1776.

Later they renamed to Illuminati for some weird reason.

They slowly infiltrated all important secret societies including those in Vatican and USA.

Great Work of Ages.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 12:20 PM
Admiring Weishaupt ?

'Oh foolish man , what can you not be made to believe?"..Weishaupt

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
china transitioning their own gov't is one thing, leaders from one area planning a 500 or more year program to control a world that is vastly different

Agreed, I just wanted to provide a couple examples off the top of my head to demonstrate that certain types of long-term planning are not without contemporary cultural precedent. I would further point out that China's ruling elite governs many more people than ours: maybe there's a space/time trade-off.

In 1776 the US population was about 2.5 million people. How many people in power had ties to conspiratorial organizations back then? 100? 1000? Today, the US population is 300 million. If you only need 100 or 1000 people with secret ties to exert a great deal of influence over many people, how many such organizations might exist today?

Hierarchy is important in Freemasonry. If these organizations are at all structured like Freemasonry, it would stand to reason that there are organizations of organizations. Maybe Bilderberg is part of how these organizations coordinate themselves. The ADM price-fixing case is illustrative of how such organizations might collude:

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