quote: hey DaRAGE i decided to do those hypnosis files on that link you posted but i really can't get into that trance state to allow the hypnosis
files to work; could you provide me with any info to help me achieve that trance plz thanks ! (only reply if you have time )
Alright buddy. Here's some help...
Go to that website
Go into the WM files section, click on the Inductions,
Now the files i use are Deepening (i havn't listened to #2 yet, but am doing so as i type this, just to find out what is said in it ;P), and Train
Those 2 files work wonders for me.
Now all I do is this.
I turn off the lights in my bedroom, make it as dark as possible with as little noise coming into my room as possible, or lights shining in the room.
Then through my computer, i have it play those 2 mp3's. Deepening, and then train susceptibility.
The trick is. Use headphones. Comfy headphones that go over your ears and block out heaps of noise from outside them. These headphones must be comfy
for you and your head, ears, as you lay your head on your pillow while lying on top of your bed. Lay on your back, head on the pillow towards the
ceiling, arms next to you but not touching your body. Legs spread also not touching each other. Just so no part of your body is touching another part
of your body. Donthave to be far apart, just so they aren't touching.
Then just lay there and relax. Have your eyes closed and have the files play. Have a little drink b4 you play them though, so your mouth may take a
while ot get dry. Have your lips moist. Make sure that you aren't going to get disturbed from the hypnosis by dry lips, dry mouth. And try not to
move your body. Sometimes you get itchy and it's annoying. Try either not to think of it and just think about other things, or if you must, itch it a
little then get quickly back into being relaxed, comfy and listening to the hypnosis trying ot get into a trance.
Just listen to the words. Getting deeper nd deeper into a nice deep trance. Imagine yourself spiraling down a staircase into a comfy place, or sliding
down a spiral slide, into a nice, warm, comfy place that keeps getting more and more comfy the deeper your spiral down.
What i find is that when i lay there, and am doing this spiraling, i start to get a spiraling sensation, and that REALLY helps to get into a deep
trance for me. One time i get into a huge spiral after drinking (not much alcohol consumption..just a couple bourban and cokes), that i almost
You gotta try and concentrate on his words and stop thinking about things during the day or things that could get you pumped up, laughing, making your
brain become more active.
When he is counting down the numbers, imagine that every number that he says, as soon as he says it, you have just relaxed heaps more, and are getting
into a deeper trance..a VERY deep trance.
The Deepening file is very good for this...very very good.
The train susceptibility file....You will know oyu are getting into a trance, when you seem to not be able to remember what was said during the file,
or what point you got up to, and it's like you've just woken up from a short sleep.
To get the most effect from trance. You shouldn't be doing it while in bed tying to get to sleep. But that's when i mostly do it, it still has great
effects for me. But i'm sure if i was just lying ontop my bed nt going to go to sleep, just into a trance, not a trance, then sleep while in the
trance, it would have much mroe effect.
The only reason it has great effect on me is i listen to those 2 files mostly every night while going to sleep.
If i dont lsiten to those 2 files for about 2 weeks, i start finding it extremely difficult to get into a trance.
So constantly i am listening to those 2 files.
Though now i could jsut listen to the Reinforcer file which reinforces any files i have been listening to lately ..so listening to 1 file instead of
Which i think i may start doing actually ;P
If you listen to those 2 files...deepieng, train susceptibility, likei have said, every day for 1 week, i am sure you will KNOW you are getting into a
deeep deep trance and the files are working. Then once you know those 2 files are working, still continue to listen to those files afor a little while
longer, but also start listening to the files that you want to listen to, and to get working.
If you wont be listening to these files in bed, going asleep, then maybe even the Deepening 2 file would be better than the Deepening file. I have
never used deepening 2 yet, but from what it's saying, it may first off be better for you to use deepening1 file..not deepening 2,...as you need to
get into a deep deep trance first so you know it is all working on you.
Deepening 2 wont take you as deep.
also if you try those files i ahve said, deepening, and train susceptibility, and you cant find to get itnoa trance, keep getting distracted, not
relaxed, muscles tense, it ay be wise to try some of the other different inductions....but thos other ones dont implant the need to go deeper and
deeper intoa trance every time you listen to them..they jsut get you into a trance, while deeepening gets you into a deep trance and suggests for you
next time to go much deeper and mroe easier.
Anyways..i hope that helps you out.
Dont expect miracles after 1 or 2 listens. It may take a little while (it took me about 1 week of listening). Different peopel take different times.