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Blacks Have Less Worth Than Whites

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posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Don't worry; whites still have things like legacy and more money, on average, for college...

Yeah. My parents make under 40k a year.


posted on May, 29 2007 @ 01:15 AM
Here in Australia when there is a major accident we specifically include the amount of AUSTRALIANS who were injured and or killed. Same with Americans, or same with any other country.

This has absolutely nothing to do with White people and black people, but how countries only care about there own people.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike

Originally posted by truthseeka
Don't worry; whites still have things like legacy and more money, on average, for college...

Yeah. My parents make under 40k a year.


It's not my fault you don't understand what average means. Key word there.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Blacks Have Less Worth Than Whites =

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Heronumber0
I cannot find a proper citation on this but I have thought about his all my life from an early age. If you can find one please post it.

Blacks, Asians and other races have intrinsically less value than White people. Think of a typical news report: "A plane crash in the Caribbean killed 6 Americans and 4 British people along with 254 others" (i.e. nonentities). I am not paranoid - only truthful. If white people lived in Iraq and 500,000 white children died of starvation and due to inadequate medicine, there would be no war. However, the Press as a whole treat the Iraqis as moaning camel jockeys'. No pictures have come back from Iraq showing dead or maimed people - not to avoid shocking people at home - but to deliberately keep the war going until the oil runs dry. Iraqi casualties are almost irrelevant yet all lives wasted in that conflict - American, British or Iraqi are equally regrettable and sacred.

The only deaths that make headline news are those of 'celebrities' or violent deaths involving black people (e.g. LA riots) as if the stereotype must be maintained. The only deaths that make the news in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are long images of the Israelis crying over their dead whilst the thousands of Palestininan children who have died in the conflict are ignored, or images shown of Palestinian children stoning Israeli soldiers.

Is the Press racist? Yes, subconsciously it treats white life as sacred and non-whites as a lower life form. It subconsciously propagates stereotypes whilst on the surface it strives for an objectivity which is ALL illusion.

I think what you're saying is that black and brown life is PERCEIVED and presented to us via media as having less intrinsic value, not that they actually do..if that's what you're saying, I agree. Look at the coverage of child abduction/rape cases, if the child is white, blond hair and blue eyes, the media coverage, and the actual investigation itself, has a much higher priority than it would if the missing child were black or hispanic..I'll scare up some supporting linkage when I get a chance, but I remember reading about a cop telling a reporter as much a few years ago..

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 01:47 PM
That is exactly the point. PERCEPTION is different for different races but not a lot of people see it that way.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Heronumber0
That is exactly the point. PERCEPTION is different for different races but not a lot of people see it that way.


Ive been watching this thread off and on since its begining.

I dont think you understand something yourself Heronumber0. NOt all of us live second hand through the television and movies or the news media or even public education. We are beyond much of that stuff. We dont worship at this altar for our truth and perception of the world around us.

We know intimately that this world outside our homes is a cess pool and a dung heap and it will try to seduce us with its second hand value systems. We try not to be seduced in this manner or buy into this drivel. We have no use for many of the standards of this world ...especially when seen or viewed through the prizim you are describing.

We want to be treated by the world as little as possible since it will try to foist off on us the psuedo values you so describe. We too want to treat the world as little as possible. We are just strangers passing through.

We do not define ourselves and our beliefs by the movies and programs we watch on the television. This is a very difficult pattern to break or even be aware of when we go through this world. IT is very easy to get caught into this treadmill..seduced if you like. It is also a very poor value system to get caught up into since it will change just like the next wind with a new and improved value system..with floride and cover up its cess.

I dont give the news media much credit for anything anymore. It has become to political and not in a good way. They just shill for thier respective partys. The looser in this shilling is the public. Television, movies and other media the same.

We tend to treat people like we want to be treated...which is mostly left alone.


posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:05 PM

I agree with most of your sentiments. May I say that they were mature and almost poetic. I do not want to see the world through a prism, even after being gang stalked for the best part of 20 years.

I want to see the world in a detached light and I have received my news from alternative sources for the last 12 years. However, I know that society is limited by the information it receives. If the information is controlled by a handful of outlets then it will reflect the underlying bias of the media moguls (they still exist).

I wish I could see it otherwise but the sentiments have been admirably discussed in this thread by others far more worthy than myself. Bias can exist in any community but democracy encourages bias and repression from the majority towards the minority in its utilitarianism.

I cannot see a way to escape from it because the whole world is shifting towards a rampant materialism that will sweep us all away. My small comments cannot change that reality.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 06:37 AM

I agree with your comments about rampant materialism. I shudder to think of the number of people I know who define themselves by what they consume not what they know or are able to think about on thier own merits or demerits. For many I observe... they are what I call "Wildlife" they have the thought processes of the "fast food lane". It is a pretty identifiable fingerprint.

Proper people define themselves by thier family lineage or name...their occupations, or some great work they have accomplished or left to posterity. In otherwords they do not define themselves by what they consume or the thought processes of consumption. Thought processes which are not even their own.

When you realize what people think or dont think by what comes out of their mouths and souls....its like a xerox copy of someone elses thoughts..not thier own. A program.

I just dont care to associate with people like this. I require more food for thought ...more substance..not just form.

THis topic line you are attempting to define and put an observable pattern of operation upon is actually very ancient. It extends through many cultures and nations if one reads history or what passes for history....carefully.

It is as if there is a form being passed around without real original substance. Not enough thinking going on..only form such that we no longer have the ability to connect the dots. Only the form..the outer shell..not the substance.

Does this make sense..or am I rambling here??
Thanks for your post.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999

Proper people define themselves by thier family lineage or name...their occupations, or some great work they have accomplished or left to posterity. In otherwords they do not define themselves by what they consume or the thought processes of consumption. Thought processes which are not even their own.

I would add to that, people who are proper define themselves by accomplishments they have made in the life of others. Perhaps all we can do in this miserable life is to improve the lives of a handful of people around us - but that is still true achievement. Greatness comes from improving the lives of multitudes whilst limiting your own desires - Gandhi was such a person in the last century. Prophets achieved the same in their lifetimes.

This topic line you are attempting to define and put an observable pattern of operation upon is actually very ancient. It extends through many cultures and nations if one reads history or what passes for history....carefully.

I agree but even in countries like Brazil, people with lighter skins are likely to find more favour when it comes to the distribution of jobs. A subconscious choice of form over function again.

It is as if there is a form being passed around without real original substance. Not enough thinking going on..only form such that we no longer have the ability to connect the dots. Only the form..the outer shell..not the substance.

I agree, if I understand it correctly, but I think that it is a deliberate atempt by the elite to provide us with the 'form' in all its beauty in economic values, social values, employment and entertainment. In fact the sum of human experience seeks the glitter of life and is not encouraged to look beyond to reality.

The dead or dying of the world are not presented in the media except usually, at Christmas when we suddenly have a collective conscience and responsibility. I think you seek beyond the glitter and materialism but, as I say, you can only see the substance of humanity when you help those less fortunate than yourself and make a difference to their lives. I hope we can both achieve this aim.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 12:53 PM
Why do black people call themselves "african americans"? You are either African or American. I'm American but would not want to be called German, Irish, Italian, Polish American. Would a white person who was born and raised in Africa be african?
We need to eliminate this sort of filing. There isn't asian, african, italian, etc americans. You are American.

When other races say white people do they mean white people who live in America or white people across the world? Many clutures are white not just Americans.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by I See You
Why do black people call themselves "african americans"? You are either African or American. I'm American but would not want to be called German, Irish, Italian, Polish American. Would a white person who was born and raised in Africa be african?
We need to eliminate this sort of filing. There isn't asian, african, italian, etc americans. You are American.

When other races say white people do they mean white people who live in America or white people across the world? Many clutures are white not just Americans.

I'm black, and I call myself black. I never got into being called african-american, and plenty of other black people feel the same. Understand this: The main problem with our people in america is one of identity; that's really what every problem we have in america comes down to, everything else(crime, education, etc) is a symptom of that main problem. people who know themselves don't do some of the things we do, generally. I have no idea how to fix it either, I'm just lucky enough as an indivdual to know myself, so I've avoided a lot of the issues/problems that black men face in american society.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:09 AM
On being a man in a man's world.

I have had the privilege of working with two gentlemen for whom I have come to admire. I have been privileged to work with many men I remember and from whom I have learned much but in my current trade these two come to mind. Particularly in light of the topic of this thread.

We are part of a team of men who are in the profession of loading nuclear fuel rods in to reactor vessels.

Willie was a great man whom I often remember for how cool under pressure he was. Not just cool but professional. All his movements when he was on the job were very practiced...little wasted motion and very effecient. A good talent or skill to know when you are working around radiated and contaminated materials. You want to be effecient and practiced such that you dont have to do parts of a job over again and again while picking up unecessary radiation/contamination levels. Willie seldom had to do this.
The coolest thing was when he handled a fuel rod. It went down into the reactor with steady smooth motions. Again seldom a glitch or wasted motion.
A couple of times I saw him make a mistake but his skill level was that he could recover with hardly any wasted motion. Amazing!

Now Frank would work behind the fuel rod steading it out and working closely with Willie. I came to realize that they were a team..a tag team.. working together in smooth harmony to get this job completed. THe operation usually went smooth and very seldom did Frank make many comments to Willie on how to correct. But then again ...Frank always was a man of few words. It was as if they could read each others minds.
It was from these two men I learned what I know about this skill.

Now remember what these two men were doing ...nuclear fuel rods..very expensive!! You dont make a mistake and just drive down to Auto Zone and get another one. As such, you do everything you can to get it right the first time!! Every team member does everything they can to put the necessary pieces in place so that these two can do it right the first time. Everything down to the last button needs to be properly and timely placed! It was embarrasing to me as the new guy to make a mistake and hold these guys up on the job. I never wanted to let them down. But I also remember that they were both patient and encouraging to me in my mistakes yet expecting me to learn and progress from them.

Now Willie has since gone the way of all flesh, may he rest in Peace. I miss Willie and the confidence he inspired in the whole team. It was a stunning terrible shock to go to work one day and learn he had passed in his sleep. He was our rock and we watched him for cues on what we needed to cover and put in place for him to carry out his next task or job. Willie was so confident and quiet in what he did so professionally and you seldom heard a cross word nor boasting coming from his lips.

Frank has since retired and I know he is sort of a ladies man and I do hope he is enjoying his retirement. Bon Appetit as the French are fond of saying.
I am one of the few men left from that olde crew and as such I am stepping up to the plate to take their place. I am taking Franks olde job among others. I have learned a new appreciation for what Frank did while all eyes were on Willie. I have learned that Frank was a rock on whom Willie depended to make the job look good and easy. I too am learning to be quiet and steady behind the fuel rod.

NOw the fact that these two men were black made no difference to me. THey treated me no different than they wanted to be treated. THey were mature grown men and confident in their skills. They needed no bravado to get them through the day. This kind of confidence and maturity properly applied and cultivated can be contagious. This is a character trait in men I can respect. To me these two men on the job had the "Right Stuff." That is what counts to me. It still does to this very day. Men of real substance...not just form or cheap appearences or cheap talk but the "Right Stuff." Men who can get going when the going gets tough. It has been a privilege to have worked with them.

Now that I am carrying on with the torch, I hope I am able to do them proud.


posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:29 AM
"A plane crash in the Caribbean killed 6 Americans and 4 British people along with 254 others"

Right there you prove yourself wrong, they do say so many Americans, or Canadians or whoever died because its close to home.
They don't say WHITE Americans, you just assume all Americans are white

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by I See You
Why do black people call themselves "african americans"? You are either African or American. I'm American but would not want to be called German, Irish, Italian, Polish American. Would a white person who was born and raised in Africa be african?
We need to eliminate this sort of filing. There isn't asian, african, italian, etc americans. You are American.

When other races say white people do they mean white people who live in America or white people across the world? Many clutures are white not just Americans.

Well its not our fault that people started seperating and 'filing' us to begin with I am African- American. When i go somewhere that is not the US i'll prob just say American but when I'm in the US i specify or i just say i'm black and that encompasses everything. To me eliminating the African part eliminates a part of my culture and my identity. Other cultures do the same ..Being African-American is not where you are born and raised but what is in your blood and your culture. actress Charlize Theron was born in Africa but she doesn't refer to herself as African American. Most whites born in Africa are from south Africa so they say they are south African or if they are from somewhere else they say 'oh im dutch but was raised in Africa" or something that is just from my experience. . Telling the difference between white American and white people in general all over the world should be obvious depending on the conversation

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 01:58 AM

You've hit it square. "Our" lives are regarded as being worth more, or at least more newsworthy, than "their" lives. To add on to your earlier point, no, I haven't seen any networks grind their news to a halt for any missing child that isn't a little white girl. Even the missing white boys only get a passing mention, which is still better than what missing kids of any other race get. On the few instances, on local news, where a non-white kid goes missing, they use the word "lost". White kids are always "missing" or, if they're especially cute, "kidnapped".

Regarding international matters, others have pointed out it's pretty much the same wherever you go. The "us vs them" mentality of nationalism. It's always going to be "Two of our countrymen and fifty others." In affairs of war... Yes, there is a definite interest in devaluing the lives of our "enemies". The child of an Iraqi, the child of a Palestinian, the child of a Cuban, these will always be called "Casualties", while a British, American, or Israeli child killed in the fighting will be named, have a picture shown, we'll learn about how their home town is famed for its succulent peaches and the annual raccoon-naming festival...

Others have also pointed out that this is all a fabrication, to create an "us vs them" mentality. A people divided is a people too busy fighting each other to pay attention to much else. White vs. black, Christian vs. Muslim, English vs. Spanish, it's all bull meant to keep ups distracted between shots of Paris Hilton airing her flappy little cooter out.

Others have also stated "we're all the same"... That's also bull, and serves much the same purpose. By telling each other we're all the same, we're trying to tell each other to conform. To throw away our identities, our individualities, our own heritages, the rich fabric that makes us human, and become the same as whatever ideal is dominant at the moment. I am Native, myself. I follow my own culture. I am not the same as Heronumber0, who follows his, nor is he the same as some woman in Dearborn, MI who has her own ways. We are NOT all the same, and the sooner we can recognize that and respect the differences we all have, rather than expecting some universal conformity (Usually to suburban anglo-saxon protestantism), the sooner we can all start actually getting along.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 06:08 AM
From the walking fox:
"Others have also stated "we're all the same"... That's also bull, and serves much the same purpose. By telling each other we're all the same, we're trying to tell each other to conform. To throw away our identities, our individualities, our own heritages, the rich fabric that makes us human, and become the same as whatever ideal is dominant at the moment. I am Native, myself. I follow my own culture. I am not the same as Heronumber0, who follows his, nor is he the same as some woman in Dearborn, MI who has her own ways. We are NOT all the same, and the sooner we can recognize that and respect the differences we all have, rather than expecting some universal conformity (Usually to suburban anglo-saxon protestantism), the sooner we can all start actually getting along."

We are "all the same". I'm white and I'm quite sure that another race is made up exactly like myself. The color of your skin or heritge does not change this. We are all part of this world as the "human species". The real problem is that we hold heritage and skin color to be so important when is should not be. Culture is where your brought up not where the majority of your race lives. As soon as we humans can live as one human the world will be a better place. When you keep profiling as such then it will never change. We are all "human".

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 07:20 AM
Black Americans DO make a point about being black, to what end? I don't know. Is it an attempt to show that they have "overcome"? Again I don't know. I do know that you seldom see white americans declare their heritage impromptu. I would only add: They want you to know that they are Americans, BUT they are Black Americans, as if that would make a difference. (would it it?(before you answer does that make you special, are you entiteled to somthing?)). Im an American too, what do I get?. Do some folks feel if they throw BLACK into the mix that more non-black americans will care more? We don't. You got your piece of the pie just like the rest of us, now shut up and eat it. AND be glad you got it!

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by I See You
We are "all the same". I'm white and I'm quite sure that another race is made up exactly like myself. The color of your skin or heritge does not change this. We are all part of this world as the "human species". The real problem is that we hold heritage and skin color to be so important when is should not be. Culture is where your brought up not where the majority of your race lives. As soon as we humans can live as one human the world will be a better place. When you keep profiling as such then it will never change. We are all "human".

Biologically, no question - We're all just giant hairless rats who have a weird habit of pooping in a bowl of water. Nobody thinks of themselves, or their neighbors, or other people in the world on biological terms, though. When we think about someone, their language, their religion, their mannerisms and dress, and yes, their skin tone and national origin all come into play. If you can show me a person who regards himself and everyone else as nothing more than an over-evolved tree-shrew, I'll show you the next big sociopath.

I really do hate the phrase "we're all the same, anyway." To my ears (or in this case, eyes) it always seems to be a very dismissive and elitist turn of phrase that basically says "Yes well, you're stupid for talking about this because I don't see color." It also carries the notes of "You're aberrant if you think of yourself as being any different from me."

People are different. People will always be different. Rather than deny and suppress the differences through "we're all the same!" phrases, and hopes that we can all throw away these differences, we should instead strive to understand and respect each others' differences.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Heronumber0
I cannot find a proper citation on this but I have thought about his all my life from an early age. If you can find one please post it.

Blacks, Asians and other races have intrinsically less value than White people.

It's true! In "White Areas", whites have more value than other nationalities.

Strange but true.

Luckily, if you are in the presence of other nationalities, or in an area made up of other ethnicities, (such as African, South American or Asian countries), you will find that they value their respective races more than they value "Whites"!

Terrible! The "Whites" must have created this system.

Give it a frickin' break.

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