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Did extraterrestrial's spark life on earth?

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posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by MarkLuitzen
As we may believe the bible/koran /ect I must say without a doubt Yes. they have. The bible ect are the formost proof of ET's excitstence..
They whom came from the sky made men in there image as it has been written down in the bible so yes beings from out side our planet ( from the sky/heaven = space) came here and made us in there image.
the whole 6 days of creating the planet ect 7 day rest day was nothing more then them terraforming our planet to our specific needs.

I wish you`d taught the Bible in my school. That sounds a lot more interesting!

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by bridas

Or could this be true?

"The serpent in the "garden of Eden" which was in reality a huge domed structure that was part of Celestia (Planet-X/Nibiru, etc)... the ship we came in from the Orion Nebula... that landed in the region we now call Egypt near the pyramids... or where the pyramids would be built. This Herpisaurian entity lured a female into having sex with "it" with false claims that she could do this even though she was told by an Elohim (Wingmaker/Anunnaki) that was with them on this landed craft not to have sexual union with anyone not of their race... DNA structure that is. The resulting birth was a child named Cainod... Cain in the bible... and was the hybrid being that started the reptilian / humanoid race that now runs this planet. I am condensing a fascinating story from the book that Emit left me that I quoted from, i,e, the Chronicles book. It seems that the bible is a highly symbolic and highly condensed version of this book from the Hall of Records."

Well, I have a bit of reading for you as well. Similar subject in fact! Interesting how we seem to be arriving at almost, but not quite, the same ideas.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:18 AM
I don't believe aliens are the "creators" of life on earth, but I won't deny they may have had a hand in some things. Though evoluteion really makes perfect sense...except the parts that are unkown yet such as bacteria--->animals.

We shouldn't fall into the error of just blaming the excession of evolution on creative advanced beings though just because all the answers are not found yet,

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by undo
Well, I have a bit of reading for you as well. Similar subject in fact! Interesting how we seem to be arriving at almost, but not quite, the same ideas.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:53 AM
It says in the sumerian texts that Enki's temple is connected to the "Field Constellation" and faces towards the "Chariot Constellation." The chariot was the foundation for the "Cherubim" depictions seen in later temples, as they were part of God and the god's transportation, if you will. His "chariot." You can see depictions of them at the entrances to the Babylonian gates, as winged, man-headed beasts who would pull the chariots of the gods (man's attempt at describing the vehicles of the "divine"). I found a constellation chart from Babylonian times in which the Chariot constellation is depicted. You can see it here:

That square next to it is called I'Iku and is, I believe, the Field Constellation referenced in the text, due to its proximity to the Chariot Constellation, represented in this map as a Cherubim and a field surrounded by four rivers . Today, we call the square "field", the Great Square of Pegasus and the Cherubim is the head of the Pegasus. It's my belief that this is the location of the Garden of Eden --, somewhere in the Great Square of Pegasus. Since the sumerians mirrored the constellations on the earth's surface, it's likely that the Garden of Eden would be located in the equivalent location of Eridu, only on a planet in the Great Square.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by undo]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN
What was the first thing to exist? Good luck pondering that. Our human minds can only percieve so much. I think that when we die we will find the answer to that very question.

I fully agree. I'm actually looking forward to being 'dead' so I can learn the truths of the universe. As they said in "The Mummy" - death is only the beginning. Rather profound for something out of Hollywood, eh?

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
It just a made up crock to cover up the soon coming Rapture of believers in the prophecied Messiah. How mankind is so easily fooled.

actually .. those who believe in unbiblical The Rapture Cult are the ones who have been fooled. But that's been discussed on many other threads .. hasn't it?

[edit on 6/3/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN
New thread idea. What was the first thing to exist?

Wouldn`t that be energy?

[edit on 3-6-2007 by bridas]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by bridas

That is interesting indeed! Thanks for that. If this is not a vehicle of some kind they are describing, then what is?

"For example, it was made of silver "bricks," covered in gold, produced roaring sounds, and its walls could talk and offer advice. And, if that weren't enough, it could also float on the water and hover in the air!"

Yeah, no doubt. My favorite parts are:

1. Its interior is a tangled thread beyond understanding.

(how many ziggurats were complicated on the inside? lol they were simple by comparison to this E.Abzu spaceship, the "Holy" mountain.

2. It has a door that "Seizes a man" (that's either a reference to a teleporter or a star gate reference). It reminds me of Enlil's "river that eats men" at Nibru (note: Not Nibiru, but Nibru, the sumerian name for Enlil's city at Nippur)

And the thing's name was supposedly translated "Home faraway built," but I can't locate where this translation came from, so don't quote me on it!

[edit on 3-6-2007 by undo]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by undo
1. It's interior is a tangled thread beyond understanding.

(how many ziggurats were complicated on the inside? lol they were simple by comparison to this E.Abzu spaceship, the "Holy" mountain.

Could the writer have been talking about a wormhole? Pic. of Wormhole

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:36 AM
To paraphrase Laurie Anderson "life...its a virus."

Yes I know viruses are not "alive" for a variety of reasons but life in general in an infection as it were. Whenever the conditions are right enough o a planet for it to get a foothold, life begins to blossom and as it spreads, spreads the conditions for it to thrive in. It has no set forms and can endlessly adapt to circumstance... universally. This much is evident from the conditions that life makes itself at home here on Earth.

By this definition life itself is exterrestrial. Why bother with spaceships, warp drives, worm holes and all that sc fi crap? Wanna spread though out the galaxy, don't commit to a given form, and all that technology, create a spore and release it.

BTW while I think that life might be caused by a spore, I don't really believe "aliens" made it... I think it is instead, the nature of life itself to germinate wherever the conditions are right.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by grover]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by bridas

Could the writer have been talking about a wormhole? Pic. of Wormhole

Could've been. I have a huge thread on this topic (star gates, that is) here at ATS:

Did you read all the pages of the link I posted for you ? There's three pages, I think.

Anyway, if you'll notice that constellation map - all four rivers (around the Garden of Eden) are depicted, yet on earth, we only find 2 of them. I think that's because Eden wasn't actually here. We were brought here via the Abzu star gate at Eridu, and enslaved, just like in the STARGATE film (which, by the way, was written by 2 egyptologists from John Hopkins university. they put their own theories in it, so this is not just pie in the sky, but the result of alot of study and connecting dots).

It's also interesting to note that I had connected a couple dots between Ra and Ea (enki's akkadian name), which means that Ra was indeed Enki, and one of the original "gods" of Egypt. (There's alot of disagreement on who is the eldest and therefore progenitor god of Egypt, but Ra is a serious contender as, at the very least, one of the sons of Anu, a son of God, an Anunnaki, an angelic being, a fallen one, and so on, who originally "civilized" humans).

[edit on 3-6-2007 by undo]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

actually .. those who believe in unbiblical The Rapture Cult are the ones who have been fooled. But that's been discussed on many other threads .. hasn't it?

Sure it's been discussed, as you always point out as your escape.

"Well, it has already been discussed and we decided it was unscripural"

Anytime you want to discuss the facts...........I can prove your view incorrect.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:57 AM
Create life? Actually, I am working on just that very thing! Which is why I have so much faith this will not be a mystery for very much longer... just keep your eyes on the astrobiology websites (esp NASA Astrobiology Institute)... Oooh man! I am giggling with such glee right now you have no idea!

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:58 AM
I agree that the rapture is not depicted in the Bible as modern society acts like it is. The rapture is an idea that was created by a long line of Evangelicals throughout the past millenium or so. It's not even in Revelation.

The only thing that comes close in Revelation is the taking up of the 144,000 'male virgin jews' from the 12 tribes. One other thing is that the dead will rise from their graves and be taken into the air, and those left alive in that day will be taken up into the air with them, as it is written. But the resurrection is the direct precursor to the judgement. So all these 'spirits' are raised up, but then judged, and some are then punished eternally, as it is written. A form of that punishment would be complete annihilation of the spirit. It says those whos names are not in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire with Satan etc. That sounds like those who deserve it will have their actual spirit 'destroyed' or 'removed' from existance. That would be a fitting 'ultimate punishment' for the forces of evil. It's my interpretation of that part of the text.

I think the Creator has the ability to Delete, and there is a Judgement for a reason. It's so the bad will be taken from the good before the good enter the kingdom of heaven, or possible the 'new Earth', as it is written, to reign with Christ for 1,000 years.

So the "Rapture", where one day everyone is doing their daily routine and then in the blink of an eye, every single child and believer vanishes into thin air, all across the world, is in my opinion false doctrine. It's not in there as depicted in modern times by people. It's almost kinda creepy how this idea came into the mainstream belief..

..could it be that its a neccessary addition to the book so people will think that is what happened when a mass-removal of people takes place, whether by other people (NWO), or by aliens? And that the most elite on Earth know that this will take place so the fiction bit had to be added in?

When the dead ressurrect and the living are taken up with them, it is post-apocalypse. All the crazy sh#t already went down in the text. And these will not be the flesh and bone bodies of the dead that rise, it will be their spirits that rise, as if they were slumbering in the grave, waiting for an ordained time to reunited with God, after their murderers and pilferers will have been served God's wrath via his 'winepress'. Squeeeezeee them all in a giant winepress .. how gruesome the imagery. I think thats code for "The blood will be splattering everywhere!" lol. Because the flesh is made of dust and it returns to dust, each little piece.. every bone, tooth, fleshy bit, tendon, organ, it all goes back to the dust of the Earth. Then your spirit has no physical vessel, which is a good thing, if it's "End of Days" scenario time.

As to our origin, its a personal held belief of mine that the human race was altered or modified at an early stage. There is no 'true' missing link because the family tree went directly from upright walking ape-men to hairless, intelligent, beautiful human beings. This means someone or something got ahold of the upright apemen and "perfected them" with genetics. To use as slave labor would make sense originally, but it may not be the case. I dont know if it was Reptillians, Grays, or even Angels of Biblical proportions.. I just dont know. I do know the Anunnaki are depicted with wings on their backs, and are depicted twice the height of a human. Perhaps this is where the Angelic look came from.. Humanoids with wings.

Sometimes I do feel like the physical plane and existing on Earth is like a giant science experiment or like .. a testing ground? For instance, before your spirit can receive a promotion and go live in the Heavenly realm, you have to proove that your spirit is fit for the Heavenly realm. If your spirit is inpure, and you are an evil spirit, and goto your grave as such, I would not be surprised if you'd have to live another human life all over again from scratch until you "got it right", at which point you'd actually ascend to the non-physical, buddhists call it nirvana. you reach spiritual perfection. your spirit becomes brazen like a sword in the fire.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by undo
It's also interesting to note that I had connected a couple dots between Ra and Ea (enki's akkadian name), which means that Ra was indeed Enki, and one of the original "gods" of Egypt.

Ra is Baal..........Baal is Lucifer..........Lucifer is Satan.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 10:15 AM
I believe alien life did spark life here on earth. I don't mean alien life like the alien humanoids we see in movies or what not but maybe by earth in it's early years being impacted by a meteorite with a form of life on it. We have minute creatures on earth now that can sustain very cold/hot temperatures and with little oxygen. It's very likely that life was started by alien life.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by kegs
Von Däniken aside.. Panspermia is a valid theory for the birth of life on Earth; and there is evidence to support it.
One example that sticks out for me was the discovery of a Sugar cloud in space back in 2000:

[edit on 3-6-2007 by kegs]

I am not ruling out panspermia since it is a valid hypothesis for the establishment of life here. I do however, have an issue with directed panspermia since I neither believe in God nor the Messiah. My work does not require me to chose panspermia over the de novo establishment of life because the ultimate question I am interested in addressing is how life originated in the first place; not necessarily where that happened in our cosmic neighborhood. My only consideration for location is based upon required environmental conditions (founded on geological phenomena); that's all.

Are you familiar with the formose reaction?
All of the reactants required are found in space. No God required. This isn't to say that our sugars must therefore come from space but it does not rule out the possibility that in fact, all simple reactants come from space. My point is, both panspermia & de novo synthesis are natural processes that do not require aliens or deities. I simply don't spend much time musing over it because it isn't useful in my line of work. I am interested in how life originates, period.

Religion would only take precious time away from time I could otherwise spend in the lab. Unless there are hidden protocols in the Bible, I have no reason to read it. I'll stick to peer-reviewed literature, thank you. Religion cannot be used to help me make predictions about the reactions I'm studying. If I tried to sell a hypothesis to my Principal Investigator based on faith alone, as religion would require me to do, I'd be fired on the spot (no great likelihood of success). I'm sticking to my guns here. Being here is far from wasting time in the lab because it gives me an idea about what sort of response my work is likely to solicit from the general public & how I should consider addressing it-- long before my career depends on it.

To be fair though, I do think the research with montmorillonite generates an interesting parallel to the clay in genesis. It may have been a good guess and it may not have been but given the amount of starting material that was eligible for inclusion in the original bible, the odds of hitting one target after millions of throws (words) that didn't hit anything still don't yield great odds. If you want to list parts of the bible that look like chemical reactions to you, we can start a new thread & go over it (a meeting of religion and science) if you like. I do think it's premature leap to the conclusion that a god created anything before conducting this sort of scientific translation.

Even if translation yielded significant results, it may point to external intervention in civilization as opposed to a biological jumpstart on Earth & artificial selection. How do we know that modern technology didn't rise more than once? As unlikely as this scenario is, it is even less likely that life comes from a spiritual creator. There simply isn't irrefutable evidence to support ET/god biogenesis, human genetic engineering by ET/god or the existance of previous human civilizations more advanced than our own. If you have any, then by all means share it! I am not saying I will not listen but you must expect me to question... it is the only way to nurture hypotheses & grow them into valid theories.

Here's one example of what I mean: Undo, I have the greatest respect for you but I must ask about the human remains you mentioned. I've seen figurines but I've never seen bones that were not the result of human alteration (ie binding the skull to vault the head). I'm not saying it isn't there; I would just like to see it before concluding anything.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN
You are too smart for me. I am just a regular person. Obviously you are trying to get me frustrated, sorry won't happen. Okay, so lets put science arguments behind us shall we. Let me share a statement that CAN NOT be debated.
NO earthbound science can answer this question! THE ONLY way we will find the answer is through the ALIENS themselves!

Not trying to be smart but I am trying to tell you what I know & learn why you think what you do. I have no desire to frustrate you but I would like to explain things in a manner that clarfies the subject so that everyone can understand it. Sorry, but I completely disagree that science should be ditched in favor of faith/ET. Unless someone can start providing solid evidence supporting either hypothesis, they must be rejected in favor of other hypotheses that do provide supporting evidence.

If you have evidence supporting your contention that aliens are responsible for synthesizing life on earth or genetically engineering humans, then by all means, spit it out man! Don't keep me hanging here! Tell us what you know and why it makes sense to you. I will continue to do the same from a scientific perspective. Perhaps we may hit some sort of middle ground if we begin finding commonalities in posted sources for our respective sides of the argument. I am saying that, each of us must win over the other through evidence; it really is the only way to gain any sort of credibility. Faith alone isn't enough. If faith is all you have, you will never win me (or other scientists) over.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:37 AM
I love people like XTAl. Science is the answer to everything we humans are so smart. Personally I think in the scheme of things humans dont know jack.

First off the big bang exploding for no reason requires just as much faith as saying a god caused the initial spark. You are telling me it doesnt take faith to believe all the matter in this universe was once all at one pinpoint and this nothingness explodes into what we see today?

Why did it explode when it did? Did it just say ohhhh nows a good time to explode? LOL Personally i find it requires just as much faith to think that then to think a being free of the constraints of time and space sparked the big bang.

Let me ask you this Xtal do you believe in UFOs? OK lets say 99% of Ufos can be explained what about the other 1% that cant.

OK to the point if ufos are real they have basically destroyed your so called science. They do things that science says according to the laws of physics is IMPOSSIBLE.

The things ufos do are as amazing as miracles in the bible or miracles in general. The speeds and maneuvers they perform could be classified in the same realm as supernatural almost.

Our science, our Albert Einstein, our laws of physics ALL say the things these craft do are IMPOSSIBLE!!

So what of your science now?

Our science seems to need to be rewritten according to what aliens have been seen to do.

We dont know squat in this universe i firmly believe that.

And I just love people like you who sit on their intellectual throne and act like we are so smart and will have all the answers shortly thanks to science.

Furthermore life has not been created in the lab when/if it does it will be ALL over the news not some back story on a remote website.

Alot of science requires faith dont deny it.

Oh and to the guy that pointed out religion said the earth was flat and science was right all along here is food for thought.

The bible and most religions said the universe had a beginning.

Just a century or so ago scientists all claimed the universe never had a beginning and was static. In fact now science agrees with religion that the universe indeed had a beginning and scientist were intially wrong! So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

All this to say that science requires faith. Faith in the data and inability to recreate the conditions of these fantastic yet commonly held theories.

Is it a problem that science requires faith? No. I just like to use this example to illustrate the double standard and snobbery that one faith tries to inflict on another for their lack of full acceptance.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by ncuncfan2006]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:55 AM
"He was a religious man who learned the truth (a priest); only to be burned at the stake as a scientific martyr. "

So it was not religion as much as it was a bunch of corrupt people (like politicians) exploiting religion (like the ones in the middle east) to inforce their agenda? Religion is not against freethinkers you know.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Cydonian Priest]

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